- May 24, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Behavior of `killpg` slightly differs in Mac and Linux. For some reason, `killpg` returns error EPERM when sending a signal to a zomibie process. And that is the reason of `test_process_management` failure on mac - there's a small gap between killing child and and subreaper calls `waitpid`. Now pytest handles this exception properly. Close https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/70 See also: - Stackoverflow: Why would `killpg` return "not permitted" when ownership is correct? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12521705/why-would-killpg-return-not-permitted-when-ownership-is-correct - Linux `man 2 killpg`: https://linux.die.net/man/2/killpg#Notes > Notes > > There are various differences between the permission checking in > BSD-type systems and System V-type systems. See the POSIX rationale > for kill(). A difference not mentioned by POSIX concerns the return > value EPERM: BSD documents that no signal is sent and EPERM returned > when the permission check failed for **at least one** target process, > while POSIX documents EPERM only when the permission check failed for > **all** target processes. - MacOS `man 2 killpg`: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man2/killpg.2.html > [EPERM] The sending process is not the super-user and > **one or more** of the target processes has an effective > user ID different from that of the sending process. - Linux `man 2 kill`: https://linux.die.net/man/2/kill > EPERM The process does not have permission to send the signal > *to any* of the target processes. > - Process states in Linux: https://kerneltalks.com/linux/process-states-in-linux/ - Reproduce killpg returning EPERM on MacOS: https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/snippets/7
- May 12, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
Waiting for a valid `leader_id` on a node isn't enough. It may already have one, but still be a Learner. Instead, the fixture should wait until the node is promoted to voter.
- May 11, 2022
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
1. Review `Pipfile`: - Remove unused `filelock`; - Install `mypy` - static type checker for Python. 2. Add new command `pipenv run lint`. 3. Enable `mypy` in CI. Fix reported errors in `test_basics.py`. 4. Renew readme.
Yaroslav Dynnikov authored
In `conftest.py`: - *Add* function `xdist_worker_number`. It converts `str(worker_id)` into `int`. It serves as a substitute for `session_data_mutex` for parallel test runs. - *Change* `normalize_net_box_result`. Replace a function with a decorator. Also, handle typical kinds of picodata responses. Extensively test it in `test_basics.py::test_eval/call_normalization`. - *Add* dataclass `RaftStatus`. It shouldn't be used outside `conftest.py`. It only makes assertions more brief in logs and understndable in code. - *Add* all raft stuff into the `Instance` class. This implies `raft_propose_eval`, `assert_raft_status` all `promote_or_fail` moved from `util.py`. - *Change* fixture `compile`. No need in extra logics since commit 59c31cb8. - *Preserve* fixture `binary_path`. - *Remove* fixtures `session_data_mutex` and `run_id`. Superseded with `xdist_worker_number`. - *Remove* fixtures `run_cluster` and `run_instance`. Superseded with `cluster.deploy(...)`. - *Remove* function `wait_tcp_port`. It's never enough to check raw socket. Superseded with `instance.wait_ready()`. - Give the instances clean names `i1, i2, ...`, and simple addresses ``. For the parallel test run use different IPs `127.7.N.1` etc. In `test_basics.py`: - *Add* `test_xdist_worker_number`. - *Add* `test_call_normalization` and `test_eval_normalization`. - *Add* `test_process_management`. It's brand new, never implemented in luatest before. - *Rename* `test_single_instance_raft_eval` to `test_propose_eval` and extend it with additional assertion from `single_test.lua`. - *Remove* `test_instance`. A part of its logics is moved to `test_call/eval_normalization`. The other part is rewritten and extended in `test_process_management`. - *Remove* `test_cluster`. It was completely useless because of inappropriate synchronization and no valuable assertions. - *Remove* `test_propose_eval`. It wasn't that useful, but failed because of inappropriate synchronization. In `test_couple.py`: - *Preserve* `test_follower_proposal` and `test_failover`. Just slightly refactor according to the new `conftest.py` API. In `util.py` (completely removed): - *Remove* decorator `retry`. Needless. - *Remove* decorator `retry_on_network_errors`. Inappropriate predicate didn't catch Lua errors. - *Remove* everything related to raft. Move it into `conftest.py`. Part of https://git.picodata.io/picodata/picodata/picodata/-/issues/59
- Apr 28, 2022
Sergey V authored