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  1. Apr 15, 2020
    • Alexander V. Tikhonov's avatar
      Divide box/ddl.test.lua test · 4a8d1ebd
      Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
      Divided into tests:
      - box/ddl_alter.test.lua
      - box/ddl_collation.test.lua
      - box/ddl_collation_types.test.lua
      - box/ddl_collation_wrong_id.test.lua
      - box/ddl_no_collation.test.lua
      - box/ddl_parallel.test.lua
      - box/ddl_tuple.test.lua
      - box/gh-2336-ddl_call_twice.test.lua
      - box/gh-2783-ddl_lock.test.lua
      - box/gh-2839-ddl_custom_fields.test.lua
      - box/gh-2937-ddl_collation_field_def.test.lua
      - box/gh-3290-ddl_collation_deleted.test.lua
      - box/gh-928-ddl_truncate.test.lua
    • Alexander V. Tikhonov's avatar
      gitlab-ci: remove Ubuntu 19.04 Disco · 05df6b31
      Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
      Removed Ubuntu 19.04 Disco from testing which is EOL.
      Close #4896
    • Alexander V. Tikhonov's avatar
      Added ability to remove packages from S3 · d6c50af1
      Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
      Added ability to remove given in options package from S3. TO remove the
      needed package need to set '-r=<package name with version>' option,
        ./tools/ -o=<OS> -d=<DIST> -b=<S3 repo> \
      it will remove all found appropriate source and binaries packages from
      the given S3 repository, also the meta files will be corrected there.
      Close #4839
    • Alexander.V Tikhonov's avatar
      Add help instruction on 'product' option · cccc989c
      Alexander.V Tikhonov authored
      Added instructions on 'product' option with examples.
      Part of #4839
    • Alexander.V Tikhonov's avatar
      Enable script for saving packages in S3 for modules · 4527a4da
      Alexander.V Tikhonov authored
      Found that modules may have only binaries packages w/o sources
      packages. Script changed to be able to work with only binaries
      either sources packages.
      Part of #4839
    • Alexander V. Tikhonov's avatar
      Add metafiles cleanup routines at S3 pack script · ed491409
      Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
      Added cleanup functionality for the meta files.
      Script may have the following situations:
       - package files removed at S3, but it still registered:
         Script stores and registers the new packages at S3 and
         removes all the other registered blocks for the sames
         files in meta files.
       - package files already exists at S3 with the same hashes:
         Script passes it with warning message.
       - package files already exists at S3 with the old hashes:
         Script fails w/o force flag, otherwise it stores and
         registers the new packages at S3 and removes all the other
         registered blocks for the sames files in meta files.
      Added '-s|skip_errors' option flag to skip errors on changed
      packages to avoid of exits on script run.
      Part of #4839
    • Alexander V. Tikhonov's avatar
      gitlab-ci: set static docker build release testing · 6f618d62
      Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
      Returned the static build based on Dockerfile to gitlab-ci release branches
      testing after the issues with missed openssl version fixed at PR #4831.
      Follow up #4831
      (cherry picked from commit b09f44b856e91f1006bd5b3e226a7be0b65b7859)
    • Alexander V. Tikhonov's avatar
      build: disable cache for static build Dockerfile · c5d27312
      Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
      Found that static build based on Dockerfile used external link
      and missed that it was removed, like it was in #4830. To avoid
      of the same issues the cache for building the Dockerfile was
      disabled with '--no-cache' option at docker build command.
      Follow up #4830
      (cherry picked from commit 1207821e4fc18312a9916d81a55a8eacd75a67b3)
    • Sergey Bronnikov's avatar
      Enable branch coverage in lcov · 5842157c
      Sergey Bronnikov authored
      By default lcov collects line coverage only. It would be useful to
      collect function and branch coverage too.
      Closes #4888
    • Sergey Bronnikov's avatar
      Fix flaky test engine/ddl · 5f96ee59
      Sergey Bronnikov authored
      Test was a flaky from the beginning 39d0e427
      Time of building indexes varies from time to time and the problem was due to
      abcense of synchronization in index building and checking numbers of these
      Fixes #4353
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      relay: fix segfault on replica transition from anonymous · 6fcf7959
      Serge Petrenko authored
      relay_subscribe_f sets a recovery trigger notifying tx when a full log
      is read and gc consumer corresponding to the replica may be advanced.
      Since anonymous replicas do not have gc consumers, the trigger isn't
      added for them. However, on relay exit, the trigger deletion depends
      on replica->anon flag. This is buggy in case relay stalls on exit due to
      replica disconnect. Replica has time to reconnect and register as a
      normal instance, hence its replica->anon flag will be false by the time
      we check whether to clear triggers or not, effectively making us to
      clear unset triggers and segfault.
      Fix this by initializing the triggers with trigger_create(), which
      allows a trigger_clear() call, even if the triggers are not set, and
      omit the replica->anon check.
      Closes #4731
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      box: start counting local space requests separately · 7eb4650e
      Serge Petrenko authored
      Sign local space requests with a zero instance id. This allows to split
      local changes aside from the changes, which should be visible to the whole
      cluster, and stop sending NOPs to replicas to follow local vclock.
      Moreover, it fixes the following bug with local spaces and replication.
      In a situation when there are a master and a replica set up, replica may
      still write to local spaces even if it's read-only. Local space
      operations used to promote instance's lsn before this patch. Eventually,
      master would have vclock {1:x} and replica'd have vclock {1:x, 2:y},
      where y > 0, due to local space requests performed by the replica.
      If a snapshot happens on replica side, replica will delete it's .xlog
      files prior to the snapshot, since no one replicates from it and thus it
      doesn't have any registered GC consumers.
      From this point, every attempt to configure replication from replica to
      master will fail, since master will try to fetch records which account
      for the difference in master's and replica's vclocks: {1:x} vs {1:x,2:y},
      even though master will never need the rows in range {2:1} - {2:y},
      since they'll be turned to NOPs during replication.
      Starting from this patch, in the situation described above, replica's
      clock will be {0:y, 1:x}, and, since local space requests are now not
      replicated at all, master will be able to follow replica, turning the
      configuration to master-master.
      Closes #4114
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      gc: rely on minimal vclock components instead of signatures · 11804b46
      Serge Petrenko authored
      The current WAL GC implementation tracks consumers (i.e. remote replicas) by
      their vclock signature, which is the sum of all vclock components.
      This approach is wrong, and this can be shown by a little example.
      The example will be a little synthetic, but it'll illustrate the problem.
      Say, you have 2 masters, A and B with ids 1 and 2 respectively, and a replica C
      with id 3. Say, С replicates from both A and B, and there is no replication
      between A and B (say, the instances were reconfigured to not replicate from each
      other). Now, say replica C has followed A and B to vclock {1:5, 2:13}. At the
      same time, A has lsn 10 and B has lsn 15. A and B do not know about each other’s
      changes, so A’s vclock is {1:10} and B’s vclock is {2:15}. Now imagine A does a
      snapshot and creates a new xlog with signature 10. A’s directory will look like:
      00…000.xlog 00…010.snap 00….010.xlog
      Replica C reports its vclock {1:5, 2:13} to A, A uses the vclock to update the
      corresponding GC consumer. Since signatures are used, GC consumer is assigned a
      signature = 13 + 5 = 18. This is greater than the signature of the last xlog on
      A (which is 10), so the previous xlog (00…00.xlog) can be deleted (at least A
      assumes it can be). Actually, replica still needs 00…00.xlog, because it
      contains rows corresponding to vclocks {1:6} - {1:10}, which haven’t been
      replicated yet.
      If instead of using vclock signatures, gc consumers used vclocks, such a problem
      wouldn’t arise. Replica would report its vclock {1:5, 2:13}. The vclock is NOT
      strictly greater than A’s most recent xlog vclock ({1:10}), so the previous log
      is kept until replica reports a vclock {1:10, 2:something} or {1:11, …} and so
      Rewrite gc to perform cleanup based on finding minimal vclock
      components present in at least one of the consumer vclocks instead of
      just comparing vclock signatures.
      Prerequisite #4114
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      replication: omit 0-th vclock component in replication responses · 93ae77fc
      Serge Petrenko authored
      If an anonymous replica is promoted to a normal one and becomes
      replication master later, its vclock contains a non-empty zero
      component, tracking local changes on this replica from the time when it
      had been anonymous. No need to pollute joining instance's vclock with
      our non-empty 0 component.
      When an anonymous replica reports its status to a remote instance it
      should also hide its 0-th vclock component.
      This is needed for backward compatibility with old instances, which
      don't ignore 0th vclock component coming from a remote instance by
      In order to do so, introduce a new function - vclock_size_ignore0(),
      which doesn't count 0th clock component, and patch xrow_encode_vclock()
      to skip 0th clock component if it's present.
      Also make sure that new instances ignore 0th vclock component coming
      from an unpatched remote instance.
      Follow-up #3186
      Prerequisite #4114
  2. Apr 14, 2020
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      box: export box_session_push to the public C API · 5d795527
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      API is different from box.session.push() - sync argument was
      removed. It will disappear from Lua API as well, because it just
      is not needed here. Session is omitted as well. Indeed, a user
      can't push to a foreign session, and the current session can be
      obtained inside box_session_push(). And anyway session is not in
      the public C API.
      Internally dump into iproto is done using obuf_dup(), just like
      tuple_to_obuf() does. obuf_alloc() would be a bad call here,
      because it wouldn't be able to split the pushed data into several
      obuf chunks, and would cause obuf fragmentation.
      Dump into plain text behaves just like a Lua push - it produces a
      YAML formatted text or Lua text depending on output format. But to
      turn MessagePack into YAML or Lua text an intermediate Lua
      representation is used, because there are no a MessagePack -> YAML
      and MessagePack -> Lua text translators yet.
      Closes #4734
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: box_session_push() C API
      There is a new function in the public C API:
          box_session_push(const char *data, const char *data_end);
      It takes raw MessagePack, and behaves just like Lua
    • Leonid's avatar
      rocks: forward options to luarocks · ce8c6ef1
      Leonid authored
      The policy for check of luarocks flags has been changed
      (moved from tarantoolctl to luarocks).
      Chdir has been moved to luarocks.
      Closes #4629
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Update tarantoolctl rocks
      tarantoolctl rocks commands has been added:
    • Kirill Yukhin's avatar
      luarocks: bump new version · 604056d3
      Kirill Yukhin authored
      - Add the chdir option for make.
  3. Apr 13, 2020
    • Chris Sosnin's avatar
      session: store output format in struct session · 9c0e40f9
      Chris Sosnin authored is a general-purpose table, which can be
      used by user. Therefore, we shouldn't store any internal details
      in it.
      Needed for #4686
    • Chris Sosnin's avatar
      box: fix formatting in session.push · 568b16ce
      Chris Sosnin authored
      box.session.push() encodes data as a YAML document independent on
      the current console output format. This patch adds handling for Lua
      as well.
      Closes #4686
    • Chris Sosnin's avatar
      sql: provide a user friendly frontend for accessing session settings · 6706f659
      Chris Sosnin authored
      Currently if a user wants to change session setting with SQL, one has
      to execute UPDATE query like:
      [[UPDATE "_session_settings" SET "value" = true WHERE "name" = 'name']]
      However, direct access to system spaces isn't considered to be a good practice.
      To avoid that and a bit simplify user's life, we introduce SQL shortcut command
      Closes #4711
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: API for accessing _session_settings space.
      There are two ways of updating values of session settings:
      via Lua and SQL.
      box.session.settings is a table, which is always accessible
      to user. The syntax is the following:
      `box.session.settings.<setting_name> = <new_value>`.
      Example of usage:
      tarantool> box.session.settings.sql_default_engine
      - memtx
      tarantool> box.session.settings.sql_default_engine = 'vinyl'
      The table itself represents the (unordered) result of select
      from _session_settings space.
      Instead of typing long UPDATE query one can use the SET SESSION command:
      `box.execute([[SET SESSION "<setting_name>" = <new_value>]])`.
      Note, that this query is case sensitive so the name must be quoted.
      Also, SET SESSION doesn't provide any implicit casts, so <new_value> must
      be of the type corresponding to the setting being updated.
      tarantool> box.execute([[set session "sql_default_engine" = 'memtx']])
      - row_count: 1
      tarantool> box.execute([[set session "sql_defer_foreign_keys" = true]])
      - row_count: 1
    • Chris Sosnin's avatar
      box: provide a user friendly frontend for accessing session settings · 5ea94c51
      Chris Sosnin authored
      - space_object:update() is hard to use for configuring session settings,
      so we provide box.session.settings table, which can be used in a much more
      native way.
      - Prior to this patch sql settings were not accessible before box.cfg()
      call, even though these flags can be set right after session creation.
      Part of #4711
    • Chris Sosnin's avatar
      box: replace session_settings modules with a single array · a4919528
      Chris Sosnin authored
      Currently we have an array of modules and each module has
      its own array of session_settings. This patch merges these
      into one array, as long as it turned out, that we cannot
      represent every setting as a part of some module.
      Part of #4711
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      box: introduce indices by UUID · b238def8
      Serge Petrenko authored
      It is now possible to create an index over UUID values, returned by
      Closes #4268
      Closes #2916
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Document uuid field type.
      There's a new field type -- UUID, it accepts values returned by
      The index may be either unique or non-unique, nullable or non-nullable,
      and may be a primary key.
      The values in an index are ordered lexicographically by their string
      To create an index over a uuid field for space `test`, say:
      ```"pk", {parts={1, 'uuid'}})
      Now you may insert uuids into the space:
      - [e631fdcc-0e8a-4d2f-83fd-b0ce6762b13f]
      - [64d22e4d-ac92-4a23-899a-e59f34af5479]
      - - [64d22e4d-ac92-4a23-899a-e59f34af5479]
        - [e631fdcc-0e8a-4d2f-83fd-b0ce6762b13f]
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      box: add MsgPack encoding/decoding for UUID · d68fc292
      Serge Petrenko authored
      A special format for encoding UUIDs to MsgPack is introduced.
      It is supported by both lua and C encoders/decoders, and it is now
      possible to insert UUIDs into spaces, but only into unindexed fields
      without format for now.
      Prerequisite #4268
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Internals: msgpack format for UUID
      UUID values share the MessagePack type with decimals:
      both use MP_EXT. A new subtype is introduced for UUIDs,
      MP_UUID = `0x02`
      UUID is encoded as follows:
          | MP_EXT | MP_UUID | UuidValue |
      Since UUID is 16 bytes in size, the header, MP_EXT, is always the same:
      `0xd8`. MP_UUID = `0x02` follows. The header is followed by the 16
      bytes of the UuidValue.
      UuidValue consists of 11 fields, which are encoded as big endian
      unsigned integers in the following order: `time_low` (4 bytes), `time_mid`
      (2 bytes), `time_hi_and_version` (2 bytes), `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` (1
      byte), `clock_seq_low` (1 byte), `node[0], ..., node[5]` (1 byte each).
      The total size of such a representation is 18 bytes, whereas storing
      uuids as strings requires from 34 (when '-'s are ommitted) to 38 bytes
      per UUID, giving a 2x space usage improvement.
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      uuid: expose tt_uuid_validate method · 9e6eae41
      Serge Petrenko authored
      Expose the code used to check UUID variant to a separate function:
      tt_uuid_validate(). The function will be used for msgpack uuid decoding
      when checking whether the buffer contains a valid uuid value.
      Prerequisite #4268
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      refactoring: extract mpstream into a separate library · fd27a75f
      Serge Petrenko authored
      mpstream is part of core library, which, since the introduction of
      messagepack extension types, leads to circular dependencies between core
      and any other library having extension type encoding/decoding methods
      (e.g. uuid library which will soon be expanded with such methods).
      Prerequisite #4268
  4. Apr 11, 2020
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: fix 'may be clobbered' compiler warning · d9e69f72
      Alexander Turenko authored
      I guess a compiler assumes that the code inside vfork may use the stack
      slot that corresponds the variable and so clobber it. The recent commit
      07a07b3c ('popen: decouple logger fd
      from stderr') adds read from this variable after vfork() in the parent
      The warning is produced on RelWithDebInfo build with LTO enabled on GCC
      9.2.0 (locally) and on GCC 8.3.0 (in CI).
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
  5. Apr 10, 2020
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: use of exception safe functions for IO · 7c923503
      Alexander Turenko authored
      popen read / write functions are written in C and intended to be used
      from C: the contract is to return -1 at failure and set an entry to the
      diagnostics area. However a C++ exception from coio read / write
      functions would pass over a popen function stack frame.
      The solution is to use the recently introduced coio exception safe
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      coio: add *_noxc read / write functions · 85eea4a8
      Alexander Turenko authored
      The popen implementation is written in C and uses coio read / write
      functions. If an exception occurs, it'll pass through the C code. It
      should be catched to proceed correctly.
      We usually have foo() and foo_xc() (exception) functions when both
      variants are necessary. Here I added non-conventional *_noxc() functions
      as the temporary solution to postpone refactoring of the code and all
      its usages.
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      coio: fix obsoleted comment in coio_write_timeout · b4360fec
      Alexander Turenko authored
      The comment was added in 52765de6, but
      becomes non-actual since 1.6.6-21-gc74abc786 ('Implement special
      TimedOut exception type and use it in coio and latch.')
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: add missed diag_set() in popen IO functions · 4498d4f2
      Alexander Turenko authored
      Our usual convention for C code is to return a negative value at failure
      and set an entry to the diagnostics area.
      When code uses this convention consistently, it is much easier to handle
      failures when using it: you always know where to find an error type and
      message and how to pass the error to a C or Lua caller.
      See also the previous commit ('popen: add missed diag_set in
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: remove redundant fd check before perform IO · 1ef95b99
      Alexander Turenko authored
      The function already checks flags to find out whether the file
      descriptor should be available for reading / writing. When it is so, the
      corresponding fd is great or equal to zero.
      The further commits will add missed diagnostics for IO functions and it
      is hard to write a meaningful error message for a situation that is not
      possible. Moreover, we would obligated to document the error as one of
      possible failures in a function contract (while it can't occur).
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: unblock popen_read_timeout at a first byte · 631f5f37
      Alexander Turenko authored
      Before this change popen_read_timeout() waits until a passed buffer will
      be fully filled (or until EOF / timeout / IO error occurs). Now it waits
      for any amount of data (but at least one byte).
      It allows to communicate with an interactive child program: write, read,
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: add const qualifier to popen_write_timeout · 04b0432d
      Alexander Turenko authored
      The buffer is for reading, we're not intend to change it.
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: decouple logger fd from stderr · 07a07b3c
      Alexander Turenko authored
      The default logger configuration writes logs to stderr.
      Popen implementation holds a logger fd until execve() to be able to
      write debug entries or information about a failure from a child. However
      when popen flags requires to close stderr in the child, the logger fd
      becomes closed: logging will fail.
      Another problem appears when a user want to capture stderr and
      tarantool's log level is set to debug (7). Since the logger uses stderr
      and it is fed to the parent using a pipe, the logger output will not
      shown on the 'real' stderr, but will be captured together with child's
      program debugging output.
      This commit duplicates a logger file descriptor that allows to close or
      redirect child's stderr without described side effects.
      See also 86ec3a5c ('popen: add logging
      in child process').
      Areas for improvements:
      * Copy logger fd at module initialization time instead of copying of
        each popen call.
      * Extend logger to allow to accumulate log entries in a buffer. Flush
        the buffer from the parent process. (It is possible since vfork does
        not split a virtual memory space).
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      say: allow to set a logger file descriptor · 67c6a6e6
      Alexander Turenko authored
      It is necessary to decouple stderr from a logger file descriptor in the
      popen implementation.
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: add logging of fds closed in a child · 16c83356
      Alexander Turenko authored
      It is useful for debugging popen behaviour around file descriptors.
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: add missed diag_set in popen_signal/delete · 96a25ee0
      Alexander Turenko authored
      Lua API will use content of the diagnostics area to report an error to a
      caller, so it is critical to always have proper diagnostics at failure.
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: remove retval from popen_state() · e1579978
      Alexander Turenko authored
      After the previous commit ('popen: require popen handle to be non-NULL')
      it turns out that popen_state() function always succeeds. There is no
      reason to return a success / failure value from it.
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      popen: require popen handle to be non-NULL · 922cef65
      Alexander Turenko authored
      Further commits will add proper entries into the diagnostics area for
      failures inside popen functions. We should either report handle == NULL
      case via the diagnostics area or ensure that the NULL handle case is not
      The latter approach is implemented in this commit. There are two
      reasons for this:
      * This way simplifies function contracts (one less kind of failure).
      * The popen Lua module (that will be implemented in the further commits)
        will not construct any logic using NULL as a handle. When 'NULL
        handle' error is not possible in the C API, it will be easier to
        verify that this failure is not possible the Lua API.
      A user of the C API should take care to don't call those functions with
      NULL handle.
      Part of #4031
      Acked-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>