- Aug 09, 2022
Denis Smirnov authored
Thanks to the updates in tarantool module we don't use tarantool symbols to work with decimal. As a bonus we can remove our mocking framework with dynamic linking of the decNumber library to cargo test binary.
- Jun 21, 2022
Denis Smirnov authored
Now coordinator dispatches SQL patterns with separated parameters. It would help us to cache patterns on the segments as prepared statements one day and skip SQL parsing. Also we have faced a Tarantool bug https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/7283 and made a hot fix in the Picodata fork. As a result we have also migrated sbroad CI to our fork.
- Jun 14, 2022
Denis Smirnov authored
We migrate from the `decimal` crate (used decQuad from decNumber to store the numbers) to Tarantool internal types provided by the Rust module. The reason was to make IR numeric values easy serializable to the query parameters (a part of the executor refactoring). The problem with Tarantool internal types is that the internal decNumber representation is provided by Tarantool ABI. So we always need Tarantool itself to use the types. It is ok for integration tests, but for unit tests with `cargo test` it is a problem. As a solution we have implemented some mocking infrastructure to build a static library based on the Tarantool decNumber, MsgPuck and some wrappers over them both to make unit tests work.