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  1. Apr 10, 2014
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
      [gh-241] Rename tarantool_box to tarantool · 3001eb1a
      Konstantin Osipov authored
      Update mans, docs.
      A lot of resources still need to be updated (build scripts, etc).
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
      [gh-229] Read line in a separate thread. · 7c76ad19
      Konstantin Osipov authored
      Don't block the event loop in the interactive mode.
      Fix a merge bug (remove a debug print out from the test system).
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
      Config-less server operation [gh-138] [gh-231] · 22363380
      Konstantin Osipov authored
      Do not read or require tarantool.cfg. Accept all options
      in the script itself. Split server reconfiguration so that
      parts of the server can be reconfigured independently.
      Remove dependency on confetti.
      To configure the server at start, call
      box.cfg{option1=value1, option2=value2}
      To reset an option on the fly, do the same:
      box.cfg is a Lua table with all existing options.
      Make local hot standby the default and remove local hot
      standby option [gh-231].
      If neither primary nor admin port is specified, the server does
      not get stuck in local hot standby mode, and becomes a master
      Incompatible changes:
      - pid_file is nil by default, and the server does not create
      a pid file by default.
      - local_hot_standby option is removed
      - log_level is now a dynamic option
      - wal_mode is "write" by default
      - box.cfg only prints non-nil options
      Clean up a lot of garbage code in the test system.
      Remove configuration file support from TarantoolServer
      and Lua test preprocessor.
      The patch also contains a few unrelated improvements in the
      interactive mode (history support, ^D leads to exit).
      @todo The patch disables region_gc in recovery, which
      may lead to memory overconsumptions when recovering large
      snapshots. This needs to be fixed separately.
      @todo Remove all configuration files and confetti files
      in a follow-up patch (not done in this patch to not clutter
  2. Apr 09, 2014
  3. Apr 08, 2014
  4. Mar 27, 2014
  5. Mar 26, 2014
    • Alexandr's avatar
      added pt_alloc to small library · 003daabb
      Alexandr authored
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
      [gh-97] Make #! mandatory. · 29ada348
      Konstantin Osipov authored
      Remove command line options:
      - these are gone forever, in preparation for config-less start.
      --background --  move to tarantool.cfg for now, in the future
      it will be part of Lua config.
      Make #! mandatory - if the server is started without #!, it's
      only possible to query its version or get startup help (--version
      and --help are the only remaining supported options).
      When #! is present, do not parse options, pass them wholly to the
      script at hand.
      Add helper scripts to test suites, to start/stop the server.
      For now, the scripts are empty, in the future they will be
      merged with a respective config file.
    • Roman Tsisyk's avatar
  6. Mar 25, 2014
  7. Mar 21, 2014
  8. Mar 20, 2014
    • Roman Tsisyk's avatar
      Fix build system to properly support pluggable modules · 876e401a
      Roman Tsisyk authored
       * Install *.lua modules into ${DATADIR}/tarantool/1.5
          and *.so modules into ${LIBDIR}/tarantool/1.5
       * Fix default package.path and package.cpath
       * Install Lua headers to ${INCLUDE_DIR}/tarantool/1.5
       * Install config.h to ${INCLUDE_DIR}/tarantool/1.5
       * Add a new package - tarantool-dev (server development headers)
       * Use RPM Macroses in rpm.spec
       * Fix tarball generation for Debian
       * Use GNUInstallDirs.cmake to setup directories
    • esha's avatar
      Fixed sql(common, pg, mysql) search for modules · dd567a35
      esha authored
      purpose: OOS-build tests fail
  9. Mar 13, 2014
  10. Mar 12, 2014
  11. Mar 11, 2014
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
      gh-162, gh-163 Authentication and access control · 6e2cf75f
      Konstantin Osipov authored
      Add new system spaces _user and _priv to store users,
      their passwords and their privileges.
      Implement an authentication request in iproto protocol
      Add a system space _func to store presistent information
      about Lua functions. A function is now a subject
      to ownership and privilege control.
      Use MySQL-style sha1-double-hashing authentication by default.
      Implement new Lua functions:
      Store space creator in space definition.
      What this patch doesn't implement:
      - privilege checks in replication
      - authentication of replication slaves
      - exhaustive test coverage
    • Roman Tsisyk's avatar
    • Roman Tsisyk's avatar
      LuaFun integration · 2dbfaea0
      Roman Tsisyk authored
  12. Mar 07, 2014
  13. Mar 06, 2014
  14. Mar 05, 2014
    • Roman Tsisyk's avatar
      Replace index:iterator() API with Lua-compatible pairs() · 52915a4c
      Roman Tsisyk authored
      This patch converts space:iterator() to be compatible with Lua
      for-in loop conventions. The most important change is that
      generating function now returns *state* as its first result:
          for _state, val in space.index[0]:pairs() do work(val) end
      New syntax follows the best practices of Lua community and makes
      index API to be more consistent with pairs() and tuple iterators.
      This change partially restores pairs() logic as it was implemented
      before 49875615.
  15. Mar 03, 2014
  16. Feb 28, 2014
  17. Feb 27, 2014
    • Roman Tsisyk's avatar
      Implement a new version of select() API · 199c0a22
      Roman Tsisyk authored
      This patch introduces backward-incompatible changes to select()
      and adds couple new methods:
        * index:select(key) -> tuple, tuple, ... was changed to
          index:select(key, opts = {}) -> { tuple } where opts can be
             - iterator = ALL if key == nil or key == {} | EQ otherwse
             - offset = 0
             - limit = unlimited
        * index:get(key) -> tuple | nil | error on more than one tuple
          a wrapper for select() to get the single tuple
        * space:put(tuple) -> tuple
          an alias for space:replace() (to provide integrity with get())
      Test suite, and API were also updated to
      meet changes.
  18. Feb 24, 2014
  19. Feb 20, 2014
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
    • Konstantin Osipov's avatar
      Remove replication_port · 9dadc3da
      Konstantin Osipov authored
      Marshall replication using the primary port.
      Split iproto requests into two categories: DML and admin.  Change
      PING request code to 64, to lay within admin request range.
      Perform administrative requests synchronously, without pushing
      them into an event queue.
      Add a new administrative request, IPROTO_SUBSCRIBE.
      Use dynamic memory for struct iproto_request. Introduce memory
      Remove replication_port from the configuration file and
      update tests.
      Fix the test runner so that it correctly generates
      replication_source to point to the primary port.
      Add variable arguments to IllegalParams.
      Move replia-related recovery methods to a new header, replica.h.
      Remove a debug printout from
      Update tests.
    • Alexandr's avatar
      fixed include paths in avl unit test · 62e1ab00
      Alexandr authored
  20. Feb 19, 2014