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refactor(tuple): deprecate AsTuple in favor of Encode & ToTupleBuffer

Georgy Moshkin requested to merge refactor/to_tuple_buffer into master

AsTuple inherits from serde::Serialize which means it cannot be implemented for Tuple. Also the name is bad, because it makes you assume the conversion is cheap when it's anything but.

Encode trait inherits from serde::Serialize and must be implemented by user types instead of AsTuple.

ToTupleBuffer is used (almost) everywhere in the api and is implemented for all Encode types. So it can be implemented for Tuple.

We need 2 traits, because we can't have a default impl ToTupleBuffer that relies on serde::Serialize, and we can't have a blanket impl for serde::Serialize, because there are some types we want a different impl for (e.g. ()).

Hopefully specialization feature will be stabilized someday so that we can get rid of Encode.



Closes #87 (closed)

Edited by Georgy Moshkin

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