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  1. Nov 14, 2019
    • Ilya Kosarev's avatar
      fix: don't request absent tuple field · 25aedb01
      Ilya Kosarev authored
      During replacement of tuple_field_bool_xc with it's non-xc version
      turned out that it might be called even if there is not enough fields
      in processed tuple. Now it is fixed.
      Part of #4247
  2. Nov 13, 2019
  3. Nov 12, 2019
    • Nikita Pettik's avatar
      json: fix assert typo in json_path_cmp() · d60e63d8
      Nikita Pettik authored
         284  int
         285  json_path_cmp(const char *a, int a_len, const char *b, int b_len,
         286                int index_base)
         287  {
         304          /* Paths a and b must be valid. */
         305          assert(rc_b == 0 && rc_b == 0);
      Obviously (according to the comment) author implied that both rc_a == 0
      and rc_b == 0. Let's fix this small typo.
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      tuple: account the whole array in and size · 82913537
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Before the patch a struct xrow_update_field object didn't account
      array header in its .size and .data members. Indeed, it was not
      needed, because anyway updates could be only 'flat'.
      For example, consider the tuple:
          [mp_array, mp_uint, mp_uint, mp_uint]
                    ^                         ^
                   pos1                      pos2
      Struct xrow_update_field.size and .data accounted memory from
      pos1 to pos2, without the array header. Number of fields was
      stored inside a rope object. This is why it made no sense to keep
      array header pointer.
      But now updates are going to be not flat, and not only for array.
      There will be an update tree. Each node of that tree will describe
      update of some part of a tuple.
      Some of the nodes will need to know exact borders of their
      children, including headers. It is going to be used for fast
      copying of neighbours of such children. Consider an example.
      Tuple with one field consisting of nested maps:
          tuple = {}
          tuple[1] = {
              a = {
                  b = {
                      c = {
                          d = {1, 2, 3}
          {{'+', '[1].a.b.c.d[1]', 1}, {'+', '[1].a.b.c.d[2]', 1}}
      To update such a tuple a simple tree will be built:
                  root: [ [1] ]
       isolated path: [ 'a.b.c' ]
            leaves: [ [1] [2] [3] ]
                      +1  +1   -
      Root node keeps the whole tuple borders. It is a rope with single
      This single field is a deeply updated map. Such deep multiple
      updates with long common prefixes are stored as an isolated path
      + map/array in the end. Here the isolated path is 'a.b.c'. It
      ends with the terminal array update.
      Assume, that operations are applied and it is time to save the
      result. Save starts from the root.
      Root rope will encode root array header, and will try to save the
      single field. The single field is an isolated update. It needs to
      save everything before old {1,2,3}, the new array {2,2,3}, and
      everything after the old array. The simplest way to do it - know
      exact borders of the old array {1,2,3} and memcpy all memory
      before and after.
      This is exactly what this patch allows to do. Everything before, and after + .size
      can be safely copied, and is not related to the field. To copy
      adjacent memory it is not even needed to know field type. and .size have the same meaning for all
      field types.
      Part of #1261
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      json: lexer_eof and token_cmp helper functions · 3e0d0600
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      They are needed in incoming JSON updates, which are going to
      solve a task of comparison of two JSON paths, their simultaneous
      parsing, and digging into a tuple.
      json_token_cmp() existed before this patch, but it was trying to
      compare parent pointers too, which is not needed in the JSON
      updates, since they won't use JSON trees.
      Needed for #1261
    • Ilya Kosarev's avatar
      refactoring: use non _xc version of functions in triggers · b75d5f85
      Ilya Kosarev authored
      There were some _xc functions used in triggers. Now they all are
      replaced with their non _xc versions. If corresponding _xc version
      hadn't had any other usages, it was removed.
      Part of #4247
    • Ilya Kosarev's avatar
      refactoring: remove exceptions from sequence_field_from_tuple · dc1a7315
      Ilya Kosarev authored
      sequence_field_from_tuple is used in set_space_sequence &
      on_replace_dd_space_sequence therefore it has to be cleared from
      exceptions. Now it doesn't throw any more. It's usages are updated.
      Part of #4247
    • Ilya Kosarev's avatar
      refactoring: remove exceptions from sequence_def_new_from_tuple · fb76de9d
      Ilya Kosarev authored
      sequence_def_new_from_tuple is used in on_replace_dd_sequence
      therefore it has to be cleared from exceptions. Now it doesn't
      throw any more. It's usages are updated.
      Part of #4247
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      access: forbid to drop admin's universe access · 2de398ff
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Bootstrap and recovery work on behalf of admin. Without the
      universe access they are not able to even fill system spaces with
      It is better to forbid this ability until someone made their
      cluster unrecoverable.
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      replication: don't drop admin super privileges · 95237ac8
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      The admin user has universal privileges before bootstrap or
      recovery are done. That allows to, for example, bootstrap from a
      remote master, because to do that the admin should be able to
      insert into system spaces, such as _priv.
      But after the patch on online credentials update was implemented
      (#2763, 48d00b0e) the admin could
      loose its universal access if, for example, a role was granted to
      him before universal access was recovered.
      That happened by two reasons:
          - Any change in access rights, even in granted roles, led to
            rebuild of universal access;
          - Any change in access rights updated the universal access in
            all existing sessions, thanks to #2763.
      What happened: two tarantools were started. One of them master,
      granted 'replication' role to admin. Second node, slave, tried to
      bootstrap from the master. The slave created an admin session and
      started loading data. After it loaded 'grant replication role to
      admin' command, this nullified admin universal access everywhere,
      including this session. Next rows could not be applied.
      Closes #4606
  4. Nov 11, 2019
  5. Nov 09, 2019
    • Ilya Kosarev's avatar
      refactoring: remove exceptions from func_def_new_from_tuple · 6085ffe5
      Ilya Kosarev authored
      func_def_new_from_tuple is used in on_replace_dd_func therefore
      it has to be cleared from exceptions. Now it doesn't throw any
      more. It means we also need to clear from exceptions it's
      subsidiary function func_def_get_ids_from_tuple.
      Their usages are updated.
      Part of #4247
    • Ilya Kosarev's avatar
      refactoring: remove exceptions from index_def_new_from_tuple · 90ac0037
      Ilya Kosarev authored
      index_def_new_from_tuple is used in on_replace_dd_index therefore
      it has to be cleared from exceptions. Now it doesn't throw any
      more. It means we also need to clear from exceptions it's
      subsidiary functions: index_def_check_sequence,
      index_def_check_tuple, index_opts_decode, func_index_check_func.
      Their usages are updated.
      Part of #4247
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      lua: add listing fiber cpu consumption · 77fa45bd
      Serge Petrenko authored
      Implement a new function in Lua fiber library: top(). It returns a table
      containing fiber cpu usage stats. The table has two entries:
      "cpu_misses" and "cpu". "cpu" itself is a table listing all the alive
      fibers and their cpu consumtion.
      The patch relies on CPU timestamp counter to measure each fiber's time
      Closes #2694
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: fiber: new function ``
      `` returns a table of all alive fibers and lists their cpu
      consumption. Let's take a look at the example:
      - cpu:
            instant: 30.967324490456
            time: 0.351821993
            average: 25.582738345233
            instant: 9.6473633128437
            time: 0.110869897
            average: 7.9693406131877
            instant: 0
            time: 0
            average: 0
            instant: 9.8026528631511
            time: 0.112641118
            average: 18.138387232255
            instant: 20.071174377224
            time: 0.226901357
            average: 17.077908441831
            instant: 0
            time: 9.6858e-05
            average: 0
            instant: 9.2461986412164
            time: 0.10657528
            average: 7.7068458630827
            instant: 20.265286315108
            time: 0.237095335
            average: 23.141537169257
        cpu_misses: 0
      The two entries in a table returned by `` are
      `cpu_misses` and `cpu`.
      `cpu` itself is a table whose keys are strings containing fiber ids and
      The three metrics available for each fiber are:
      1) instant (per cent),
      which indicates the share of time fiber was executing during the
      previous event loop iteration
      2) average (per cent), which is calculated as an exponential moving
      average of `instant` values over all previous event loop iterations.
      3) time (seconds), which estimates how much cpu time each fiber spent
      processing during its lifetime.
      More info on `cpu_misses` field returned by ``:
      `cpu_misses` indicates the amount of times tx thread detected it was
      rescheduled on a different cpu core during the last event loop
      iteration. uses cpu timestamp counter to measure each fiber's execution
      time. However, each cpu core may have its own counter value (you can
      only rely on counter deltas if both measurements were taken on the same
      core, otherwise the delta may even get negative).
      When tx thread is rescheduled to a different cpu core, tarantool just
      assumes cpu delta was zero for the latest measurement. This loweres
      precision of our computations, so the bigger `cpu misses` value the
      lower the precision of results.
    doesn't work on arm architecture at the moment.
      Please note, that enabling slows down fiber switching by
      about 15 per cent, so it is disabled by default.
      To enable it you need to issue `fiber.top_enable()`.
      You can disable it back after you finished debugging  using
      "Time" entry is also added to each fibers output in
      (it duplicates "time" entry from per fiber).
      Note, that "time" is only counted while is enabled.
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      tuple: rework updates to improve code extendibility · 8f7d9b8b
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Before the patch update was implemented as a set of operations
      applicable for arrays only. It was ok until field names and JSON
      paths appearance, because tuple is an array on the top level.
      But now there are four reasons to allow more complex updates of
      tuple field internals by JSON paths:
        - tuple field access by JSON path is allowed so for consistency
          JSON paths should be allowed in updates as well;
        - JSON indexes are supported. JSON update should be able to
          change an indexed field without rewriting half of a tuple, and
          its full replacement;
        - Tarantool is going to support documents in storage so JSON
          path updates is one more step forward;
        - JSON updates are going to be faster and more compact in WAL
          than get + in-memory Lua/connector update + replace (or update
          of a whole tuple field).
      The patch reworks the current update code in such a way, that now
      update is not just an array of operations, applied to tuple's top
      level fields. Now it is a tree, just like tuples are.
      The concept is to build a tree of xrow_update_field objects. Each
      updates a part of a tuple. Leafs in the tree contain update
      operations, specified by a user, as xrow_update_op objects.
      To make the code support and understanding simpler, the patch
      splits update implementation into several independent
      files-modules for each type of an updated field. One file
      describes how to update an array field, another file - how to
      update a map field, etc. This commit introduces only array. Just
      because it was already supported before the patch. Next commits
      will introduce more types one by one.
      Besides, the patch makes some minor changes, not separable from
      this commit:
        - The big comment about xrow updates in xrow_update.c is
          updated. Now it describes the tree-idea presented above;
        - Comments were properly aligned by 66 symbols in all the moved
          or changed code. Not affected code is kept as is so as not to
          increase the diff even more;
        - Added missing comments to moved or changed structures and
          their attributes such as struct xrow_update,
          struct xrow_update_op_meta, struct xrow_update_op.
        - Struct xrow_update_field was significantly reworked. Now it is
          not just a couple of pointers at tuple's top level array. From
          now it stores type of the updated field, range of its source
          data in the original tuple, and a subtree of other update
          fields applied to the original data.
        - Added missing comments to some functions which I moved and
          decided worth commenting alongside, such as
          xrow_update_op_adjust_field_no(), xrow_update_alloc().
        - Functions xrow_update_op_do_f, xrow_update_op_read_arg_f,
          xrow_update_op_store_f are separated from struct xrow_update,
          so as they could be called on any updated field in the tree.
          From this moment they are methods of struct xrow_update_op.
          They take an op as a first argument (like 'this' in C++), and
          are applied to a given struct xrow_update_field.
      Another notable, but not separable, change is a new naming schema
      for the methods of struct xrow_update_field and struct
      xrow_update_op. This is motivated by the fact that struct
      xrow_update_field now has a type, and might be not a terminal.
      There are now two groups of functions. Generic functions working
      with struct xrow_update_field of any type:
      And typed functions:
          operation = insert/delete/set/arith ...
               type = array/map/bar/scalar ...
      Common functions are used when type of a field to update is not
      known in advance. For example, when an operation is applied to one
      of fields of an array, it is not known what a type this field has:
      another array, scalar, not changed field, map, etc. Common
      functions do nothing more than just a switch by field type to
      choose a more specific function.
      Typed functions work with a specific type. They may change the
      given field (add a new array element, replace it with a new value,
      ...), or may forward an operation deeper in case they see that its
      JSON path is not fully passed yet.
      Part of #1261
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      tuple: rename tuple_update_* to xrow_update_* · 2f57b077
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      That patch finishes transformation of tuple_update public API to
      Part of #1261
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      tuple: rename tuple_update.c/h to xrow_update.c/h · 28c8d999
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Tuple_update is a too general name for the updates implemented
      in these files. Indeed, a tuple can be updated from Lua, from
      SQL, from update microlanguage. Xrow_update is a more specific
      name, which is already widely used in tuple_update.c.
      Part of #1261
  6. Nov 08, 2019
    • Cyrill Gorcunov's avatar
      box/console: fix abnormal exit after unknown command · ada8c97c
      Cyrill Gorcunov authored
      When invalid command is passed we should send an error message to a
      client. Instead a nil dereference occurs that causes abnormal exit of a
      This is the regression from 96dbc49d
      ('box/console: Refactor command handling').
      Reported-by: default avatarMergen Imeev <>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarCyrill Gorcunov <>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAlexander Turenko <>
    • Alexander V. Tikhonov's avatar
      build: add CentOS 8 into CI / CD · e3d9d8c9
      Alexander V. Tikhonov authored
      Added build + test jobs in GitLab-CI and build + test + deploy jobs on
      Travis-CI for CentOS 8.
      Updated testing dependencies in the RPM spec to follow the new Python 2
      package naming scheme that was introduced in CentOS 8: it uses
      'python2-' prefix rather then 'python-'.
      CentOS 8 does not provide python2-gevent and python2-greenlet packages,
      so they were pushed to
      repository. This repository is enabled in our build image
      (packpack/packpack:el-8) by default. Those dependencies are build-time,
      so nothing was changed for a user. The source RPM packages were gathered
      Disabled app-tap/pwd.test.lua on CentOS 8 due to systemd-nss issue,
      which was not worked around properly. Filed #4592 to resolved it in the
      Eliminated libunwind runtime dependency (and libunwind-devel build
      dependency) on CentOS 8, because the base system does not provide it. backtraces and printing of a backtrace after a crash will
      not be available on this system. Hopefully we'll fix it in the future,
      filed #4611 on this.
      Closes #4543
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAlexander Turenko <>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarIgor Munkin <>
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      build: don't pass LDFLAGS from environment to curl · 0bead600
      Alexander Turenko authored
      After ea5929db ('build: fix OpenSSL
      linking problems on FreeBSD') we set CFLAGS explicitly (possibly to an
      empty value) when invoking a configure script for curl. When this
      parameter is set the script does not use a value of environment variable
      Before this commit LDFLAGS environment variable can affect build of curl
      submodule. This can lead to a problem when a user or a tool set CFLAGS
      and LDFLAGS both and some linker flag assumes that some compilation flag
      is present. Here we set empty LDFLAGS explicitly to avoid using of the
      environment variable.
      A distributive build tool such as rpmbuild or emerge usually sets CFLAGS
      and LDFLAGS. The problem with incompatible compiler / linker options has
      been reveal under rpmbuild on CentOS 8 with hardened build enabled
      (which is so when backtraces are disabled).
      It is not clear whether we should follow environment variables or values
      determined by CMake for CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS when building a
      submodule (such as luajit and curl). Let's decide about this later.
      Part of #4543.
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAlexander V. Tikhonov <>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarIgor Munkin <>
  7. Nov 07, 2019
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      sql: make type string case lower everywhere · ee60d31d
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Type was displayed in error messages, was returned in
      meta headers, and a type string is a result of
      typeof() SQL function.
      Typeof() always returns lower case type string; meta
      contained upper case type; error messages contained
      It was necessary to choose one case for everything,
      and the lower one was chosen. It allows not to break
      typeof() function which actually might be used by
  8. Nov 05, 2019
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      netbox: don't fire on_connect() at schema update · d56d869a
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      There was a bug that netbox at any schema update called
      on_connect() triggers. This was due to overcomplicated logic of
      handling of changes in the netbox state machine. On_connect() was
      fired each time the machine entered 'active' state, even if its
      previous states were 'active' and then 'fetch_schema'. The latter
      state can be entered many times without reconnects.
      Another bug was about on_disconnect() - it could be fired even if
      the connection never entered active state. For example, if its
      first 'fetch_schema' has failed.
      Now there is an explicit flag showing the machine connect state.
      The triggers are fired only when it is changed, on 'active' and on
      any error states. Intermediate states (fetch_schema, auth) do not
      matter anymore.
      Thanks @mtrempoltsev for the initial investigation and a draft
      Closes #4593
    • Mergen Imeev's avatar
      netbox: fix memory leak in connect() · 96199855
      Mergen Imeev authored
      This patch fixes memory leak in lbox_tuple_format_new().
      Closes #4588
  9. Nov 01, 2019
  10. Oct 31, 2019
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      access: fix use-after-free of struct credentials · 330ea240
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Func_delete() called credentials_destroy() after
      func->vtab->destroy(). But appeared, that vtab->destroy() is
      actually delete, and it frees the func object. Now the func's
      owner credentials are destroyed before the function is freed.
      Closes #4597
      Follow up #2763
  11. Oct 30, 2019
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      sql: implicit boolean cast to text returns uppercase · c2be8458
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Explicit cast uses uppercase, and the patch makes the
      implicit cast the same.
      Upper case is the standard according to SQL standard
      2011, cast specification 6.13, general rules 11.e:
          General rules
          11) If TD is variable-length character string or
              large object character string, then let MLTD
              be the maximum length in characters of TD.
              e) If SD (source type) is boolean, then Case:
                  i)   If SV is True and MLTD is not less
                       than 4, then TV is 'TRUE'.
                  ii)  If SV is False and MLTD is not less
                       than 5, then TV is 'FALSE'.
                  iii) Otherwise, an exception condition is
                       raised: data exception — invalid
                       character value for cast.
      Part of #4462
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      sql: LENGTH function accepts boolean · 86b0f21d
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Before the patch LENGTH didn't take boolean argument
      into account. Now it does and treats like any other
      non-string argument - stringify and calculate length.
      It is worth mentioning, that in future LENGTH will
      discard any non-string argument, see #3929.
      Part of #4462
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      app: fix error messages for not specified parameters in argparse · c214d086
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Argparse module stores unspecified parameter values as boolean
      true. It led to a problem, that a command line '--value' with
      'value' defined as a number or a string, showed a strange error
          Expected number/string, got "true"
      Even though a user didn't pass any value. Now it shows 'nothing'
      instead of '"true"'. That is clearer.
      Follow up #4076
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      app: fix boolean handling in argparse module · 03f85d4c
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      There was a complaint that tarantoolctl --show-system option is
      very hard to use. It incorrectly parsed passed values, and
      provided strange errors.
          tarantoolctl cat --show-system true
          Bad input for parameter "show-system". Expected boolean, got "true"
          tarantoolctl cat --show-system 1
          Bad input for parameter "show-system". Expected boolean, got "1"
          tarantoolctl cat --show-system=true
          Bad input for parameter "show-system". Expected boolean, got "true"
      First of all, appeared that the complaining people didn't read
      documentation in 'tarantoolctl --help'. It explicitly says, that
      '--show-system' should go after a file name, and does not have a value.
      Secondly, even having taken the documentation into account, the
      errors indeed look ridiculous. 'Expected boolean, got "true"'
      looks especially weird.
      The problem appeared to be with argparse module, how it parses
      boolean parameters, and how stores parameter values not specified
      in a command line.
      All parameters were parsed into a dictionary: parameter name ->
      value. If a name is alone (no value), then it is boolean true.
      Otherwise it was always a string value. An attempt to specify
      an explicit parameter value 'true' led to storing string 'true'
      in that dictionary.
      Consequential check for boolean parameters was trivial:
      type(value) == 'boolean', which was obviously wrong, and didn't
      pass for 'true' string, but passed for an empty value.
      Closes #4076
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      access: update credentials without reconnect · 48d00b0e
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Credentials is a cache of user universal privileges. And that
      cache can become outdated in case user privs were changed after
      creation of the cache.
      The patch makes user update all its credentials caches with new
      privileges, via a list of all creds.
      That solves a couple of real life problems:
      - If a user managed to connect after box.cfg started listening
      port, but before access was granted, then he needed a reconnect;
      - Even if access was granted, a user may connect after box.cfg
      listen, but before access *is recovered* from _priv space. It
      was not possible to fix without a reconnect. And this problem
      affected replication.
      Closes #2763
      Part of #4535
      Part of #4536
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: User privileges update affects existing sessions and objects
      Previously if user privileges were updated (via
      `box.schema.user.grant/revoke`), it was not reflected in already
      existing sessions and objects like functions. Now it is.
      For example:
              box.cfg{listen = 3313}
              box.schema.user.create('test_user', {password = '1'})
              function test1() return 'success' end
              c = require('').connect(box.cfg.listen, {
                      user = 'test_user', password = '1'
              -- Error, no access for this connection.
              box.schema.user.grant('test_user', 'execute', 'universe')
              -- Now works, even though access was granted after
              -- connection.
      A similar thing happens now with `` and functions
      created via `box.schema.func.create` with `setuid` flag.
      In other words, now user privileges update is reflected
      everywhere immediately.
      (cherry picked from commit 06dbcec597f14fae6b3a7fa2361f2ac513099662)
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      access: rework struct credentials API · dae3ba4a
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      Struct credentials is a cache of user's universal privileges. It
      is static and is never changed after creation. That is a problem.
      If a user privileges are updated, it is not reflected in his
      existing credentials caches.
      This patch reworks credentials API so as now this struct is not
      just a container for several numbers. It is an object with
      standard methods like create(), destroy(). A credentials object
      still is not updated together with its source user, but now at
      least the API allows to fix that.
      Next patch will link all struct credentials of a user into a list
      via which the user will be able to keep the credentials up to
      Part of #2763
      (cherry picked from commit a8c3ebdbfc97b72832ebc5d87b681a310cce9589)
  12. Oct 28, 2019
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      test: update test-run · c17c10a4
      Alexander Turenko authored
      Added --exclude option (#54).
    • Vladislav Shpilevoy's avatar
      tuple: rename update to xrow_update in tuple_update.c · 97185cb9
      Vladislav Shpilevoy authored
      First reason - update is a too general name. Tarantool
      has SQL update, update in Lua, configuration update.
      So name 'just update' can't be used.
      'Xrow update' fits because it works directly with
      MessagePack tuple internals and because the updates
      are persisted in WAL in that format.
      Second reason, without which the first one would not
      matter - next patches are going to split
      tuple_update.c into multiple module files. That will
      make some structures and functions of tuple_update.c
      be declared in header files, what makes them a public
      API of xrow update.
      Public API methods should be prefixed with their
      subsystem name, and here it is 'xrow_update_'.
      Part of #1261