expired on Sep 6, 2024
24.5 - Lowercase
Определение. Промежуточный релиз с парой клевых фич, достойных отдельного релиза, пока плагины и кластер-менеджер продолжают доделываться.
- SQL normalizes unquoted identifiers to lowercase instead of uppercase. flagship
- И все остальное в (permalink), в т.ч.: Set up password for admin with PICODATA_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable Multiline input is available in picodata admin and picodata connect Option picodata run --peer now defaults to --advertise value. The previous was localhost:3301. This leads to the important behavior change. Running picodata run --listen :3302 without implicit --peer specified now bootstraps a new cluster. The old behavior was to join :3301 by default
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- flaky test test_sdk_log
- Fix matching RPC errors by string
- `picodata run --http-listen localhost` selects a wrong default port
- Follow-up from "feat: support batch cas": add more test cases
- Add output of instance configuration at startup
- Plugin configuration should be cleaned up when disabling the plugin
- Fix tests and/or bugs related to failing tests currently on master
- Failed to enable plugin
- _pico_plugin_migration is not being cleaned up after removing the plugin
- Picodata crash: capacity overflow
- Picodata run hangs
- Tier section required in configuration file
- Duplicate key exists in unique index
- SQL: create index bug
- Excess tier default
- Support md5 for password in `picodata connect`
- pico_service password invalid symbols user-frienliness
- Prettify message on server crash when using picodata admin
- Cannot execute parameterized queries using certain postgres drivers
- bug: index name collision crashes instance
- Stored procedure owner is different in `` and `_pico_routine`
- Error box.cfg.read_only when run sql on replicaset
- Duplicate key exists in unique index "primary" in space "_space" with old tuple
- CREATE ROLE "" crashes picodata
- Отображать список включенных плагинов в UI
- Support if_not_exists in install_plugin
- way to throw errors between governor and the initiator
- Implement mutual TLS authentication for Pgproto
- Follow-up from "use config version to trigger replication configuration instead of state Replicated"
- Get rid of state Replicated in favor of replicaset.target_config_version
- Persist _pico_replicaset.promotion_vclock
- ERROR: feature is not supported: Ext(1, [11, 7, 4, 39, 25, 35, 96, 23, 32, 92]) cannot be represented as a value of type Float8
- remove on_start_timeout from plugin enable
- remove migrate and drop data options from plugin API
- Fix linter errors on the latest clippy version - 0.1.80 (0514789 2024-07-21)
- Add backtrace output at catching panics
- Plugins: better errors and logging at plugin loading
- Добавить способ работы с телеметрией в picoplugin
- Follow-up for !1122 - Integration test needed
- Test entries on replicaset when {box.cfg.read_only = true}
- flaky: test_ddl_drop_table_by_raft_log_at_catchup
- Run tarantool fork tests on debug build of tarantool
- SQL in picoplugin is too low level
- Change default peer to advertise value
- Verify and support all system tables in pgproto
- Confirmation awaiting options
- Set admin password on cluster bootstrap via PICODATA_ADMIN_PASSWORD env var
- Create example plugin app
- Implement transport-rpc
- Plugin RPC SDK
- separate migrations from CREATE / DROP plugin
- All plugin operations should be able to receive version as a required parameter
- Change default peer
- Use singular form consistently in plugins RFC and code
- Plugin RFC: refactor
- Introduce transport-rpc module in sdk
- Remove "sdk" module from repo
- Remove "schema" callback from plugin API
- Implement first SDK version
- Use config consistently through plugins
- Store MD5 hash of each migration
- Move plugin config to separate space
- Follow-up from "feat(plugins): add data migration mechanism for plugins"
- Builtin metrics
- flaky test/int/
- User story for extended query in pgproto
- Remove redundant subcrates
- Sql multiline input
- Refactor governor: vshard config version instead of target vshard config
- Prohibit non admin writes to system spaces