fiber: unref via global Lua state is a table, available from anywhere in the fiber. It is destroyed after fiber function is finished. That provides a reliable fiber-local storage, similar to thread-local in C/C++. But there is a problem that the storage may be created via one struct lua_State, and destroyed via another. Here is an example: function test_storage() fiber.self().storage.key = 100 end box.schema.func.create('test_storage') _ = fiber.create(function() box.func.test_storage:call() end) There are 3 struct lua_State: tarantool_L - global always alive state; L1 - Lua coroutine of the fiber, created by fiber.create(); L2 - Lua coroutine created by that fiber to execute test_storage(). is created on stack of L2 and referenced by global LUA_REGISTRYINDEX. Then it is unreferenced from L1 when the fiber is being destroyed. That is generally ok as soon as the storage object is always in LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, which is shared by all Lua states. But soon during destruction of the there will be only tarantool_L and the original L2. Original L2 may be already deleted by the time the storage is being destroyed. So this patch makes unref of the storage via reliable tarantool_L. Needed for #4662 (cherry picked from commit 5b3e8a72)
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