- Feb 19, 2014
Alexandr authored
- Feb 17, 2014
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Feb 10, 2014
Dmitry Simonenko authored
move module related tests from test/box/ to test/module/.
- Feb 07, 2014
Konstantin Osipov authored
- Nov 28, 2013
Eugine Blikh authored
- Nov 15, 2013
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Nov 14, 2013
Konstantin Osipov authored
Add forgotten test result.
- Nov 13, 2013
Roman Tsisyk authored
This commit completely changes the data format used by Tarantool. A new binary serialization format called MsgPack (http://msgpack.org) has been introduced to store tuples, keys, request members, etc. MsgPack supports various data types and hierarchical structures. Since tuple & keys format has been changed, the binary protocol is no more compatible with 1.5 clients. The list of major changes: * Add MsgPack library and unit tests as a submodule * Add Lua bindings for the library and unit tests for it * Update IPROTO to use MsgPack for all kinds of requests * Change struct tuple to use MsgPack Array instead of BER-encoded fields * Remove fixed offsets from tuples (cannot be supported by MsgPack) * Replace const char *key, key_part pairs with MsgPack Arrays * Rework comparators and indicies to support MsgPack'ed fields * Merge NUM and NUM64 types into the one single type (NUM) * Rewrite box_lua.cc functions to support MsgPack instead of BER * Rewrite tuple_update to support MsgPack instead of BER * Totaly remove varint32 functions from all modules * Rework lua_tofield and YAML encoder to properly support Lua tables * Modifie bootstrap files and system spaces to use the new format * Add MsgPack support to the test system via msgpack-python * Update tests to use proper data types and remove unneeded box.packs Tarantool 1.6 is the world's first MsgPack-based database!
- Nov 06, 2013
Alexandr authored
- Nov 03, 2013
Veniamin Gvozdikov authored
Removed html files and added rtf files which uses in the DMG package, also enable readme section at an installer
- Nov 02, 2013
Veniamin Gvozdikov authored
- Nov 01, 2013
Veniamin Gvozdikov authored
- Oct 30, 2013
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Oct 17, 2013
Veniamin Gvozdikov authored
- Oct 16, 2013
Veniamin Gvozdikov authored
- Oct 10, 2013
Konstantin Osipov authored
- Oct 06, 2013
Veniamin Gvozdikov authored
- Sep 23, 2013
Konstantin Osipov authored
Provide open_memstream() implementation for system which miss it (Mac OS X).
- Aug 26, 2013
Konstantin Osipov authored
Store the information about spaces in a pre-recreated system space. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tarantool/+spec/space-ddl Remove space configuration from confetti. Use transaction and space triggers to run post-DML actions to perform DDL changes. Implement a Lua FFI binding to disable tests. Temporarily disable space-loading code in tarancheck and tarantar (this breaks them). Mostly all tests are broken. Memcached is disabled (non-functional).
Dmitry Simonenko authored
Integrate libyaml instead of internal yaml formaters. changelog: * fixed i64 convertion bug * refactored bindings to new admin .info() scheme * moved lua plugin api to separate file * moved lua fiber api to separate file * slab binding refactored * added fiber lua bindings * rewriten admin reply handler * proper yaml end-of-document formater * proper server error formater * fixed bug with leftover data on stack on exception error * added support of i64 types to lyyaml * removed couple of box.show_ bindings * console client fixes to support new scheme This push has a yet broken test's.
- Aug 20, 2013
Konstantin Osipov authored
Konstantin Osipov authored
Konstantin Osipov authored
Rewrite --init-storage to dump a compiled-in blob instead of firing off the entire save snapshot machinery. This should simplify bootstrap in presence of system spaces: there's going to be no need to implement the code which creates system, they will be created simply by recovery from a snapshot.
- Aug 19, 2013
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Jul 11, 2013
Roman Tsisyk authored
Roman Tsisyk authored
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Jul 10, 2013
Roman Tsisyk authored
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Jun 28, 2013
Roman Tsisyk authored
Roman Tsisyk authored
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Jun 24, 2013
Dmitry Simonenko authored
- Jun 20, 2013
Roman Tsisyk authored
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Jun 18, 2013
Konstantin Osipov authored
Two significant changes (both arguable, since this patch is about taste by a large measure): 1) Split tuple_seek() into two: tuple_rewind() and tuple_seek(). tuple_rewind() simply initializes the iterator and sets it to 'before-first' position. tuple_seek() returns a field, and sets the iterator to the position after the returned field. Previosly there was only tuple_seek(), which required tuple_next() to get the field, and it was confusing whether or not tuple_next() after tuple_seek() is required. Indeed, the very code I chagned sometimes would call tuple_next() after tuple_seek() and sometimes would not. 2) Move the return value of the iterator outside of iteration state. The advantage of "binding" the out parameters of the iterator to iterator state is that you bind once, and don't need to supply out parameters into every call to tuple_next() function. It also makes it easy to add extra out parameters for bind in the future (field data type, flags, etc). This makes "binding" technique popular in database driver APIs. Binding makes API more stable, which is also important in drivers. In this case, however, binding adds for extra lines of code and (possibly) few extra instructions. Plus, since this is an internal API which we can change any day, its stability is not as important. So it seems that for now we're better of with an API which is a bit more concise/efficient, and can switch to using binding later, if needed.
Dmitry E. Oboukhov authored
- Jun 14, 2013
Roman Tsisyk authored
- Jun 08, 2013
Konstantin Osipov authored
Don't load corrupted tuples.
- Jun 07, 2013
Dmitry Simonenko authored
g++ (not gcc) works correctly when dealing with extern __inline and __extern_inline constructions, thus this hack is not necessary now.