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Target OS: MacOS X "High Sierra"

In the Homebrew environment, you can download the latest tarantool package
with a single command:

brew install tarantool

This downloads an already built release version of tarantool.

If you want to manually build tarantool from sources, read the following
instructions on how to do it using either the default Apple developer software
(Xcode Tools), or external package managers (Homebrew or MacPorts).

1. Install necessary packages

For the default Xcode Tools by Apple:
sudo xcode-select --install
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

For Homebrew:
brew install openssl readline curl icu4c libiconv zlib cmake python3

For MacPorts:
port install binutils cmake ncurses zlib readline openssl python37

2. Install test-required packages and modules for Python 3.x

You need: pyYAML, python-daemon, gevent, six

To install these packages, we recommend easy_install, pip, or

For easy_install:
sudo easy_install pyyaml
sudo easy_install argparse
sudo easy_install gevent
sudo easy_install six

For pip:
sudo pip install -r test-run/requirements.txt

tar -xzf module.tar.gz
cd module-dir
sudo python install

where 'module' is the name of the installed python module and 'module-dir'
is the name of the directory where the module's archive is deflated into.

3. Download & build tarantool source code

Download tarantool source code from the repository at GitHub:

git clone --recursive
git submodule update --init

Create a build directory and build the tarantool project manually, for example:

cd tarantool
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. \
-DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR=$(xcode-select --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)/usr/include \
-DCURL_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libcurl.dylib \
In this example, we are making a developer's build (-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo)
with cmake using MacPorts (-DDARWIN_BUILD_TYPE=Ports). To build a release version,

Remember also to set up the cmake's flag -DDARWIN_BUILD_TYPE depending on the package
manager you use ('-DDARWIN_BUILD_TYPE=None' for Xcode Tools and Homebrew, and
'-DDARWIN_BUILD_TYPE=Ports' for MacPorts). It is set to None by default.

Some Homebrew formulas are "keg-only", which means that they're not
symlinked into `/usr/local`. So, if you have used Homebrew for
dependencies, you would need following flags for it to find `openssl`
and GNU `readline`:

-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$(brew --prefix openssl) -DREADLINE_ROOT=$(brew --prefix readline)

4. Run tarantool test suite

To run all tests, execute:

make test

-- EOF