- Sep 24, 2020
Alexander Turenko authored
Retry a failed test when it is marked as fragile (and several other conditions are met, see below). The test-run already allows to set a list of fragile tests. They are run one-by-one after all parallel ones in order to eliminate possible resource starvation and fit timings to ones when the tests pass. See [1]. In practice this approach does not help much against our problem with flaky tests. We decided to retry failed tests, when they are known as flagile. See [2]. The core idea is to split responsibility: known flaky fails will not deflect attention of a developer, but each fragile test will be marked explicitly, trackerized and will be analyzed by the quality assurance team. The default behaviour is not changed: each test from the fragile list will be run once after all parallel ones. But now it is possible to set retries amount. Beware: the implementation does not allow to just set retries count, it also requires to provide an md5sum of a failed test output (so called reject file). The idea here is to ensure that we retry the test only in case of a known fail: not some other fail within the test. This approach has the limitation: in case of fail a test may output an information that varies from run to run or depend of a base directory. We should always verify the output before put its checksum into the configuration file. Despite doubts regarding this approach, it looks simple and we decided to try and revisit it if there will be a need. See configuration example in [3]. [1]: https://github.com/tarantool/test-run/issues/187 [2]: https://github.com/tarantool/test-run/issues/189 [3]: https://github.com/tarantool/test-run/pull/217 Part of #5050
- Sep 23, 2020
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
Closes #4897
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
txn_proxy is a special utility for transaction tests. Formerly it was used only for vinyl tests and thus was placed in vinyl folder. Now the time has come to test memtx transactions and the utility must be placed amongst other utils - in box/lua. Needed for #4897
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
Use mvcc transaction engine in memtx if the engine is enabled. Closes #4897
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
If a tuple fetched from an index is dirty - it must be clarified. Let's fix all fetched from indexeds in that way. Also fix a snapshot iterator - it must save a part of history along with creating a read view in order to clean tuple during iteration from another thread. Part of #4897
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
When memtx snapshot iterator is created it could contain some amount of dirty tuples that should be clarified before writing to WAL file. Implement special snapshot cleaner for this purpose. Part of #4897
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
Memtx story is a part of a history of a value in space. It's a story about a tuple, from the point it was added to space to the point when it was deleted from the space. All stories are linked into a list of stories of the same key of each index. Part of #4897
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
There are situations when we have to track that if some TX is committed then some others must be aborted due to conflict. The common case is that one r/w TX have read some value while the second is about to overwrite the value; if the second is committed, the first must be aborted. Thus we have to store many-to-many TX relations between breaker TX and victim TX. The patch implements that. Part of #4897
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
Define memtx TX manager. It will store data for MVCC and conflict manager. Define also 'memtx_use_mvcc_engine' in config that enables that MVCC engine. Part of #4897
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
Prepare sequence number is a monotonically increasing ID that is assigned to any prepared transaction. This ID is suitable for serialization order resolution: the bigger is ID - the later the transaction exists in the serialization order of transactions. Note that id of transactions has quite different order in case when transaction could yield - an younger (bigger id) transaction can prepare/commit first (lower psn) while older tx sleeps in vain. Also it should be mentioned that LSN has the same order as PSN, but it has two general differences: 1. The LSN sequence has no holes, i.e. it is a natural number sequence. This property is useless for transaction engine. 2. The LSN sequence is provided by WAL writer and thus LSN is not available for TX thas was prepared and haven't been committed yet. That feature makes psn more suitable sequence for transactions as it allows to order prepared but not committed transaction and allows, for example, to create a read view between prepared transactions. Part of #4897
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
That flag is needed for transactional conflict manager - if any other transaction commits a replacement of old_tuple before current one and the flag is set - the current transaction will be aborted. For example REPLACE just replaces a key, no matter what tuple lays in the index and thus does_require_old_tuple = false. In contrast, UPDATE makes new tuple using old_tuple and thus the statement will require old_tuple (does_require_old_tuple = true). INSERT also does_require_old_tuple = true because it requires old_tuple to be NULL. Part of #4897
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
Transaction engine (see further commits) needs to distinguish and maniputate transactions by their status. The status describe the lifetime point of a transaction (inprogress, prepared, committed) and its abilities (conflicted, read view). Part of #4897 Part of #5108
Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
Apart from other vinyl objects that are named with "vy_" prefix, its transaction manager (tx_manager) have no such prefix. It should have in order to avoid conflicts with global tx manager. Needed for #4897
Kirill Yukhin authored
cord_ptr variable is calloc()-ated in coio_on_start() and is not free()-ed, which triggers ASAN. free() it in coio_on_stop(). Closes #5308
- Sep 18, 2020
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
The test tried to start a replica whose box.cfg would hang, with replication_connect_quorum = 0 to make it return immediately. But the quorum parameter was added and removed during work on 44421317 ("replication: do not register outgoing connections"). Instead, to start the replica without blocking on box.cfg it is necessary to pass 'wait=False' with the test_run:cmd('start server') command. Closes #5311
Sergey Bronnikov authored
added a new stage with a single job to run Jepsen tests. Job is not started automatically by default, one need to trigger it manually. Directory with test results (logs, graphs, operations history) published to artifacts. Closes #5277
Sergey Bronnikov authored
Main script that handle creation of set of virtual machines using Terraform, setup for remote connection, running Jepsen tests and teardown test environment. Part of #5277
Sergey Bronnikov authored
Added targets 'make jepsen-single' and 'make jepsen-cluster' to run Jepsen tests on a single Tarantool instance and cluster of Tarantool instances. Part of #5277
Sergey Bronnikov authored
For testing Tarantool with Jepsen we use virtual machines as they provides better resource isolation in comparison to containers. Jepsen tests may need a single instance or a set of instances for testing cluster. To setup virtual machines we use Terraform [1]. Patch adds a set of configuration files for Terraform that can create required number of virtual machines in MCS and output IP addresses to stdout. Terraform needs some parameters before run. They are: - id, identificator of a test stand that should be specific for this run, id also is a part of virtual machine name - keypair_name, name of keypair used in a cloud, public SSH key of that key pair will be placed to virtual machine - instance_count, number of virtual machines in a test stand - ssh_key, SSH private key, used to access to a virtual machine - user_name - password - tenant_id - user_domain_id These parameters can be passed via enviroment variables with TF_VAR_ prefix (like TF_VAR_id) or via command-line parameters. To demonstrate full lifecycle of a test stand with Terraform one needs to perform these commands: terraform init extra/tf terraform apply extra/tf terraform output instance_names terraform output instance_ips terraform destroy extra/tf 1. https://www.terraform.io/ Part of #5277
Cyrill Gorcunov authored
There is a bug in systemd-209 source code: it returns ENOENT when no more entries in a password database left. Later the issue been fixed but we still meet the systems where it hits. The problem affects getpwent/getgrent calls only thus we can expect them to return the buggy error code to skip. Notes: 1) See systemd's commit where issue been fixed | commit 06202b9e659e5cc72aeecc5200155b7c012fccbc | Author: Yu Watanabe <watanabe.yu+github@gmail.com> | Date: Sun Jul 15 23:00:00 2018 +0900 | | nss: do not modify errno when NSS_STATUS_NOTFOUND or NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS 2) Another option is to call getpwall on Tarantool startup unconditionally where we could simply ignore any errors. This is a very bad choise since traversig a password database might introduce significant lags if backend does some network activiy or have expired caches. Thus drop getpwall() unconditional call run it iif a user does an explicit request. Fixes #5034 Signed-off-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Cyrill Gorcunov authored
There is no need to allocate 32 bytes per each string, the backend lua does copy the string internally thus plain pointer is enough here no need to allocate redundant memory. Part-of #5034 Signed-off-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Cyrill Gorcunov authored
No need for ending empty entry. Part-of #5034 Signed-off-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
- Sep 17, 2020
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
Replication protocol's first stage for non-anonymous replicas is that the replica should be registered in _cluster to get a unique ID number. That happens, when replica connects to a writable node, which performs the registration. So it means, registration always happens on the master node when appears an *incoming* request for it, explicitly asking for a registration. Only relay can do that. That wasn't the case for bootstrap. If box.cfg.replication wasn't empty on the master node doing the cluster bootstrap, it registered all the outgoing connections in _cluster. Note, the target node could be even anonymous, but still was registered. That breaks the protocol, and leads to registration of anon replicas sometimes. The patch drops it. Another motivation here is Raft cluster bootstrap specifics. During Raft bootstrap it is going to be very important that non-joined replicas should not be registered in _cluster. A replica can only register after its JOIN request was accepted, and its snapshot download has started. Closes #5287 Needed for #1146
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
Ballot is a message sent in response on vote request, which is sent by applier first thing after connection establishment. It contains basic info about the remote instance such as whether it is read only, if it is still loading, and more. The ballot didn't contain a flag whether the instance is anonymous. That led to a problem, when applier was connected to a remote instance, was added to struct replicaset inside a struct replica object, but it was unknown whether it is anonymous. It was added as not anonymous by default. If the remote instance was in fact anonymous and sent a subscribe response back to the first instance with the anon flag = true, then it looked like the remote instance was not anonymous, and suddenly became such, without even a reconnect. It could lead to an assertion. The bug is hidden behind another bug, because of which the leader instance on boostrap registers all replicas listed in its box.cfg.replication, even anonymous ones. The patch makes the ballot contain the anon flag. Now both relay and applier send whether their host is anonymous. Relay does it by sending the ballot, applier sends it in scope of subscribe request. By the time a replica gets UUID and is added into struct replicaset, its anon flag is determined. Also the patch makes anon_count updated on each replica hash table change. Previously it was only updated when something related to relay was done. Now anon is updated by applier actions too, and it is not ok to update the counter on relay-specific actions. The early registration bug is a subject for a next patch. Part of #5287 @TarantoolBot document Title: IPROTO_BALLOT_IS_ANON flag There is a request type IPROTO_BALLOT, with code 0x29. It has fields IPROTO_BALLOT_IS_RO (0x01), IPROTO_BALLOT_VCLOCK (0x02), IPROTO_BALLOT_GC_VCLOCK (0x03), IPROTO_BALLOT_IS_LOADING (0x04). Now it gets a new field IPROTO_BALLOT_IS_ANON (0x05). The field is a boolean, and equals to box.cfg.replication_anon of the sender.
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
Previously XlogGapError was considered a critical error stopping the replication. That may be not so good as it looks. XlogGapError is a perfectly fine error, which should not kill the replication connection. It should be retried instead. Because here is an example, when the gap can be recovered on its own. Consider the case: node1 is a leader, it is booted with vclock {1: 3}. Node2 connects and fetches snapshot of node1, it also gets vclock {1: 3}. Then node1 writes something and its vclock becomes {1: 4}. Now node3 boots from node1, and gets the same vclock. Vclocks now look like this: - node1: {1: 4}, leader, has {1: 3} snap. - node2: {1: 3}, booted from node1, has only snap. - node3: {1: 4}, booted from node1, has only snap. If the cluster is a fullmesh, node2 will send subscribe requests with vclock {1: 3}. If node3 receives it, it will respond with xlog gap error, because it only has a snap with {1: 4}, nothing else. In that case node2 should retry connecting to node3, and in the meantime try to get newer changes from node1. The example is totally valid. However it is unreachable now because master registers all replicas in _cluster before allowing them to make a join. So they all bootstrap from a snapshot containing all their IDs. This is a bug, because such auto-registration leads to registration of anonymous replicas, if they are present during bootstrap. Also it blocks Raft, which can't work if there are registered, but not yet joined nodes. Once the registration problem will be solved in a next commit, the XlogGapError will strike quite often during bootstrap. This patch won't allow that happen. Needed for #5287
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
XlogGapError object didn't have a code in ClientError code space. Because of that it was not possible to handle the gap error together with client errors in some switch-case statement. Now the gap error has a code. This is going to be used in applier code to handle XlogGapError among other errors using its code instead of RTTI. Needed for #5287
- Sep 15, 2020
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
Changed S3 location for sources tarballs. Also added ability to create S3 directory for the tarballs if it was not existed.
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
Found that tagged commits were not run the deployment gitlab-ci jobs. To fix it added 'tags' label for deployment and perfomance jobs. Also found that after the commit tagged it has tag label in format 'x^0' and all previous commits till the previous tag became to have tags in format 'x~<commits before>' like 'x~1' or 'x~2' and etc. So the check if git name-rev --name-only --tags --no-undefined HEAD ; then became always pass and previous commits on rerun could began to deploy. To fix it was used gitlab-ci environment variable 'CI_COMMIT_TAG', it shows in real if the current commit has tag and has to be deployed. Part of #3745
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
On heavy loaded hosts found the following issue: [037] --- replication/gh-3704-misc-replica-checks-cluster-id.result Thu Sep 10 18:05:22 2020 [037] +++ replication/gh-3704-misc-replica-checks-cluster-id.reject Fri Sep 11 11:09:38 2020 [037] @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ [037] ... [037] box.info.replication[2].downstream.status [037] --- [037] -- follow [037] +- stopped [037] ... [037] -- change master's cluster uuid and check that replica doesn't connect. [037] test_run:cmd("stop server replica") It happened because replication downstream status check occurred too early, when it was only in 'stopped' state. To give the replication status check routine ability to reach the needed 'follow' state, it need to wait for it using test_run:wait_downstream() routine. Closes #5293
HustonMmmavr authored
Refactored static build process to use static-build/CMakeLists.txt instead of Dockerfile.staticbuild (this allows to support static build on macOS). Following third-party dependencies for static build are installed via cmake `ExternalProject_Add`: - OpenSSL - Zlib - Ncurses - Readline - Unwind - ICU * Added support static build for macOS * Fixed `CONFIGURE_COMMAND` while building bundled libcurl for static build at file cmake/BuildLibCURL.cmake: - disable building shared libcurl libraries (by setting `--disable-shared` option) - disable hiding libcurl symbols (by setting `--disable-symbol-hiding` option) - prevent linking libcurl with system libz (by setting `--with-zlib=${FOUND_ZLIB_ROOT_DIR}` option) * Removed Dockerfile.staticbuild * Added new gitlab.ci jobs to test new style static build: - static_build_cmake_linux - static_build_cmake_osx_15 * Removed static_docker_build gitlab.ci job Closes #5095 Co-authored-by:
Yaroslav Dynnikov <yaroslav.dynnikov@gmail.com>
- Sep 14, 2020
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
Snapshot rows contain not real LSNs. Instead their LSNs are signatures, ordinal numbers. Rows in the snap have LSNs from 1 to the number of rows. This is because LSNs are not stored with every tuple in the storages, and there is no way to store real LSNs in the snapshot. These artificial LSNs broke the synchronous replication limbo. After snap recovery is done, limbo vclock was broken - it contained numbers not related to reality, and affected by rows from local spaces. Also the recovery could stuck because ACKs in the limbo stopped working after a first row - the vclock was set to the final signature right away. This patch makes all snapshot recovered rows async. Because they are confirmed by definition. So now the limbo is not involved into the snapshot recovery. Closes #5298
Alexander Turenko authored
Fixed formatting of reproduce files with recent pyyaml versions. Background: test-run generates so called reproduce files in the test/var/reproduce/ directory and accepts them as the argument of the --reproduce option. It is convenient to share a reproducer for a problem that appears when specific tests are run in a specific order. https://github.com/tarantool/test-run/pull/220
- Sep 13, 2020
Alexander Turenko authored
Copy working directories, logs and reproduce files of workers with failed tests to test/var/artifacts directory. It is prerequisite to expose the artifacts via CI. https://github.com/tarantool/test-run/issues/90
- Sep 12, 2020
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
During recovery WAL writes end immediately, without yields. Therefore WAL write completion callback is executed in the currently active fiber. Txn limbo on CONFIRM WAL write wakes up the waiting fiber, which appears to be the same as the active fiber during recovery. That breaks the fiber scheduler, because apparently it is not safe to wake the currently active fiber unless it is going to call fiber_yield() immediately after. See a comment in fiber_wakeup() implementation about that way of usage. The patch simply stops waking the waiting fiber, if it is the currently active one. Closes #5288 Closes #5232
- Sep 11, 2020
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
Found 2 issues on Debug build: [009] --- replication/status.result Fri Sep 11 10:04:53 2020 [009] +++ replication/status.reject Fri Sep 11 13:16:21 2020 [009] @@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ [009] ... [009] test_run:wait_downstream(replica_id, {status == 'follow'}) [009] --- [009] -- true [009] +- error: '[string "return test_run:wait_downstream(replica_id, {..."]:1: variable [009] + ''status'' is not declared' [009] ... [009] -- wait for the replication vclock [009] test_run:wait_cond(function() \ [009] @@ -226,7 +227,8 @@ [009] ... [009] test_run:wait_upstream(master_id, {status == 'follow'}) [009] --- [009] -- true [009] +- error: '[string "return test_run:wait_upstream(master_id, {sta..."]:1: variable [009] + ''status'' is not declared' [009] ... [009] master.upstream.lag < 1 [009] --- It happened because of the change introduced in commit [1]. Where mistakenly were used wait_upstream()/wait_downstream() with: test_run:wait_*stream(*_id, {status == 'follow'}) with status set using '==' instead of '='. We unable to read status variable when the strict mode is enabled. It is enabled by default on Debug builds. Follows up #5110 Closes #5297 Reviewed-by:
Alexander Turenko <alexander.turenko@tarantool.org> Co-authored-by:
Alexander Turenko <alexander.turenko@tarantool.org> [1] - a08b4f3a ("test: flaky replication/status.test.lua status")
Oleg Babin authored
This patch makes log.cfg{log = ...} behaviour the same as in box.cfg{log = ...} and fixes panic if "log" is incorrectly specified. For such purpose we export "say_parse_logger_type" function and use for logger type validation and logger type parsing. Closes #5130
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
Found leak issue: [001] +==41031==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks [001] + [001] +Direct leak of 96 byte(s) in 2 object(s) allocated from: [001] + #0 0x4d8e53 in __interceptor_malloc (/tnt/test/unit/swim.test+0x4d8e53) [001] + #1 0x53560f in crypto_codec_new /source/src/lib/crypto/crypto.c:239:51 [001] + #2 0x5299c4 in swim_scheduler_set_codec /source/src/lib/swim/swim_io.c:700:30 [001] + #3 0x511fe6 in swim_cluster_set_codec /source/test/unit/swim_test_utils.c:251:2 [001] + #4 0x50b3ae in swim_test_encryption /source/test/unit/swim.c:767:2 [001] + #5 0x50b3ae in main_f /source/test/unit/swim.c:1123 [001] + #6 0x544a3b in fiber_loop /source/src/lib/core/fiber.c:869:18 [001] + #7 0x5a13d0 in coro_init /source/third_party/coro/coro.c:110:3 [001] + [001] +SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 96 byte(s) leaked in 2 allocation(s). Prepared minimal issue reproducer: static void swim_test_encryption(void) { swim_start_test(3); struct swim_cluster *cluster = swim_cluster_new(2); swim_cluster_set_codec(cluster, CRYPTO_ALGO_AES128, CRYPTO_MODE_CBC, "1234567812345678", CRYPTO_AES128_KEY_SIZE); swim_cluster_delete(cluster); swim_finish_test(); } Found that memory allocation for codec creation at crypto_codec_new() using swim_cluster_set_codec() was not any freed at the test. Added crypto_codec_delete() in swim_scheduler_destroy() function for it. After this fix removed susspencion on memory leak for unit/swim.test. Closes #5283 Reviewed-by:
Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> Co-authored-by:
Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org>
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
On heavy loaded hosts found the following issue: box.cfg{replication_synchro_quorum = 2} | --- + | - error: '[string "test_run:wait_cond(function() ..."]:1: attempt to + | index field ''vclock'' (a nil value)' | ... The issue output was not correct due to wrong output list. Real command that caused the initial issue was the previous command: test_run:wait_cond(function() \ local info = box.info.replication[replica_id] \ local lsn = info.downstream.vclock[replica_id] \ return lsn and lsn >= replica_lsn \ end) It happened because replication vclock field was not exist at the moment of its check. To fix the issue, vclock field had to be waited to be available using test_run:wait_cond() routine. Closes #5230
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
On heavy loaded hosts found the following issue: [035] --- replication/wal_off.result Fri Jul 3 04:29:56 2020 [035] +++ replication/wal_off.reject Mon Sep 7 15:32:46 2020 [035] @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ [035] ... [035] while box.info.replication[wal_off_id].upstream.message ~= check do fiber.sleep(0) end [035] --- [035] +- error: '[string "while box.info.replication[wal_off_id].upstre..."]:1: attempt to [035] + index field ''upstream'' (a nil value)' [035] ... [035] box.info.replication[wal_off_id].upstream ~= nil [035] --- It happened because replication upstream status check occurred too early, when its state was not set. To give the replication status check routine ability to reach the needed 'stopped' state, it need to wait for it using test_run:wait_upstream() routine. Closes #5278
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
On heavy loaded hosts found the following 3 issues: line 174: [026] --- replication/status.result Thu Jun 11 12:07:39 2020 [026] +++ replication/status.reject Sun Jun 14 03:20:21 2020 [026] @@ -174,15 +174,17 @@ [026] ... [026] replica.downstream.status == 'follow' [026] --- [026] -- true [026] +- false [026] ... It happened because replication downstream status check occurred too early. To give the replication status check routine ability to reach the needed 'follow' state, it need to wait for it using test_run:wait_downstream() routine. line 178: [024] --- replication/status.result Mon Sep 7 00:22:52 2020 [024] +++ replication/status.reject Mon Sep 7 00:36:01 2020 [024] @@ -178,11 +178,13 @@ [024] ... [024] replica.downstream.vclock[master_id] == box.info.vclock[master_id] [024] --- [024] -- true [024] +- error: '[string "return replica.downstream.vclock[master_id] =..."]:1: attempt to [024] + index field ''vclock'' (a nil value)' [024] ... [024] replica.downstream.vclock[replica_id] == box.info.vclock[replica_id] [024] --- [024] -- true [024] +- error: '[string "return replica.downstream.vclock[replica_id] ..."]:1: attempt to [024] + index field ''vclock'' (a nil value)' [024] ... [024] -- [024] -- Replica It happened because replication vclock field was not exist at the moment of its check. To fix the issue, vclock field had to be waited to be available using test_run:wait_cond() routine. Also the replication data downstream had to be read at the same moment. line 224: [014] --- replication/status.result Fri Jul 3 04:29:56 2020 [014] +++ replication/status.reject Mon Sep 7 00:17:30 2020 [014] @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ [014] ... [014] master.upstream.status == "follow" [014] --- [014] -- true [014] +- false [014] ... [014] master.upstream.lag < 1 [014] --- It happened because replication upstream status check occurred too early. To give the replication status check routine ability to reach the needed 'follow' state, it need to wait for it using test_run:wait_upstream() routine. Removed test from 'fragile' test_run tool list to run it in parallel. Closes #5110