- Apr 13, 2020
Chris Sosnin authored
- space_object:update() is hard to use for configuring session settings, so we provide box.session.settings table, which can be used in a much more native way. - Prior to this patch sql settings were not accessible before box.cfg() call, even though these flags can be set right after session creation. Part of #4711
Serge Petrenko authored
It is now possible to create an index over UUID values, returned by `uuid.new()`. Closes #4268 Closes #2916 @TarantoolBot document Title: Document uuid field type. There's a new field type -- UUID, it accepts values returned by `uuid.new()`. The index may be either unique or non-unique, nullable or non-nullable, and may be a primary key. The values in an index are ordered lexicographically by their string representation. To create an index over a uuid field for space `test`, say: ``` box.space.test:create_index("pk", {parts={1, 'uuid'}}) ``` Now you may insert uuids into the space: ``` tarantool> box.space.test:insert{uuid.new()} --- - [e631fdcc-0e8a-4d2f-83fd-b0ce6762b13f] ... tarantool> box.space.test:insert{uuid.fromstr('64d22e4d-ac92-4a23-899a-e59f34af5479')} --- - [64d22e4d-ac92-4a23-899a-e59f34af5479] ... tarantool> box.space.test:select{} --- - - [64d22e4d-ac92-4a23-899a-e59f34af5479] - [e631fdcc-0e8a-4d2f-83fd-b0ce6762b13f] ... ```
Serge Petrenko authored
A special format for encoding UUIDs to MsgPack is introduced. It is supported by both lua and C encoders/decoders, and it is now possible to insert UUIDs into spaces, but only into unindexed fields without format for now. Prerequisite #4268 @TarantoolBot document Title: Internals: msgpack format for UUID UUID values share the MessagePack type with decimals: both use MP_EXT. A new subtype is introduced for UUIDs, MP_UUID = `0x02` UUID is encoded as follows: ``` +--------+---------+-----------+ | MP_EXT | MP_UUID | UuidValue | +--------+---------+-----------+ ``` Since UUID is 16 bytes in size, the header, MP_EXT, is always the same: `0xd8`. MP_UUID = `0x02` follows. The header is followed by the 16 bytes of the UuidValue. UuidValue consists of 11 fields, which are encoded as big endian unsigned integers in the following order: `time_low` (4 bytes), `time_mid` (2 bytes), `time_hi_and_version` (2 bytes), `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` (1 byte), `clock_seq_low` (1 byte), `node[0], ..., node[5]` (1 byte each). The total size of such a representation is 18 bytes, whereas storing uuids as strings requires from 34 (when '-'s are ommitted) to 38 bytes per UUID, giving a 2x space usage improvement.
- Apr 10, 2020
Alexander Turenko authored
After the previous commit ('popen: require popen handle to be non-NULL') it turns out that popen_state() function always succeeds. There is no reason to return a success / failure value from it. Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
- Apr 08, 2020
Cyrill Gorcunov authored
Test that diag_raise doesn't happen if async transaction fails inside replication procedure. Side note: I don't like merging tests with patches in general and I hate doing so for big tests with a passion because it hides the patch code itself. So here is a separate patch on top of the fix. Test-of #4730 Acked-by:
Serge Petrenko <sergepetrenko@tarantool.org> Signed-off-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
- Apr 07, 2020
Nikita Pettik authored
Before this patch prepared statements didn't reset bound values after its execution. As a result, if during next execution cycle not all parameters were provided, cached values would appear. For instance: prep = box.prepare('select :a, :b, :c') prep:execute({{[':a'] = 1}, {[':b'] = 2}, {[':c'] = 3}} -- [1, 2, 3] prep:execute({{[':a'] = 1}, {[':b'] = 2}}) -- [1, 2, 3] However, expected result for the last query should be [1, 2, NULL]. Let's fix it and always reset all binding values before next execution. Closes #4825
Nikita Pettik authored
This patch introduces support of stacked errors in IProto protocol and in net.box module. Closes #1148 @TarantoolBot document Title: Stacked error diagnostic area Starting from now errors can be organized into lists. To achieve this Lua table representing error object is extended with .prev field and e:set_prev(err) method. .prev field returns previous error if any exist. e:set_prev(err) method expects err to be error object or nil and sets err as previous error of e. For instance: ``` e1 = box.error.new({code = 111, reason = "cause"}) e2 = box.error.new({code = 111, reason = "cause of cause"}) e1:set_prev(e2) assert(e1.prev == e2) -- true ``` Cycles are not allowed for error lists: ``` e2:set_prev(e1) - error: 'builtin/error.lua: Cycles are not allowed' ``` Nil is valid input to :set_prev() method: ``` e1:set_prev(nil) assert(e1.prev == nil) -- true ``` Note that error can be 'previous' only to the one error at once: ``` e1:set_prev(e2) e3:set_prev(e2) assert(e1.prev == nil) -- true assert(e3.prev == e2) -- true ``` Setting previous error does not erase its own previous members: ``` -- e1 -> e2 -> e3 -> e4 e1:set_prev(e2) e2:set_prev(e3) e3:set_prev(e4) e2:set_prev(e5) -- Now there are two lists: e1->e2->e5 and e3->e4 assert(e1.prev == e2) -- true assert(e2.prev == e5) -- true assert(e3.prev == e4) -- true ``` Alternatively: ``` e1:set_prev(e2) e2:set_prev(e3) e3:set_prev(e4) e5:set_prev(e3) -- Now there are two lists: e1->e2 and e5->e3->e4 assert(e1.prev == e2) -- true assert(e2.prev == nil) -- true assert(e5.prev == e3) -- true assert(e3.prev == e4) -- true `` Stacked diagnostics is also supported by IProto protocol. Now responses containing errors always (even if there's only one error to be returned) include new IProto key: IPROTO_ERROR_STACK (0x51). So, body corresponding to error response now looks like: ``` MAP{IPROTO_ERROR : string, IPROTO_ERROR_STACK : ARRAY[MAP{ERROR_CODE : uint, ERROR_MESSAGE : string}, MAP{...}, ...]} ``` where IPROTO_ERROR is 0x31 key, IPROTO_ERROR_STACK is 0x52, ERROR_CODE is 0x01 and ERROR_MESSAGE is 0x02. Instances of older versions (without support of stacked errors in protocol) simply ignore unknown keys and still rely only on IPROTO_ERROR key.
Nikita Pettik authored
This patch makes box.error() always promote error to the diagnostic area despite of passed arguments. Closes #4829 @TarantoolBot document Title: always promote error created via box.error() to diag box.error() is able to accept two types of argument: either pair of code and reason (box.error{code = 555, reason = 'Arbitrary message'}) or error object (box.error(err)). In the first case error is promoted to diagnostic area, meanwhile in the latter - it is not: ``` e1 = box.error.new({code = 111, reason = "cause"}) box.error({code = 111, reason = "err"}) - error: err box.error.last() - err box.error(e1) - error: cause box.error.last() - err ``` From now box.error(e1) sets error to diagnostic area as well: ``` box.error(e1) - error: cause box.error.last() - cause ```
Nikita Pettik authored
Since we've introduced stacked diagnostic in previous commit, let's use it in the code implementing functional indexes. Part of #1148
Nikita Pettik authored
In terms of implementation, now struct error objects can be organized into double-linked lists. To achieve this pointers to the next and previous elements (cause and effect correspondingly) have been added to struct error. It is worth mentioning that already existing rlist and stailq list implementations are not suitable: rlist is cycled list, as a result it is impossible to start iteration over the list from random list entry and finish it at the logical end of the list; stailq is single-linked list leaving no possibility to remove elements from the middle of the list. As a part of C interface, box_error_add() has been introduced. In contrast to box_error_set() it does not replace last raised error, but instead it adds error to the list of diagnostic errors having already been set. If error is to be deleted (its reference counter hits 0 value) it is unlinked from the list it belongs to and destroyed. Meanwhile, error destruction leads to decrement of reference counter of its previous error and so on. To organize errors into lists in Lua, table representing error object in Lua now has .prev field (corresponding to 'previous' error) and method :set_prev(e). The latter accepts error object (i.e. created via box.error.new() or box.error.last()) and nil value. Both field .prev and :set_prev() method are implemented as ffi functions. Also note that cycles are not allowed while organizing errors into lists: e1 -> e2 -> e3; e3:set_prev(e1) -- would lead to error. Part of #1148
- Apr 02, 2020
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
The change enables memory leaks detection to existing ASAN testing routine and introduces suppression files with the corresponding exception list: * address sanitizer for compile-time: asan/asan.supp * memory leak sanitizer for run-time: asan/lsan.supp Furthermore, added engine and replication suites for ASAN testing routine. Additionally to the tests blacklisted within #4359, 'box/on_shutdown.test.lua' is also disabled since it fails the introduced leak check. All blacklisted tests have to be enabled within #4360. Close #2058
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
All local connection timeout settings not related to the testing scenario are removed within this change. Instead of removed values the default one from src/box/lua/load_cfg.lua will be used. The approach with a single default value helps to avoid flaky test results regarding different timeout values and makes the future maintainence easier. The change is required for LSAN and ASAN testing machinery since it introduces a little overhead and cause failures for tests with excessively strict time limits. Needed for #2058
- Mar 27, 2020
Nikita Pettik authored
To achieve this let's refactor luaT_error_create() to return error object instead of setting it via box_error_set(). luaT_error_create() is used both to handle box.error() and box.error.new() invocations, and box.error() is still expected to set error to diagnostic area. So, luaT_error_call() which implements box.error() processing at the end calls diag_set_error(). It is worth mentioning that net.box module relied on the fact that box.error.new() set error to diagnostic area: otherwise request errors don't get to diagnostic area on client side. Needed for #1148 Closes #4778 @TarantoolBot document Title: Don't promote error created via box.error.new to diagnostic area Now box.error.new() only creates error object, but doesn't set it to Tarantool's diagnostic area: ``` box.error.clear() e = box.error.new({code = 111, reason = "cause"}) assert(box.error.last() == nil) --- - true ... ``` To set error in diagnostic area explicitly box.error.set() has been introduced. It accepts error object which is set as last system error (i.e. becomes available via box.error.last()). Finally, box.error.new() does not longer accept error object as an argument (this was undocumented feature). Note that patch does not affect box.error(), which still pushes error to diagnostic area. This fact is reflected in docs: ''' Emulate a request error, with text based on one of the pre-defined Tarantool errors... '''
- Mar 26, 2020
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
Fio.open() returned a file descriptor, which was not closed automatically after all its links were nullified. In other words, GC didn't close the descriptor. This was not really useful, because after fio.open() an exception may appear, and user needed to workaround this to manually call fio_object:close(). Also this was not consistent with io.open(). Now fio.open() object closes the descriptor automatically when GCed. Closes #4727 @TarantoolBot document Title: fio descriptor is closed automatically by GC fio.open() returns a descriptor which can be closed manually by calling :close() method, or it will be closed automatically, when it has no references, and GC deletes it. :close() method existed always, auto GC was added just now. Keep in mind, that the number of file descriptors is limited, and they can end earlier than GC will be triggered to collect not used descriptors. It is always better to close them manually as soon as possible.
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
fiber._internal.schedule_task() is an API for a singleton fiber worker object. It serves for not urgent delayed execution of functions. Main purpose - schedule execution of a function, which is going to yield, from a context, where a yield is not allowed. Such as an FFI object's GC callback. It will be used by SWIM and by fio, whose destruction yields, but they need to use GC finalizer, where a yield is not allowed. Part of #4727
Nikita Pettik authored
box.error.set(err) sets err to instance's diagnostics area. Argument err is supposed to be instance of error object. This method is required since we are going to avoid adding created via box.error.new() errors to Tarantool's diagnostic area. Needed for #1148 Part of #4778
Nikita Pettik authored
We are going to introduce more tests related to error module, so let's move all error-related tests from box/misc.test.lua to a separate test file (box/error.test.lua). Needed for #1148
Cyrill Gorcunov authored
Testing via plain C interface with a shell is not stable, the shell might simply be misconfigured or not found and we will simply stuck forever (the signal handling in libev is tricky and requires at least idle cycles or similar to pass event processing). Thus lets rather run a program we know is presenting in the system (popen-child executable). Fixes #4811 Signed-off-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
- Mar 25, 2020
Sergey Bronnikov authored
- Mar 20, 2020
Nikita Pettik authored
vy_build_insert_tuple() processes insertion into secondary indexes being created. It contains yield points during which in-memory level of LSM tree may change (for example rotate owing to triggered dump). So after yield point it is required to fetch from LSM struct pointer to mem again to operate on valid metadata. This patch updates pointer to mem after mentioned yield point. Closes #4810
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
box_check_config() didn't check memtx_memory and vinyl_memory upper bound. As a result, it was possible to set memory size higher than what the quota allows as maximum. That worked only when box.cfg() was called first time, because quota_init() does not check its value. Subsequent box.cfg() calls use quota_set(), which aborts the program if a size is too big. Only in debug mode. In release quota_set() also worked with any sizes. Closes #4705 Reviewed-by:
Igor Munkin <imun@tarantool.org> Reviewed-by:
Nikita Pettik <korablev@tarantool.org>
Leonid Vasiliev authored
We need to set a thread cancellation guard, because another thread may cancel the current thread at a really bad time (messages flush, mutex lock) Fixes: #4127
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
Users keep complaining about too short fiber name. New limit is 255, should be enough for any sane name. Closes #4394 Reviewed-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com> Reviewed-by:
Nikita Pettik <korablev@tarantool.org> @TarantoolBot document Title: fiber.name length limit. It was 32, now it is 255. Besides, it seems like `fiber.name` `{truncate = true}` option is not documented. By default, if a new name is too long, `fiber.name(new_name)` fails with an exception. To make it always succeed there is an option 'truncate': `fiber.name(new_name, {truncate = true})`. It truncates the name to the max length if it is too long.
- Mar 19, 2020
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
Box.cfg{listen = 0} automatically chooses a port. But it was impossible to obtain a real port the instance is bound to. An ability to see a real port may help to make test-run more robust, because it won't depend on which ports are free, and won't need to pre-choose them in advance. Now box.info.listen shows a real address, or nil when listen is turned off. Also a real address is logged instead of the dummy 0-port one. Closes #4620 @TarantoolBot document Title: box.info.listen - real address New value in box.info - listen. It is a real address to which the instance was bound. For example, if box.cfg.listen was set with a zero port, box.info.listen will show a real port. The address is stored as a string: - unix/:<path> for UNIX domain sockets; - <ip>:<port> for IPv4; - [ip]:<port> for IPv6. If the instance does not listen anything, box.info.listen is nil.
- Mar 18, 2020
Oleg Babin authored
This patch introduces "current" function for sequences. It returns the last retrieved value of specified sequence or throws an error if no value has been generated yet. This patch partially reverts 3ff1f1e3 (box: remove sequence_get) here similar function "get" was removed to avoid possible misleading with "currval" function of PosgreSQL that returns the last obtained value of the sequence in the scope of current session. In contrast "current" returns the last globally retrieved value of the sequence. Closes #4752 Reviewed-by:
Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> Reviewed-by:
Nikita Pettik <korablev@tarantool.org> @TarantoolBot document Title: sequence:current() This patch introduces "current" function for sequences. It returns the last retrieved value of specified sequence or throws an error if no value has been generated yet ("next" has not been called yet or right after "reset" is called). Lua: Example: ```lua sq = box.schema.sequence.create('test') --- ... sq:current() --- - error: Sequence 'test' is not started ... sq:next() --- - 1 ... sq:current() --- - 1 ... sq:set(42) --- ... sq:current() --- - 42 ... sq:reset() --- ... sq:current() -- error --- - error: Sequence 'test' is not started ... ``` C API: ```C int box_sequence_current(uint32_t seq_id, int64_t *result); ``` Where: * seq_id - sequence identifier; * result - pointer to a variable where the current sequence value will be stored on success. Returns 0 on success and -1 otherwise. In case of an error user could get it via `box_error_last()`.
- Mar 17, 2020
Chris Sosnin authored
Absence of the body in the unprepare response forces users to perform additional checks to avoid errors. Adding an empty body fixes this problem. Closes #4769 Reviewed-by:
Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> Reviewed-by:
Nikita Pettik <korablev@tarantool.org>
Chris Sosnin authored
It is needed for performing iproto tests in Lua. Needed for #4769 Reviewed-by:
Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> Reviewed-by:
Nikita Pettik <korablev@tarantool.org>
Igor Munkin authored
Since this build flag has been removed as a result of reverting the tarantool/luajit@d4e985a, its definition in the corresponding Tarantool cmake file is irrelevant. Furthermore, considering the breakage faced in #4770 the following tests are introduced: * the check whether space __pairs metamethod is set to space.pairs to create a Lua Fun iterator that handles __pairs manually underneath. * the check whether pairs builtin behaviour doesn't change when __pairs is set e.g. on space object. Follow-up #4560 Closes #4770 Reviewed-by:
Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> Signed-off-by:
Igor Munkin <imun@tarantool.org>
- Mar 16, 2020
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
In #4684 it was found that box.tuple.* contained some private functions: bless(), encode(), and is(). Bless() and encode() didn't make any sense for a user, so they were hidden into box.internal.tuple.*. But box.tuple.is() is actually a useful thing. It is harnessed in the tests a lot, and is likely to be already used by customers, because it is available in box.tuple.* for a long time. It is a matter of time when someone will open a doc ticket saying that box.tuple.is() is not documented. The patch makes it legally public. Follow-up #4684 @TarantoolBot document Title: box.tuple.is() ```Lua box.tuple.is(object) ``` A function to check whether a given object is a tuple cdata object. Returns true or false. Never raises nor returns an error.
Cyrill Gorcunov authored
Basic test for popen engine Signed-off-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Chris Sosnin authored
This code is called from C, so it shouldn't throw. Closes #4753 Reviewed-by:
Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> Reviewed-by:
Nikita Pettik <korablev@tarantool.org>
Olga Arkhangelskaia authored
Use 'filename' grep_log() option instead of custom log search. Reviewed-by:
Alexander Turenko <alexander.turenko@tarantool.org>
- Mar 10, 2020
Olga Arkhangelskaia authored
When tarantool tries to recover rtree from a snapshot and memtx_memory value is lower than it has been when the snapshot was created, server suffers from segmentation fault. This happens because there is no out of memory error handling in rtree lib. In another words, we do not check the result of malloc operation. The execution flow in case of recovery uses different way and the secondary keys are build in batches. That way has no checks and reservations. The patch adds memtx_rtree_index_reserve implementation to make sure that any memory allocation in rtree will fail. Although this gives us no additional optimization as in case of memtx_tree, the memory reservation prevents tarantool from segmentation fault. If there is not enough memory to be reserved server will fail gently with the "Failed to allocate" error message. Closes #4619
- Mar 08, 2020
Maria authored
Despite what was stated in the documentation, netbox.connect was not always equivalent to netbox.self. In particular, they converted tuple to different types - table and cdata respectively. The patch fixes the issue and covers all cases where netbox.self and connect perform conversion of types - e.g., for box.error. Closes #4513
- Mar 06, 2020
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
In 89c73e64 ("fio: respect $TMPDIR in fio.tempdir(), when it is set") was added a test checking that fio.tempdir() returns a path to a folder, stored by a path specified in $TMPDIR environment variable. Check was done by calling Lua returned_path:find(tmpdir_path). If tmpdir path contained 'special' characters such as '.', it didn't match, because string.find() takes a regular expression, not just a string. string.startswith() works fine. Follow-up #4794
- Mar 05, 2020
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
TMPDIR is an environment variable used to tell what a directory should be used to create temporary files. It is described in the POSIX standard, and should be used by programs creating temporary files. Closes #4794 @TarantoolBot document Title: fio.tempdir() $TMPDIR fio.tempdir() stores created temporary directory into /tmp by default. This can be changed by setting TMPDIR environment variable. Before starting Tarantool, or at runtime by os.setenv().
Maria authored
It was possible to leak user password through setting 'replication' configuration option in first box.cfg invocation. This happened due to unconditional logging in load_cfg function. The patch introduces conditional logging. Closes #4493
- Mar 04, 2020
Roman Khabibov authored
Extend <ALTER TABLE> statement to drop table constraints by their names. Closes #4120 @TarantoolBot document Title: Drop table constraints in SQL Now, it is possible to drop table constraints (PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, FOREIGN KEY, CHECK) using <ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name> statement by their names. For example: tarantool> box.execute([[CREATE TABLE test ( a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b INTEGER, CONSTRAINT cnstr CHECK (a >= 0) );]]) --- - row_count: 1 ... tarantool> box.execute('ALTER TABLE test DROP CONSTRAINT cnstr;') --- - row_count: 1 ... The same for all the other constraints.
Roman Khabibov authored
Clarify the error message for better user handling. Add the name of space where the constraint under dropping wasn't founded. Part of #4120