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Commit 2711797b authored by Igor Munkin's avatar Igor Munkin Committed by Kirill Yukhin
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lua: abort trace recording on fiber yield

Since Tarantool fibers don't respect Lua coroutine switch mechanism, JIT
machinery stays unnotified when one lua_State substitutes another one.
As a result if trace recording hasn't been aborted prior to fiber
switch, the recording proceeds using the new lua_State and leads to a
failure either on any further compiler phase or while the compiled trace
is executed.

This changeset extends <cord_on_yield> routine aborting trace recording
when the fiber switches to another one. If the switch-over occurs while
mcode is being run the platform finishes its execution with EXIT_FAILURE
code and calls panic routine prior to the exit.

Closes #1700
Fixes #4491

Reviewed-by: default avatarSergey Ostanevich <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarVladislav Shpilevoy <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarIgor Munkin <>
parent a390ec55
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......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "lua/utils.h"
#include <lj_trace.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
......@@ -1309,10 +1310,49 @@ tarantool_lua_utils_init(struct lua_State *L)
return 0;
* XXX: There is already defined <panic> macro in say.h header
* (included in diag.h). As a result the call below is misexpanded
* and compilation fails with the corresponding error. To avoid
* this error the macro is undefined since it's not used anymore
* in scope of this translation unit.
#undef panic
* This routine encloses the checks and actions to be done when
* the running fiber yields the execution.
* Since Tarantool fibers don't switch-over the way Lua coroutines
* do the platform ought to notify JIT engine when one lua_State
* substitutes another one.
void cord_on_yield(void)
struct global_State *g = G(tarantool_L);
* XXX: Switching fibers while running the trace leads to
* code misbehaviour and failures, so stop its execution.
if (unlikely(tvref(g->jit_base))) {
* XXX: mcode is executed only in scope of Lua
* world and one can obtain the corresponding Lua
* coroutine from the fiber storage.
struct lua_State *L = fiber()->storage.lua.stack;
assert(L != NULL);
lua_pushfstring(L, "fiber %d is switched while running the"
" compiled code (it's likely a function with"
" a yield underneath called via LuaJIT FFI)",
if (g->panic)
* Unconditionally abort trace recording whether fibers
* switch each other. Otherwise, further compilation may
* lead to a failure on any next compiler phase.
build_module(module_api module_api.c)
build_module(libyield libyield.c)
import platform
# Disabled on FreeBSD due to #4819.
if platform.system() == 'FreeBSD':
self.skip = 1
# vim: set ft=python:
#!/usr/bin/env tarantool
if #arg == 0 then
local checks = {
arg = {
1, -- hotloop (arg[1])
1, -- trigger (arg[2])
res = 'OK',
msg = 'Trace is aborted',
arg = {
1, -- hotloop (arg[1])
2, -- trigger (arg[2])
res = 'fiber %d+ is switched while running the compiled code %b()',
msg = 'Trace is recorded',
local tap = require('tap')
local test = tap.test('gh-1700-abort-recording-on-fiber-switch')
local vars = {
LUABIN = arg[-1],
SCRIPT = arg[0],
-- To support out-of-source build use relative paths in repo
PATH = arg[-1]:gsub('src/tarantool$', 'test/app-tap'),
SUFFIX = package.cpath:match('?.(%a+);'),
local cmd = string.gsub('LUA_CPATH="$LUA_CPATH;<PATH>/?.<SUFFIX>" ' ..
'LUA_PATH="$LUA_PATH;<PATH>/?.lua" ' ..
'<LUABIN> 2>&1 <SCRIPT>', '%<(%w+)>', vars)
for _, ch in pairs(checks) do
local res
local proc = io.popen((cmd .. (' %s'):rep(#ch.arg)):format(unpack(ch.arg)))
for s in proc:lines() do res = s end
assert(res, 'proc:lines failed')
test:like(res, ch.res, ch.msg)
os.exit(test:check() and 0 or 1)
-- Test body.
local cfg = {
hotloop = arg[1] or 1,
trigger = arg[2] or 1,
local ffi = require('ffi')
local ffiyield = ffi.load('libyield')
ffi.cdef('void yield(struct yield *state, int i)')
-- Set the value to trigger <yield> call switch the running fuber.
local yield = require('libyield')(cfg.trigger)
-- Depending on trigger and hotloop values the following contexts
-- are possible:
-- * if trigger <= hotloop -> trace recording is aborted
-- * if trigger > hotloop -> trace is recorded but execution
-- leads to panic
jit.opt.start("3", string.format("hotloop=%d", cfg.hotloop))
for i = 0, cfg.trigger + cfg.hotloop do
ffiyield.yield(yield, i)
-- Panic didn't occur earlier.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantool
local tap = require('tap')
local test = tap.test('gh-4491-coio-wait-leads-to-segfault')
-- Test file to demonstrate platform failure due to fiber switch
-- while trace recording, details:
local fiber = require('fiber')
local ffi = require('ffi')
ffi.cdef('int coio_wait(int fd, int event, double timeout);')
local cfg = {
hotloop = arg[1] or 1,
fibers = arg[1] or 2,
timeout = { put = 1, get = 1 },
test:plan(cfg.fibers + 1)
local args = {
fd = 1 , -- STDIN file descriptor
event = 0x1 , -- COIO_READ event
timeout = 0.05, -- Timeout value
local function run(iterations, channel)
for _ = 1, iterations do
ffi.C.coio_wait(args.fd, args.event, args.timeout)
channel:put(true, cfg.timeout.put)
local channels = { }
jit.opt.start('3', string.format('hotloop=%d', cfg.hotloop))
for _ = 1, cfg.fibers do
channels[_] =, cfg.hotloop + 1, channels[_])
-- Finalize the existing fibers
for _ = 1, cfg.fibers do
string.format('fiber #%d successfully finished', _))
test:ok(true, 'trace is not recorded due to fiber switch underneath coio_wait')
os.exit(test:check() and 0 or 1)
#include <lua.h>
#include <module.h>
struct yield {
int trigger; /* Trigger for yielding the fiber execution */
void yield(struct yield *state, int i)
if (i < state->trigger)
/* Fiber yields the execution for a jiffy */
static int init(lua_State *L)
struct yield *state = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct yield));
state->trigger = lua_tonumber(L, 1);
return 1;
LUA_API int luaopen_libyield(lua_State *L)
lua_pushcfunction(L, init);
return 1;
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