- Apr 20, 2020
Leonid Vasiliev authored
Errors are encoded as a string when serialized to MessagePack to be sent over IProto or when just saved into a buffer via Lua modules msgpackffi and msgpack. That is not very useful on client-side, because most of the error metadata is lost: code, type, trace - everything except the message. Next commits are going to dedicate a new MP_EXT type to error objects so as everything could be encoded, and on client side it would be possible to restore types. But this is a breaking change in case some users use old connectors when work with newer Tarantool instances. So to smooth the upgrade there is a new session setting - 'error_marshaling_enabled'. By default it is false. When it is true, all fibers of the given session will serialize error objects as MP_EXT. Co-authored-by:
Vladislav <Shpilevoy<v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> Needed for #4398
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
Session settings are stored in a monolithic array. Submodules can define a range of settings in there. For example, SQL. It occupies settings from 0 to 8. There is a second array of only SQL settings in build.c, of the same size, and it uses the same indexes. But if something will be added before SQL settings, so as they won't start from 0, it will break the equal indexes assumption. SQL should normalize all setting identifiers by SESSION_SETTING_SQL_BEGIN.
Leonid Vasiliev authored
Vladislav <Shpilevoy<v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> Part of #4398 @TarantoolBot document Title: Custom error types for Lua errors Errors can be created in 2 ways: `box.error.new()` and `box.error()`. Both used to take either `code, reason, <reason string args>` or `{code = code, reason = reason, ...}` arguments. Now in the first option instead of code a user can specify a string as its own error type. In the second option a user can specify both code and type. For example: ```Lua box.error('MyErrorType', 'Message') box.error({type = 'MyErrorType', code = 1024, reason = 'Message'}) ``` Or no-throw version: ```Lua box.error.new('MyErrorType', 'Message') box.error.new({type = 'MyErrorType', code = 1024, reason = 'Message'}) ``` When a custom type is specified, it is shown in `err.type` attribute. When it is not specified, `err.type` shows one of built-in errors such as 'ClientError', 'OurOfMemory', etc. Name length limit on the custom type is 63 bytes. All what is longer is truncated. Original error type can be checked using `err.base_type` member, although normally it should not be used. For user-defined types base type is 'CustomError'. For example: ``` tarantool> e = box.error.new({type = 'MyErrorType', code = 1024, reason = 'Message'}) --- ... tarantool> e:unpack() --- - code: 1024 trace: - file: '[string "e = box.error.new({type = ''MyErrorType'', code..."]' line: 1 type: MyErrorType custom_type: MyErrorType message: Message base_type: CustomError ... ```
Alexander Turenko authored
As stated in the 'OS/X AND DARWIN BUGS' section of the libev documentation [1], kqueue() and poll() have known problems on Mac OS, so the library uses select() on Mac OS (it is the build time default). The library however uses the trick to overcome 1024 fds limit: libev sets the undocumented macro _DARWIN_UNLIMITED_SELECT, which enables linking against select() implementation without the limit. The magic macro stops working at some point around Mac OS 10.10 (see [2]), because it was defined after <sys/time.h> inclusion. For recent Mac OS versions the macro has effect only when it is defined before <sys/time.h> inclusion. The macro definition was [moved][3] in libev 4.25. Excerpt from the changelog [4]: | 4.25 Fri Dec 21 07:49:20 CET 2018 | <...> | - move the darwin select workaround higher in ev.c, as newer versions of | darwin managed to break their broken select even more. More proper fix would be updating of libev to a newer version, however I would postpone it until a moment when we'll have a time to properly test everything with a new version of the library. [1]: http://pod.tst.eu/http://cvs.schmorp.de/libev/ev.pod#OS_X_AND_DARWIN_BUGS [2]: http://lists.schmorp.de/pipermail/libev/2018q2/002788.html [3]: http://cvs.schmorp.de/libev/ev.c?r1=1.482&r2=1.483 [4]: http://cvs.schmorp.de/libev/Changes?view=markup Fixes #3867 Fixes #4673 Investigated-by:
Maria Khaydich <maria.khaydich@tarantool.org> Co-authored-by:
Maria Khaydich <maria.khaydich@tarantool.org>
Alexander Turenko authored
Fixes #4031 Co-developed-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com> Co-developed-by:
Igor Munkin <imun@tarantool.org> Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com> Reviewed-by:
Igor Munkin <imun@tarantool.org> @TarantoolBot document Title: popen module ``` Overview ======== Tarantool supports execution of external programs similarly to well known Python's `subprocess` or Ruby's `Open3`. Note though the `popen` module does not match one to one to the helpers these languages provide and provides only basic functions. The popen object creation is implemented via `vfork()` system call which means the caller thread is blocked until execution of a child process begins. Module functions ================ The `popen` module provides two functions to create that named popen object: `popen.shell` which is the similar to libc `popen` syscall and `popen.new` to create popen object with more specific options. `popen.shell(command[, mode]) -> handle, err` --------------------------------------------- Execute a shell command. @param command a command to run, mandatory @param mode communication mode, optional 'w' to use ph:write() 'r' to use ph:read() 'R' to use ph:read({stderr = true}) nil inherit parent's std* file descriptors Several mode characters can be set together: 'rw', 'rRw', etc. This function is just shortcut for popen.new({command}, opts) with opts.{shell,setsid,group_signal} set to `true` and and opts.{stdin,stdout,stderr} set based on `mode` parameter. All std* streams are inherited from parent by default if it is not changed using mode: 'r' for stdout, 'R' for stderr, 'w' for stdin. Raise an error on incorrect parameters: - IllegalParams: incorrect type or value of a parameter. Return a popen handle on success. Return `nil, err` on a failure. @see popen.new() for possible reasons. Example: | local popen = require('popen') | | -- Run the program and save its handle. | local ph = popen.shell('date', 'r') | | -- Read program's output, strip trailing newline. | local date = ph:read():rstrip() | | -- Free resources. The process is killed (but 'date' | -- exits itself anyway). | ph:close() | | print(date) Execute 'sh -c date' command, read the output and close the popen object. Unix defines a text file as a sequence of lines, each ends with the newline symbol. The same convention is usually applied for a text output of a command (so when it is redirected to a file, the file will be correct). However internally an application usually operates on strings, which are NOT newline terminated (e.g. literals for error messages). The newline is usually added right before a string is written to the outside world (stdout, console or log). :rstrip() in the example above is shown for this sake. `popen.new(argv[, opts]) -> handle, err` ---------------------------------------- Execute a child program in a new process. @param argv an array of a program to run with command line options, mandatory; absolute path to the program is required when @a opts.shell is false (default) @param opts table of options @param opts.stdin action on STDIN_FILENO @param opts.stdout action on STDOUT_FILENO @param opts.stderr action on STDERR_FILENO File descriptor actions: popen.opts.INHERIT (== 'inherit') [default] inherit the fd from the parent popen.opts.DEVNULL (== 'devnull') open /dev/null on the fd popen.opts.CLOSE (== 'close') close the fd popen.opts.PIPE (== 'pipe') feed data from/to the fd to parent using a pipe @param opts.env a table of environment variables to be used inside a process; key is a variable name, value is a variable value. - when is not set then the current environment is inherited; - if set to an empty table then the environment will be dropped - if set then the environment will be replaced @param opts.shell (boolean, default: false) true run a child process via 'sh -c "${opts.argv}"' false call the executable directly @param opts.setsid (boolean, default: false) true run the program in a new session false run the program in the tarantool instance's session and process group @param opts.close_fds (boolean, default: true) true close all inherited fds from a parent false don't do that @param opts.restore_signals (boolean, default: true) true reset all signal actions modified in parent's process false inherit changed actions @param opts.group_signal (boolean, default: false) true send signal to a child process group (only when opts.setsid is enabled) false send signal to a child process only @param opts.keep_child (boolean, default: false) true don't send SIGKILL to a child process at freeing (by :close() or Lua GC) false send SIGKILL to a child process (or a process group if opts.group_signal is enabled) at :close() or collecting of the handle by Lua GC The returned handle provides :close() method to explicitly release all occupied resources (including the child process itself if @a opts.keep_child is not set). However if the method is not called for a handle during its lifetime, the same freeing actions will be triggered by Lua GC. It is recommended to use opts.setsid + opts.group_signal if a child process may spawn its own childs and they all should be killed together. Note: A signal will not be sent if the child process is already dead: otherwise we might kill another process that occupies the same PID later. This means that if the child process dies before its own childs, the function will not send a signal to the process group even when opts.setsid and opts.group_signal are set. Use os.environ() to pass copy of current environment with several replacements (see example 2 below). Raise an error on incorrect parameters: - IllegalParams: incorrect type or value of a parameter. - IllegalParams: group signal is set, while setsid is not. Return a popen handle on success. Return `nil, err` on a failure. Possible reasons: - SystemError: dup(), fcntl(), pipe(), vfork() or close() fails in the parent process. - SystemError: (temporary restriction) the parent process has closed stdin, stdout or stderr. - OutOfMemory: unable to allocate the handle or a temporary buffer. Example 1: | local popen = require('popen') | | local ph = popen.new({'/bin/date'}, { | stdout = popen.opts.PIPE, | }) | local date = ph:read():rstrip() | ph:close() | print(date) -- Thu 16 Apr 2020 01:40:56 AM MSK Execute 'date' command, read the result and close the popen object. Example 2: | local popen = require('popen') | | local env = os.environ() | env['FOO'] = 'bar' | | local ph = popen.new({'echo "${FOO}"'}, { | stdout = popen.opts.PIPE, | shell = true, | env = env, | }) | local res = ph:read():rstrip() | ph:close() | print(res) -- bar It is quite similar to the previous one, but sets the environment variable and uses shell builtin 'echo' to show it. Example 3: | local popen = require('popen') | | local ph = popen.new({'echo hello >&2'}, { -- !! | stderr = popen.opts.PIPE, -- !! | shell = true, | }) | local res = ph:read({stderr = true}):rstrip() | ph:close() | print(res) -- hello This example demonstrates how to capture child's stderr. Example 4: | local function call_jq(input, filter) | -- Start jq process, connect to stdin, stdout and stderr. | local jq_argv = {'/usr/bin/jq', '-M', '--unbuffered', filter} | local ph, err = popen.new(jq_argv, { | stdin = popen.opts.PIPE, | stdout = popen.opts.PIPE, | stderr = popen.opts.PIPE, | }) | if ph == nil then return nil, err end | | -- Write input data to child's stdin and send EOF. | local ok, err = ph:write(input) | if not ok then return nil, err end | ph:shutdown({stdin = true}) | | -- Read everything until EOF. | local chunks = {} | while true do | local chunk, err = ph:read() | if chunk == nil then | ph:close() | return nil, err | end | if chunk == '' then break end -- EOF | table.insert(chunks, chunk) | end | | -- Read diagnostics from stderr if any. | local err = ph:read({stderr = true}) | if err ~= '' then | ph:close() | return nil, err | end | | -- Glue all chunks, strip trailing newline. | return table.concat(chunks):rstrip() | end Demonstrates how to run a stream program (like `grep`, `sed` and so), write to its stdin and read from its stdout. The example assumes that input data are small enough to fit a pipe buffer (typically 64 KiB, but depends on a platform and its configuration). It will stuck in :write() for large data. How to handle this case: call :read() in a loop in another fiber (start it before a first :write()). If a process writes large text to stderr, it may fill out stderr pipe buffer and stuck in write(2, ...). So we need to read stderr in a separate fiber to handle this case. Handle methods ============== `popen_handle:read([opts]) -> str, err` --------------------------------------- Read data from a child peer. @param handle handle of a child process @param opts an options table @param opts.stdout whether to read from stdout, boolean (default: true) @param opts.stderr whether to read from stderr, boolean (default: false) @param opts.timeout time quota in seconds (default: 100 years) Read data from stdout or stderr streams with @a timeout. By default it reads from stdout. Set @a opts.stderr to `true` to read from stderr. It is not possible to read from stdout and stderr both in one call. Set either @a opts.stdout or @a opts.stderr. Raise an error on incorrect parameters or when the fiber is cancelled: - IllegalParams: incorrect type or value of a parameter. - IllegalParams: called on a closed handle. - IllegalParams: opts.stdout and opts.stderr are set both - IllegalParams: a requested IO operation is not supported by the handle (stdout / stderr is not piped). - IllegalParams: attempt to operate on a closed file descriptor. - FiberIsCancelled: cancelled by an outside code. Return a string on success, an empty string at EOF. Return `nil, err` on a failure. Possible reasons: - SocketError: an IO error occurs at read(). - TimedOut: @a timeout quota is exceeded. - OutOfMemory: no memory space for a buffer to read into. - LuajitError: ("not enough memory"): no memory space for the Lua string. `popen_handle:write(str[, opts]) -> str, err` --------------------------------------------- Write data to a child peer. @param handle a handle of a child process @param str a string to write @param opts table of options @param opts.timeout time quota in seconds (default: 100 years) Write string @a str to stdin stream of a child process. The function may yield forever if a child process does not read data from stdin and a pipe buffer becomes full. Size of this buffer depends on a platform. Use @a opts.timeout when unsure. When @a opts.timeout is not set, the function blocks (yields the fiber) until all data is written or an error happened. Raise an error on incorrect parameters or when the fiber is cancelled: - IllegalParams: incorrect type or value of a parameter. - IllegalParams: called on a closed handle. - IllegalParams: string length is greater then SSIZE_MAX. - IllegalParams: a requested IO operation is not supported by the handle (stdin is not piped). - IllegalParams: attempt to operate on a closed file descriptor. - FiberIsCancelled: cancelled by an outside code. Return `true` on success. Return `nil, err` on a failure. Possible reasons: - SocketError: an IO error occurs at write(). - TimedOut: @a timeout quota is exceeded. `popen_handle:shutdown(opts) -> true` ------------------------------------------ Close parent's ends of std* fds. @param handle handle of a child process @param opts an options table @param opts.stdin close parent's end of stdin, boolean @param opts.stdout close parent's end of stdout, boolean @param opts.stderr close parent's end of stderr, boolean The main reason to use this function is to send EOF to child's stdin. However parent's end of stdout / stderr may be closed too. The function does not fail on already closed fds (idempotence). However it fails on attempt to close the end of a pipe that was never exist. In other words, only those std* options that were set to popen.opts.PIPE at a handle creation may be used here (for popen.shell: 'r' corresponds to stdout, 'R' to stderr and 'w' to stdin). The function does not close any fds on a failure: either all requested fds are closed or neither of them. Example: | local popen = require('popen') | | local ph = popen.shell('sed s/foo/bar/', 'rw') | ph:write('lorem foo ipsum') | ph:shutdown({stdin = true}) | local res = ph:read() | ph:close() | print(res) -- lorem bar ipsum Raise an error on incorrect parameters: - IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter. - IllegalParams: called on a closed handle. - IllegalParams: neither stdin, stdout nor stderr is choosen. - IllegalParams: a requested IO operation is not supported by the handle (one of std* is not piped). Return `true` on success. `popen_handle:terminate() -> ok, err` ------------------------------------- Send SIGTERM signal to a child process. @param handle a handle carries child process to terminate The function only sends SIGTERM signal and does NOT free any resources (popen handle memory and file descriptors). @see popen_handle:signal() for errors and return values. `popen_handle:kill() -> ok, err` -------------------------------- Send SIGKILL signal to a child process. @param handle a handle carries child process to kill The function only sends SIGKILL signal and does NOT free any resources (popen handle memory and file descriptors). @see popen_handle:signal() for errors and return values. `popen_handle:signal(signo) -> ok, err` --------------------------------------- Send signal to a child process. @param handle a handle carries child process to be signaled @param signo signal number to send When opts.setsid and opts.group_signal are set on the handle the signal is sent to the process group rather than to the process. @see popen.new() for details about group signaling. Note: The module offers popen.signal.SIG* constants, because some signals have different numbers on different platforms. Raise an error on incorrect parameters: - IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter. - IllegalParams: called on a closed handle. Return `true` if signal is sent. Return `nil, err` on a failure. Possible reasons: - SystemError: a process does not exists anymore Aside of a non-exist process it is also returned for a zombie process or when all processes in a group are zombies (but see note re Mac OS below). - SystemError: invalid signal number - SystemError: no permission to send a signal to a process or a process group It is returned on Mac OS when a signal is sent to a process group, where a group leader is zombie (or when all processes in it are zombies, don't sure). Whether it may appear due to other reasons is unclear. `popen_handle:info() -> res` ---------------------------- Return information about popen handle. @param handle a handle of a child process Raise an error on incorrect parameters: - IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter. - IllegalParams: called on a closed handle. Return information about the handle in the following format: { pid = <number> or <nil>, command = <string>, opts = <table>, status = <table>, stdin = one-of( popen.stream.OPEN (== 'open'), popen.stream.CLOSED (== 'closed'), nil, ), stdout = one-of( popen.stream.OPEN (== 'open'), popen.stream.CLOSED (== 'closed'), nil, ), stderr = one-of( popen.stream.OPEN (== 'open'), popen.stream.CLOSED (== 'closed'), nil, ), } `pid` is a process id of the process when it is alive, otherwise `pid` is nil. `command` is a concatenation of space separated arguments that were passed to execve(). Multiword arguments are quoted. Quotes inside arguments are not escaped. `opts` is a table of handle options in the format of popen.new() `opts` parameter. `opts.env` is not shown here, because the environment variables map is not stored in a handle. `status` is a table that represents a process status in the following format: { state = one-of( popen.state.ALIVE (== 'alive'), popen.state.EXITED (== 'exited'), popen.state.SIGNALED (== 'signaled'), ) -- Present when `state` is 'exited'. exit_code = <number>, -- Present when `state` is 'signaled'. signo = <number>, signame = <string>, } `stdin`, `stdout`, `stderr` reflect status of parent's end of a piped stream. When a stream is not piped the field is not present (`nil`). When it is piped, the status may be one of the following: - popen.stream.OPEN (== 'open') - popen.stream.CLOSED (== 'closed') The status may be changed from 'open' to 'closed' by :shutdown({std... = true}) call. Example 1 (tarantool console): | tarantool> require('popen').new({'/usr/bin/touch', '/tmp/foo'}) | --- | - command: /usr/bin/touch /tmp/foo | status: | state: alive | opts: | stdout: inherit | stdin: inherit | group_signal: false | keep_child: false | close_fds: true | restore_signals: true | shell: false | setsid: false | stderr: inherit | pid: 9499 | ... Example 2 (tarantool console): | tarantool> require('popen').shell('grep foo', 'wrR') | --- | - stdout: open | command: sh -c 'grep foo' | stderr: open | status: | state: alive | stdin: open | opts: | stdout: pipe | stdin: pipe | group_signal: true | keep_child: false | close_fds: true | restore_signals: true | shell: true | setsid: true | stderr: pipe | pid: 10497 | ... `popen_handle:wait() -> res` ---------------------------- Wait until a child process get exited or signaled. @param handle a handle of process to wait Raise an error on incorrect parameters or when the fiber is cancelled: - IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter. - IllegalParams: called on a closed handle. - FiberIsCancelled: cancelled by an outside code. Return a process status table (the same as ph.status and ph.info().status). @see popen_handle:info() for the format of the table. `popen_handle:close() -> ok, err` --------------------------------- Close a popen handle. @param handle a handle to close Basically it kills a process using SIGKILL and releases all resources assosiated with the popen handle. Details about signaling: - The signal is sent only when opts.keep_child is not set. - The signal is sent only when a process is alive according to the information available on current even loop iteration. (There is a gap here: a zombie may be signaled; it is harmless.) - The signal is sent to a process or a grocess group depending of opts.group_signal. (@see lbox_popen_new() for details of group signaling). Resources are released disregarding of whether a signal sending succeeds: fds are closed, memory is released, the handle is marked as closed. No operation is possible on a closed handle except :close(), which always successful on closed handle (idempotence). Raise an error on incorrect parameters: - IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter. The function may return `true` or `nil, err`, but it always frees the handle resources. So any return value usually means success for a caller. The return values are purely informational: it is for logging or same kind of reporting. Possible diagnostics (don't consider them as errors): - SystemError: no permission to send a signal to a process or a process group This diagnostics may appear due to Mac OS behaviour on zombies when opts.group_signal is set, @see lbox_popen_signal(). Whether it may appear due to other reasons is unclear. Always return `true` when a process is known as dead (say, after ph:wait()): no signal will be send, so no 'failure' may appear. Handle fields ============= - popen_handle.pid - popen_handle.command - popen_handle.opts - popen_handle.status - popen_handle.stdin - popen_handle.stdout - popen_handle.stderr See popen_handle:info() for description of those fields. Module constants ================ - popen.opts - INHERIT (== 'inherit') - DEVNULL (== 'devnull') - CLOSE (== 'close') - PIPE (== 'pipe') - popen.signal - SIGTERM (== 9) - SIGKILL (== 15) - ... - popen.state - ALIVE (== 'alive') - EXITED (== 'exited') - SIGNALED (== 'signaled') - popen.stream - OPEN (== 'open') - CLOSED (== 'closed') ``` (cherry picked from commit 34c2789b48eadd36da742f7f761a998889e70544)
Alexander Turenko authored
The function still set a diagnostics when a signal sending fails and returns -1, but it is purely informational result: for logging or so. It reflects notes about dealing with failures in Linux's `man 2 close`: | Note, however, that a failure return should be used only for | diagnostic purposes <...> or remedial purposes <...>. | | <...> Linux kernel always releases the file descriptor early in the | close operation, freeing it for reuse; the steps that may return an | error <...> occur only later in the close operation. | | Many other implementations similarly always close the file descriptor | <...> even if they subsequently report an error on return from | close(). POSIX.1 is currently silent on this point, but there are | plans to mandate this behavior in the next major release of the | standard. When kill or killpg returns EPERM a caller usually unable to overcome it somehow: retrying is not sufficient here. So there are no needs to keep the handle: a caller refuses the handle and don't want to perform any other operation on it. The open engine do its best to kill a child process or a process group, but when it is not possible, just set the a diagnostic and free handle resources anyway. Left comments about observed Mac OS behaviour regarding killing a process group, where all processes are zombies (or just when a process group leader is zombie, don't sure): it gives EPERM instead of ESRCH from killpg(). This result should not surprise a user, so it should be documented. See [1] for another description of the problem (I don't find any official information about this). [1]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1329528 Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com> (cherry picked from commit 56a8c346ecb0581300a63c6e677d8a4672ff1f95)
Alexander Turenko authored
After 2.2.0-633-gaa0964ae1 ('net.box: fix schema fetching from 1.10/2.1 servers') net.box expects that _vcollation system view exists on a tarantool server of 2.2.1+ version. This is however not always so: a server may be run on a new version of tarantool, but work on a schema of an old version. The situation with non last schema is usual for replication cluster in process of upgrading: all instances run on the new version of tarantool first (no auto-upgrade is performed by tarantools in a cluster). Then box.schema.upgrade() should be called, but the instances should be operable even before the call. Before the commit net.box was unable to connect a server if it is run on a schema without _vcollation system view (say, 2.1.3), but the server executable is of 2.2.1 version or newer. Note: I trim tests from the commit to polish them a bit more, but include the fix itself to 2.4.1 release. Follows up #4307 Fixes #4691
Igor Munkin authored
This changeset makes possible to run luajit-tap tests requiring libraries implemented in C: * symlink to luajit test is created on configuration phase instead of build one. * introduced a CMake function for building shared libraries required for luajit tests. Furthermore this commit enables CMake build for the following luajit-tap tests: * gh-4427-ffi-sandwich * lj-flush-on-trace Reviewed-by:
Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> Reviewed-by:
Sergey Ostanevich <sergos@tarantool.org> Signed-off-by:
Igor Munkin <imun@tarantool.org>
Kirill Yukhin authored
- jit: abort trace execution on JIT mode change - jit: abort trace recording and execution for C API Reviewed-by:
Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> Signed-off-by:
Igor Munkin <imun@tarantool.org>
- Apr 18, 2020
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
Found that some package builds failed on the mistake in CMakeLists.txt file, the failed packages and test builds were: - CentOS 6 - CentOS 7 - Ubuntu 14.04 and static build based on Dockerfile. The core of the issue is that CMake 2 does not support line continuation with backslash. The commit fixes the regression from 7b443650 ('feedback: add cmake option to disable the daemon'). Follow up #3308
- Apr 17, 2020
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
There is a complaint that the feedback daemon is a 'spying' tool and because of that can't be used on Gentoo. Its default disabled option also is not acceptable, the daemon should be eliminated completely. The patch introduces cmake option ENABLE_FEEDBACK_DAEMON. It is ON by default. When set to OFF, all feedback daemon's code is not included into the binary, its configuration options disappear. Closes #3308
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
box.cfg() works in two stages, when called first time - boot the instance using box_cfg() C++ function, and then configure it. During booting all non-dynamic parameters are read. Dynamic are configured mostly afterwards. Normally there should be a yield between box_cfg() C++ call and dynamic parameters configuration. It is used by box.ctl.wait_ro() and box.ctl.wait_rw() Lua calls to catch the instance in read-only state always before read-write state. In theory a user should be able to call box.ctl.wait_ro() and box.ctl.wait_rw() in one fiber, box.cfg() in another, and these waits would be unblocked one after another. It works fine now, but only because of, surprisingly, the feedback daemon. The daemon creates a yield after C++ box_cfg() is finished, but dynamic parameters are still being applied in load_cfg.lua. That gives time to catch box.ctl.wait_ro() event. The thing is that dynamic parameters configuration includes the daemon's options too. When 'feedback_enable' option is installed to true, the daemon is started using fiber.create(). That creates a yield, and gives time to box.ctl.wait_ro() fibers to handle the event. When the daemon is disabled or removed, like it is going to happen in #3308, this trick does not work, and box.ctl.wait_ro() started before box.cfg() is never triggered. It could be tested on app-tap/cfg.test.lua with box.cfg{} changed to box.cfg{feedback_enabled = false} Then the test would hang. A test is not patched here, because the feedback is going to be optionally removed in a next commit, and the test would become flaky depending on build options. Needed for #3308
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
Feedback daemon's code was located in two files: box/lua/feedback_daemon.lua and box/lua/schema.lua. That makes it harder to eliminate the daemon at cmake configuration time. Now all its code is in one place, in feedback_daemon.lua. Disable of the daemon's code now is a matter of excluding the Lua file from source code. Part of #3308
Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
Box built-in modules, such as session, tuple, schema, etc, were loaded using luaL_loadbuffer() + lua_call(). Error of the former call was handled properly with a panic message describing the problem. But if lua_call() failed, it resulted into 'unknown exception' in main.cc. Not very helpful. Now it is lua_pcall(), and the error message is included into the panic() message. That helps in debug, when something is being changed in the box modules.
Alexander Turenko authored
On Linux x86_64 `ssize_t` is 64 bit, while `int` is 32 bit wide (at least typically). Let's return `ssize_t` from popen_write_timeout() to prevent data loss. Part of #4031 Reported-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com> Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
It was easy to misinterpret popen_may_io() contract. In fact, I made this mistake recently and want to clarify how the function should be called. Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
The function popen_shutdown() checks whether std{in,out,err} was piped and closes the parent's end. A user should have ability to send EOF for child's stdin for stream programs like `grep`. It is better when there is a function that encapsulates proper checks, error messages and the actual actions. This commit in particular reverts 1ef95b99 ('popen: remove redundant fd check before perform IO'), because now the check is meaningful: an fd may become closed before the whole popen handle will be deleted. Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
Popen backend errors should be meaningful for a user of the popen Lua API, because otherwise we'll need to map backend errors into Lua API errors. Those particular failures can't appear when the functions are called from the Lua API, but it is good to keep all error messages in one style. Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
Even when ..._SETSID and ..._GROUP_SIGNAL are set, we unable to safely kill a process group after the child process we spawned becomes died. So we don't do that. The behaviour seems to be indefeasible part of Unix process group design. The best that we can do here is describe those details in the documentation comment. NB: It seems that pid namespaces allow to overcome this problem, however it is the Linux specific feature, so we unlikely will use them. Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
It is convenient to have a formal description of an API during development and when writing a documentation. I plan to use those contracts when I will write an API description for the future popen Lua module. Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
fcntl(2) lists flags that can be set using F_SETFL: O_CLOEXEC is not included there. F_SETFD should be used to set close-on-exec. Parent's end of pipes are closed explicitly in a child process anyway. However this change fixes closing of the copy of a logger fd. See commit 07a07b3c ('popen: decouple logger fd from stderr') for more information why this file descriptor was introduced. Part of #4031. Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
For debugging purposes. Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
Of course it is still not fair shell-style quoting: at least we should also escape quotes inside arguments. But it gives correct output for most of typical commands and has straightforward implementation. Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
The change 'popen: require popen handle to be non-NULL' makes popen_stat() function always successful. There is no reason to return a success / failure result. See the previous similar patch: 'popen: remove retval from popen_state()'. Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
See the previous similar commits: * popen: add missed diag_set() in popen IO functions * popen: add missed diag_set in popen_signal/delete Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Alexander Turenko authored
This information may be useful for debuggging. Part of #4031 Acked-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Cyrill Gorcunov authored
Currently popen_delete kills all children process. Moreover we use popen_delete on tarantool exit. Alexander pointed out that keep children running even if tarantool is exited is still needed. Part of #4031 Reported-by:
Alexander Turenko <alexander.turenko@tarantool.org> Acked-by:
Alexander Turenko <alexander.turenko@tarantool.org> Signed-off-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
Cyrill Gorcunov authored
As Alexander pointed out this might be useful for running a pipe of programs inside shell (i.e. popen.shell('foo | bar | baz', 'r')). Part of #4031 Reported-by:
Alexander Turenko <alexander.turenko@tarantool.org> Acked-by:
Alexander Turenko <alexander.turenko@tarantool.org> Signed-off-by:
Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
- Apr 16, 2020
Mergen Imeev authored
Before this patch, if an ephemeral space was used during INSERT or REPLACE, the inserted values were sorted by the first column, since this was the first part of the index. This can lead to an error when using the AUTOINCREMENT feature, since changing the order of the inserted value can change the value inserted instead of NULL. To avoid this, the patch makes the rowid of the inserted row in the ephemeral space the only part of the ephemeral space index. Closes #4256
Mergen Imeev authored
This patch specifies field types in ephemeral space format in SQL. Prior to this patch, all fields had a SCALAR field type. This patch allows us to not use the primary index to obtain field types, since now the ephemeral space has field types in the format. This allows us to change the structure of the primary index, which helps to solve the issue #4256. In addition, since we can now set the field types of the ephemeral space, we can use this feature to set the field types according to the left value of the IN operator. This will fix issue #4692. Needed for #4256 Needed for #4692 Closes #3841
Mergen Imeev authored
This patch allows to set field types and names in ephemeral space formats. Needed for #4256 Needed for #4692 Part of #3841
Serge Petrenko authored
relay_schedule_pending_gc() is executed after relay status update, which made perfect sense before we've introduced local spaces rework, making local space operations use a special instance id: 0. Relay status update is performed only when the remote instance has reported a bigger vclock, than its previous one. However, we may have an entire WAL file filled with local space changes, in which case the changes won't be transmitted to replica, and it will report the same vclock as before, postponing the scheduled gc until a non-local row is created on master. Fix this by reordering relay_schedule_pending_gc() and relay status update. In case nothing new is added to pending_gc queue and replica clock is not updated, relay_schedule_pending_gc() will exit on the first loop iteration, so it doesn't add an overhead. Also make relay_schedule_pending_gc() use vclock_compare_ignore0() instead of plain vclock_compare(). Follow-up #4114
- Apr 15, 2020
Mergen Imeev authored
Prior to this patch, due to the absence of the '\0' character at the end of the BLOB, it was possible to get an error or incorrect result when using CAST() from BLOB to INTEGER or UNSIGNED. This has now been fixed, but the maximum length of a BLOB that could be cast to INTEGER or UNSIGNED was limited to 12287 bytes. Examples of wrong CAST() from BLOB to INTEGER: CREATE TABLE t (i INT PRIMARY KEY, a VARBINARY, b INT, c INT); INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, X'33', 0x33, 0x00), (2, X'34', 0x41, 0); Example of wrong result: SELECT CAST(a AS INTEGER) FROM t WHERE i = 1; Result: 33 Example of error during CAST(): SELECT CAST(a AS INTEGER) FROM t WHERE i = 2; Result: 'Type mismatch: can not convert varbinary to integer' Closes #4766
Mergen Imeev authored
Prior to this patch, STRING, which contains the DOUBLE value, could be implicitly cast to INTEGER. This was done by converting STRING to DOUBLE and then converting this DOUBLE value to INTEGER. This may affect the accuracy of CAST(), so it was forbidden. It is worth noting that these changes will not affect the comparison, since the implicit cast in this case has different mechanics. Example: box.execute("CREATE TABLE t(i INT PRIMARY KEY);") Before patch: box.execute("INSERT INTO t VALUES ('111.1');") box.execute("SELECT * FROM t;") Result: 111 After patch: box.execute("INSERT INTO t VALUES ('1.1');") Result: 'Type mismatch: can not convert 1.1 to integer' box.execute("INSERT INTO t VALUES ('1.0');") Result: 'Type mismatch: can not convert 1.0 to integer' box.execute("INSERT INTO t VALUES ('1.');") Result: 'Type mismatch: can not convert 1. to integer' @TarantoolBot document Title: disallow cast from STRING contains DOUBLE to INTEGER After the last two patches, explicit and implicit casting from the string containing DOUBLE to INTEGER directly will be prohibited. The user must use the explicit cast to DOUBLE before the explicit or implicit cast to INTEGER. The reason for this is that before these patches, such STRINGs were implicitly cast to DOUBLE, and then this DOUBLE was implicitly or explicitly cast to INTEGER. Because of this, the result of such a cast may differ from what the user expects, and the user may not know why. It is worth noting that these changes will not affect the comparison, since the implicit cast in this case has different mechanics. Example for implicit cast: box.execute("CREATE TABLE t(i INT PRIMARY KEY);") -- Does not work anymore: box.execute("INSERT INTO t VALUES ('1.1');") -- Right way: box.execute("INSERT INTO t VALUES (CAST('1.1' AS DOUBLE));") Example for explicit cast: -- Does not work anymore: box.execute("SELECT CAST('1.1' AS INTEGER);") -- Right way: box.execute("SELECT CAST(CAST('1.1' AS DOUBLE) AS INTEGER);")
Mergen Imeev authored
Prior to this patch, STRING, which contains the DOUBLE value, could be cast to INTEGER. This was done by converting STRING to DOUBLE and then converting this DOUBLE value to INTEGER. This may affect the accuracy of CAST(), so it was forbidden. Before patch: box.execute("SELECT CAST('111.1' as INTEGER);") Result: 111 After patch: box.execute("SELECT CAST('1.1' as INTEGER);") Result: 'Type mismatch: can not convert 1.1 to integer' box.execute("SELECT CAST('1.0' as INTEGER);") Result: 'Type mismatch: can not convert 1.0 to integer' box.execute("SELECT CAST('1.' as INTEGER);") Result: 'Type mismatch: can not convert 1. to integer'
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
Moved sources tarball creation from travis-ci to gitlab-ci, moved its jobs for sources packing and sources deploying. Close #4895
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
Divided into tests: - box/ddl_alter.test.lua - box/ddl_collation.test.lua - box/ddl_collation_types.test.lua - box/ddl_collation_wrong_id.test.lua - box/ddl_no_collation.test.lua - box/ddl_parallel.test.lua - box/ddl_tuple.test.lua - box/gh-2336-ddl_call_twice.test.lua - box/gh-2783-ddl_lock.test.lua - box/gh-2839-ddl_custom_fields.test.lua - box/gh-2937-ddl_collation_field_def.test.lua - box/gh-3290-ddl_collation_deleted.test.lua - box/gh-928-ddl_truncate.test.lua
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
Removed Ubuntu 19.04 Disco from testing which is EOL. Close #4896
Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
Added ability to remove given in options package from S3. TO remove the needed package need to set '-r=<package name with version>' option, like: ./tools/update_repo.sh -o=<OS> -d=<DIST> -b=<S3 repo> \ -r=tarantool- it will remove all found appropriate source and binaries packages from the given S3 repository, also the meta files will be corrected there. Close #4839
Alexander.V Tikhonov authored
Added instructions on 'product' option with examples. Part of #4839