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  1. Aug 04, 2022
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      salad: add LIGHT(count) method · 77b552fe
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      This commit adds a function that retrieves the number of records stored
      in a light hash table and makes light users use it instead of accessing
      the light count directly. This gives us more freedom of refactoring the
      light internals without modifying the code using it.
      Needed for #7192
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      prbuf: fix prbuf_open for empty buffer · 943ce3ca
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      prbuf_check, which is called by prbuf_open, proceeds to scanning the
      buffer even if it's empty. On debug build, this results in prbuf_open
      reporting that the buffer is corrupted, because we trash the buffer in
      prbuf_create. On a release build, this may lead to a hang, in case the
      buffer is zeroed out. Let's fix this by returning success from
      prbuf_check if the buffer is empty. Note, prbuf_iterator_next doesn't
      call prbuf_first_record if the buffer is empty, either.
      Needed for
      NO_DOC=bug fix
      NO_CHANGELOG=will be added to EE
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      decimal: add the library into the module API · 5c1bc3da
      Alexander Turenko authored
      The main decision made in this patch is how large the public
      `box_decimal_t` type should be. Let's look on some calculations.
      We're interested in the following values.
      * How much decimal digits is stored?
      * Size of an internal decimal type (`sizeof(decimal_t)`).
      * Size of a buffer to store a string representation of any valid
        `decimat_t` value.
      * Largest signed integer type fully represented in decimal_t (number of
      * Largest unsigned integer type fully represented in decimal_t (number
        of bits).
      Now `decimal_t` is defined to store 38 decimal digits. It means the
      following values:
      | digits | sizeof | string | int???_t | uint???_t |
      | ------ | ------ | ------ | -------- | --------- |
      | 38     | 36     | 52     | 126      | 127       |
      In fact, decNumber (the library we currently use under the hood) allows
      to vary the 'decimal digits per unit' parameter, which is 3 by default,
      so we can choose density of the representation. For example, for given
      38 digits the sizeof is 36 by default, but it may vary from 28 to 47
      | digits | sizeof     | string | int???_t | uint???_t |
      | ------ | ---------- | ------ | -------- | --------- |
      | 38     | 36 (28-47) | 52     | 126      | 127       |
      If we'll want to store `int128_t` and `uint128_t` ranges, we'll need 39
      | digits | sizeof     | string | int???_t | uint???_t |
      | ------ | ---------- | ------ | -------- | --------- |
      | 39     | 36 (29-48) | 53     | 130      | 129       |
      If we'll want to store `int256_t` and `uint256_t` ranges:
      | digits | sizeof     | string | int???_t | uint???_t |
      | ------ | ---------- | ------ | -------- | --------- |
      | 78     | 62 (48-87) | 92     | 260      | 259       |
      If we'll want to store `int512_t` and `uint512_t` ranges:
      | digits | sizeof       | string | int???_t | uint???_t |
      | ------ | ------------ | ------ | -------- | --------- |
      | 155    | 114 (84-164) | 169    | 515      | 514       |
      The decision here is what we consdider as possible and what as unlikely.
      The patch freeze the maximum amount of bytes in `decimal_t` as 64. So
      we'll able to store 256 bit integers and will NOT able to store 512 bit
      integers in a future (without the ABI breakage at least).
      The script, which helps to calculate those tables, is at end of the
      commit message.
      Next, how else `box_decimal_*()` library is different from the internal
      * Added a structure that may hold any decimal value from any current or
        future tarantool version.
      * Added `box_decimal_copy()`.
      * Left `strtodec()` out of scope -- we can add it later.
      * Left `decimal_str()` out of scope -- it looks dangerous without at
        least a good explanation when data in the static buffer are
        invalidated. There is `box_decimal_to_string()` that writes to an
        explicitly provided buffer.
      * Added `box_decimal_mp_*()` for encoding to/decoding from msgpack.
        Unlike `mp_decimal.h` functions, here we always have `box_decimal_t`
        as the first parameter.
      * Left `decimal_pack()` out of scope, because a user unlikely wants to
        serialize a decimal value piece-by-piece.
      * Exposed `decimal_unpack()` as `box_decimal_mp_decode_data()` to keep a
        consistent terminogoly around msgpack encoding/decoding.
      * More detailed API description, grouping by functionality.
      The script, which helps to calculate sizes around `decimal_t`:
      -- See notes in decNumber.h.
      -- DECOPUN: DECimal Digits Per UNit
      local function unit_size(DECOPUN)
          assert(DECOPUN > 0 and DECOPUN < 10)
          if DECOPUN <= 2 then
              return 1
          elseif DECOPUN <= 4 then
              return 2
          return 4
      function sizeof_decimal_t(digits, DECOPUN)
          -- int32_t digits;
          -- int32_t exponent;
          -- uint8_t bits;
          -- <..padding..>
          -- <..units..>
          local us = unit_size(DECOPUN)
          local padding = us - 1
          local unit_count = math.ceil(digits / DECOPUN)
          return 4 + 4 + 1 + padding + us * unit_count
      function string_buffer(digits)
          -- -9.{9...}E+999999999# (# is '\0')
          -- ^ ^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^
          return digits + 14
      function binary_signed(digits)
          local x = 1
          while math.log10(2 ^ (x - 1)) < digits do
              x = x + 1
          return x - 1
      function binary_unsigned(digits)
          local x = 1
          while math.log10(2 ^ x) < digits do
              x = x + 1
          return x - 1
      function digits_for_binary_signed(x)
          return math.ceil(math.log10(2 ^ (x - 1)))
      function digits_for_binary_unsigned(x)
          return math.ceil(math.log10(2 ^ x))
      function summary(digits)
          print('digits', digits)
          local sizeof_min = math.huge
          local sizeof_max = 0
          local DECOPUN_sizeof_min
          local DECOPUN_sizeof_max
          for DECOPUN = 1, 9 do
              local sizeof = sizeof_decimal_t(digits, DECOPUN)
              print('sizeof', sizeof, 'DECOPUN', DECOPUN)
              if sizeof < sizeof_min then
                  sizeof_min = sizeof
                  DECOPUN_sizeof_min = DECOPUN
              if sizeof > sizeof_max then
                  sizeof_max = sizeof
                  DECOPUN_sizeof_max = DECOPUN
          print('sizeof min', sizeof_min, 'DECOPUN', DECOPUN_sizeof_min)
          print('sizeof max', sizeof_max, 'DECOPUN', DECOPUN_sizeof_max)
          print('string', string_buffer(digits))
          print('int???_t', binary_signed(digits))
          print('uint???_t', binary_unsigned(digits))
      Part of #7228
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Module API for decimals
      See the declarations in `src/box/decimal.h` in tarantool sources.
  2. Aug 02, 2022
    • Mergen Imeev's avatar
      sql: always treat NaN as NULL · 7c5651af
      Mergen Imeev authored
      In most cases, NaN was treated as NULL. But in case NaN was returned as
      a result of a Lua or C user defined function, it was considered a
      double. After this patch, NaN will also be considered NULL in the
      specified cases.
      Closes #6374
      Closes #6572
    • Mergen Imeev's avatar
      sql: fix wrong flag is_res_neg in sql_rem_int() · 1f4bb194
      Mergen Imeev authored
      This patch makes the is_res_neg flag false in the sql_rem_int() function
      if the left value is negative and the result is 0. Prior to this patch,
      the value of the flag was true, which resulted in an assertion during
      encoding 0 as MP_INT.
      Closes #6575
    • Mergen Imeev's avatar
      sql: do nothing in ROUND() if precision is too big · 4c216c4c
      Mergen Imeev authored
      The smallest positive double value is 2.225E-307, and the value before
      the exponent has a maximum of 15 digits after the decimal point. This
      means that double values cannot have more than 307 + 15 digits after
      the decimal point.
      After this patch, ROUND() will return its first argument unchanged if
      the first argument is DOUBLE and the second argument is INTEGER greater
      than 322.
      Closes #6650
  3. Aug 01, 2022
    • Andrey Saranchin's avatar
      fiber: allow to reset fiber slice with SIGURG · 1a3b710d
      Andrey Saranchin authored
      The patch introduces opportunity for user to reset
      slice of current fiber execution. It allows to limit
      iteration in space with SIGURG.
      NO_CHANGELOG=see later commits
      NO_DOC=see later commits
    • Andrey Saranchin's avatar
      box: allow to limit space iteration with timeout · bc053c55
      Andrey Saranchin authored
      Currently, there is no way to interrupt a long execution of a
      request (such as s:select(nil)). This patch introduces this
      Box will use fiber deadline timeout as a timeout for DML usage.
      Thus, when deadline of current fiber is up, all DML requests will
      end with a particular error.
      Closes #6085
      NO_CHANGELOG=see later commits
      NO_DOC=see later commits
    • Andrey Saranchin's avatar
      test: adapt tests to iteration limit · b33ea6ea
      Andrey Saranchin authored
      Part of #6085
      NO_TEST=no behavior changes
      NO_CHANGELOG=no behavior changes
      NO_DOC=no behavior changes
    • Andrey Saranchin's avatar
      fiber: introduce fiber slice · e9bd2250
      Andrey Saranchin authored
      This patch introduces execution time slice for fiber. Later, we will use
      this mechanism to limit iteration in space.
      Part of #6085
      NO_CHANGELOG=see later commits
      NO_DOC=see later commits
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      fiber_channel: add accessor to internal functions · 395c30e8
      Alexander Turenko authored
      The Rust module [1] leans on several internal symbols. They were open in
      Tarantool 2.8 (see #2971 and #5932), but never were in the public API.
      Tarantool 2.10.0 hides the symbols and we need a way to get them back to
      use in the module.
      We have the following options:
      1. Design and expose a module API for fiber channels.
      2. Export the symbols with a prefix like `tnt_internal_` (to don't spoil
         the global namespace).
      3. Provide a `dlsym()` alike function to get an address of an internal
         symbol for users who knows what they're doing.
      I think that the third way offers the best compromise between amount of
      effort, quality of the result and opportunities to extend. In this
      commit I hardcoded the list of functions to make the change as safe as
      possible. Later I'll return here to autogenerate the list.
      Exported the following function from the tarantool executable:
      void *
      tnt_internal_symbol(const char *name);
      I don't add it into the module API headers, because the function is to
      perform a dark magic and we don't suggest it for users.
      While I'm here, added `static` to a couple of fiber channel functions,
      which are only used within the compilation unit.
      Part of #7228
      Related to #6372
      NO_DOC=don't advertize the dangerous API
      NO_CHANGELOG=don't advertize the dangerous API
  4. Jul 27, 2022
    • Ilya Verbin's avatar
      box: fix thread_id check in[] · 969b76ac
      Ilya Verbin authored
      The valid range for thread_id is [0, iproto_threads_count - 1].
      Closes #7196
    • Ilya Verbin's avatar
      box: check for foreign keys on space:truncate() · 7ec71b4f
      Ilya Verbin authored
      Add a missed check to on_replace_dd_truncate, similar to
      on_replace_dd_space and on_replace_dd_index.
      Closes #7309
    • Andrey Saranchin's avatar
      core: introduce helper tt_sigaction · 9839812c
      Andrey Saranchin authored
      The problem is that even if we block all signals on all
      threads except the main thread, the signals still can be
      delivered to other threads (#7206). And another problem
      is that user can spawn his own thread and not block
      That is why the patch introduces tt_sigaction function that
      guarantees that all signals will be handled only by the main
      thread. We use this helper in clock_lowres module.
      This is supposed to solve the problem, described in #7408.
  5. Jul 26, 2022
    • Alexander Turenko's avatar
      tuple: add JSON path field accessor to module API · bcca0b2b
      Alexander Turenko authored
      Added a function (see the API in the documentation request below), which
      reflects the `tuple[json_path]` Lua API (see #1285).
      Part of #7228
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: tuple: access a field using JSON path via module API
      The following function is added into the module API:
       * Return a raw tuple field in the MsgPack format pointed by
       * a JSON path.
       * The JSON path includes the outmost field. For example, "c" in
       * ["a", ["b", "c"], "d"] can be accessed using "[2][2]" path (if
       * index_base is 1, as in Lua). If index_base is set to 0, the
       * same field will be pointed by the "[1][1]" path.
       * The first JSON path token may be a field name if the tuple
       * has associated format with named fields. A field of a nested
       * map can be accessed in the same way: "" or "".
       * The return value is valid until the tuple is destroyed, see
       * box_tuple_ref().
       * Return NULL if the field does not exist or if the JSON path is
       * malformed or invalid. Multikey JSON path token [*] is treated
       * as invalid in this context.
       * \param tuple a tuple
       * \param path a JSON path
       * \param path_len a length of @a path
       * \param index_base 0 if array element indexes in @a path are
       *        zero-based (like in C) or 1 if they're one-based (like
       *        in Lua)
       * \retval a pointer to a field data if the field exists or NULL
      API_EXPORT const char *
      box_tuple_field_by_path(box_tuple_t *tuple, const char *path,
      			uint32_t path_len, int index_base);
  6. Jul 25, 2022
    • Ilya Verbin's avatar
      box: return 1-based fkey field numbers to Lua · 014f5aa1
      Ilya Verbin authored
      In Lua field's numbers are counted from base 1, however currently
      space:format() and space.foreign_key return zero-based foreign key
      fields, which leads to an error on space:format(space:format()).
      Closes #7350
    • Ilya Verbin's avatar
      box: do not modify format arg by normalize_format · a8b6fd0c
      Ilya Verbin authored
      Currently a foreign_key field in the `format` argument, passed to
      normalize_format, can be changed inside normalize_foreign_key_one.
      Fix this by using a local copy of def.field.
      NO_CHANGELOG=minor bug
  7. Jul 21, 2022
    • Ilya Verbin's avatar
      box: drop space_id for FK referring to same space · f21f8e90
      Ilya Verbin authored
      It is inconvenient to create self-referencing FK constraints, as the
      space ID will only be generated during space creation. This is
      especially useful for SQL, since the format for the space is created
      at compile time, and the space ID is only obtained at run time.
      Closes #7200
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Describe foreign keys referring to the same space
      Since: 2.11
      Root document:
      It is possible to create a foreign key that refers to the same space (a
      child space equals to the parent space).
      To do that, omit `space` in the `foreign_key` parameter, or set it to
      the id or to the name of the current space.
    • Boris Stepanenko's avatar
      test: fix execpl call in unit/coio test · 7c434166
      Boris Stepanenko authored
      According to man 3 exec: "The first argument, by convention, should point
      to the filename associated with the file being executed.". Using empty
      string as the first argument while calling `true` program, provided by
      coreutils led to error message being printed to stderr, which failed the
      This patch passes 'true' as the first argument.
      Closes #7452.
    • Nikita Zheleztsov's avatar add checking of options · d7da59b4
      Nikita Zheleztsov authored
      Currently's methods doesn't check types of passed options.
      This can lead to Lua's internal errors, which are not self-explaining.
      Let's add this functionality and raise errors with meaningful messages
      in case of incorrect options.
      Closes #6063
      Closes #6530
      NO_DOC=Not a visible change
    • Nikita Zheleztsov's avatar
      test: refactor gh_6305_net_box_autocomplete · a5179846
      Nikita Zheleztsov authored
      Test is needed to be updated every time's internals are patched
      (e.g. in case of adding new functions of deleting old ones), as the order
      of suggested autocomplete options changes.
      Let's replace `assert_equals` with `assert_items_equals`, which is not
      order dependent.
  8. Jul 19, 2022
  9. Jul 15, 2022
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      memtx: refactor tuple read view API · b87ef00b
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      This commit replaces enter/leave_delayed_free_mode() MemtxAllocator
      methods with open/close_read_view(). The open_read_view() method
      returns a pointer to the new read view, which is supposed to be pssed
      to close_read_view() when the read view is no longer needed. The new
      API will allow us to optimize garbage collection, see #7185.
      Currently, open_read_view() always returns nullptr and both ReadView
      and memtx_read_view_opts are empty structs. We will extend them in
      the future.
      Closes #7364
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      test: add unit test for MemtxAllocator · 0381159c
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      Checking #7185 with functional tests is complicated. Let's add a unit
      test for this.
      Needed for #7185
  10. Jul 14, 2022
    • Nikolay Shirokovskiy's avatar
      console: use streams in binary console · 29542070
      Nikolay Shirokovskiy authored
      Now we can make interactive transactions like in case of
      local or txt remote consoles if peer supports streams.
      Closes #7413
      NO_DOC=minor change
    • Nikolay Shirokovskiy's avatar
      console: rollback txn on eval error if begin was in expr · b013233f
      Nikolay Shirokovskiy authored
      The issue is if in binary remote console a error is thrown in expression
      like "box.begin() error('something') box.commit()" then it is
      overwritten by iproto check for active transactions at the end of eval.
      The solution is to rollback active transaction in this case in console
      code before iproto check.
      Let's also assert in tests a behaviour that after successful transaction
      begin it stays active in next evaluations (successful or not) until
      explicit rollback.
      Closes #7288
      NO_DOC=minor change
    • Nikolay Shirokovskiy's avatar
      test: fix luatest server to work after chdir · b5e59bd9
      Nikolay Shirokovskiy authored
      Starting server is failed after chdir(3) for example if we call
      box.cfg{} with work_dir set.
      NO_DOC=fix testing harness
      NO_TEST=fix testing harness
      NO_CHANGELOG=fix testing harness
    • Nikolay Shirokovskiy's avatar
      test: rename socketdir to vardir in luatest server · 42727489
      Nikolay Shirokovskiy authored
      We keep per server directories there too, not only socket files.
    • Nikolay Shirokovskiy's avatar
      test: fix box/transaction.test.lua · 6a508fc3
      Nikolay Shirokovskiy authored
      The ; separator was missed after select (check the first hunk) and as
      a result the rollback was not executed. So the next test was failed merely
      due to the unfinished transaction of the previous test.
      We also need to fix the third test to use a different tuple.
      Also fix a couple of comments.
      NO_DOC=test fix
      NO_TEST=test fix
      NO_CHANGELOG=test fix
    • Ilya Verbin's avatar
      lua-yaml: encode malformed error messages in base64 · 8f799cd8
      Ilya Verbin authored
      If MP_ERROR contains an error message with invalid UTF-8 sequences,
      encode it in Base64 to obtain printable string.
      Closes #6781
      Closes #6934
    • Serge Petrenko's avatar
      box: fix finding snapshot in upgrade script · 30db3c23
      Serge Petrenko authored
      The upgrade script first tries to determine if the node is booted from
      old snaps not recoverable on current Tarantool versions. If this is the
      case, it sets up special triggers so that snaps are automatically
      converted to a suitable format.
      This happens before box.cfg{}, so the workdir is not set at this point
      in time, and the upgrade script should take configured work_dir into
      account explicitly. Fix this.
      Closes #7232
  11. Jul 12, 2022
    • Mergen Imeev's avatar
      sql: introduce OpenSpace opcode · 49109769
      Mergen Imeev authored
      Prior to this patch, some opcodes could use a pointer to struct space
      that was set during parsing. However, the pointer to struct space is not
      really something that defines spaces. A space can be identified by its
      ID or name. In most cases, specifying space by pointer works fine, but
      truncate() changes the pointer to space, resulting in a sigfault for
      prepared statements using the above opcodes. To avoid this problem, a
      new opcode has been introduced. This opcode uses the space ID to
      determine the pointer to the struct space at runtime and stores it in
      the MEM, which is later used in the mentioned opcodes.
      Closes #7358
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      memtx: allocate functional index key parts as tuples · 6cd463e1
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      Functional index keys are allocated and freed with MemtxAllocator's
      alloc and free methods. In contrast to tuples, which are allocated and
      freed with alloc_tuple and free_tuple, freeing a functional index key
      happens immediately, irrespective of whether there's a snapshot in
      progress or not. It's acceptable, because snapshot only uses primary
      indexes, which can't be functional. However, to reuse the snapshot
      infrastructure for creating general purpose user read views, we will
      need to guarantee that functional index keys stay alive until all read
      views using them are closed.
      To achieve that, this commit turns functional index keys into tuples,
      which automatically makes them linger if there's an open read view.
      We use the same global tuple format for allocating functional keys,
      because the key format is checked in key_list_iterator_next.
      Closes #7376
  12. Jul 11, 2022
    • Ilya Verbin's avatar
      core: fix potential misorder of latch waiters · 294e8379
      Ilya Verbin authored
      Currently the latch doesn't guarantee the order in which it is acquired
      by fibers, which requested it. E.g. it is possible to wake up spuriously
      a fiber which is yielding in the latch_lock, it will be removed from
      l->queue by fiber_make_ready, then it will be inserted to l->queue
      again, but for this time, to the head of the list instead of its
      original place in the queue.
      Fix this by using latch_waiter structure, which is linked into l->queue.
      Part of #7166
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Update box_latch_lock description
      Since: 2.11
      Add "Locks are acquired in the strict order as they were requested." to
      the box_latch_lock description in C API reference - Module latch.
  13. Jul 08, 2022
    • Yaroslav Lobankov's avatar
      build: fix error on FreeBSD 13.1 · 15b823f0
      Yaroslav Lobankov authored
      This patch fixes the following error while tarantool build on
      FreeBSD 13.1:
          [100%] Linking CXX executable watcher.test
          ld: error: undefined symbol: set_sigint_cb
          >>> referenced by console.c:261 (lua/console.c:261)
          >>>               console.c.o:(lbox_console_readline) in
                              archive ../../src/box/libbox.a
          >>> referenced by console.c:342 (lua/console.c:342)
          >>>               console.c.o:(lbox_console_readline) in
                              archive ../../src/box/libbox.a
          >>> referenced by console.c:352 (lua/console.c:352)
          >>>               console.c.o:(lbox_console_readline) in
                              archive ../../src/box/libbox.a
          >>> referenced 1 more times
          c++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1
              (use -v to see invocation)
          gmake[2]: *** [test/unit/CMakeFiles/watcher.test.dir/build.make:152:
              test/unit/watcher.test] Error 1
          gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:10528:
              test/unit/CMakeFiles/watcher.test.dir/all] Error 2
          gmake: *** [Makefile:156: all] Error 2
      NO_DOC=minor changes
      NO_TEST=minor changes
      NO_CHANGELOG=minor changes
    • Vladimir Davydov's avatar
      test: fix cleanup in vinyl-luatest/gh_6565_hot_standby_unsupported test · 6213907c
      Vladimir Davydov authored
      The gh_6565 test doesn't stop the hot standby replica it started,
      because the replica should fail to initialize and exit eventually
      anyway. However, if the replica lingers until the next test due to, the next test may
      successfully connect to it, which is likely to lead to a failure,
      because UNIX socket paths used by luatest servers are not randomized.
      For example, here gh_6568 test fails after gh_6565, because it uses the
      same alias for the test instance ('replica'):
      [008] vinyl-luatest/gh_6565_hot_standby_unsupported_>                 [ pass ]
      [008] vinyl-luatest/gh_6568_replica_initial_join_rem>                 [ fail ]
      [008] Test failed! Output from reject file /tmp/t/rejects/vinyl-luatest/gh_6568_replica_initial_join_removal_of_compacted_run_files.reject:
      [008] TAP version 13
      [008] 1..1
      [008] # Started on Fri Jul  8 15:30:47 2022
      [008] # Starting group: gh-6568-replica-initial-join-removal-of-compacted-run-files
      [008] not ok 1  gh-6568-replica-initial-join-removal-of-compacted-run-files.test_replication_compaction_cleanup
      [008] #   builtin/fio.lua:242: fio.pathjoin(): undefined path part 1
      [008] #   stack traceback:
      [008] #         builtin/fio.lua:242: in function 'pathjoin'
      [008] #         ...ica_initial_join_removal_of_compacted_run_files_test.lua:43: in function 'gh-6568-replica-initial-join-removal-of-compacted-run-files.test_replication_compaction_cleanup'
      [008] #         ...
      [008] #         [C]: in function 'xpcall'
      [008] replica | 2022-07-08 15:30:48.311 [832856] main/103/default.lua F> can't initialize storage: unlink, called on fd 30, aka unix/:(socket), peer of unix/:(socket): Address already in use
      [008] # Ran 1 tests in 0.722 seconds, 0 succeeded, 1 errored
      Let's fix this by explicitly killing the hot standby replica. Since it
      could have exited voluntarily, we need to use pcall, because server.stop
      fails if the instance is already dead.
      This issue is similar to the one fixed by commit 85040161 ("test:
      stop server started by vinyl-luatest/update_optimize test").
    • Nikolay Shirokovskiy's avatar
      http_parser: fix parsing HTTP protocol version · 9ee7e568
      Nikolay Shirokovskiy authored
      Handle status header response like 'HTTP/2 200' with version without
      Closes #7319