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  1. Aug 08, 2024
    • Arseniy Volynets's avatar
      fix: wrong sql cache byte counter · eed8f3da
      Arseniy Volynets authored
      - If you prepare and execute statement with params
      in the projection and then unprepare the
      statement, byte counter may show the wrong value
      or even overflow.
      - The problem is that when we compile sql
      statement, we set parameter type to 'any'.
      But when we execute the statement we set parameter
      type to actual type. Then we use this type in
      calculation of estimated of sql cache entry size.
      This leads to different estimated sizes of cache
      entry during prepare and during unprepare after
      statement was executed
      - Fix this by resetting type to 'any' after
      executing the statement
      NO_DOC=picodata internal patch
      NO_CHANGELOG=picodata internal patch
  2. Jan 16, 2024
    • Arseniy Volynets's avatar
      feat: add limit for max executed vdbe opcodes · f138cdf5
      Arseniy Volynets authored and Дмитрий Кольцов's avatar Дмитрий Кольцов committed
      - Add a configurable non-negative
      session parameter "sql_vdbe_max_steps"
      -- max number of opcodes that Vdbe
      is allowed to execute for sql query.
      - Default value can be specified in box.cfg.
      If not set via box.cfg, default value
      is 45000. Value 0 means that no
      checks for number of executed Vdbe
      opcodes will be made.
      - Add the third argument to box.execute
      function, that allows to specify options
      for query execution. The only option
      supported: sql_vdbe_max_steps. Usage
      box.execute([[select * from t]], {}, {{sql_vdbe_max_steps = 1000}})
      part of picodata/picodata/sbroad!461
      NO_DOC=picodata internal patch
      NO_CHANGELOG=picodata internal patch
    • Denis Smirnov's avatar
      sql: recompile expired prepared statements · a38965d6
      Denis Smirnov authored and Дмитрий Кольцов's avatar Дмитрий Кольцов committed
      Actually there is no reason to throw an error and make a user
      manually recreate prepared statement when it expires. A much more
      user friendly way is to recreate it under hood when statement's
      schema version differs from the box one.
  3. Dec 27, 2022
    • Mergen Imeev's avatar
      sql: introduce SEQSCAN to SELECT · 77648827
      Mergen Imeev authored
      This patch introduces new keyword SEQSCAN and new restrictions on
      SELECTs. These restrictions are disabled by default.
      Closes #7747
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: SEQSCAN
      Now scanning SELECT will not run and will throw an error if the new
      SEQSCAN keyword is not used for scanned spaces. This change only affects
      SELECT and does not affect UPDATE and DELETE. A SELECT is recognized as
      a scanning SELECT if `EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT ...` indicates that the
      SELECT `scans` rather than `searches`.
      For example, if we have spaces created with these queries:
      Then these queries will throw an error:
      SELECT * FROM t;
      SELECT * FROM t WHERE a > 1;
      SELECT * FROM t WHERE i + 1 = 5;
      SELECT * FROM t, s;
      SELECT * FROM t JOIN s;
      And these will not:
      SELECT * FROM t WHERE i > 1;
      SELECT * FROM SEQSCAN t WHERE i + 1 = 5;
      Scanning can be allowed or disallowed by default. To do this, a new
      session setting is introduced: `sql_seq_scan`. The default value for
      setting is `true`, i.e. scanning is allowed. When set to `false`, the
      scanning SELECTs will throw a `scanning is not allowed` error.
  4. Nov 29, 2022
  5. Aug 19, 2021
    • Mergen Imeev's avatar
      sql: arguments check for string value functions · 0bad5bda
      Mergen Imeev authored
      This patch enables static and dynamic type check for functions SUBSTR(),
      GROUP_CONCAT(), REPLACE(), TRIM(). All these functions afther this patch
      will be able to return VARINARY value when VARBINARY arguments are given
      instead of STRING arguments.
      Closes #6105
    • Mergen Imeev's avatar
      sql: fix result type of min() and max() functions · 0f144350
      Mergen Imeev authored
      Prior to this, the patch functions MIN(), MAX(), LEAST() and GREATEST()
      showed SCALAR as result types in metadata. However, in reality, the type
      of the result could be any scalar type. After this patch, the type of
      the result will always be the same as the type in the metadata. Also,
      for MIN() and MAX() functions, the type of the result will be the same
      as the type of the argument. For the LEAST() and GREATEST() functions,
      the result type will be the same as the type of the arguments if all
      arguments are of the same type, or it will be NUMBER if all arguments
      are of numeric types, or it will be SCALAR.
      Part of #6105
    • Mergen Imeev's avatar
      sql: enable types checking for some functions · 33d80c8c
      Mergen Imeev authored
      This patch enables static and dynamic type checks for functions that do
      not need any rework.
      Part of #6105
  6. Aug 18, 2021
    • Mergen Imeev's avatar
      sql: disallow arithmetic for NUMBER and SCALAR · 16a61457
      Mergen Imeev authored
      This patch disallows arithmetic operations for SCALAR and NUMBER values.
      It also corrects the description of the error that is generated when an
      inappropriate value participates in an arithmetic operation.
      Part of #6221
  7. Jul 17, 2020
    • Roman Khabibov's avatar
      sql: unify pattern for column names · 7bfcf57e
      Roman Khabibov authored
      Name resulting columns generated by an expression or <VALUES>
      construction by the "COLUMN_N" pattern.
      Closes #3962
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Column naming in SQL
      Now, every auto generated column is named by the "COLUMN_N"
      pattern, where N is the number of generated column in a query
      (starting  from 1). Auto generated column is a column in a query
      result generated by an expression or a column from <VALUES>
      box.execute("VALUES(1, 2, 3);")
      - metadata:
        - name: COLUMN_1
          type: integer
        - name: COLUMN_2
          type: integer
        - name: COLUMN_3
          type: integer
        - [1, 2, 3]
      box.execute("SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1+1, 1+1));")
      - metadata:
        - name: COLUMN_1
          type: integer
        - name: COLUMN_2
          type: integer
        - [2, 2]
      box.execute("SELECT 1+1, 1+1;")
      - metadata:
        - name: COLUMN_1
          type: integer
        - name: COLUMN_2
          type: integer
        - [2, 2]
      Here, the expression "mycol + 1" generates a new column, so that
      it is the first auto generated resulting column will be named as
      tarantool> CREATE TABLE test (mycol INT PRIMARY KEY);
      - row_count: 1
      tarantool> SELECT mycol, mycol + 1 FROM test;
      - metadata:
        - name: MYCOL
          type: integer
        - name: COLUMN_1
          type: integer
        rows: []
      Note that you can use generated names already within the query,
      e.g. in <ORDER BY> clause.
      tarantool> SELECT mycol, mycol + 1 FROM test ORDER BY column_1;
      - metadata:
        - name: MYCOL
          type: integer
        - name: COLUMN_1
          type: integer
        rows: []
      It should also be noted that if you use column names similar to
      the "COLUMN_N" pattern, you can get the same names as a result:
      tarantool> CREATE TABLE test (column_1 SCALAR PRIMARY KEY);
      - row_count: 1
      tarantool> INSERT INTO test VALUES(1);
      - row_count: 1
      tarantool> SELECT column_1, column_1 + 1 FROM test;
      - metadata:
        - name: COLUMN_1
          type: scalar
        - name: COLUMN_1
          type: scalar
        - [1, 2]
  8. Apr 07, 2020
    • Nikita Pettik's avatar
      sql: reset values to be bound after execution · df03a7e8
      Nikita Pettik authored
      Before this patch prepared statements didn't reset bound values after
      its execution. As a result, if during next execution cycle not all
      parameters were provided, cached values would appear. For instance:
      prep = box.prepare('select :a, :b, :c')
      prep:execute({{[':a'] = 1}, {[':b'] = 2}, {[':c'] = 3}}
      -- [1, 2, 3]
      prep:execute({{[':a'] = 1}, {[':b'] = 2}})
      -- [1, 2, 3]
      However, expected result for the last query should be [1, 2, NULL].
      Let's fix it and always reset all binding values before next execution.
      Closes #4825
  9. Feb 06, 2020
    • Nikita Pettik's avatar
      sql: fix off-by-one error while setting bind names · ef5ba746
      Nikita Pettik authored
      Names of bindings are stored in the array indexed from 1 (see struct
      Vdbe->pVList). So to get name of i-th values to be bound, one should
      call sqlVListNumToName(list, i+1) not sqlVListNumToName(list, i).
      For this reason, names of binding parameters returned in meta-information
      in response to :prepare() call are shifted by one. Let's fix it and
      calculate position of binding parameter taking into consideration
      1-based indexing.
      Closes #4760
  10. Jan 15, 2020
    • Nikita Pettik's avatar
      sql: account prepared stmt cache size right after entry removal · 1f8bd87a
      Nikita Pettik authored
      SQL prepared statement cache is implemented as two data structures: hash
      table <stmt_id : pointer-to-metadata> and GC queue. The latter is
      required to avoid workload spikes on session's disconnect: instead of
      cleaning up memory for all session-local prepared statements, prepared
      statements to be deleted are moved to GC queue. When memory limit for PS
      is reached, all elements from queue are removed at once. If statement
      traps to the GC queue it is assumed to be already dead. Accidentally,
      change of occupied by PS cache takes place only after GC queue clean-up,
      so correct size of PS cache is displayed only after GC cycles. Let's fix
      this and account PS cache size change right after entry removal (i.e. at
      the moment PS gets into GC queue).
  11. Dec 31, 2019
    • Nikita Pettik's avatar
      sql: add cache statistics to · 5a1a220e
      Nikita Pettik authored
      To track current memory occupied by prepared statements and number of
      them, let's extend submodule with .sql statistics: now it
      contains current total size of prepared statements and their count.
      @TarantoolBot document
      Title: Prepared statements in SQL
      Now it is possible to prepare (i.e. compile into byte-code and save to
      the cache) statement and execute it several times. Mechanism is similar
      to ones in other DBs. Prepared statement is identified by numeric
      ID, which are returned alongside with prepared statement handle.
      Note that they are not sequential and represent value of hash function
      applied to the string containing original SQL request.
      Prepared statement holder is shared among all sessions. However, session
      has access only to statements which have been prepared in scope of it.
      There's no eviction policy like in any cache; to remove statement from
      holder explicit unprepare request is required. Alternatively, session's
      disconnect also removes statements from holder.
      Several sessions can share one prepared statement, which will be
      destroyed when all related sessions are disconnected or send unprepare
      request. Memory limit for prepared statements is adjusted by
      box.cfg{sql_cache_size} handle (can be set dynamically;
      Any DDL operation leads to expiration of all prepared statements: they
      should be manually removed or re-prepared.
      Prepared statements are available in local mode (i.e. via box.prepare()
      function) and are supported in IProto protocol. In the latter case
      next IProto keys are used to make up/receive requests/responses:
      IPROTO_PREPARE - new IProto command; key is 0x13. It can be sent with
      one of two mandatory keys: IPROTO_SQL_TEXT (0x40 and assumes string value)
      or IPROTO_STMT_ID (0x43 and assumes integer value). Depending on body it
      means to prepare or unprepare SQL statement: IPROTO_SQL_TEXT implies prepare
      request, meanwhile IPROTO_STMT_ID - unprepare;
      IPROTO_BIND_METADATA (0x33 and contains parameters metadata of type map)
      and IPROTO_BIND_COUNT (0x34 and corresponds to the count of parameters to
      be bound) are response keys. They are mandatory members of result of
      IPROTO_PREPARE execution.
      To track statistics of used memory and number of currently prepared
      statements, is extended with SQL statistics:
    - number of prepared statements; - size of occupied by prepared statements memory.
      Typical workflow with prepared statements is following:
      s = box.prepare("SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = ?;")
      s:execute({1}) or box.execute(s.sql_str, {1})
      s:execute({2}) or box.execute(s.sql_str, {2})
      s:unprepare() or box.unprepare(s.query_id)
      Structure of object is following (member : type):
      - stmt_id: integer
        execute: function
        params: map [name : string, type : integer]
        unprepare: function
        metadata: map [name : string, type : integer]
        param_count: integer
      In terms of remote connection:
      cn = netbox:connect(addr)
      s = cn:prepare("SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = ?;")
      cn:execute(s.sql_str, {1})
      Closes #2592
    • Nikita Pettik's avatar
      netbox: introduce prepared statements · 0e1b20c3
      Nikita Pettik authored
      This patch introduces support of prepared statements in IProto
      protocol. To achieve this new IProto command is added - IPROTO_PREPARE
      (key is 0x13). It is sent with one of two mandatory keys:
      IPROTO_SQL_TEXT (0x40 and assumes string value) or IPROTO_STMT_ID (0x43
      and assumes integer value). Depending on body it means to prepare or
      unprepare SQL statement: IPROTO_SQL_TEXT implies prepare request,
      meanwhile IPROTO_STMT_ID - unprepare.  Also to reply on PREPARE request a
      few response keys are added: IPROTO_BIND_METADATA (0x33 and contains
      parameters metadata of type map) and IPROTO_BIND_COUNT (0x34 and
      corresponds to the count of parameters to be bound).
      Part of #2592
    • Nikita Pettik's avatar
      box: introduce prepared statements · 7bea3d5b
      Nikita Pettik authored
      This patch introduces local prepared statements. Support of prepared
      statements in IProto protocol and netbox is added in the next patch.
      Prepared statement is an opaque instance of SQL Virtual Machine. It can
      be executed several times without necessity of query recompilation. To
      achieve this one can use box.prepare(...) function. It takes string of
      SQL query to be prepared; returns extended set of meta-information
      including statement's ID, parameter's types and names, types and names
      of columns of the resulting set, count of parameters to be bound.  Lua
      object representing result of :prepare() invocation also features two
      methods - :execute() and :unprepare(). They correspond to
      box.execute(stmt.stmt_id) and box.unprepare(stmt.stmt_id), i.e.
      automatically substitute string of prepared statement to be executed.
      Statements are held in prepared statement cache - for details see
      previous commit.  After schema changes all prepared statement located in
      cache are considered to be expired - they must be re-prepared by
      separate :prepare() call (or be invalidated with :unrepare()).
      Two sessions can share one prepared statements. But in the current
      implementation if statement is executed by one session, another is
      not able to use it and will compile it from scratch and than execute.
      SQL cache memory limit is regulated by box{sql_cache_size} which can be
      set dynamically. However, it can be set to the value which is less than
      the size of current free space in cache (since otherwise some statements
      can disappear from cache).
      Part of #2592