diff --git a/connector/perl/lib/MR/Pending.pm b/connector/perl/lib/MR/Pending.pm
index c8ed252642dc0a685a25060008dde5783aff009e..eda0f764bd08503941c3642dbe5a331bbc9344b8 100644
--- a/connector/perl/lib/MR/Pending.pm
+++ b/connector/perl/lib/MR/Pending.pm
@@ -360,6 +360,13 @@ has id => (
     required  => 1,
+=head2 onok onerror onretry onsecondary_retry
+functions that are called on different stages
 has $_ => (
     is        => 'ro',
     isa       => 'CodeRef',
diff --git a/connector/perl/lib/MR/Tarantool/Box.pm b/connector/perl/lib/MR/Tarantool/Box.pm
index 0873c4779dabf431440bbb37301c1c96dc024c44..dd24a0a479db06a3bc9b3e730be43bf8a4c5b3ba 100644
--- a/connector/perl/lib/MR/Tarantool/Box.pm
+++ b/connector/perl/lib/MR/Tarantool/Box.pm
@@ -607,9 +607,11 @@ Format to unpack the result tuple, the same as C<format> option for C<new()>
 sub Call {
-    my ($param, $namespace) = $_[0]->_validate_param(\@_, qw/flags raise unpack unpack_format unpack_format_from_space/);
+    my ($param, $namespace) = $_[0]->_validate_param(\@_, qw/flags raise unpack unpack_format unpack_format_from_space return_fh/);
     my ($self, $sp_name, $tuple) = @_;
+    my $return_fh = delete $param->{return_fh};
     my $flags = $param->{flags} || 0;
     local $self->{raise} = $param->{raise} if defined $param->{raise};
@@ -640,11 +642,19 @@ sub Call {
     } @$tuple ];
     $self->_chat (
         msg      => 22,
         payload  => pack("L w/a* L(w/a*)*", $flags, $sp_name, scalar(@$tuple), @$tuple),
-        unpack   => $param->{unpack} || sub { $self->_unpack_select($space||$namespace, "CALL", @_) },
+        unpack   => $param->{unpack} || sub {
+            local $namespace->{unpack_format} = $unpack_format
+                if !$space && $unpack_format;
+            local $namespace->{append_for_unpack} = ''
+                if !$space && $unpack_format;
+            $self->_unpack_select($space||$namespace, "CALL", @_)
+        },
         callback => $param->{callback},
+        return_fh => $return_fh ? sub { return $_[0] } : 0
@@ -783,6 +793,7 @@ sub Insert {
 sub _unpack_select {
     my ($self, $ns, $debug_prefix) = @_;
     $debug_prefix ||= "SELECT";
     confess __LINE__."$self->{name}: [$debug_prefix]: Bad response" if length $_[3] < 4;
     my $result_count = unpack('L', substr($_[3], 0, 4, ''));
diff --git a/connector/perl/t/05-pending.t b/connector/perl/t/05-pending.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af3da0b645824085d906171a118ea4dceb51a076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/connector/perl/t/05-pending.t
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Tarantool/Box config below
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+    sub mPOP::Config::GetValue ($) {
+        die;
+    }
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin";
+use lib "$Bin/../lib";
+use Carp qw/confess/;
+use Test::More tests => 21;
+use Test::Exception;
+use List::MoreUtils qw/zip/;
+    use_ok 'Test::Tarantool';
+    use_ok 'MR::Pending';
+local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&confess;
+our $CLASS;
+BEGIN { $CLASS = $ENV{BOXCLASS} || 'MR::Tarantool::Box'; eval "require $CLASS" or die $@; }
+use constant ILL_PARAM         => qr/Error 00000202/;
+use constant TUPLE_NOT_EXISTS  => qr/Error 00003102/;
+use constant TUPLE_EXISTS      => qr/Error 00003702/;
+use constant INDEX_VIOLATION   => qr/Error 00003802/;
+use constant NO_SUCCESS        => qr/no success after/;
+use constant TOO_BIG_FIELD => qr/too big field/;
+our $box;
+our $server; # = shift || $ENV{BOX};
+my $tarantool_config = "$Bin/data/pending.t.cfg";
+ok -r $tarantool_config, "-r $tarantool_config";
+my $tnt_dir = "$Bin/data";
+ok -d $tnt_dir, "-d $tnt_dir";
+my $tnt_srv;
+SKIP: {
+    skip 'The test uses external tarantool', 2 if $server;
+    $tnt_srv = Test::Tarantool->run(
+        cfg => $tarantool_config,
+        script_dir => $tnt_dir
+    );
+    ok $tnt_srv, 'server instance created';
+    diag $tnt_srv->log unless ok $tnt_srv->started, 'server is started';
+    $server = sprintf '', $tnt_srv->primary_port;
+our %opts = (
+    debug => $ENV{DEBUG}||0,
+    ipdebug => $ENV{IPDEBUG}||0,
+    raise => 1,
+sub cleanup ($) {
+    my ($id) = @_;
+    die unless defined $id;
+    ok defined $box->Delete($id), 'delete of possible existing record';
+    ok $box->Delete($id) == 0, 'delete of non existing record';
+sub def_param  {
+    my $format = shift || 'l& SSLL';
+    return { servers => $server,
+             name    => $CLASS,
+             namespaces => [ {
+                 indexes => [ {
+                     index_name   => 'primary_id',
+                     keys         => [0],
+                 }, {
+                     index_name   => 'primary_email',
+                     keys         => [1],
+                 }, ],
+                 namespace     => 0,
+                 format        => $format,
+                 default_index => 'primary_id',
+                 name          => 'main',
+             } ],
+             default_space => "main",
+             %opts,
+         }
+$box = $CLASS->new(def_param('l&SSLL&'));
+ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
+my $box2 = $CLASS->new(def_param('l&SSLL&'));
+ok $box2->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
+my $tt =     [ [1, 'rtokarev@corp.mail.ru',     11, 111, 1111, 11111, "1111111111111"],
+               [2, 'vostrikov@corp.mail.ru',    22, 222, 2222, 22222, "2222222222222"],
+               [3, 'aleinikov@corp.mail.ru',    33, 333, 3333, 33333, "3333333333333"],
+               [4, 'roman.s.tokarev@gmail.com', 44, 444, 4444, 44444, "4444444444444"],
+               [5, 'vostrIIIkov@corp.mail.ru',  55, 555, 5555, 55555, "5555555555555"] ];
+foreach my $tuple (@$tt) {
+    ok eval{ $box->Delete($tuple->[0]); 1 }, "delete$tuple->[0]";
+foreach my $tuple (@$tt) {
+    ok $box->Insert(@$tuple), "insert$tuple->[0]";
+is_deeply eval {
+    $box->Call('tst_lua_test' => [], { unpack_format => '$' })
+}, [['test']], 'lua functions are working';
+# note explain
+# $box->Select(1, { return_fh => 1 });
+my $cdelayed = $box->Call(
+    'tst_lua_test' => [], { unpack_format => '$', return_fh => 1 }
+isa_ok $cdelayed, 'HASH';
+is_deeply $cdelayed->{continue}->(), [['test']],
+    'lua functions are working with return_fh';
diff --git a/connector/perl/t/data/init.lua b/connector/perl/t/data/init.lua
index 91b47ad977e96a43cb2926a790b009ff3e83fb14..db8317903ff4361cfdb3452e1d7ea6e107102fb7 100644
--- a/connector/perl/t/data/init.lua
+++ b/connector/perl/t/data/init.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+function tst_lua_test()
+    return 'test'
 function tst_server_name()
     local tuple = box.select( 0, 0, box.pack('i', 1) )
     if tuple == nil then