[23.06.0] - 2023-06-16


- Expose the Public Lua API `pico.*`. It's supplemented with a
  built-in reference manual, see `pico.help()`.

- _Compare and Swap_ (CaS) is an algorithm that allows to combine Raft
  operations with a predicate checking. It makes read-write access to
  global spaces serializable. See `pico.help('cas')`.

- _Clusterwide schema_ now allows to create global and sharded spaces.
  The content of global spaces is replicated to every instance in the
  cluster. In sharded spaces the chuncs of data (buckets) are
  distributed across different replicasets. See

- _Raft log compaction_ allows stripping old raft log entries in order
  to prevent its infinite growth. See `pico.help('raft_compact_log')`.

- Remove everything related to "migrations". They're superseeded with
  "clusterwide schema" mentioned above.


- `picodata run --script` command-line argument sets a path to a Lua
  script executed at startup.

- `picodata run --http-listen` command-line argument sets the [HTTP
  server](https://github.com/tarantool/http) listening address. If no
  value is provided, the server won't be initialized.

- `picodata connect` CLI command provides interactive Lua console.

Implementation details

- Picodata automatically demotes Raft voters that go offline and
  promotes a replacement. See docs/topology.md for more details.
  Replicaset leadership is switched too.


- The current version is NOT compatible with prior releases. It cannot
  be started with the old snapshots.