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  1. Dec 10, 2021
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      cmake: embed lua-zlib in static build · 78ac485a
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      This is needed to embed luarocks in static build.
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      cmake: factor out FindZLIB · 4bd44330
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      Zlib is used in OpenSSL and in libCURL. Besides, we will need it for
      lua-zlib. So better define FindZLIB.
      Note, `add_library(ZLIB::ZLIB UNKNOWN IMPORTED)` and setting the
      corresponding properties in FindZLIB.cmake is needed to build libcurl,
      which depends on zlib.
  2. Dec 09, 2021
  3. Dec 08, 2021
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      test: fix flaky read_only_reason test · e7f1e2fe
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      This is a second attempt to stabilize #5568 test since
      5105c2d7 ("test: fix flaky
      read_only_reason test").
      It had several failures with various frequency.
      * test_read_only_reason_synchro() could see ro_reason as nil even
        after box.error.READONLY was raised (and some yields passed);
      * test_read_only_reason_orphan() could do the same;
      * `box.ctl.demote()` could raise error "box.ctl.demote does not
        support simultaneous invocations".
      The orphan failure couldn't be reproduced. It was caught only
      locally, so maybe it was just some unnoticed diff breaking the
      Failure of test_read_only_reason_synchro() could happen when
      demote() was called in a previous test case, then the current test
      case called promote(), then got box.error.READONLY on the replica,
      then that old demote() was delivered to replica, and the attempt
      to get ro_reason returned nil. It is attempted to be fixed with
      replication_synchro_quorum = 2, so master promote()/demote() will
      implicitly push the previous operation to the replica. Via term
      bump and quorum wait.
      Additionally, huge replication_synchro_timeout is added for manual
      promotions. Automatic promotion is retried so here the timeout is
      not so important.
      `box.ctl.demote` failure due to `simultaneous invocations` seems
      to be happening because the original auto-election win didn't
      finish limbo transition yet. Hence the instance calling demote()
      now would think it is called 'simultaneously' with another
      It is attempted to be fixed from 2 sides:
      - Add waiting for `not` on the leader node after
        auto-promotion. To ensure the limbo is taken by the leader;
      - The first option didn't help much, so `box.ctl.demote()` is
        simply called in a loop until it succeeds.
      Closes #6670
    • Alexey Vishnyakov's avatar
      swim: fix debug assertion abort in proto decode · d1a60af5
      Alexey Vishnyakov authored
      assert(cur < end) after mp_load_u8 in mp_check_binl was failing
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      build: fix linking of debug curl library · 6ab951fd
      Alexander Turenko authored
       | [100%] Linking C static library libcurl-d.a
       | <...>
       | make[3]: *** No rule to make target `build/curl/dest/lib/libcurl.a',
       |     needed by `test/unit/luaL_iterator.test'. Stop.
      The problem appears on Mac OS. It is a bit strange that we don't see it
      on Linux. However I didn't dig into this, just fixed the observed
      Fixes #6656
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      replication: fix flaky gh-3160-misc... test · 8c187df5
      Serge Petrenko authored
      The test fails quite often with one of the following results.
      [001] @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
      [001]  ...
      [001]  test_timeout()
      [001]  ---
      [001] -- true
      [001] +- false
      [001]  ...
      [001]  test_run:cmd("switch default")
      [001]  ---
      [034]  test_timeout()
      [034]  ---
      [034] -- true
      [034] +- error: 'replicas are not in the follow status'
      [034]  ...
      Both errors are caused by wait_cond checking saved
      `` values instead of actual ``
      output. Fix this.
      Also, the test's quite long for no reason.
      The wait_cond waiting for replication to break lasts a whole
      `replication_timeout`, which is excess.
      The test's idea, as stated in the commit that has introduced it
      (195d4462: Send relay heartbeat if wal changes won't be send) is to
      constantly relay some data to the remote peers and make
      it so their relays never send heartbeats.
      If we wait for a whole replication timeout between inserts, there's a high
      chance of peer relays waking up naturally (after replication_timeout passes).
      In this case the test tests nothing. Fix the issue by waiting for ~ 1/5
      of replication_timeout in between the despatches. This also reduces test
      run time from ~4.5 to ~1.5 seconds on my machine.
      Remove the test from fragile list, since it shouldn't be flaky anymore.
      Closes #4940
  4. Dec 07, 2021
    • Georgiy Lebedev's avatar
      popen: change vfork deprecation error to a warning · c9787d57
      Georgiy Lebedev authored
      vfork got deprecated on macOS: for now, change the vfork deprecation
      error to a warning until we find a suitable solution. We plan to review
      popen's design and get rid of vfork completely or change vfork to
      posix_spawn only on macOS in #6674.
      Closes #6576
    • Georgiy Lebedev's avatar
      core: refactor crash signal handler · f779df96
      Georgiy Lebedev authored
      vfork got deprecated on macOS: change vfork to more portable
      Needed for #6576
    • mechanik20051988's avatar
      small: fix incorrect mempool group creation · 173ce9fb
      mechanik20051988 authored
      If slab order of first several pools was equal to zero,
      all these pools added to same group with pools with slab
      order is equal to one. It's leds to incorrect behavior
      of `smfree` function, because this function relies on
      same slab order size of all pools in mempool group.
      Fix this and add assertion and test to check it.
      Closes #6659
  5. Dec 06, 2021
    • Georgiy Lebedev's avatar
      box: fix tuple field count overflow handling · 33334f30
      Georgiy Lebedev authored
      Tuple field count overflow is not handled: before inserting, explicitly
      compare the current tuple size to box.schema.FIELD_MAX and set a newly
      introduced diagnostic message if overflow occurs.
      Closes #6198
    • Georgiy Lebedev's avatar
      msgpuck: bump optimization patch · e7b854a6
      Georgiy Lebedev authored
      Tests inserting fields into tuples, causing it to append lots of
      nil's, work unacceptably slow: optimize mp_next.
      Needed for #6198
    • Georgiy Lebedev's avatar
      vinyl: optimize deletion of compacted run files · 599f0c13
      Georgiy Lebedev authored
      On completion of compaction tasks we remove compacted run files created
      after the last checkpoint immediately to save disk space. In order to
      perform this optimization we compare the unused runs' dump LSN with the
      last checkpoint's one.
      But during replica's initial JOIN stage we set the LSN of all rows
      received from remote master to 0 (see
      box/ Considering that the LSN of an
      initial checkpoint is also 0, our optimization stops working, and we
      receive a huge disk space usage spike (as the unused run files will
      only get removed when garbage collection occurs).
      We should check the vinyl space engine's status and perform
      our optimization unconditionally if we are in replica's initial JOIN
      Closes #6568
    • Yaroslav Lobankov's avatar
      ci: simplify export of env variable in action · 08ca70fe
      Yaroslav Lobankov authored
      In the 'pack_and_deploy' action we have such a line:
          echo PACKPACK_EXTRA_DOCKER_RUN_PARAMS='--init' | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV
      Usually, the `echo FOO=bar | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV` construction is used
      to propagate an env variable outside the action/step so it could be used
      in other actions/steps via ${{ env.FOO }} or $FOO.
      The 'PACKPACK_EXTRA_DOCKER_RUN_PARAMS' variable is used only inside the
      action and we can change the mentioned line to as follows:
          export PACKPACK_EXTRA_DOCKER_RUN_PARAMS='--init'
    • Yaroslav Lobankov's avatar
      cd: use RWS instead of script · 4689c95e
      Yaroslav Lobankov authored
      This patch introduces the use of RWS (repository web service) instead
      of old script for uploading packages to S3 repositories.
      RWS fully replaces facilities of + provides new features
      like support of uploading ARM packages. Also, it is very simple to use,
      just do `curl` to the RWS endpoint with some params and that's it.
      Closes #6482
  6. Dec 03, 2021
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      test: fix flaky box/func_reload test · 1b34d3d5
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      This commit fixes the following failure:
      --- box/func_reload.result        Fri Dec  3 15:15:05 2021
      +++ var/rejects/box/func_reload.reject    Fri Dec  3 15:15:12 2021
      @@ -202,11 +202,11 @@
      +- [[2]]
       - [[1]]
      -- [[2]]
      The function reloaded in this test yields, so there's no guarantee that
      the first reload completes before the second one. Fix this by discarding
      `ch:get()` result.
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      Revert "test: disable Lua JIT for net.box_reconnect_after_gh-3164" · d9b8c0db
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      This reverts commit 5546cde0.
      And remove the test from the flaky list. The test seems to have been
      fixed by commit c13b3a31 ("
      rewrite state machine (transport) in C").
      Closes #5081
    • Aleksandr Lyapunov's avatar
      tools: add a script that checks submodules' commits · 7fcaf4d0
      Aleksandr Lyapunov authored
      Sometimes to fix an issue we need to patch our submodule, update it
      in tarantool and then patch tarantool using changes in submodule.
      During development and review stages we have to create a branch (S)
      in submodule and a branch (T) in tarantool that references head of
      (S) branch.
      When the fix is merged to mater it's very simple to make a mistake:
      merge-and-push submodule's branch S and then tarantool's branch T.
      It sounds obvious, but that's wrong: tarantool's master should
      reference a commit from submodule's master, not a commit from
      temporary developer's branch.
      It's not hard to fix it but still a maintainer must always remember
      that problem. In order to simplify their life it was decided to
      create a script that is designed to check such thing before pushing
      tarantool to origin/master.
      Here is it, with simple usage:
      ./tools/ && git push origin master
  7. Dec 02, 2021
  8. Dec 01, 2021
  9. Nov 30, 2021
  10. Nov 29, 2021