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fix: use io::Error::last_os_error instead of custom errno logic

Dmitry Rodionov requested to merge dkr/fix-errno-on-mac-os into master


  • fix: use io::Error::last_os_error instead of custom errno logic

It was discovered when I attempted to bump tarantool module version in picodata:

This is why I prefer to delegate this kind of stuff to libraries (even small third party ones).

As it turns out needed API is already available in std:

(suggested by @funbringer)

Also this is another case when better testing pipeline would've saved us.

Should we start moving module into picodata repo rather soon?

Ensure that

  • New code is covered by tests
  • API is documented
  • Changelog is up to date
  • Version is bumped in the appropriate Cargo.toml files
Edited by Dmitry Rodionov

Merge request reports