- May 30, 2022
since 1.61 rust has added a `whole-archive` modifier for link targets which is unset by default. Previously to this version this was probably undefined behavior, because the linking would work fine when building an executable (like picodata) but would fail with undefined symbols when building a static library. But now with the advent of this option, we can probably refactor picodata into a library which can be useful for testing, i.e. we can exclude testing stuff from the binary but still have a test binary with all the necessary runtime symbols. Closes #81
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Pytest has a feature to segregate setup, test, and teardown logs. The setup phase is considered to be an intialization of the fixtures. In order to split logs properly `cluster.deploy()` is now called inside a fixture.
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Picodata already assigns `replicaset_id` to an instance when it joins, but it wasn't used in Tarantool `box.cfg` yet. Now it is. It's also important to set up listen port in `start_join` immediately. Without it Tarantool will stuck waiting for connection to self. Part of https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/52
VS authored
- May 26, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
It's already formatted in conformity to usual `cargo test`. Also, remove unused command-line arguments from `picodata test` command. Close https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/61
- May 25, 2022
Sergey V authored
Alexander Tolstoy authored
- May 24, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
The intention is to eliminate ambiguities in the `Instance` API. Make it more like `subprocess` module (as regards `kill` and `terminate` functions).
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Behavior of `killpg` slightly differs in Mac and Linux. For some reason, `killpg` returns error EPERM when sending a signal to a zomibie process. And that is the reason of `test_process_management` failure on mac - there's a small gap between killing child and and subreaper calls `waitpid`. Now pytest handles this exception properly. Close https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/70 See also: - Stackoverflow: Why would `killpg` return "not permitted" when ownership is correct? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12521705/why-would-killpg-return-not-permitted-when-ownership-is-correct - Linux `man 2 killpg`: https://linux.die.net/man/2/killpg#Notes > Notes > > There are various differences between the permission checking in > BSD-type systems and System V-type systems. See the POSIX rationale > for kill(). A difference not mentioned by POSIX concerns the return > value EPERM: BSD documents that no signal is sent and EPERM returned > when the permission check failed for **at least one** target process, > while POSIX documents EPERM only when the permission check failed for > **all** target processes. - MacOS `man 2 killpg`: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man2/killpg.2.html > [EPERM] The sending process is not the super-user and > **one or more** of the target processes has an effective > user ID different from that of the sending process. - Linux `man 2 kill`: https://linux.die.net/man/2/kill > EPERM The process does not have permission to send the signal > *to any* of the target processes. > - Process states in Linux: https://kerneltalks.com/linux/process-states-in-linux/ - Reproduce killpg returning EPERM on MacOS: https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/snippets/7
- May 23, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Pytest supports running tests in parallel using the `xdist` plugin. In order to support it in Picodata, one should avoid ports collision. It assigns each worker a dedicated IP address `127.7.n.1`, where `n = xdist_worker_number`. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on MacOS, because Mac doesn't provide any loopback aliases except `` by default. This patch provides another address generation logics. The `subnet` parameter is superseeded with a `base_port`, that is `3300 + n * 100`. In this way, every pytest (xdist) worker gets a dedicated port range `[3301, 3399]`, `[3401, 3499]` and so on. Close https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/65
Alexander Tolstoy authored
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
When bootstrapping an instance, there're two possible execution paths - `start_boot` and `start_join`. While `start_join` takes all uuids from JoinResponse, `start_boot` already deals with a bootstrapped `box.cfg` (it's done in `start_discover`, refer to [1]). In order to make uuids consistent across `box.cfg` and topology module, `start_boot` stage is preceded with rebootstrap. This case is also covered with a pytest. - [1] doc/clustering.md
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
- Add corresponding field to the Peer struct. - Generate it in the topology module. - Use it in `box.cfg`. Close https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/51
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Address `replication_factor` when choosing `relicaset_id` for a new instance. It dosn't consider `failure_domain` yet, but takes into account the number of instances. Close https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/68
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
- Choose it in the topology module if it's not provided in a `JoinRequest`. - Persist in `raft_group` space. - Respond with an error if `JoinRequest` contains different `replicaset_id`. - In `JoinResponse` it's transferred automatically. Part of https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/51
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Follow-up for https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/50
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
- Generate it in the topology module - Persist it in `raft_group` space - Transfer it in `JoinResponse` - Use it in `box.cfg` Close https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/50
- May 21, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
It's necessary to incapsulate topology management logics away from main.
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
It encapsulates the logics of a JoinRequest batch processing. Topology module will be quite important in picodata. This first version misses a lot of features, but a few commits later it's going to implement quite a lot of logics. When a new instance is joined - there's one complex thing: raft leader has to decide where this new instance is going to be emplaced, i.e. what replicaset should it join. There're many different parameters have an influence - `repliction_factor`, `failure-domain`, and of course the existing topology. So, this new `topology` module must make the decision. This patch only refactors the current Picodata behavior, and doesn't bring new features for its users. Instead, it opens the door to a future development. Also, this patch provides a unit-testing basis for the future features.
- May 20, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Both JoinRequest and JoinResponse are going to be used in other modules. Move them one level above from `traft::node::*` to `traft::*`.
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
One of the most tricky Raft cases is a so-called ABA problem [1]. In that case it's important to protect a batch of join requests with a term number. Since the whole batch is supplied with atomicity-sensitive uuids, applying it on a different term may cause an inconsistency, which is very, veeeery bad. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABA_problem
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Implementation of `net_box` in `tarantool-module` resolves hostnames with a `to_socket_addrs` function that is blocking. Pytest uses fake addresses in one test, and sometimes it results in 5-second blockage and consequent test failure. This patch only provides a workaround. It makes a connection to fail even before the blocking DNS request. See also: - https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/tarantool-module/-/issues/81
- May 17, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Before this patch, pytest used to launch all instances in a clean environment. It prevented running with `PICODATA_LOG_LEVEL=verbose`.
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Specifying the particular directory with tests significantly speeds up their collection and execution. Before: ```console $ time pytest -k nothing 12 deselected in 1.36s ``` After: ``` 12 deselected in 0.04s ```
This patch covers one more case when discovery request is handled by an instance that has the discovery module unitialized.
- May 16, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
By default cargo runs tests in parallel in multiple threads. Both `test_log_level` and `test_parse` access environment variables which are shared across threads. Consequently, their concurrent modification results in the test failure. This patch unites these two tests making it linear.
- May 13, 2022
- May 12, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Commit 1a3b5233 missed a bug. Iteration over instances could be aborted by an exception during teardown. It resulted in garbage process remaining alive after pytest termination.
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
1. Lower log level of connection errors in `netork.rs`. 2. Give raft fibers a name.