From edcd30fe184259259d85c722cb4e5e06e2fbf148 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandr Lyapunov <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2015 12:03:31 +0300
Subject: [PATCH]  *) added cwd() function to fio package  *) added stress test
 for snapshotting  *) moved to long_run

 src/lua/                            |  21 ++
 test/{box => long_run}/finalizers.result  |   0
 test/{box => long_run}/ |   2 +-
 test/{box => long_run}/lua/finalizers.lua |   0
 test/wal_off/snapshot_stress.result       | 362 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/wal_off/snapshot_stress.test.lua     | 222 +++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 606 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 rename test/{box => long_run}/finalizers.result (100%)
 rename test/{box => long_run}/ (87%)
 rename test/{box => long_run}/lua/finalizers.lua (100%)
 create mode 100644 test/wal_off/snapshot_stress.result
 create mode 100644 test/wal_off/snapshot_stress.test.lua

diff --git a/src/lua/ b/src/lua/
index 5dfb85b130..736be7548c 100644
--- a/src/lua/
+++ b/src/lua/
@@ -622,6 +622,26 @@ lbox_fio_tempdir(struct lua_State *L)
 	return 1;
+static int
+lbox_fio_cwd(struct lua_State *L)
+	char *buf = (char *)lua_newuserdata(L, PATH_MAX);
+	if (!buf) {
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		lua_pushnil(L);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (getcwd(buf, PATH_MAX)) {
+		lua_pushstring(L, buf);
+		lua_remove(L, -2);
+	} else {
+		lua_pushnil(L);
+	}
+	return 1;
 static int
 lbox_fio_fsync(struct lua_State *L)
@@ -674,6 +694,7 @@ tarantool_lua_fio_init(struct lua_State *L)
 		{ "chmod",		lbox_fio_chmod			},
 		{ "truncate",		lbox_fio_truncate		},
 		{ "tempdir",		lbox_fio_tempdir		},
+		{ "cwd",		lbox_fio_cwd			},
 		{ "sync",		lbox_fio_sync			},
 		{ NULL,			NULL				}
diff --git a/test/box/finalizers.result b/test/long_run/finalizers.result
similarity index 100%
rename from test/box/finalizers.result
rename to test/long_run/finalizers.result
diff --git a/test/box/ b/test/long_run/
similarity index 87%
rename from test/box/
rename to test/long_run/
index ca20abac92..c471892f17 100644
--- a/test/box/
+++ b/test/long_run/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import yaml
 from lib.tarantool_server import TarantoolServer
 server = TarantoolServer(server.ini)
-server.script = 'box/lua/finalizers.lua'
+server.script = 'long_run/lua/finalizers.lua'
 server.vardir = os.path.join(server.vardir, 'finalizers')
diff --git a/test/box/lua/finalizers.lua b/test/long_run/lua/finalizers.lua
similarity index 100%
rename from test/box/lua/finalizers.lua
rename to test/long_run/lua/finalizers.lua
diff --git a/test/wal_off/snapshot_stress.result b/test/wal_off/snapshot_stress.result
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0646564ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/wal_off/snapshot_stress.result
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+-- The test emulates account system. There are increasing number or accounts
+-- and a lot of double entry transactions are made that moving random
+-- ammount from random account to another random accont.
+-- Snapshots are made every snapshot_interval seconds and then checked for consistency
+-- Settings: You may increase theese value to make test longer
+-- number of worker fibers:
+workers_count = 80
+-- number of iterations per fiber (operations + add new account + add space)
+iteration_count = 8
+-- number of operations per iterations
+operation_count = 8
+-- limit of random string length in every account
+string_max_size = 128
+-- initial number of accounts
+accounts_start = 5
+-- delay between snapshots
+snapshot_interval = 0.005
+fiber = require('fiber')
+fio = require('fio')
+tarantool_bin_path = arg[-1]
+work_dir = fio.cwd()
+snap_dir_as_expected = false
+snap_dir_as_expected = snap_dir_as_expected or box.cfg.snap_dir == nil
+snap_dir_as_expected = snap_dir_as_expected or box.cfg.snap_dir == ''
+snap_dir_as_expected = snap_dir_as_expected or box.cfg.snap_dir == '.'
+snap_dir_as_expected = snap_dir_as_expected or box.cfg.snap_dir == work_dir
+- true
+- .
+script_path = fio.pathjoin(work_dir, 'snap_script.lua')
+cmd_template = [[/bin/sh -c 'cd "%s" && "%s" ./snap_script.lua 2> /dev/null']]
+cmd = string.format(cmd_template, work_dir, tarantool_bin_path)
+open_flags = {'O_CREAT', 'O_WRONLY', 'O_TRUNC'}
+script =, open_flags, tonumber('0777', 8))
+- true
+- true
+res = os.execute(cmd)
+str_res = 'precheck ' .. (res ~= 0 and ' ok(1)' or 'failed(1)')
+- precheck  ok(1)
+script =, open_flags, tonumber('0777', 8))
+- true
+- true
+res = os.execute(cmd)
+str_res = 'precheck ' .. (res == 0 and ' ok(2)' or 'failed(2)')
+- precheck  ok(2)
+snap_search_wildcard = fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.snap_dir, '*.snap');
+snaps = fio.glob(snap_search_wildcard);
+initial_snap_count = #snaps
+s1 = box.schema.create_space("accounts")
+i1 = s1:create_index('primary', { type = 'HASH', parts = {1, 'num'} })
+s2 = box.schema.create_space("operations")
+i2 = s2:create_index('primary', { type = 'HASH', parts = {1, 'num'} })
+n_accs = 0
+n_ops = 0
+n_spaces = 0
+workers_done = 0
+--# setopt delimiter ';'
+garbage = {};
+str = ""
+for i = 1,string_max_size do
+    str = str .. '-' garbage[i - 1] = str
+function get_new_space_name()
+    n_spaces = n_spaces + 1
+    return "test" .. tostring(n_spaces - 1)
+function get_rnd_acc()
+    return math.floor(math.random() * n_accs)
+function get_rnd_val()
+    return math.floor(math.random() * 10)
+function get_rnd_str()
+    return garbage[math.floor(math.random() * string_max_size)]
+function add_space()
+    box.schema.create_space(get_new_space_name()):create_index('test')
+    n_spaces = n_spaces + 1
+function add_acc()
+    s1:insert{n_accs, 0} n_accs = n_accs + 1
+function add_op(n1, n2, v)
+    s2:insert{n_ops, n1, n2, v}
+    n_ops = n_ops + 1
+function acc_add(n, v)
+    s1:update({n}, {{'+', 2, v}, {'=', 3, get_rnd_str()}})
+function do_op(n1, n2, v)
+    box.begin()
+    add_op(n1, n2, v)
+    acc_add(n1, v)
+    acc_add(n2, -v)
+    box.commit()
+function do_rand_op()
+    do_op(get_rnd_acc(), get_rnd_acc(), get_rnd_val())
+function init()
+    for i = 1,accounts_start do
+        add_acc()
+    end
+function work_itr()
+    for j = 1,operation_count do
+        do_rand_op()
+        fiber.sleep(0)
+    end
+    add_acc()
+    add_space()
+function work()
+    for i = 1,iteration_count do
+        work_itr()
+    end
+    workers_done = workers_done + 1
+function snaps()
+    while (workers_done ~= workers_count) do
+        pcall(box.snapshot)
+        fiber.sleep(snapshot_interval)
+    end snaps_done = true
+function wait()
+    while (not snaps_done) do
+        fiber.sleep(1)
+    end
+print('creating snapshot start');
+for i = 1,workers_count do
+    fiber.create(work)
+local tmp_fib = fiber.create(snaps);
+print('creating snapshot done');
+- 645
+- 5120
+script_code = [[
+box.cfg{ slab_alloc_arena = 0.5, snap_dir = ".", wal_mode = "none" }
+s1 =
+s2 =
+total_sum = 0
+t1 = {}
+for k,v in s1:pairs() do t1[ v[1] ] = v[2] total_sum = total_sum + v[2] end
+if total_sum ~= 0 then print('error: total sum mismatch') os.exit(-1) end
+t2 = {}
+function acc_inc(n1, v) t2[n1] = (t2[n1] and t2[n1] or 0) + v end
+for k,v in s2:pairs() do acc_inc(v[2], v[4]) acc_inc(v[3], -v[4]) end
+bad = false
+for k,v in pairs(t1) do if (t2[k] and t2[k] or 0) ~= v then bad = true end end
+for k,v in pairs(t2) do if (t1[k] and t1[k] or 0) ~= v then bad = true end end
+if bad then print('error: operation apply mismatch') os.exit(-1) end
+print('success: snapshot is ok')
+script =, open_flags, tonumber('0777', 8))
+print('checking snapshot start');
+snaps = fio.glob(snap_search_wildcard);
+snaps_find_status = #snaps <= initial_snap_count and 'where are my snapshots?' or 'snaps found';
+- snaps found
+snapshot_check_status = "snap check ok";
+while #snaps > initial_snap_count do
+    if os.execute(cmd) ~= 0 then
+        snapshot_check_status = "snap check failed!"
+	break
+    end
+    max_snap = nil
+    for k,v in pairs(snaps) do
+        if max_snap == nil or v > max_snap then
+            max_snap = v
+            max_snap_k = k
+        end
+    end
+    fio.unlink(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.snap_dir, max_snap))
+    snaps[max_snap_k] = nil
+- snap check ok
+print('checking snapshot done');
+--# setopt delimiter ''
diff --git a/test/wal_off/snapshot_stress.test.lua b/test/wal_off/snapshot_stress.test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afb9eea80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/wal_off/snapshot_stress.test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+-- The test emulates account system. There are increasing number or accounts
+-- and a lot of double entry transactions are made that moving random
+-- ammount from random account to another random accont.
+-- Snapshots are made every snapshot_interval seconds and then checked for consistency
+-- Settings: You may increase theese value to make test longer
+-- number of worker fibers:
+workers_count = 80
+-- number of iterations per fiber (operations + add new account + add space)
+iteration_count = 8
+-- number of operations per iterations
+operation_count = 8
+-- limit of random string length in every account
+string_max_size = 128
+-- initial number of accounts
+accounts_start = 5
+-- delay between snapshots
+snapshot_interval = 0.005
+fiber = require('fiber')
+fio = require('fio')
+tarantool_bin_path = arg[-1]
+work_dir = fio.cwd()
+snap_dir_as_expected = false
+snap_dir_as_expected = snap_dir_as_expected or box.cfg.snap_dir == nil
+snap_dir_as_expected = snap_dir_as_expected or box.cfg.snap_dir == ''
+snap_dir_as_expected = snap_dir_as_expected or box.cfg.snap_dir == '.'
+snap_dir_as_expected = snap_dir_as_expected or box.cfg.snap_dir == work_dir
+script_path = fio.pathjoin(work_dir, 'snap_script.lua')
+cmd_template = [[/bin/sh -c 'cd "%s" && "%s" ./snap_script.lua 2> /dev/null']]
+cmd = string.format(cmd_template, work_dir, tarantool_bin_path)
+open_flags = {'O_CREAT', 'O_WRONLY', 'O_TRUNC'}
+script =, open_flags, tonumber('0777', 8))
+res = os.execute(cmd)
+str_res = 'precheck ' .. (res ~= 0 and ' ok(1)' or 'failed(1)')
+script =, open_flags, tonumber('0777', 8))
+res = os.execute(cmd)
+str_res = 'precheck ' .. (res == 0 and ' ok(2)' or 'failed(2)')
+snap_search_wildcard = fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.snap_dir, '*.snap');
+snaps = fio.glob(snap_search_wildcard);
+initial_snap_count = #snaps
+s1 = box.schema.create_space("accounts")
+i1 = s1:create_index('primary', { type = 'HASH', parts = {1, 'num'} })
+s2 = box.schema.create_space("operations")
+i2 = s2:create_index('primary', { type = 'HASH', parts = {1, 'num'} })
+n_accs = 0
+n_ops = 0
+n_spaces = 0
+workers_done = 0
+--# setopt delimiter ';'
+garbage = {};
+str = ""
+for i = 1,string_max_size do
+    str = str .. '-' garbage[i - 1] = str
+function get_new_space_name()
+    n_spaces = n_spaces + 1
+    return "test" .. tostring(n_spaces - 1)
+function get_rnd_acc()
+    return math.floor(math.random() * n_accs)
+function get_rnd_val()
+    return math.floor(math.random() * 10)
+function get_rnd_str()
+    return garbage[math.floor(math.random() * string_max_size)]
+function add_space()
+    box.schema.create_space(get_new_space_name()):create_index('test')
+    n_spaces = n_spaces + 1
+function add_acc()
+    s1:insert{n_accs, 0} n_accs = n_accs + 1
+function add_op(n1, n2, v)
+    s2:insert{n_ops, n1, n2, v}
+    n_ops = n_ops + 1
+function acc_add(n, v)
+    s1:update({n}, {{'+', 2, v}, {'=', 3, get_rnd_str()}})
+function do_op(n1, n2, v)
+    box.begin()
+    add_op(n1, n2, v)
+    acc_add(n1, v)
+    acc_add(n2, -v)
+    box.commit()
+function do_rand_op()
+    do_op(get_rnd_acc(), get_rnd_acc(), get_rnd_val())
+function init()
+    for i = 1,accounts_start do
+        add_acc()
+    end
+function work_itr()
+    for j = 1,operation_count do
+        do_rand_op()
+        fiber.sleep(0)
+    end
+    add_acc()
+    add_space()
+function work()
+    for i = 1,iteration_count do
+        work_itr()
+    end
+    workers_done = workers_done + 1
+function snaps()
+    while (workers_done ~= workers_count) do
+        pcall(box.snapshot)
+        fiber.sleep(snapshot_interval)
+    end snaps_done = true
+function wait()
+    while (not snaps_done) do
+        fiber.sleep(1)
+    end
+print('creating snapshot start');
+for i = 1,workers_count do
+    fiber.create(work)
+local tmp_fib = fiber.create(snaps);
+print('creating snapshot done');
+script_code = [[
+box.cfg{ slab_alloc_arena = 0.5, snap_dir = ".", wal_mode = "none" }
+s1 =
+s2 =
+total_sum = 0
+t1 = {}
+for k,v in s1:pairs() do t1[ v[1] ] = v[2] total_sum = total_sum + v[2] end
+if total_sum ~= 0 then print('error: total sum mismatch') os.exit(-1) end
+t2 = {}
+function acc_inc(n1, v) t2[n1] = (t2[n1] and t2[n1] or 0) + v end
+for k,v in s2:pairs() do acc_inc(v[2], v[4]) acc_inc(v[3], -v[4]) end
+bad = false
+for k,v in pairs(t1) do if (t2[k] and t2[k] or 0) ~= v then bad = true end end
+for k,v in pairs(t2) do if (t1[k] and t1[k] or 0) ~= v then bad = true end end
+if bad then print('error: operation apply mismatch') os.exit(-1) end
+print('success: snapshot is ok')
+script =, open_flags, tonumber('0777', 8))
+print('checking snapshot start');
+snaps = fio.glob(snap_search_wildcard);
+snaps_find_status = #snaps <= initial_snap_count and 'where are my snapshots?' or 'snaps found';
+snapshot_check_status = "snap check ok";
+while #snaps > initial_snap_count do
+    if os.execute(cmd) ~= 0 then
+        snapshot_check_status = "snap check failed!"
+	break
+    end
+    max_snap = nil
+    for k,v in pairs(snaps) do
+        if max_snap == nil or v > max_snap then
+            max_snap = v
+            max_snap_k = k
+        end
+    end
+    fio.unlink(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.snap_dir, max_snap))
+    snaps[max_snap_k] = nil
+print('checking snapshot done');
+--# setopt delimiter ''