# Working with Picodata using native Java driver
## Requirements
- JDK 8+ (17 and higher is recommended)
- Docker or Podman
## Running this example
1. Clone this repo and build it using the Maven wraper script:
git clone
./mvnw install
2. Go to `src/main/resources` directory and run the Docker containers with example Picodata cluster:
docker-compose up -d
3. Set up driver user authorization for Picodata in the container:
Alexey Kuzin
docker-compose exec picodata-1 bash -c "echo -ne \"ALTER USER \\\"admin\\\" WITH PASSWORD 'P@ssw0rd';\" | picodata admin /var/lib/picodata/picodata-1/admin.sock"
4. Return to the initial directory `picodata-java-example` and launch the example application.
For JDK 17 and higher:
_JAVA_OPTIONS="--add-exports=java.base/ --add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/" ./mvnw exec:java
For older JDKs:
./mvnw exec:java
In case of successful run you should see logs like the following in your console:
[nioEventLoopGroup-2-1] INFO i.p.d.c.c.AbstractTarantoolConnectionManager - Connected to Tarantool server at /
Insert result:
row_count 1
Select all characters after insert:
metadata [{name=id, type=integer}, {name=name, type=string}, {name=year, type=integer}]
rows [[2, Vasya, 2000]]
[io.picodata.PicodataExample.main()] INFO i.p.d.c.c.AbstractTarantoolConnectionManager - Disconnected from /