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Commit ac2d4852 authored by Roman Tsisyk's avatar Roman Tsisyk
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Import tutorial

parent 8b58052e
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......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ lua_source(lua_sources lua/errno.lua)
lua_source(lua_sources lua/log.lua)
lua_source(lua_sources lua/box_net_box.lua)
lua_source(lua_sources lua/help.lua)
lua_source(lua_sources lua/help_en_US.lua)
lua_source(lua_sources lua/tap.lua)
lua_source(lua_sources lua/fio.lua)
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/third_party/luafun)
local doc = require('help.en_US')
help = {}
help[1] = {}
help[1]["Help topics"] = { "Tutorial", "Basics", "Administration" }
help[2] = "To get help on a topic, type help('topic') (with quotes)"
help[3] = "To get help on a function/object, type help(function) (without quotes)"
help[4] = "To start tutorial, type tutorial()"
tutorial = {}
tutorial[1] = help[4]
local help_function_data = {};
help_function_data["Administration"] = {}
......@@ -40,4 +46,32 @@ end
setmetatable(help, { __call = help_call })
local screen_id = 1;
local function tutorial_call(table, action)
if action == 'start' then
screen_id = 1;
elseif action == 'next' or action == 'more' then
screen_id = screen_id + 1
elseif action == 'prev' then
screen_id = screen_id - 1
elseif type(action) == 'number' and action % 1 == 0 then
screen_id = tonumber(action)
elseif action ~= nil then
error('Usage: tutorial("start" | "next" | "prev" | 1 .. '..
if screen_id < 1 then
screen_id = 1
elseif screen_id > #doc.tutorial then
screen_id = #doc.tutorial
return doc.tutorial[screen_id]
setmetatable(tutorial, { __call = tutorial_call })
return {
help = help;
tutorial= tutorial;
--- help (en_US)
return {
tutorial = {
Tutorial -- Screen #1 -- Hello, Moon
Welcome to the Tarantool tutorial.
It will introduce you to Tarantool's Lua application server
and database server, which is what's running what you're seeing.
This is INTERACTIVE -- you're expected to enter requests
based on the suggestions or examples in the screen's text.
The first request is:
print(5.1, {'Olá', 'Lua'})
This isn't your grandfather's "Hello World" ...
5.1 is a decimal literal, and the two strings inside
single quotes ('Hello Moon' in Portuguese) are inside
braces because they're elements of a TABLE.
More in the Lua manual:
Take that one-line request and enter it below after the
"tarantool>" prompt, then type Enter.
You'll see the response: 5.1 table: 0x40c6be58.
Then you'll get a chance to repeat -- perhaps entering
something else such as ('Longer String',, {-1,-3,0}).
When you're ready to go to the next screen, enter "tutorial('next')".
Tutorial -- Screen #2 -- Variables
Improve on "print(5.1, {'Olá', 'Lua'})"
by using variables rather than literals.
You don't need to declare variables in advance
because Lua figures out the data type from what
you assign to it. If the data type of variable t
is table, then the elements can be referenced
as t[1], t[2], and so on.
More in the Lua manual:
Request #2 is:
n = 5.1
t = {'Olá', 'Lua'}
print(n, t[1], t[2])
Take all three lines and enter them below after the
"tarantool>" prompt, then type Enter.
Or try different values in a different order.
When you're ready to go to the next screen, enter "tutorial('next')".
Tutorial -- Screen #3 -- Loops
Add action by using loops rather than static displays.
There are several syntaxes for loops in Lua,
but we'll just use one:
for variable-name = start-value, end-value, 1 do loop-body end
which is good enough if you want to assign a
start-value to a variable, do what's in the loop body,
add 1 to the variable, and repeat until it equals end-value.
More in the Lua manual:
Request #3 is:
n = 5.1
t = {'Olá', 'Lua'}
for i=1,2,1 do print(n,t[i]) end
Take all three lines and enter them below after the
"tarantool>" prompt, then type Enter.
For adventure, change the loop to "for i=1,3,1"
(don't worry, it won't crash).
When you're ready to go to the next screen, enter "tutorial('next')".
Tutorial -- Screen #4 -- Operators
Among the many operators that Lua supports, you most often see:
For arithmetic: * (multiply), + (add), - (subtract), / (divide).
For strings: .. (concatenate)
More in the Lua manual:
Request #4 is:
n = 5.1
t = {'Olá', 'Lua'}
for i=1,2,1 do n = n * 2 t[1] = t[1] .. t[2] end
Before you type that in and see Tarantool display the result,
try to predict whether the display will be
(a) 20.4 OláLuaLua Lua
(b) 10.2 Olá Lua Lua Lua
(c) 5.1 Olá Lua
The answer will appear when you type in the request.
When you're ready to go to the next screen, enter "tutorial('next')".
Tutorial -- Screen #5 -- Conditions
A condition involves a comparison operator such as '==',
'>', '>=', '<', '<='. Conditions are used in statements
of the form if ... then.
More in the Lua manual:
Request #5 is:
x = 17
if x * 2 > 34 then print(x) else print('no') end
Before you type in those two lines and see Tarantool display
the result, try to predict whether the display will be
(a) 17
(b) 34
(c) no
The answer will appear when you type in the request.
When you're ready to go to the next screen, enter "tutorial('next')".
Tutorial -- Screen #6 -- Delimiters
This is just to prepare for later exercises
which will go over many lines. There is a
Tarantool instruction that means "don't execute
every time I type Enter; wait until I type a
special string called the 'delimiter'."
More in the Tarantool manual:
Request #4 is:
session = require('session'); session.delimiter('!')
It's not an exercise -- just do it.
Cancelling the delimiter could be done with
but you'll see '!' in following exercises.
When you're ready to go to the next screen, enter "tutorial('next')!".
Yes, "tutorial('next')!|" has to end with an exclamation mark too!
Tutorial -- Screen #7 -- Simple Functions
A function, or a stored procedure that returns a value,
is a named set of Lua requests whose simplest form is
function function_name () body end
More in the Lua manual:
Request #7 is:
n = 0
function func ()
for i=1,100,1 do n = n + i end
return n
This defines a function which sums all the numbers
between 1 and 100, and returns the final result.
The request "func()!" invokes the function.
An admission: all the exercises that you've seen
so far have included a function invocation, namely
Tutorial -- Screen #8 -- Improved Functions
Improve the simple function by avoiding globals.
The variable n could be passed as a parameter
and the variable i could be declared as local.
More in the Lua manual:
Request #8 is:
function func (n)
local i
for i=1,100,1 do n = n + i end
return n
Tutorial -- Screen #9 -- Comments
There are several ways to add comments, but
one will do: (minus sign) (minus sign) comment-text.
More in the Lua manual:
Request #9 is:
-- func is a function which returns a sum.
-- n is a parameter. i is a local variable.
-- '!' is a delimiter (introduced in Screen #6)
-- func is a function (introduced in Screen #7)
-- n is a parameter (introduced in Screen #8)
-- "n = n + 1" is an operator usage (introduced in Screen #4)
-- "for ... do ... end" is a loop (introduced in Screen #3)
function func (n) -- n is a parameter
local i -- i is a local variable
for i=1,100,1 do n = n + i end
return n
-- invoke the function
Obviously it will work, so just type "tutorial('next')!" now.
Tutorial -- Screen #10 -- Packages
Many developers have gone to the trouble of making
packages of functions (sometimes called "modules")
that have a general utility.
More in the Luarocks list:
Most packages have to be "required", with the syntax
variable_name = require('package-name')
which should look familiar because earlier you said
session = require('session')
At this point, if you just say the variable_name,
yuou'll see a list of the package's members and
functions. If then you use a "." operator as in
package-variable-name . function_name()
you'll invoke a package's function.
(At a different level you'll have to use a ':'
operator, as you'll see in later examples.)
Request #10 is:
First you'll see a list of functions, one of which
is 'user'. Then you'll see the name of the current
user, which happens to be 'admin', which happens to
be you.
Tutorial -- Screen #11 -- The socket package
Connect to the Internet and send a message to the parent of
Tarantool, the corporation.
Request #11 is:
function socket_get ()
local socket, sock
socket = require('socket')
sock = socket.tcp()
sock:connect('', 80)
sock:send('GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n')
Briefly these requests are opening a socket
and sending a 'GET' request to's server.
The response will be short -- "- "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"" --
but it shows you've gotten in touch with a distant server.
More in the Tarantool manual:
Tutorial -- Section #12 -- Fibers
Make a function that will run like a daemon in the
background until you cancel it. For this you need
a fiber. Tarantool is a "cooperative multitasking"
application server, which means that multiple
tasks each get a slice, but they have to yield
occasionally so that other tasks get a chance.
That's what a properly designed fiber will do.
More in the Tarantool manual:
Request #12 is:
fiber = require('fiber')!
function function_x()
local i
gvar = 0
for i=0,600,1 do
gvar = gvar + 1
fid = fiber.wrap(function_x)!
The fiber.sleep(1) function will go to sleep for
one second, which is one way of yielding.
So the "for i=0,600,1" loop will go on for about 600 seconds (10 minutes).
During waking moments, gvar will go up by 1 -- and
gvar is deliberately a global variable. So it's
possible to monitor it: slowly type print(gvar)! a few
times and notice how the value mysteriously increases.
Tutorial -- Screen #13 -- Tarantool's box package
So far you've seen Tarantool in action as a
Lua application server. Henceforth you'll see
it as a DBMS (database management system) server
-- with Lua stored procedures.
The database administrator has already created some
database objects and granted read/write access to a user
named 'admin' -- that's you -- so you can start
manipulating data immediately.
More in the Tarantool manual:
Request #13 is:!
You'll see a description of a space named tutor.
To understand the description, you just have to know that:
** fields are numbered item-storage areas
(vaguely like columns in an SQL DBMS)
** tuples are collections of fields, as are Lua tables
(vaguely like rows in an SQL DBMS)
** spaces are where Tarantool stores sets of tuples
(vaguely like databases in an SQL DBMS)
** indexes are objects that make lookups of tuples faster
(vaguely like indexes in an SQL DBMS)
Much of the description doesn't mattter right now; it's
enough if you see that package box has a space which is
named tutor, and it has one index on the first field.
Tutorial -- Screen #14 --
The most common data-manipulation function is
One of the syntaxes is:{1}, {iterator = 'GE'})
and it returns a set of tuples via the index of the tutor
Now that you know that, and considering that you already
know how to make functions and loops in Lua, it's simple
to figure out how to search and display the first five
tuples in the database.
Request #14 is:
-- This function will select and display 5 tuples in space=tutor
function database_display (space_name)
local t, i
t =[space_name].index.primary:select({1}, {iterator = 'GE'})
for i=1,5,1 do
So select() is returning a set of tuples into a Lua table
named t, and the loop is going to print each element of
the table. That is, when you call database_display()! you'll
see a display of what's in the tuples.
Tutorial -- Screen #15 -- box.replace()
Pick any of the tuples that were displayed on the last screen.
Recall that the first field is the indexed field.
That's all you need to replace the rest of the fields with
new values. The syntax of box.replace(), pared down, is:{primary-key-field, other-fields}
More in the Tarantool manual:
More in the Tarantool manual:
Tarantool by default keeps database changes in memory,
but box.replace() will cause a write to a log, and log
information can later be consolidated with another box
function (box.snapshot).
Request #15 is:{1, 'My First Piece Of Data'}!
If there is already a "tuple" (our equivalent of a record)
whose number is equal to 1, it will be replaced with your
new data. Otherwise it will be created for the first time.
The display will be the formal description of the new tuple.
Tutorial -- Screen #16 -- Create your own space
You've now selected and replaced tuples from the
tutor space, and you could select and replace many
tuples because you know how to make variables and
functions and loops that do selecting or replacing.
But you've been confined to a space and an index
that Tarantool started with.
Suppose that you want to create your own.
More in the Tarantool manual:
Request #16 is:
box.schema.create_space('test', {engine='memtx'})!
The new space's name will be 'test' and the engine
will be 'memtx' -- the engine which keeps all tuples
in memory, and writes changes to a log file to ensure
that data can't be lost. Although 'memtx' is the
default engine anyway, specifying it does no harm.
Tutorial -- Screen #17 -- Create your own index
Having a space isn't enough -- you must have at
least one index. Indexes make access faster.
Indexes can be declared to be "unique", which
is important because some combination of the
fields must be unique, for identification purposes.
More in the Tarantool manual:
Request #17 is:'primary',{unique = true, parts = {1, 'NUM'}})!'secondary',{parts = {2, 'STR'}})!
This means the first index will be named primary,
will be unique, will be on the first field of each
tuple, and will be numeric. The second index will
be named secondary, doesn't have to be unique, will
be on the second field of each tuple, and will be
in order by string value.
Tutorial -- Screen #18 -- Insert multiple tuples
In a loop, put some tuples in your new space.
Because of the index definitions, the first field
must be a number, the second field must be a string,
and the later fields can be anything.
Use a function in the Lua string library to make
values for the second field.
More in the Lua manual:
Request #18 is:
for i=65,70,1 do{i, string.char(i)}
Tip: to select the tuples later, use the function
that you created earlier: database_display('test')!
Tutorial -- Screen #19 -- Become another user
Remember, you're currently 'admin' -- administrator.
Now switch to being 'guest', a much less powerful user.
Request #19 is:'guest') -- switch user to 'guest'!{100,''} -- try to add a tuple!
The result will be an error message telling you that
you don't have the privilege to do that any more.
That's good news. It shows that Tarantool prevents
unauthorized users from working with databases.
But you can say'admin')! to become
a powerful user again, because for this tutorial
the 'admin' user isn't protected by a password.
Tutorial -- Screen #20 -- The Bigger Tutorials
You can continue to type in whatever Lua instructions,
package requires, and database-manipulations you want,
here on this screen. But to really get into Tarantool,
you should download it so that you can be your own
administrator and create your own databases. The
Tarantool manual has two significant tutorials:
Insert one million tuples with a Lua stored procedure
Sum a JSON field for all tuples
Request #20 is:
((Whatever you want. Enjoy!))
When you're finished, don't type "tutorial('next')!", just wander off
and have a nice day.
}; --[[ tutorial ]]--
......@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ extern char uuid_lua[],
static const char *lua_sources[] = {
......@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ static const char *lua_modules[] = {
"console", console_lua,
"tap", tap_lua,
"fio", fio_lua,
"help.en_US", help_en_US_lua,
"help", help_lua,
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ help()
- Administration
- To get help on a topic, type help('topic') (with quotes)
- To get help on a function/object, type help(function) (without quotes)
- To start tutorial, type tutorial()
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