From ea1c829faa02df0cb0876f77ec0952e6c572d65f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Saranchin <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 16:25:55 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] alter: wait for previous alters to commit on DDL

Yielding DDL operations acquire DDL lock so that the space cannot be
modified under its feet. However, there is a case when it actually can:
if a yielding DDL has started when there is another DDL is being
committed and it gets rolled back due to WAL error, `struct space`
created by rolled back DDL is deleted - and it's the space being altered
by the yielding DDL. In order to fix this problem, let's simply wait for
all previous alters to be committed.

We could use `wal_sync` to wait for all previous transactions to be
committed, but it is more complicated - we need to use `wal_sync` for
single instance and `txn_limbo_wait_last_txn` when the limbo queue has
an owner. Such approach has more pitfalls and requires more tests to
cover all cases. When relying on `struct alter_space` directly, all
situations are handled with the same logic.

Alternative solutions that we have tried:
1. Throw an error in the case when user tries to alter space when
   there is another non-committed alter. Such approach breaks applier
   since it applies rows asynchronously. Trying applier to execute
   operations synchronously breaks it even harder.
2. Do not use space in `build_index` and `check_format` methods. In this
   case, there is another problem: rollback order. We have to rollback
   previous alters firstly, and the in-progress one can be rolled back
   only after it's over. It breaks fundamental memtx invariant: rollback
   order must be reverse of replace order. We could try to use
   `before_replace` triggers for alter, but the patch would be bulky.

Closes #10235


(cherry picked from commit fee8c5dd6b16471739ed8512ba4137ff2e7274aa)
 .../          |  4 +
 src/box/                              | 85 ++++++++++++++++---
 .../gh_10235_crash_on_consequent_ddl_test.lua | 43 ++++++++++
 3 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 changelogs/unreleased/
 create mode 100644 test/engine-luatest/gh_10235_crash_on_consequent_ddl_test.lua

diff --git a/changelogs/unreleased/ b/changelogs/unreleased/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b078f67c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelogs/unreleased/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+## bugfix/box
+* Fixed a crash when the first of two consequent DDL operations gets
+  rolled back due to WAL failure (gh-10235).
diff --git a/src/box/ b/src/box/
index 191e17e255..b8badc5ab7 100644
--- a/src/box/
+++ b/src/box/
@@ -678,7 +678,16 @@ txn_alter_trigger_new(trigger_f run, void *data)
 	return trigger;
+ * List of all alive alter_space objects.
+ */
+static RLIST_HEAD(alter_space_list);
 struct alter_space {
+	/** Link in alter_space_list. */
+	struct rlist in_list;
+	/** Transaction doing this alter. */
+	struct txn *txn;
 	/** List of alter operations */
 	struct rlist ops;
 	/** Definition of the new space - space_def. */
@@ -710,6 +719,11 @@ struct alter_space {
 	int n_rows;
+ * Fiber cond that wakes up all waiters on every deletion of alter_space.
+ */
+static FIBER_COND(alter_space_delete_cond);
 static struct alter_space *
 alter_space_new(struct space *old_space)
@@ -724,6 +738,8 @@ alter_space_new(struct space *old_space)
 	alter = (struct alter_space *)memset(alter, 0, size);
+	rlist_add_entry(&alter_space_list, alter, in_list);
+	alter->txn = in_txn();
 	alter->old_space = old_space;
 	alter->space_def = space_def_dup(alter->old_space->def);
 	if (old_space->format != NULL)
@@ -738,6 +754,8 @@ alter_space_new(struct space *old_space)
 static void
 alter_space_delete(struct alter_space *alter)
+	fiber_cond_broadcast(&alter_space_delete_cond);
+	rlist_del_entry(alter, in_list);
 	/* Destroy the ops. */
 	while (! rlist_empty(&alter->ops)) {
 		AlterSpaceOp *op = rlist_shift_entry(&alter->ops,
@@ -1049,15 +1067,62 @@ class CheckSpaceFormat: public AlterSpaceOp
 	virtual void prepare(struct alter_space *alter);
+ * The object is used to grant ability to yield with RAII approach.
+ * Transaction is allowed to yield only on its first statement, so if the
+ * statement is not first, it simply does nothing.
+ * If it's the first statement, the guard blocks execution until all previous
+ * alters will be rolled back or committed so that the space object won't be
+ * deleted right from under our feet. In the case when the previous alters were
+ * rolled back and the space was removed from space cache, the constructor
+ * throws an error.
+ */
+class AlterYieldGuard
+	AlterYieldGuard(struct space *old_space) {
+		if (!txn_is_first_statement(in_txn()))
+			return;
+		txn_can_yield(in_txn(), true);
+		uint32_t space_id = old_space->def->id;
+		while (true) {
+			bool space_is_being_altered = false;
+			struct alter_space *alter;
+			rlist_foreach_entry(alter, &alter_space_list, in_list) {
+				if (alter->txn != in_txn() &&
+				    alter->old_space->def->id == space_id) {
+					space_is_being_altered = true;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (!space_is_being_altered)
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * Wait for deletion of any alter to check if the
+			 * space is being altered again.
+			 */
+			fiber_cond_wait(&alter_space_delete_cond);
+		}
+		/* Check if the space is still alive. */
+		if (space_by_id(space_id) != old_space) {
+			txn_can_yield(in_txn(), false);
+			/* Cannot access the space name since it was deleted. */
+			tnt_raise(ClientError, ER_ALTER_SPACE,
+				  tt_sprintf("%u", space_id),
+				  "the space was concurrently modified");
+		}
+	}
+	~AlterYieldGuard() {
+		txn_can_yield(in_txn(), false);
+	}
 static inline void
 space_check_format_with_yield(struct space *space,
 			      struct tuple_format *format)
-	struct txn *txn = in_txn();
-	assert(txn != NULL);
-	(void) txn_can_yield(txn, true);
-	auto yield_guard =
-		make_scoped_guard([=] { txn_can_yield(txn, false); });
+	AlterYieldGuard guard(space);
 	space_check_format_xc(space, format);
@@ -1350,11 +1415,7 @@ static inline void
 space_build_index_with_yield(struct space *old_space, struct space *new_space,
 			     struct index *new_index)
-	struct txn *txn = in_txn();
-	assert(txn != NULL);
-	(void) txn_can_yield(txn, true);
-	auto yield_guard =
-		make_scoped_guard([=] { txn_can_yield(txn, false); });
+	AlterYieldGuard guard(old_space);
 	space_build_index_xc(old_space, new_space, new_index);
@@ -1549,10 +1610,10 @@ TruncateIndex::prepare(struct alter_space *alter)
 	 * space_build_index() to let the engine know that the
 	 * index was recreated. For example, Vinyl uses this
 	 * callback to load indexes during local recovery.
+	 * No need to yield here since we build an empty index.
 	assert(new_index != NULL);
-	space_build_index_with_yield(alter->new_space, alter->new_space,
-				     new_index);
+	space_build_index_xc(alter->new_space, alter->new_space, new_index);
diff --git a/test/engine-luatest/gh_10235_crash_on_consequent_ddl_test.lua b/test/engine-luatest/gh_10235_crash_on_consequent_ddl_test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4dc510fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/engine-luatest/gh_10235_crash_on_consequent_ddl_test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+local t = require('luatest')
+local server = require('luatest.server')
+local g =, {{engine = 'memtx'}, {engine = 'vinyl'}})
+    t.tarantool.skip_if_not_debug()
+    cg.server = server:new()
+    cg.server:start()
+    cg.server:drop()
+-- Reproducer from the issue.
+g.test_crash_on_consequent_alters = function(cg)
+    cg.server:exec(function(engine)
+        local fiber = require('fiber')
+        local space ='test', {engine = engine})
+        space:create_index('pk')
+        for i = 1, 100 do
+            space:replace({i, 2})
+        end
+        local ch =
+        fiber.create(function()
+            box.begin()
+            space:create_index('sk')
+            -- Inject WAL error only after index is built in order
+            -- to allow vinyl use WAL during the index build
+            box.error.injection.set('ERRINJ_WAL_WRITE', true)
+            ch:put(true)
+            box.commit()
+        end)
+        t.assert(ch:get(10))
+        local function alter_space()
+            space:format({{'one', 'unsigned'}, {'two', 'unsigned'}})
+        end
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Can't modify space '512': the space was concurrently modified",
+            alter_space)
+    end, {cg.params.engine})