- Feb 05, 2016
Georgy Kirichenko authored
Check evpipe[1] is the right way. Issue #1094.
- Feb 04, 2016
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Feb 03, 2016
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Feb 02, 2016
Georgy Kirichenko authored
- Feb 01, 2016
Dmitry Simonenko authored
Roman Tsisyk authored
* Check return codes of libyaml * Synchronyze check_utf8() logic with libyaml * Remove analyze_string() - this logic is performed by libyaml * Add the test cases
- Jan 28, 2016
Roman Tsisyk authored
Other changes: * Move CJSON sources to libserver to resolve dependency on lua/utils.c
- Jan 27, 2016
Nick Zavaritsky authored
- Jan 23, 2016
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Jan 20, 2016
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Jan 18, 2016
Georgy Kirichenko authored
- Jan 13, 2016
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Jan 07, 2016
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Dec 25, 2015
Nick Zavaritsky authored
- Dec 22, 2015
Dmitry Simonenko authored
move tarantool/sophia to tarantool-1.6 branch
- Dec 18, 2015
Roman Tsisyk authored
Nick Zavaritsky authored
Roman Tsisyk authored
* Split libyaml (C library) and lua-yaml (Lua bindings) * Add support for system libyaml-dev in CMake scripts if -DENABLE_BUNDLED_LIBYAML is OFF (default is ON) * Add libyaml-dev to DEB dependencies third_party/libyaml/ is completely identical to upstream libyaml 0.1.6. (libyaml-0-2 in Debian/Ubuntu). Test are passed both with bundled and system versions of the library. third_party/lua-yaml/ is patched by me to use luaL_serializer, therefore upstream version is not suitable for Tarantool. This patch is needed to pass Debian package checks (lintian).
- Dec 15, 2015
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Dec 05, 2015
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Dec 03, 2015
Nick Zavaritsky authored
Nick Zavaritsky authored
- Nov 11, 2015
Konstantin Osipov authored
Nick Zavaritsky authored
Doing box.cfg{background=true, logger='/EACCESS.log'} resulted in a silent failure because initialization routine closed stderr first before initializing the logger. Changing stuff to absolutize pathes (logger, pid_file) to make it easier to troubleshoot errors. Things in say.c (logger guts) were changed to call exit instead of _exit on failure in order for the cleanup to be performed. Also adding a library for managing pid files under third_party/libutil_freebsd.
- Nov 05, 2015
Konstantin Osipov authored
proctitle.c: since it's now fully rewritten by us, move from third_party process_title.c: rename to title.c Style changes.
Nick Zavaritsky authored
* add proctitle.h; * add config-time detection of setproctitle() syscall; * fixing program_invocation_(short)?_name globals (glibc); * fixing progname (getprogname(), initialized with argv[0]); * this module now works on osx; * fix osx ps displaying garbage (argc-1 extra \0 necessary); * general refactoring; * fix linux proctitle truncation (init_set_proctitle was called with argv+1, this is wrong); * CAVEAT: 'progname: ' prefix no longer present, will fix later
- Oct 30, 2015
Dmitry Simonenko authored
TODO: pass exact lsn as row.lsn to a slave during JOIN. Ensure that slave properly accepts rows with variadic lsn.
Konstantin Osipov authored
- Oct 23, 2015
Roman Tsisyk authored
Thanks Vyacheslav Egorov for the fix in LuaJIT.
Roman Tsisyk authored
Update third_party/luajit to v2.1 as suggested by Vyacheslav Egorov.
- Oct 10, 2015
Konstantin Osipov authored
- Oct 07, 2015
Nick Zavaritsky authored
Wrong fix. This reverts commit cd200c65.
- Oct 06, 2015
Nick Zavaritsky authored
- Oct 04, 2015
Nick Zavaritsky authored
Nick Zavaritsky authored
- Sep 30, 2015
Nick Zavaritsky authored
Enable monotonic timers (if available). Enable floor() usage in computations (instead of a crude approximation with bithacks). Enable eventfd and signalfd usage on Linux.
- Sep 29, 2015
Nick Zavaritsky authored
_Noreturn kw must appear before the function name as per C11 grammar and clang7 is the first one to enforce that. Ecb_noreturn macro is defined using _Noreturn keyword if C11 support is detected; otherwise __noreturn__ gcc attribute is used. The later must appear after the function parameters list. These two methods to annotate a function are inherently incompatible in terms of the token location relative to the function declaration. Use gcc attribute exclusively since it is always available.
- Sep 23, 2015
Nick Zavaritsky authored
_Noreturn kw must appear before the function name as per C11 grammar and clang7 is the first one to enforce that. Ecb_noreturn macro is defined using _Noreturn keyword if C11 support is detected; otherwise __noreturn__ gcc attribute is used. The later must appear after the function parameters list. These two methods to annotate a function are inherently incompatible in terms of the token location relative to the function declaration. Use gcc attribute exclusively since it is always available.
- Sep 21, 2015
Konstantin Osipov authored
We already install signal handlers, but don't give them a chance to execute, since don't yield during recovery. Add yields once per a few tens of thousands of events. Deploy a special hack with an idle watcher to make sure that fiber_sleep(0) doesn't sleep for too long (1 ms without this watcher). libev sleeps for at least 1 ms (backend_mintime) unless there are idle watchers. The logic of this behaviour is obscure to say the least. Since the upstream is also using *screw-the-community* cvs for revision control, maintaining an own patch set on top of the upstream is also a pain in the neck. So, instead of patching libev (I hesitate to simply remove the obscure logic since I don't understand the reason for it from the comments, and I don't think making this logic optional is worth the hassle, given also that we will diverge even more from the upstream), create an idle watcher in fiber_sleep(), as a workaround, to make sure backend_mintime is not looked at when calculating sleep time for poll(), and zero timeout is used instead.
- Sep 18, 2015
Konstantin Osipov authored