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  1. May 23, 2019
  2. May 22, 2019
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: allow to set codec before cfg · c0a7556c
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      One another problem discovered with UDP broadcast test is that
      it can affect other tests, even after termination. Doing
      swim:broadcast() on one test a programmer can't be sure, who will
      listen it, answer, and break the test scenario.
      This commit reduces probability of such a problem by
          * allowance to set a codec before swim:cfg(). It allows to
            protect SWIM nodes of different tests from each other -
            they will not understand messages from other tests. By the
            way, the same problem can appear in real applications too;
          * do not binding again a URI passed by test-run into the
            test and closed here. If a test closes a URI given to it,
            it can't be sure, that next bind() will be successful -
            test-run could already reuse it.
      Follow up #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: be ready to idle round steps when net is slow · 7a5ac3d7
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      First of all, the problem in a nutshell was that ev_timer with
      non-zero 'repeat' field in fact is a ev_periodic. It is restarted
      *automatically*, even if a user does not write ev_timer_again()
      nor ev_timer_start().
      This led to a situation, that a round message send is scheduled,
      and next round step timer alarm happens before the message is
      actually sent. It, in turn, led to an assertion on attempt to
      schedule a task twice.
      This patch fixes the swim test harness to behave like ev_timer
      with 'repeat' > 0, and on first idle round step stops the timer -
      it will be restarted once the currently hanging task will be
      finally sent.
      Follow up #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: fix flaky parts in swim/swim.test.lua · cda363f3
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      They are caused by
          * too slow network, when SWIM tests are run under high load;
          * UDP packets late arrival or drop.
      Follow up #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: fix an obvious use-after-free · 8a20035f
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Follow up #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: fix an obvious leak in swim_delete() · bae68901
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Follow up #3234
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      tuple format: remove invalid assertion from tuple_format_iterator_next · aad779db
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      It's too early to assert msgpack type as an array when a multikey field
      is encountered - we haven't checked the field type yet so the type might
      as well be a map, in which case we will raise an error just a few lines
      below. Remove the assertion and add a test case.
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      tuple format: don't allow null where array/map is expected · e1d3fe8a
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      If an indexed field expects array/map, it shouldn't be allowed to insert
      null instead, because this might break expectations of field accessors.
      For unikey indexes inserting null instead of array/map works fine though
      somewhat confusing: for a non-nullable field you get a wrong error
      message ("field is missing" instead of "array/map expected, got nil");
      for a nullable field, this silently works, just looks weird as there's a
      clear type mismatch here. However, for a multikey field you get a crash
      as tuple_multikey_count() doesn't expect to see null where an array
      should be according to the format:
        tuple_raw_multikey_count: Assertion `mp_typeof(*array_raw) == MP_ARRAY' failed.
      This issue exists, because we assume all fields are nullable by default
      for some reason. Fix that and add some tests.
      Note, you can still omit nullable fields, e.g. if field "[2].a[1]" is
      nullable you may insert tuple [1, {a = {}}] or [1, {b = 1}] or even [1],
      you just can't pass box.NULL instead of an array/map.
    • Kirill Shcherbatov's avatar
      box: fix assert with multikey hybrid index · b1828dd4
      Kirill Shcherbatov authored
      Tarantool used to assume that offset_slot has an extension
      iff field_map_get_offset is called with multikey_idx >= 0.
      In fact, when some part of the index contains a multikey index
      placeholder, tuple_compare_* routines pass a tuple_hint in
      meaning of multikey index for each tuple_field_raw_by_part call,
      even for regular key_part that doesn't have array index
      placeholder (and, correspondingly, field_map extension).
      Thus this assumption is invalid.
      This patch uses the fact that field_map slots that have extension
      store negative offset to distinguish multikey and normal usage
      of the field_map_get_offset routine.
      Closes #4234
  3. May 21, 2019
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
      Update · eca5c292
      Konstantin Osipov authored
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: interpret no-payload as nil · a1ec38f3
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Empty string as a no-payload-flag was not a good idea, because
      then a user can't write something like:
          if not member:payload() then
      Follow up #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: swim:set_codec() Lua API · 2dc1af75
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Encryption with an arbitrary algorithm and any mode with a
      configurable private key.
      Closes #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: implement and expose transport-level encryption · 6137c197
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      SWIM is going to be used in and between datacenters, which means,
      that its packets will go through public networks. Therefore raw
      SWIM packets are vulnerable to attacks.
      An attacker can do any and all of the following things:
        1) Extract secret information from member payloads, like
           credentials to Tarantool binary ports;
        2) Change UUIDs and addresses in the packets and break a
        3) Catch the packets and pretend being a Tarantool instance,
           which could lead to undefined behaviour depending on an
           application logic.
      SWIM packets need a protection layer. This commit introduces it.
      SWIM transport level allows to choose an encryption algorithm
      with a private key to encrypt each packet with that key.
      Besides, each packet is encrypted using a random public key
      prepended to the packet.
      SWIM now provides a public API to choose an encryption algorithm
      and a private key.
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: split send/recv into phases · f77f4b9e
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      At this moment swim_scheduler_on_output() is a relatively simple
      function. It takes a task, builds its meta and flushes a result
      into the network. But soon SWIM will be able to encrypt messages.
      It means, that in addition to regular preprocessing like building
      meta headers a new phase will appear - encryption. What is more -
      conditional encryption, because a user may want to do not encrypt
      All the same is about swim_scheduler_on_input() - if a SWIM
      instance uses encryption, it should decrypt incoming messages
      before forwarding them into the SWIM core logic.
      The chosen strategy - lets reuse on_output/on_input virtuality
      and create two version of on_input/on_output functions:
          swim_on_plain_input()  | swim_on_encrypted_input()
          swim_on_plain_output() | swim_on_encrypted_output()
      One of these pairs is chosen depending on if the instance uses
      To make these 4 functions as simple and short as possible this
      commit creates two sets of functions, doing all the logic except
      These functions will be used by on_input/on_output functions with
      different arguments.
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: cache members in Lua member table · 39dd852d
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Each time a member was returned from a SWIM instance object, it
      was wrapped by a table with a special metatable, cached payload.
      But next the same lookup returned a new table. It
        - created garbage as a new member wrapper;
        - lost cached decoded payload.
      This commit caches in a private table all wrapped members and
      returns an existing wrapper on a next lookup. A microbenchmark
      showed, that cached result retrieval is 10 times faster, than
      each time create a new table.
      Cache table keeps week references - it means, that when a member
      object looses all its references in a user's application, it is
      automatically dropped from the table.
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: cache decoded payload in the Lua module · 8ae88a3f
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Users of Lua SWIM module likely will use Lua objects as a
      payload. Lua objects are serialized into MessagePack
      automatically, and deserialized back on other instances. But
      deserialization of 1.2Kb payload on each member:payload()
      invocation is quite heavy operation. This commit caches decoded
      payloads to return them again until change.
      A microbenchmark showed, that cached payload is returned ~100
      times faster, than it is decoded each time. Even though a tested
      payload was quite small and simple:
          s:set_payload({a = 100, b = 200})
      Even this payload is returned 100 times faster, and does not
      affect GC.
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: allow to use cdata struct tt_uuid in Lua API · 70e99323
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Sometimes, especially in tests, it is useful to make something
      like this:
          s:add_member({uuid = member:uuid(), uri = member:uri()})
      But member:uuid() is cdata struct tt_uuid. This commit allows
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: pairs() function to iterate over member table · 248f2425
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Expose iterators API to be able to iterate over a member table in
      a 'for' loop like it would just be a Lua table.
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: Lua bindings to access individual members · 4b8c8723
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Expose API to search members by UUID, to read their attributes,
      to set payload.
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: Lua bindings to manipulate member table · 1203bf90
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Expose methods to add, remove, probe members by uri, uuid. Expose
      broadcast method to probe multiple members by port.
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: introduce Lua interface · 407adf40
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      SWIM as a library can be useful not only for server internals,
      but for users as well. This commit exposes Lua bindings to SWIM
      C API. Here only basic bindings are introduced to create, delete,
      quit, check a SWIM instance. With sanity tests.
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: validate URI in swim_probe_member() · ae651ab4
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Similar methods validate their arguments: add_member,
      remove_member. Validate here as well for consistency.
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: make swim_new_round() void · dcf4fbdf
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Firstly, I thought that there is an error - swim_begin_step()
      does not reschedules round timer, when new_round() fails. But
      then new_round() appeared never failing. This commit makes it
      void to eliminate confusion.
      Probably it is a legacy since the shuffled members array was
      allocated and freed in new_round().
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      swim: fix an assertion on attempt to chage timeouts · 10ad9706
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Appeared, that libev does not allow to change ev_timer values in
      flight. A timer, reset via ev_timer_set(), should be restarted,
      because the function changes '', which in turn is used
      internally by timer routines.
      Part of #3234
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      buffer: replace all[1]) with cached union · a2c19aa8
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Lua, which suffers from lack of ability to pass values by
      pointers into FFI functions, nor has an address operator '&' to
      take an address of integer or char or anything. Because of that
      a user need to either use[1]) or use static buffer,
      but for such small allocations they are both too expensive and
      aggravate GC problem.
      Now buffer module provides preallocated basic types to use in FFI
      functions. The commit is motivated by one another place where'int[1]') appeared, in SWIM module, to obtain payload
      size as an out parameter of a C function.
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      buffer: port static allocator to Lua · 7fd6c809
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Static allocator gives memory blocks from cyclic BSS memory
      block of 3 pages 4096 bytes each. It is much faster than
      malloc, when a temporary buffer is needed. Moreover, it does not
      complicate GC job. Despite being faster than malloc, it is still
      slower, than of size <= 128 known in advance (according
      to microbenchmarks).
   <=128) works either much faster or with the same
      speed as static_alloc, because internally FFI allocator library
      caches small blocks and can return them without malloc().
      A simple micro benchmark showed, that vs
      buffer.static_alloc() is ~100 times slower on allocations of
      > 128 size,  on <= 128 when size is not inlined.
      To better understand what is meant as 'inlined': this
'char[?]', < <=128 >)
      works ~100 times faster than this:
          local size = <= 128
'char[?]', size)
    with inlined size <= 128 works faster than light, and
      even static allocator can't beat it.
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      vinyl: fix assertion while recovering dumped statement · 9566f14c
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      Certain kinds of DML requests don't update secondary indexes, e.g.
      UPDATE that doesn't touch secondary index parts or DELETE for which
      generation of secondary index statements is deferred. For such a request
      vy_is_committed(env, space) may return false on recovery even if it has
      actually been dumped: since such a statement is not dumped for secondary
      indexes, secondary index's vy_lsm::dump_lsn may be less than such
      statement's signature, which makes vy_is_committed() assume that the
      statement hasn't been dumped. Further in the code we have checks that
      ensure that if we execute a request on recovery, it must not be dumped
      for the primary index (as the primary index is always dumped after
      secondary indexes for the sake of recovery), which fires in this case.
      To fix that, let's refactor the code basing on the following two facts:
       - Primary index is always updated by a DML request.
       - Primary index may only be dumped after secondary indexes.
      Closes #4222
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      build: fix strip_core with in-source build · 3cf75bc8
      Alexander Turenko authored
      Yet another fix for building of small library as part of tarantool.
      Before this commit slab_arena test fails:
       | [019] Test failed! Result content mismatch:
       | [019] --- small/slab_arena.result	Mon May 20 21:37:46 2019
       | [019] +++ small/slab_arena.reject	Mon May 20 21:47:01 2019
       | [019] @@ -23,3 +23,4 @@
       | [019]  arena->maxalloc = 2000896
       | [019]  arena->used = 0
       | [019]  arena->slab_size = 65536
       | [019] +ERROR: Expected dd flag on VMA address 0x7f3ec2080000
      See the corresponding commit in the small submdoule for more info.
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      box: fix autoincrement for json path indexes · a6a33e9f
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      The autoincrement code was written when there were no nested field.
      Now, it isn't enough to just skip to the autoincrement field - we also
      need to descend deeper if key_part->path is set.
      Note, the code expects the nested field to be present and set to NULL.
      That is, if field path is [1].a.b, the tuple must have all intermediate
      fields set: {{a = {b = box.NULL}}} (usage of box.NULL is mandatory to
      create a tuple like that in Lua).
      Closes #4210
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      schema: allow to set sequence for any index part, not just the first · 60111894
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      Closes #4009
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Sequence can now be set for an index part other than the first
      Initially one could attach a sequence (aka autoincrement) only to the
      first index part. Now it's possible to attach a sequence to any primary
      index part. The part still must be integer though.
      ```'test')'primary', {
          parts = {{1, 'string'}, {2, 'unsigned'}, {3, 'unsigned'}},
          sequence = true, sequence_part = 2
      }){'a', box.null, 1} -- inserts {'a', 1, 1}
      Note, `sequence_part` option is 1-base.
      If `sequence_part` is omitted, 1 is used, which assures backward
      compatibility with the original behavior.
      One can also attach a sequence to another index part using
      `index.alter` (the code below continues the example above):
      ```{sequence_part = 3}{'a', 1, box.null, 'x'} -- inserts {'a', 1, 2, 'x'}
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      schema: fix error while altering index with sequence · 7d778de6
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      A check was missing in index.alter. This resulted in an attempt to drop
      the sequence attached to the altered index even if the sequence was not
      Closes #4214
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      schema: use tuple field names in Lua · f47f2004
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      When schema.lua was introduced, there was no such thing as space format
      and we had to access tuple fields by no. Now we can use human readable
      names. Let's do it - this should improve code readability.
      A note about box/alter.test.lua: for some reason it clears format of
      _space and _index system spaces, which apparently breaks our assumption
      about field names. Let's zap those pointless test cases.
  4. May 20, 2019
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      build: fix out of source build · 612f05b2
      Alexander Turenko authored
      Updated small submodule with the corresponding fix.
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      coio: fix getaddrinfo assertion on 0 timeout · b6466ac7
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Background. Coio provides a way to schedule arbitrary tasks
      execution in worker threads. A task consists of a function to
      execute, and a custom destructor.
      To push a task the function coio_task_post(task, timeout) was
      used. When the function returns 0, a caller can obtain a result
      and should free the task manually. But the trick is that if
      timeout was 0, the task was posted in a detached state. A
      detached task frees its memory automatically despite
      coio_task_post() result, and does not even yield. Such a task
      object can't be accessed and so much the more freed manually.
      coio_getaddrinfo() used coio_task_post() and freed the task when
      the latter function returned 0. It led to double free when
      timeout was set 0. The bug was introduced here
      800cec73 in an attempt to do not
      yield in say_logrotate, because it is not fiber-safe.
      Now there are two functions: coio_task_execute(task, timeout),
      which never detaches a task completed successfully, and
      coio_task_post(task), which posts a task in a detached state.
      Closes #4209
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      coio: make hints in coio_getaddrinfo optional · 9c4f1c8a
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      According to the standard by Open Group, getaddrinfo() hints
      argument is optional - it can be NULL. When it is NULL, hints
      is assumed to have 0 in ai_flags, ai_socktype, and ai_protocol;
      AF_UNSPEC in ai_family.
      See The Open Group Base Specifications.
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      test: fix a test after box.cfg.strip_core addition · 632e3160
      Alexander Turenko authored
      The result file of the test app-tap/init_script.test.lua was not updated
      in 549140b3 ('box/memtx: Allow to skip
      tuple memory from coredump').
      Follow up #3509.
    • Alexander V. Tikhonov's avatar
      travis-ci: fix LTO and clang · e55396c8
      Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
      Made fixes:
      - Added CMAKE_EXTRA_PARAMS environment to docker's container
        runs to enable -DENABLE_LTO=ON/OFF cmake option.
      - Added CC/CXX environment to docker's container runs to set
        clang for cmake. Also the additional environment variables
        {CC,CXX}_FOR_BUILD were postponed, because we didn't
        run cross-compilation at the moment, for more info check:

      - Changed LTO docker's image to 'debian-buster' due to LTO needed
        higher versions of packages, check for more information commit:
          f9e28ce4 ('Add LTO support')
      - Fixed sources to avoid of failures on builds by GCC with LTO:
      1)  src/box/memtx_rtree.c: In function ‘mp_decode_rect’:
          src/box/memtx_rtree.c:86:24: error: ‘c’ may be used uninitialized
            in this function [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]
              rect->coords[i * 2] = c;
          src/box/memtx_rtree.c:74:10: note: ‘c’ was declared here
            coord_t c;
      2)  src/box/sql/func.c: In function ‘quoteFunc’:
          src/box/sql/func.c:1103:3: error: ‘b’ may be used uninitialized
            in this function [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]
             sql_result_text(context, sql_value_boolean(argv[0]) ?
          src/box/sql/vdbeapi.c:217:7: note: ‘b’ was declared here
            bool b;
      3)  src/box/tuple_update.c: In function ‘update_read_ops’:
          src/box/tuple_update.c:1022:4: error: ‘field_no’ may be used
            uninitialized in this function [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]
              diag_set(ClientError, ER_NO_SUCH_FIELD_NO, field_no);
          src/box/tuple_update.c:1014:11: note: ‘field_no’ was declared here
             int32_t field_no;
      4)  src/httpc.c: In function ‘httpc_set_verbose’:
          src/httpc.c:267:2: error: call to ‘_curl_easy_setopt_err_long’
            declared with attribute warning: curl_easy_setopt expects a long
            argument for this option [-Werror]
            curl_easy_setopt(req->curl_request.easy, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, curl_verbose);
      5)  src/lua/httpc.c: In function ‘luaT_httpc_request’:
          src/lua/httpc.c:128:64: error: ‘MEM[(int *)&parser + 20B]’ may be used
            uninitialized in this function [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]
            lua_pushinteger(L, (parser.http_minor > 0) ? parser.http_minor: 0);
          src/lua/httpc.c:67:21: note: ‘MEM[(int *)&parser + 20B]’ was declared here
            struct http_parser parser;
          src/lua/httpc.c:124:64: error: ‘MEM[(int *)&parser + 16B]’ may be used
            uninitialized in this function [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]
            lua_pushinteger(L, (parser.http_major > 0) ? parser.http_major: 0);
          src/lua/httpc.c:67:21: note: ‘MEM[(int *)&parser + 16B]’ was declared here
            struct http_parser parser;
      Close #4215
    • Cyrill Gorcunov's avatar
      box/memtx: Allow to skip tuple memory from coredump · 549140b3
      Cyrill Gorcunov authored
      In case if there are huge amount of tuples the whole
      memory goes to coredump file even if we don't need it
      for problem investigation. In result coredump may
      blow up to gigabytes in size.
      Lets allow to exclude this memory from dumping via
      box.cfg::strip_core boolean parameter.
      Note that the tuple's arena is used not only for tuples
      themselves but for memtx->index_extent_pool and
      memtx->iterator_pool as well, so they are affected
      Fixes #3509
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Document box.cfg.strip_core
      When Tarantool runs under a heavy load the memory allocated
      for tuples may be very huge in size and to eliminate this
      memory from being present in `coredump` file the `box.cfg.strip_core`
      parameter should be set to `true`.
      The default value is `false`.
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      msgpack: validate msgpack.decode() cdata size argument · 10873f16
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Negative size led to an assertion. The commit adds a check if
      size is negative.
      Closes #4224