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Feature/tarantool proc

Merged Alexey Protsenko requested to merge feature/tarantool-proc into master
+ 95
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
//! - [Decimal numbers](mod@decimal)
//! - [Logging](log) (see <>)
//! - [Error handling](error)
//! - [Stored procedures](macro@crate::proc)
//! > **Caution!** The library is currently under development.
//! > API may be unstable until version 1.0 will be released.
@@ -168,6 +169,7 @@ pub mod fiber;
pub mod index;
pub mod log;
pub mod net_box;
pub mod proc;
pub mod raft;
pub mod schema;
pub mod sequence;
@@ -182,6 +184,99 @@ pub mod uuid;
mod va_list;
pub use tlua;
/// `#[tarantool::proc]` macro attribute for creating stored procedure
/// functions.
/// ```rust
/// #[tarantool::proc]
/// fn add(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
/// x + y
/// }
/// ```
/// From tarantool create a "C" stored procedure and call with arguments wrapped
/// within a lua table:
/// ```lua
/// box.schema.func.create("libname.add", { language = 'C' })
/// assert(box.func['libname.add']:call({ 1, 2 }) == 3)
/// ```
/// # Returning errors
/// If a function's return type is [`Result`]`<T, E>` (where `E` implements
/// [`Display`]), then if it's return value is
/// - `Ok(v)`: the stored procedure will return `v`
/// - `Err(e)`: the stored procedure will fail and `e` will be set as the last
/// tarantool error (see also [`TarantoolError::last`])
/// ```rust
/// use tarantool::{error::TarantoolError, index::IteratorType::Eq, space::Space};
/// #[tarantool::proc]
/// fn get_name(id: usize) -> Result<Option<String>, TarantoolError> {
/// Ok(
/// if let Some(space) = Space::find("users") {
/// if let Some(row) =, &[id])?.next() {
/// row.get("name")
/// } else {
/// None
/// }
/// } else {
/// None
/// }
/// )
/// }
/// ```
/// # Returning custom types
/// Stored procedure's return type must implement the [`Return`] trait which is
/// implemented for most builtin types. To retun an arbitrary type that
/// implements [`serde::Serialize`] you can use the [`ReturnMsgpack`] wrapper
/// type.
/// # Packed arguments
/// By default the stored procedure unpacks the received tuple and assigns the
/// **i**th field of the tuple to the **i**th argument. And if the number of
/// arguments is less then the number of fields in the input tuple the rest are
/// ignored.
/// If you want to instead deserialize the tuple directly into your structure
/// you can use the `packed_args`
/// attribute parameter
/// ```rust
/// #[tarantool::proc(packed_args)]
/// fn sum_all(vals: Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
/// vals.sum()
/// }
/// #[tarantool::proc]
/// fn sum_first_3(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) -> String {
/// a + b + c
/// }
/// ```
/// In the above example `sum_all` will sum all the inputs values it received
/// whereas `sum_first_3` will only sum up the first 3 values
/// # Debugging
/// There's also a `debug` attribute parameter which enables debug printing of
/// the arguments received by the stored procedure
/// ```
/// #[tarantool::proc(debug)]
/// fn print_what_you_got() {}
/// ```
/// The above stored procedure will just print it's any of it's arguments to
/// stderr and return immediately.
/// [`Result`]: std::result::Result
/// [`Display`]: std::fmt::Display
/// [`TarantoolError::last`]: crate::error::TarantoolError::last
/// [`Return`]: crate::proc::Return
/// [`ReturnMsgpack`]: crate::proc::ReturnMsgpack
pub use tarantool_proc::stored_proc as proc;
/// Return a global tarantool lua state.