1. http-server: 1. Get info about tiers from _pico_tier 2. Get info about instance addresses from: - http: lua api - binary: _pico_peer_addresses 3. Switch from arrays to map where it makes sense 4. Compose all the data to `cluster_state` object 5. Get version information for lua api. 2. Tests: 1. Add DeepDiff package to better diff for json 2. Amend tests to new specification 3. Get picodata version via lua api and use it in asserts 3. Chore: 1. Add .envrc and .direnv to .gitingore (direnv specific files) 2. Add .vscode to .gitignore. Signed-off-by:
Anatoly Popov <a.popov@picodata.io>
1. http-server: 1. Get info about tiers from _pico_tier 2. Get info about instance addresses from: - http: lua api - binary: _pico_peer_addresses 3. Switch from arrays to map where it makes sense 4. Compose all the data to `cluster_state` object 5. Get version information for lua api. 2. Tests: 1. Add DeepDiff package to better diff for json 2. Amend tests to new specification 3. Get picodata version via lua api and use it in asserts 3. Chore: 1. Add .envrc and .direnv to .gitingore (direnv specific files) 2. Add .vscode to .gitignore. Signed-off-by:
Anatoly Popov <a.popov@picodata.io>