VitaliyaIoffe authored
There are different warnings after adding checks and luatest submodules. Follows-up tarantool/test-run#304
VitaliyaIoffe authoredThere are different warnings after adding checks and luatest submodules. Follows-up tarantool/test-run#304
.luacheckrc 2.54 KiB
std = "luajit"
globals = {"box", "_TARANTOOL", "tonumber64", "utf8"}
ignore = {
-- Accessing an undefined field of a global variable <debug>.
-- Accessing an undefined field of a global variable <os>.
-- Accessing an undefined field of a global variable <string>.
-- Accessing an undefined field of a global variable <table>.
-- Unused argument <self>.
-- Redefining a local variable.
-- Redefining an argument.
-- Shadowing a local variable.
-- Shadowing an upvalue.
-- Shadowing an upvalue argument.
include_files = {
exclude_files = {
files["test/sql-tap/**/*.lua"] = {
ignore = {
-- Line is too long.
-- https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/5181
files["src/lua/help.lua"] = {
-- Globals defined for interactive mode.
globals = {"help", "tutorial"},
files["src/lua/init.lua"] = {
-- Miscellaneous global function definition.
globals = {"dostring"},
files["src/box/lua/console.lua"] = {
ignore = {
-- https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/5032
files["test/box/box.lua"] = {
globals = {
files["test/box-tap/session.test.lua"] = {
globals = {
files["test/box-tap/extended_error.test.lua"] = {
globals = {
files["test/swim/box.lua"] = {
globals = {
files["test/replication/replica_quorum.lua"] = {
globals = {