-- NOTE: this test expects to see `glauth` in $PATH! -- It's an LDAP server we use for this test. -- You can have it downloaded by CMake during project configuration: -- -- ```shell -- cmake -DENABLE_GLAUTH_DOWNLOAD=ON -- ``` -- -- Although we could enable this test depending on the ability -- to execute `glauth`, we'd like to run it unconditionally, -- otherwise there's a non-zero chance of LDAP breaking silently. local net = require('net.box') local server = require('luatest.server') local t = require('luatest') local urilib = require('uri') local fio = require('fio') local popen = require('popen') local socket = require('socket') local fiber = require('fiber') -- GLAuth (A lightweight LDAP server for development, home use, or CI) -- https://github.com/glauth/glauth/releases/download/v2.2.0/glauth-linux-amd64 local glauth = nil local glauth_tmp = fio.tempdir() local g = t.group() g.before_all(function(cg) -- NB: configure magic LDAP environment variables. local env = { TT_LDAP_URL = 'ldap://', TT_LDAP_DN_FMT = 'cn=$USER,dc=example,dc=org' } cg.server = server:new({alias = 'master', env = env}) cg.server:start() cg.server:exec(function() box.cfg{auth_type = 'ldap'} box.schema.user.create('mickey', {password = ''}) box.session.su('admin', box.schema.user.grant, 'mickey', 'super') end) local config_path = fio.pathjoin(glauth_tmp, 'ldap.cfg') local config = fio.open(config_path, {'O_CREAT', 'O_RDWR'}, tonumber('644', 8)) local password = -- sha256 of `dogood` "6478579e37aff45f013e14eeb30b3cc56c72ccdc310123bcdf53e0333e3f416a" config:write(string.format([=[ [ldap] enabled = true listen = "" [ldaps] enabled = false [backend] datastore = "config" baseDN = "dc=example,dc=org" [[users]] name = "mickey" uidnumber = 5001 primarygroup = 5501 passsha256 = "%s" [[users.capabilities]] action = "search" object = "*" [[groups]] name = "cartoons" gidnumber = 5501 ]=], password)) config:close() -- I'd gladly use popen.new, but it doesn't resolve path... glauth = popen.shell('glauth -c ' .. config_path) t.assert_not_equals(glauth, nil) -- Wait for GLAuth startup local sock = nil for _=1,40 do sock = socket.tcp_connect('', 1389) if sock == nil and glauth.status.state == popen.state.ALIVE then fiber.sleep(0.1) else break end end t.assert_not_equals(sock, nil) sock:close() end) g.after_all(function(cg) cg.server:drop() glauth:close() fio.rmtree(glauth_tmp) end) g.test_net_box = function(cg) local parsed_uri = urilib.parse(cg.server.net_box_uri) parsed_uri.login = 'mickey' parsed_uri.password = 'dogood' parsed_uri.params = parsed_uri.params or {} parsed_uri.params.auth_type = {'ldap'} -- Good local uri = urilib.format(parsed_uri, true) local conn = net.connect(cg.server.net_box_uri, uri) t.assert_equals(conn.error, nil) t.assert_equals(conn.state, 'active') conn:close() -- Good conn = net.connect(cg.server.net_box_uri, { user = 'mickey', password = 'dogood', auth_type = 'ldap', }) t.assert_equals(conn.error, nil) t.assert_equals(conn.state, 'active') conn:close() -- Bad password conn = net.connect(cg.server.net_box_uri, { user = 'mickey', password = 'wrong_password', auth_type = 'ldap', }) t.assert_equals( conn.error, "User not found or supplied credentials are invalid" ) conn:close() -- Bad auth type conn = net.connect(cg.server.net_box_uri, { user = 'mickey', password = 'dogood', auth_type = 'md5', }) t.assert_equals( conn.error, "User not found or supplied credentials are invalid" ) conn:close() end