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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jan 16, 2024
  2. Apr 13, 2022
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      box: add internal box_on_call trigger · d6c1e597
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      The trigger is invoked on IPROTO CALL/EVAL. The trigger callback is
      passed a context with function name or eval expression and arguments
      (MsgPack data). It will be used for auditing CALL/EVAL events in the EE
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      box: separate access check and function call in box_process_call · 52fd97ec
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      box_process_call() uses func_call(), which not only calls the given
      function, but also checks that the current user has the right to execute
      it. As a result, we can't add auditing for only those function calls
      that passed the access check (apparently, there's no reason to log
      function calls that failed with an 'access denied' error - we have a
      separate audit event for this).
      To fix this, let's introduce func_call_no_access_check() helper, which
      calls a function without checking access rights, and use it along with
      existing func_access_check() in box_process_call(). func_call() is now
      an inline function that calls func_access_check() and then on success
      It's probably wrong that func_call() checks access rights, because this
      means that to use a space with a functional index/constraint, the user
      needs not only read/write access to the space itself, but also execute
      access to the function. I think we should check the right to execute
      such function only once - on functional index/constraint creation, not
      on every call, but I'm not going to change this now, because nobody's
      complained so far, and a change like this needs a proper discussion
  3. Aug 13, 2021
    • mechanik20051988's avatar
      iproto: implement interactive transactions over iproto streams · 48c8dc18
      mechanik20051988 authored
      Implement interactive transactions over iproto streams. Each stream
      can start its own transaction, so they allows multiplexing several
      transactions over one connection. If any request fails during the
      transaction, it will not affect the other requests in the transaction.
      If disconnect occurs when there is some active transaction in stream,
      this transaction will be rollbacked, if it does not have time to commit
      before this moment.
      Part of #5860
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: interactive transactions was implemented over iproto streams.
      The main purpose of streams is transactions via iproto. Each stream
      can start its own transaction, so they allows multiplexing several
      transactions over one connection. There are multiple ways to begin,
      commit and rollback transaction: using IPROTO_CALL and IPROTO_EVAL
      with corresponding function (box.begin, box.commit and box.rollback),
      IPROTO_EXECUTE with corresponding sql request ('TRANSACTION START',
      accordingly. If disconnect occurs when there is some active transaction
      in stream, this transaction will be rollbacked, if it does not have time
      to commit before this moment. Add new command codes for begin, commit and
      rollback transactions: `IPROTO_BEGIN 14`, `IPROTO_COMMIT 15` and
      `IPROTO_ROLLBACK 16` accordingly.
  4. Apr 14, 2021
  5. Jun 01, 2020
    • Kirill Yukhin's avatar
      Allow to set directory for copying DSO before load · 366b2de7
      Kirill Yukhin authored
      Make it possible to set temporary directory where
      module will be copied before load.
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Justify module (re-)loading semantics
      It is now possible to set directory where temporary
      copies of modules to be loaded will be created.
      It is done by setting $(TMPDIR) variable. It
      will be "/tmp" if variable was not set.
      Follow up #4945
  6. Apr 14, 2020
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      box: export box_session_push to the public C API · 5d795527
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      API is different from box.session.push() - sync argument was
      removed. It will disappear from Lua API as well, because it just
      is not needed here. Session is omitted as well. Indeed, a user
      can't push to a foreign session, and the current session can be
      obtained inside box_session_push(). And anyway session is not in
      the public C API.
      Internally dump into iproto is done using obuf_dup(), just like
      tuple_to_obuf() does. obuf_alloc() would be a bad call here,
      because it wouldn't be able to split the pushed data into several
      obuf chunks, and would cause obuf fragmentation.
      Dump into plain text behaves just like a Lua push - it produces a
      YAML formatted text or Lua text depending on output format. But to
      turn MessagePack into YAML or Lua text an intermediate Lua
      representation is used, because there are no a MessagePack -> YAML
      and MessagePack -> Lua text translators yet.
      Closes #4734
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: box_session_push() C API
      There is a new function in the public C API:
          box_session_push(const char *data, const char *data_end);
      It takes raw MessagePack, and behaves just like Lua
  7. Feb 15, 2020
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      box: remove dead code from box_process_call/eval() · f5d51448
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      box_process_call/eval() in the end check if there is an
      active transaction. If there is, it is rolled back, and
      an error is set.
      But rollback is not needed anymore, because anyway in
      the end of the request the fiber is stopped, and its
      not finished transaction is rolled back. Just setting
      of the error is enough.
      Follow-up #4662
  8. Aug 29, 2019
    • Kirill Shcherbatov's avatar
      sql: support user-defined functions in SQL · d4a7459e
      Kirill Shcherbatov authored
      Closes #2200
      Closes #4113
      Closes #2233
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: The box.internal.sql_function_create is forbidden
      Legacy mechanism box.internal.sql_function_create to make some
      Lua function available in SQL is forbidden now.
      To make some function available in SQL you need to use
      box.schema.func.create() mechanism: you need to specify
      1) function language and language-specific options(e.g. you
         are able to define a persistent Lua function)
      2) whether this function is_deterministic or not: deterministic
         functions allows to generate more efficient SQL VDBE bytecode
         so you better specify it when it is true
      3) the function returns type: a Tarantool type string describes
         a type of value returned by function
      4) param_list - a table of Tarantool's types strings desccribe
         function argument types
      5) exports - a table of Tarantool's frontends where this function
         should be available ('LUA' by default). You need to specify
         {'LUA', 'SQL'} to make function available both in SQL requests
         and visible in box.func folder
      -- Case1: C function
      -- has int divide() symbol
      box.schema.func.create("function1.divide", {language = 'C',
      			returns = 'number',
      			param_list = {'number', 'number'},
      			is_deterministic = true,
      			exports = {'LUA', 'SQL'}})
      box.execute('SELECT "function1.divide"(6, 3)')
      - metadata:
        - name: '"function1.divide"(6, 3)'
          type: number
        - [2]
      -- Case2: Persistent Lua function
      box.schema.func.create("SUMMARIZE", {language = 'LUA',
      			returns = 'number',
      			body = 'function (a, b) return a + b end',
      			param_list = {'number', 'number'},
      			is_deterministic = true,
      			exports = {'LUA', 'SQL'}})
      box.execute('SELECT summarize(1, 2)')
      - metadata:
        - name: summarize(1, 2)
          type: number
        - [3]
      Moreover there is a special predefined Lua function LUA that
      allows to evaluate a custom Lua expressions in SQL.
      You need to pass a string in form "return ...." to LUA function
      that returns more than one value of any type.
      box.execute('SELECT lua(\'return 1 + 1\')')
      - metadata:
        - name: lua('return 1 + 1')
          type: any
        - [2]
      box.execute('SELECT lua(\'return box.cfg.memtx_memory\')')
      - metadata:
        - name: lua('return box.cfg.memtx_memory')
          type: any
        - [268435456]
    • Georgy Kirichenko's avatar
      Destroy port after iproto eval if transaction isn't finished · ff14626d
      Georgy Kirichenko authored
      This is a followup for 7691154a
    • Maria Khaydich's avatar
      Iproto call won't leak if transaction isn't committed · 7691154a
      Maria Khaydich authored
      In case of throwing client error because of inactive function
      we did not destroy used port. It could possibly cause huge
      memory leaks as could be seen with top or its analogues when
      performing test run in a loop.
      Closes #4388
  9. Jun 25, 2019
  10. Jun 24, 2019
    • Kirill Shcherbatov's avatar
      box: rework func object as a function frontend · 5b3e0551
      Kirill Shcherbatov authored
      The function func object used to provide a call method only for
      C functions. In scope of this patch it reworked to be a uniform
      function call frontend both for C and Lua functions.
      Introduced classes func_c and func_lua, that provide own
      constructors which produce implementation-specific object with
      call and destroy methods.
      Needed for #4182, #1260
    • Kirill Shcherbatov's avatar
      box: rework box_lua_{call, eval} to use input port · 707e58a3
      Kirill Shcherbatov authored
      Re-factor box_lua_call and box_lua_eval so that they don't take
      call_request. This approach is more scalable: in case of a
      functional index, the user expects to see a tuple with field
      names so we should be able to pass not only raw msgpack, but
      also a tuple to a Lua call so we need an universal way to pass
      arguments to _call methods.
      To pass a tuple msgpack introduced a new port_msgpack: the port
      class with dump_lua method.
      A new method get_msgpack returns a content of a port as a
      msgpack data. The lifecycle of the returned value is
      implementation-specific: it may either be returned directly from
      the port, in which case the data will stay alive as long as the
      port is alive, or it may be allocated on the fiber()->gc, in
      which case the caller is responsible for cleaning up.
      Needed for #4182, #1260
  11. May 13, 2019
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      small: introduce small/static · 890068fc
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Before the patch Tarantool had a thread- and C-file- local array
      of 4 static buffers, each 1028 bytes. It provided an API
      tt_static_buf() allowing to return them one by one in a cycle.
      Firstly, it consumed totally 200Kb of BSS memory in summary over
      all C-files using these buffers. Obviously, it was a bug and was
      not made intentionally. The buffers were supposed to be a one
      process-global array.
      Secondly, even if the bug above had been fixed somehow, sometimes
      it would have been needed to obtain a bit bigger buffer. For
      example, to store a UDP packet - ~1.5Kb.
      This commit replaces these 4 buffers with small/ static allocator
      which does basically the same, but in more granulated and
      manoeuvrable way. This commit frees ~188Kb of BSS section.
      A main motivation for this commit is a wish to use a single
      global out-of-stack buffer to read UDP packets into it in the
      SWIM library, and on the other hand do not pad out BSS section
      with a new SWIM-special static buffer. Now SWIM uses stack for
      this and in the incoming cryptography SWIM component it will need
  12. Jul 13, 2018
    • Kirill Shcherbatov's avatar
      box: support reload whole module · 3aec485d
      Kirill Shcherbatov authored
      Closes #2946.
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: fixed module reload
      There was a bug in tarantool documentation:
      Now it is allowed to reload all functions in loadable
      module via one method. Legacy method including finction
      name is forbidden.
      box.schema.func.reload("utils")       -- ok since now
      box.schema.func.reload("utils.func1") -- forbidden since now
      Global reload is still unsupported because it seems
      to be useless.
      box.schema.func.reload()              -- invalid!
  13. Jun 26, 2018
    • Georgy Kirichenko's avatar
      Introduce privileges for object groups · af35de96
      Georgy Kirichenko authored
      Allow define access privileges for all spaces, functions and sequences.
      Read and write privileges are supported for spaces, execute privilege
      for sequences. Privilege granting and revoking might be done through old api
      without object identification:
        box.schema.user.grant("guest", "read", "space")
      Prerequisite #945
  14. Jan 30, 2018
    • IlyaMarkovMipt's avatar
      security: Change checks on usage access · 9e30f895
      IlyaMarkovMipt authored
      * Add following behavior:
      Owner of object can't utilize her own objects if she has not usage
      * Change access checks of space, sequence, function objects
      Similar checks of other objects are performed in
      Closes gh-3089
  15. Jan 18, 2018
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      call: fail requests that do not close transaction · f003b489
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      Currently, if a CALL/EVAL request leaves an open transaction at return,
      we silently rollback it and print a warning to the log mentioning the
      function name or eval expression to facilitate further debugging. After
      issue #946 was fixed, we can't do that anymore, because request input,
      which stores CALL/EVAL parameters, may be discarded before request
      completion and hence be unavailable for logging. Without additional
      information pointing at the culprit, the log message is pointless (see
      issue #1100). We could copy the arguments, but that would slow down CALL
      execution, which can't be justified solely by the need of verbose
      logging. So let's stop being lenient and fail requests that do not close
      transaction at return. This should encourage negligent users to finally
      fix their code.
      Follow-up #946
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      call: separate function invocation from result encoding · d461caf3
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      The iproto subsystem switches between two output buffers once in a while
      in order to reclaim memory so passing a pointer to the output buffer
      directly to box_process_call() or box_process_eval() is incorrect in
      case the called function yields. To fix that, let's make these functions
      return the CALL/EVAL result in a port object, which then can then be
      encoded in msgpack with port_dump().
      Needed for #946
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      Make struct port abstract · d5e479ee
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      So that it can be used not only for serializing a list of tuples, but
      also for serializing a Lua stack that stores output of CALL/EVAL.
      Needed for #946
  16. Jan 17, 2018
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      Convert box/ to C · 98189a54
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      We can do it for free now as all functions used by have already
      been converted to C and there's nothing in that really needs any
      C++ features.
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      session: make access_check_universe usable from C code · 81ae6f9b
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      Replace tnt_raise() with diag_set() and add a wrapper that raises
      exception in case of error to be used in C++ code.
      While we are at it, let's also move access_check_session_xc() to
      the header file, because it's a trivial wrapper.
  17. Jan 16, 2018
    • IlyaMarkovMipt's avatar
      Add on_access_denied trigger · cc3a18b7
      IlyaMarkovMipt authored
      * Add box_on_access_denied API method
      * Modify access error handlers in order to call the mentioned trigger
      * Add new type of error - AccessDeniedError
      Related #2911 "add audit log triggers"
  18. Jan 11, 2018
    • Ilya's avatar
      security: add object name to "access denied" error messages · ad237aeb
      Ilya authored
      Delete specifc access denied error code (ER_FUNCTION_ACCESS_DENIED,
      ER_ACCESS_DENIED code, which now contains object name and type
      Pass operation type (create, drop, grant, revoke) to ER_ACCESS_DENIED.
      Add a helper function schema_find_name() to schema.[h,cc].
      In scope of gh-2911 "add triggers for audit log".
      Heavily edited by @kostja
  19. Dec 29, 2017
    • Ilya's avatar
      box: introduce system privileges · 74ab44ae
      Ilya authored
      Add system privileges 'session' and 'usage'
      * 'session' privilege lets user connect to database server
      * 'usage' privilege lets user use his/her rights on database objects
      * Both privileges are assigned to all users by default.
      Implementation details:
      * system privileges are special grant rights to 'universe'.
      Therefore, they can be granted only by admin. Because of this fact,
      during creation or deletion of user, we have to switch to 'admin' to
      grant or revoke these rights.
      Important changes:
      * changed bootstrap.snap due to need to start admin with new privileges
      * added auto upgrade script for 1.7.7
      Fixes gh-2898.
      With contributions by @kostja.
  20. Dec 28, 2017
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
      security: add a test case fog gh-3023 · 56438fa6
      Konstantin Osipov authored changes both user and effective user right now.
      Changing only the session user seems to be rather difficult:
      we need to keep the object allocated somewhere, and keeping
      in mind request multiplexor in iproto, with which many requests
      can share the same session, it can only be Lua stack.
      While at it, change current_user() to effective_user() to
      make it less ambiguous.
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
      security: introduce all ANSI SQL ACL, as well as session and usage · 6090846e
      Konstantin Osipov authored
      Introduce all the necessary ACL for ANSI SQL, as well as SESSION
      and USAGE.
      Change access storage type from uint8_t to a typedef.
      Necessary for gh-2898.
  21. Dec 26, 2017
    • Ilya's avatar
      Fix access checks on CALL · 62ec6c1b
      Ilya authored
      CALL should check only EXECUTE access on universe instead of
      Closes #3017
  22. Nov 04, 2017
  23. Aug 15, 2017
    • Georgy Kirichenko's avatar
      Add hot function reload for C procedures · 96938faf
      Georgy Kirichenko authored
      This patch adds ability to reload C procedures on the fly without
      downtime. To achive that, Tarantool loads a new copy of shared
      library and starts routing all new request to the new version.
      The previous version remains active until all started calls
      are finished. All shared libraries are loaded with RTLD_LOCAL,
      therefore two or more copies can co-exist without any problems.
      From now box loads all external modules via an unique symlink to
      avoid caching inside dlopen().
      If one of some module function is reloaded then all other functions
      from this module will be reloaded.
      Reviewed and heavily patched by Roman Tsisyk.
      Closes #910
  24. Aug 09, 2017
  25. Jul 28, 2017
  26. Jul 27, 2017
  27. Jul 26, 2017
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      box: introduce call_request · 12dcca28
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Create a special request type for call/eval requests.
      Struct call_request is much lighter than struct request, and its
      decoding is faster for call/eval request.
      The new struct call_request allows call/eval without parameters.
      In a future we are able to add into struct call_request more
      members and merge it with box_function_ctx and lua_function_ctx.
      Part of #2619
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      box: move box_call/eval routines into separate file · 26ce1785
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      In order to create struct call_request it is neccessary to move
      call/eval logic into separate call.c/.h files to avoid adding
      call_request into more common box.h.
      Part of #2619