OS X Readme

This manual explains how to manually build tarantool from sources.
If you just need a working binary, please use homebrew:

        brew install http://tarantool.org/dist/tarantool.rb

Target OS: MacOS X "Lion"

First of all, make sure mac ports are available (to install packages from).

1. Install necessary packages (ports):

port install autoconf binutils cmake ncurses zlib readline

2. Upgrade clang to 3.2+

Go to http://developer.apple.com/ to download and install the latest version
of "Command Line Tools for Xcode". This package contains /usr/bin/clang and
/usr/bin/clang++ binaries. Check that clang version is at least 3.2.

3. Install necessary python modules: pyYAML, daemon
NB: it is recommended to install python modules through setup.py,
using the default python (which should be >= 2.6.x and < 3.x);

tar -xzf module.tar.gz
cd module-dir
sudo python setup.py install

where module is the name of the installed module and module-dir is the name of
the directory the module's archive deflates into.

4. Download & build tarantool source code:

git clone --recursive git://github.com/tarantool/tarantool.git

cd tarantool
CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebugInfo -DENABLE_CLIENT=true

5. Run tarantool test suite
NB: the following tests are not runnable on MacOS X at this point:


To disable those add each of them to the 'disabled' clause in suite.ini file
in the appropriate directory; for instance, tarantool/test/box/suite.ini must
be edited to disable any test in the 'box' suite;

To run all tests then, execute:

cd ~/build/tarantool/test

-- EOF