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<appendix xmlns="" version="5.0"
<title>Client reference</title>
This appendix shows all legal syntax for the tarantool command-line client, with short notes and examples.
Other client programs may have similar options and statement syntaxes.
<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Conventions used in this appendix</bridgehead>
Tokens are character sequences which are treated as syntactic units within statements.
Square brackets <code>[</code> and <code>]</code> enclose optional syntax.
Three dots in a row <code>...</code> mean the preceding tokens may be repeated.
A vertical bar <code>|</code> means the preceding and following tokens are mutually exclusive alternatives.
<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Options when starting client from the command line</bridgehead>
General form: <code>tarantool [<replaceable>option</replaceable>...] [<replaceable>statement</replaceable>]</code>.
Statement will be described in a later section.
Option is one of the following (in alphabetical order by the long form of the option):
<term xml:id="client-reference-admin-port" xreflabel="client-reference-admin-port">--admin-port</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-a <replaceable>port-number</replaceable></code>
long form: <code>--a[dmin-port] [=] <replaceable>port-number</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Client will look for the server on the port designated by port-number.
Notes: This is the <quote>administrative</quote> port. The default value is 33015.
<term xml:id="client-reference-bin" xreflabel="client-reference-bin">--bin</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-B</code>
long form: <code>--b[in]</code>.
Effect: When displaying with the Lua printer, treat values with
type NUM as if they are type STR, unless they are arguments
in updates used for arithmetic.
Example: <code>--bin</code>
<term xml:id="client-reference-cat" xreflabel="client-reference-cat">--cat</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-C <replaceable>file-name</replaceable></code>
long form: <code>--c[at] <replaceable>file-name</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Client will print the contents of the write-ahead log or snapshot designated by file-name.
Example: <code>--cat /tarantool_user/work_dir/00000000000000000018.xlog</code>
Notes: The client stops after displaying the contents. There is also a way to use --cat for Lua statements.
<term xml:id="client-reference-delim" xreflabel="client-reference-delim">--delim</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-D <replaceable>delimiter</replaceable></code>
long form: <code>--d[elim] <replaceable>delimiter</replaceable></code>.
Effect: If --cat is used, then put delimiter at end of each line
of a Lua file. If --cat is not used, then require that
all statements end with delimiter.
Example: <code>--delim = '!'</code>
Notes: See also the SETOPT DELIMITER statement.
<term xml:id="client-reference-format" xreflabel="client-reference-format">--format</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-M tarantool|raw</code>
long form: <code>--fo[rmat] tarantool|raw</code>.
Effect: set format for output from --cat
Example: <code>--format tarantool</code>
Notes: The default format is tarantool.
<term xml:id="client-reference-from" xreflabel="client-reference-from">--from</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-F <replaceable>log-sequence-number</replaceable></code>
long form: <code>--fr[om] <replaceable>log-sequence-number</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Play only what has a a log sequence number greater than or equal to log-sequence-number.
Example: <code>--from 55</code>
Notes: See also --play and --to.
<term xml:id="client-reference-header" xreflabel="client-reference-header">--header</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-H</code>
long form: <code>--hea[der]</code>.
Effect: Add a header if --format=raw.
Example: <code>--header</code>
Notes: The default is 'no header'.
<term xml:id="client-reference-help" xreflabel="client-reference-help">--help</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-?</code>
long form: <code>--hel[p]</code>.
Effect: Client displays a help message including a list of options.
Example: <code>--help</code>
Notes: The client stops after displaying the help.
<term xml:id="client-reference-host" xreflabel="client-reference-host">--host</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-h <replaceable>host-name</replaceable></code>
long form: <code>--ho[st] [=] <replaceable>host-name</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Client will look for the server on the computer designated by host-name.
Example: <code>--host =</code>
Notes: The default value is localhost.
<term xml:id="client-reference-play" xreflabel="client-reference-play">--play</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-P <replaceable>file-name</replaceable></code>
long form: <code>--pl[ay] f<replaceable>file-name</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Client will tell server to replay the write-ahead log designated by file-name.
Example: <code>--play /tarantool_user/work_dir/00000000000000000018.xlog</code>
<term xml:id="client-reference-port" xreflabel="client-reference-port">--port</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-p <replaceable>port-number</replaceable></code>
long form: <code>--po[rt] [=] <replaceable>port-number</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Client will look for the server on the port designated by port-number.
Example: <code>--port = 33013</code>
Notes: This is the <quote>primary port</quote> also known as the <quote>read/write data</quote> port. The default value is 33013.
<term xml:id="client-reference-rpl" xreflabel="client-reference-rpl">--rpl</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-R <replaceable>server-name</replaceable></code>
long form: <code>--rpl <replaceable>server-name</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Act as a replica for the server specified by server-name.
Example: <code>--rpl = wombat</code>
<term xml:id="client-reference-space" xreflabel="client-reference-space">--space</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-S <replaceable>space-number</replaceable></code>
Long form: <code>--s[pace] <replaceable>space-number</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Play only what is applicable to the space designated by space-number.
Example: <code>--space 0</code>
<term xml:id="client-reference-to" xreflabel="client-reference-to">--to</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-T <replaceable>log-sequence-number</replaceable></code>
long form: <code>--t[o] <replaceable>log-sequence-number</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Play only what has a log sequence number less than or equal to log-sequence-number.
Example: <code>--to 66</code>
Notes: See also --play and --from.
<term xml:id="client-reference-version" xreflabel="client-reference-version">--version</term>
Syntax: short form: <code>-V</code>
long form: <code>--v[ersion]</code>.
Effect: Client displays version information.
Example: <code>--version</code>
Notes: The client stops after displaying the version.
<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Tokens for use within statements</bridgehead>
Keywords are: Character sequences containing only letters of the English alphabet.
Notes: Keywords are case insensitive so SELECT and Select are the same thing.
Tuple set identifiers are: Lower case letter 't' followed by one or more digits.
Examples: t0, t55.
Field identifiers are: Lower case letter 'k' followed by one or more digits.
Examples: k0, k55.
Procedure identifiers are: Any sequence of letters, digits, or underscores which is
legal according to the rules for Lua identifiers.
String literals are: Any sequence of zero or more characters enclosed in single quotes.
Examples: 'Hello, world', 'A'.
Numeric literals are: Character sequences containing only digits, optionally preceded by + or -.
Examples: 55, -.
Notes: Tarantool NUM data type is unsigned, so -1 is understood as a large unsigned number.
Single-byte tokens are: * or , or ( or ).
Examples: * , ( ).
Tokens must be separated from each other by one or more spaces, except that
spaces are not necessary around single-byte tokens or string literals.
<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Statements in alphabetical order</bridgehead>
Although an initial statement may be entered on the tarantool command line,
generally they are entered following the prompt in interactive mode while
tarantool is running. (A prompt will be the name of the host and a greater-than
sign, for example <code>localhost&gt;</code>). The end-of-statement marker is
a newline (line feed).
<term xml:id="client-reference-call" xreflabel="client-reference-call">CALL</term>
Syntax: <code>CALL <replaceable>procedure-identifier</replaceable> ()</code>.
Effect: The client tells the server to execute the procedure identified by procedure-identifier.
Example: <code>CALL proc50()</code>.
Notes: The client sends to the server's read/write data port.
<term xml:id="client-reference-delete" xreflabel="client-reference-delete">DELETE</term>
Syntax: <code>DELETE FROM <replaceable>tuple-set-name</replaceable> WHERE <replaceable>field-name</replaceable> = <replaceable>literal</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Client tells server to delete the tuple identified by the WHERE clause.
Example: <code>DELETE FROM t0 WHERE k0='a'</code>.
Notes: field-name must identify the primary key. The client sends to the server's read/write data port after converting from SQL to binary protocol.
<term xml:id="client-reference-exit" xreflabel="client-reference-exit">EXIT</term>
Syntax: <code>E[XIT]</code>.
Effect: The tarantool program stops.
Example: <code>EXIT</code>.
Notes: The QUIT statement does the same thing. The client sends nothing to the server.
<term xml:id="client-reference-help2" xreflabel="client-reference-help2">HELP</term>
Syntax: <code>H[ELP]</code>.
Effect: Client displays a message including a list of possible statements.
Example: <code>HELP</code>.
Notes: The client sends nothing to the server.
<term xml:id="client-reference-insert" xreflabel="client-reference-insert">INSERT</term>
Syntax: <code>INSERT [INTO] <replaceable>tuple-set-identifier</replaceable> VALUES (<replaceable>literal</replaceable> [,<replaceable>literal</replaceable>...])</code>.
Effect: The client tells the server to add the tuple consisting of the literal values.
Example: <code>INSERT INTO t0 VALUES ('a',0)</code>.
Notes: The client sends to the server's read/write data port after converting from SQL to binary protocol.
<term xml:id="client-reference-loadfile" xreflabel="client-reference-loadfile">LOADFILE</term>
Syntax: <code>LOADFILE <replaceable>string-literal</replaceable></code>.
Effect: The client loads instructions from the file identified by string-literal.
Example: <code>LOADFILE '/home/tarantool_user/file5.txt'</code>.
<term xml:id="client-reference-lua" xreflabel="client-reference-lua">LUA</term>
Syntax: <code>LUA <replaceable>token</replaceable> [<replaceable>token</replaceable>...]</code>.
Effect: The client tells the server to execute the tokens as Lua statements.
Example: <code>LUA "hello".." world"</code>.
Notes: The client sends to the server's administrative port.
<term xml:id="client-reference-notee" xreflabel="client-reference-notee">NOTEE</term>
Syntax: <code>NOTEE</code>.
Effect: The client ceases to write to a file, thus canceling the effect of the TEE statement.
Example: <code>NOTEE</code>.
Notes: The client sends nothing to the server.
<term xml:id="client-reference-ping" xreflabel="client-reference-ping">PING</term>
Syntax: <code>PING</code>.
Effect: The client sends a ping to the server.
Example: <code>PING</code>.
Notes: The client sends to the server's read/write data port.
<term xml:id="client-reference-quit" xreflabel="client-reference-quit">QUIT</term>
Syntax: <code>Q[UIT]</code>.
Effect: The client stops. This statement is handled entirely by the client.
Example: <code>QUIT</code>.
Notes: The EXIT statement does the same thing. The client sends nothing to the server.
<term xml:id="client-reference-reload" xreflabel="client-reference-reload">RELOAD</term>
Syntax: <code>RELOAD CONFIGURATION</code>.
Effect: The client tells the server to re-read the configuration file.
Example: <code>RELOAD CONFIGURATION</code>.
Notes: The client sends to the server's administrative port.
<term xml:id="client-reference-replace" xreflabel="client-reference-replace">REPLACE</term>
Syntax; <code>REPLACE [INTO] <replaceable>tuple-set-identifier</replaceable> VALUES (<replaceable>literal</replaceable> [,<replaceable>literal</replaceable>...])</code>.
Effect: The client tells the server to add the tuple consisting of the literal values.
Example: <code>REPLACE INTO t0 VALUES ('a',0)</code>.
Notes: REPLACE and INSERT are the same, except that INSERT will return an error if a tuple already exists with the same primary key.
The client sends to the server's read/write data port after converting from SQL to binary protocol.
<term xml:id="client-reference-save" xreflabel="client-reference-save">SAVE</term>
Syntax: <code>SAVE COREDUMP | SNAPSHOT</code>.
Effect: The client tells the server to save the designated object.
Example: <code>SAVE SNAPSHOT</code>.
Notes: The client sends to the server's administrative port.
<term xml:id="client-reference-select" xreflabel="client-reference-select">SELECT</term>
Syntax: <code>SELECT * FROM <replaceable>tuple-set-identifier</replaceable> WHERE <replaceable>field-identifier</replaceable> = <replaceable>literal</replaceable> [AND|OR <replaceable>field-identifier</replaceable> = <replaceable>literal</replaceable>...] [LIMIT <replaceable>numeric-literal</replaceable> [,<replaceable>numeric-literal</replaceable>]</code>].
Effect: Client tells server to find the tuple or tuples identified in the WHERE clause.
Example: <code>SELECT * FROM t0 WHERE k0 = 5 AND k1 = 7 LIMIT 1</code>.
Notes: The client sends to the server's read/write data port.
<term xml:id="client-reference-set" xreflabel="client-reference-set">SET</term>
Syntax: <code>SET INJECTION <replaceable>name-token</replaceable> <replaceable>state-token</replaceable></code>.
Effect: In normal mode: error.
Notes: This statement is only available in debug mode.
<term xml:id="client-reference-setopt" xreflabel="client-reference-setopt">SETOPT</term>
Syntax: <code>SETOPT DELIMITER = <replaceable>string-literal</replaceable></code>.
The string must be a value in single quotes.
Effect: string becomes end-of-statement delimiter, so newline alone is not treated as end of statement.
Example: <code>SETOPT DELIMITER = '!'</code>.
Notes: The client sends nothing to the server.
Syntax: <code>SETOPT PAGER = <replaceable>string-literal</replaceable></code>.
The string must be a value in single quotes.
Effect: string becomes the pager that will be invoked for subsequent commands;
usually the values are '/usr/bin/less' or '/bin/more' for the common
Linux pagers.
Example: <code>SETOPT PAGER = '/usr/bin/less'</code>.
Notes: The client sends nothing to the server.
<term xml:id="client-reference-show" xreflabel="client-reference-show">SHOW</term>
Effect: The client asks the server for information about environment or statistics.
Example: <code>SHOW INFO</code>.
Notes: The client sends to the server's administrative port.
SHOW INJECTIONS is only available in debug mode.
<term xml:id="client-reference-tee" xreflabel="client-reference-tee">TEE</term>
Syntax: <code>TEE <replaceable>string-literal</replaceable></code>.
Effect: The client begins logging in the file identified by string-literal.
Example: <code>TEE '/home/tarantool_user/log.txt'</code>.
Notes: TEE may also be set up via an option on the command line. The client sends nothing to the server.
<term xml:id="client-reference-update" xreflabel="client-reference-update">UPDATE</term>
Syntax: <code>UPDATE <replaceable>tuple-set-identifier</replaceable> SET <replaceable>field-identifier</replaceable> = <replaceable>literal</replaceable> [,<replaceable>field-identifier</replaceable> = <replaceable>literal</replaceable>...] WHERE <replaceable>field-identifier</replaceable> = <replaceable>literal</replaceable></code>.
Effect: Client tells server to change the tuple identified in the WHERE clause.
Example: <code>UPDATE t1 SET k1= 'K', k2 = 7 WHERE k0 = 0</code>.
Notes: The client sends to the server's read/write data port after converting from SQL to binary protocol.
For a condensed Backus-Naur Form [BNF] description of some of the statements, see
<link xlink:href=""><filename>doc/box-protocol.txt</filename></link>
<link xlink:href=""><filename>doc/sql.txt</filename></link>.
<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Modes</bridgehead>
Depending how one combines the tarantool client's options, there are in effect three modes of operation:
<quote>interactive</quote>, <quote>print and play</quote>, or <quote>replication</quote> mode.
In <emphasis>interactive</emphasis> mode, one types statements and gets results.
One can specify a statement file when starting
(<code>tarantool &lt; file_name</code>)
or one can specify a statement file with the LOADFILE statement:
(<code>LOADFILE file_name</code>), but typically the statements
are typed in by the user following prompts.
Here is an example of an interactive-mode tarantool client session:
<prompt>$ </prompt>tarantool
localhost&gt; <userinput>INSERT INTO t0 VALUES ('X-1',100)</userinput>
Insert OK, 1 rows affected
localhost&gt; <userinput>INSERT INTO t0 VALUES ('X-2',200,'On Order')</userinput>
Insert OK, 1 rows affected
localhost&gt; <userinput>INSERT INTO t0 VALUES ('X-3',300,'')</userinput>
Insert OK, 1 rows affected
localhost&gt; <userinput>UPDATE t0 SET k1 = 300 WHERE k0 = 'X-1'</userinput>
Update OK, 1 rows affected
localhost&gt; <userinput>DELETE FROM t0 WHERE k0 = 'X-2'</userinput>
Delete OK, 1 rows affected
localhost&gt; <userinput>SELECT * FROM t0 WHERE k0 = 'X-1'</userinput>
Select OK, 1 rows affected
['X-1', 300]
localhost&gt; <userinput>EXIT</userinput>
<prompt>$ </prompt>
In <emphasis>print and play</emphasis> mode,
one uses --cat and --play and --from and --to and --space options
to print write-ahead-log contents, or to send write-ahead-log
contents to the server.
Here is an example of a print-and-play-mode tarantool client session:
<prompt>$ </prompt>tarantool --cat /home/user1/tarantool_test/work_dir/00000000000000000005.xlog --from 22 --to 26
Insert, lsn: 22, time: 1385327353.345869, len: 33, space: 0, cookie: ['X-1', 100]
Insert, lsn: 23, time: 1385327353.346745, len: 42, space: 0, cookie: ['X-2', 200, 8243105135088135759]
Insert, lsn: 24, time: 1385327353.347352, len: 34, space: 0, cookie: ['X-3', 300, '']
Update, lsn: 25, time: 1385327353.348209, len: 42, space: 0, cookie: ['X-1']
Delete, lsn: 26, time: 1385327353.348879, len: 28, space: 0, cookie: ['X-2']
<prompt>$ </prompt>
In <emphasis>replication</emphasis> mode,
one connects as a replica, and then writes
a binary log to a file.
vim: tw=66 syntax=docbk
vim: spell spelllang=en_us
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ a runnning tarantool_box server, and a running tarantool client.
<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Delimiter</bridgehead>
We'll be making functions which go over one line. We don't want the client to send to the server after every line.
So we <link linkend="client-reference-delim">declare a delimiter</link>.
So we <link linkend="utility-tarantool-delim">declare a delimiter</link>.
This means <quote>Do not send to the server until you see an exclamation mark.</quote>
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ lua function string_function()
return "hello world"
The word <link linkend="client-reference-lua">LUA</link>
The word <link linkend="utility-tarantool-lua">LUA</link>
is a Tarantool keyword that means <quote>we're about to go into Lua.</quote>
The function name is string_function.
The function has one executable statement, <code>return "hello world"</code>.
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ To confirm that the function works, we can say
call string_function()!
The word <link linkend="client-reference-call">CALL</link> is a Tarantool keyword that means <quote>invoke the Lua function.</quote>
The word <link linkend="utility-tarantool-call">CALL</link> is a Tarantool keyword that means <quote>invoke the Lua function.</quote>
The effect is that the string which the function returns will end up on the screen.
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ field will be 1. The second field will be a random 10-letter string.
Once again the string_function() can be invoked from main_function() which can be invoked with
call main_function(). But main_function() won't tell the whole story, because it does not
return t, it only puts t into the database. To confirm that something got inserted, we'll
use a <link linkend="client-reference-select">SELECT statement</link>.
use a <link linkend="utility-tarantool-select">SELECT statement</link>.
call main_function()!
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
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<xi:include href="limitations.xml"/>
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<xi:include href="lua-tutorial.xml"/>
<xi:include href="plugins.xml"/>
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