tarantool.rs 6.83 KiB
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use ::tarantool::fiber;
use ::tarantool::lua_state;
use ::tarantool::net_box;
use ::tarantool::tlua::{self, LuaError, LuaFunction, LuaRead, LuaTable, LuaThread, PushGuard};
pub use ::tarantool::trigger::on_shutdown;
use ::tarantool::tuple::ToTupleBuffer;
macro_rules! stringify_last_token {
($tail:tt) => { std::stringify!($tail) };
($head:tt $($tail:tt)+) => { $crate::stringify_last_token!($($tail)+) };
/// Checks that the given function exists and returns it's name suitable for
/// calling it via tarantool rpc.
/// The argument can be a full path to the function.
macro_rules! stringify_cfunc {
( $($func_name:tt)+ ) => {{
use ::tarantool::tuple::FunctionArgs;
use ::tarantool::tuple::FunctionCtx;
use libc::c_int;
const _: unsafe extern "C" fn(FunctionCtx, FunctionArgs) -> c_int = $($func_name)+;
concat!(".", $crate::stringify_last_token!($($func_name)+))
mod ffi {
use libc::c_char;
use libc::c_int;
use libc::c_void;
extern "C" {
pub fn tarantool_version() -> *const c_char;
pub fn tarantool_package() -> *const c_char;
pub fn tarantool_main(
argc: i32,
argv: *mut *mut c_char,
cb: Option<extern "C" fn(*mut c_void)>,
cb_data: *mut c_void,
) -> c_int;
pub use ffi::tarantool_main as main;
pub fn version() -> &'static str {
let c_ptr = unsafe { ffi::tarantool_version() };
let c_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(c_ptr) };
return c_str.to_str().unwrap();
pub fn package() -> &'static str {
let c_ptr = unsafe { ffi::tarantool_package() };
let c_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(c_ptr) };
return c_str.to_str().unwrap();
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_version() {
let l = lua_state();
let t: LuaTable<_> = l.eval("return require('tarantool')").unwrap();
assert_eq!(version(), t.get::<String, _>("version").unwrap());
assert_eq!(package(), t.get::<String, _>("package").unwrap());
/// Tarantool configuration.
/// See <https://www.tarantool.io/en/doc/latest/reference/configuration/#configuration-parameters>
#[derive(Clone, Debug, tlua::Push, tlua::LuaRead, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Cfg {
pub listen: Option<String>,
pub read_only: bool,
pub instance_uuid: Option<String>,
pub replicaset_uuid: Option<String>,
pub replication: Vec<String>,
pub replication_connect_quorum: u8,
pub election_mode: CfgElectionMode,
pub wal_dir: String,
pub memtx_dir: String,
pub vinyl_dir: String,
pub memtx_memory: u64,
pub log_level: u8,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, tlua::Push, tlua::LuaRead, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum CfgElectionMode {
impl Default for Cfg {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
listen: Some("3301".into()),
read_only: true,
instance_uuid: None,
replicaset_uuid: None,
replication: vec![],
replication_connect_quorum: 32,
election_mode: CfgElectionMode::Off,
wal_dir: ".".into(),
memtx_dir: ".".into(),
vinyl_dir: ".".into(),
memtx_memory: 32 * 1024 * 1024,
log_level: tarantool::log::SayLevel::Info as u8,
pub fn cfg() -> Option<Cfg> {
let l = lua_state();
let b: LuaTable<_> = l.get("box")?;
pub fn set_cfg(cfg: &Cfg) {
let l = lua_state();
let box_cfg = LuaFunction::load(l, "return box.cfg(...)").unwrap();
pub fn cfg_field<T>(field: &str) -> Option<T>
T: LuaRead<PushGuard<LuaTable<PushGuard<LuaTable<PushGuard<LuaThread>>>>>>,
let l = lua_state();
let b: LuaTable<_> = l.into_get("box").ok()?;
let cfg: LuaTable<_> = b.into_get("cfg").ok()?;
pub fn set_cfg_field<T>(field: &str, value: T) -> Result<(), tlua::LuaError>
T: tlua::PushOneInto<tlua::LuaState>,
tlua::Void: From<T::Err>,
set_cfg_fields(((field, value),))
pub fn set_cfg_fields<T>(table: T) -> Result<(), tlua::LuaError>
tlua::AsTable<T>: tlua::PushInto<tlua::LuaState>,
use tlua::{Call, CallError};
let l = lua_state();
let b: LuaTable<_> = l.get("box").expect("can't fail under tarantool");
let cfg: tlua::Callable<_> = b.get("cfg").expect("can't fail under tarantool");
cfg.call_with(tlua::AsTable(table)).map_err(|e| match e {
CallError::PushError(_) => unreachable!("cannot fail during push"),
CallError::LuaError(e) => e,
pub fn exec(code: &str) -> Result<(), LuaError> {
let l = lua_state();
pub fn eval<T>(code: &str) -> Result<T, LuaError>
T: for<'l> LuaRead<PushGuard<LuaFunction<PushGuard<&'l LuaThread>>>>,
let l = lua_state();
// fn net_box_repeat_call_until_succeed<Args, Res, Addr>(
pub fn net_box_call<Args, Res, Addr>(
address: Addr,
fn_name: &str,
args: &Args,
timeout: Duration,
) -> Result<Res, ::tarantool::error::Error>
Args: ToTupleBuffer,
Addr: std::net::ToSocketAddrs + std::fmt::Display,
Res: serde::de::DeserializeOwned,
let now = Instant::now();
let conn_opts = net_box::ConnOptions {
connect_timeout: timeout,
let conn = net_box::Conn::new(&address, conn_opts, None)?;
let call_opts = net_box::Options {
timeout: Some(timeout.saturating_sub(now.elapsed())),
let tuple = conn
.call(fn_name, args, &call_opts)?
.expect("unexpected net_box result Ok(None)");
tuple.decode().map(|((res,),)| res)
pub fn net_box_call_or_log<Args, Res, Addr>(
address: Addr,
fn_name: &str,
args: Args,
timeout: Duration,
) -> Option<Res>
Args: ToTupleBuffer,
Addr: std::net::ToSocketAddrs + std::fmt::Display + slog::Value,
Res: serde::de::DeserializeOwned,
match net_box_call(&address, fn_name, &args, timeout) {
Ok(res) => Some(res),
Err(e) => {
crate::tlog!(Warning, "net_box_call failed: {e}";
"peer" => &address,
"fn" => fn_name,
/// Analogue of tarantool's `os.exit(code)`. Use this function if tarantool's
/// [`on_shutdown`] triggers must run. If instead you want to skip on_shutdown
/// triggers, use [`std::process::exit`] instead.
/// [`on_shutdown`]: ::tarantool::trigger::on_shutdown
pub fn exit(code: i32) -> ! {
unsafe { tarantool_exit(code) }
loop {
extern "C" {
fn tarantool_exit(code: i32);