diff --git a/core/fiber.m b/core/fiber.m
index 32f36d7be157bb2afe3e3b52b58e69782e4e2626..6dba8ff44bb7db5e3af3d828a407b2d91d596a66 100644
--- a/core/fiber.m
+++ b/core/fiber.m
@@ -251,6 +251,22 @@ fiber_yield(void)
 	coro_transfer(&caller->coro.ctx, &callee->coro.ctx);
+ * Return true if the current fiber is a callee of fiber f,
+ * false otherwise.
+ */
+fiber_is_caller(struct fiber *f)
+	/* 'Unwinding' the fiber stack. */
+	for (struct fiber **sp_ptr = sp; sp_ptr > call_stack; --sp_ptr) {
+		if (f == *sp_ptr)
+			return true;
+	}
+	return false;
  * @note: this is a cancellation point (@sa fiber_testcancel())
diff --git a/core/tarantool_lua.m b/core/tarantool_lua.m
index 9f02772362b3c340d9df65814fb3e9ac50646d63..a4ade18da29ad6842d638b927bc7944db413197f 100644
--- a/core/tarantool_lua.m
+++ b/core/tarantool_lua.m
@@ -517,6 +517,40 @@ lbox_fiber_yield(struct lua_State *L)
 	return lua_gettop(L);
+ * Get fiber status.
+ * This follows the rules of Lua coroutine.status() function:
+ * Returns the status of fibier, as a string:
+ * - "running", if the fiber is running (that is, it called status);
+ * - "suspended", if the fiber is suspended in a call to yield(),
+ *    or if it has not started running yet;
+ * - "normal" if the fiber is active but not running (that is,
+ *   it has resumed another fiber);
+ * - "dead" if the fiber has finished its body function, or if it
+ *   has stopped with an error.
+ */
+static int
+lbox_fiber_status(struct lua_State *L)
+	struct fiber *f = lbox_checkfiber(L, 1);
+	const char *status;
+	if (f->fid == 0) {
+		/* This fiber is dead. */
+		status = "dead";
+	} else if (f == fiber) {
+		/* The fiber is the current running fiber. */
+		status = "running";
+	} else if (fiber_is_caller(f)) {
+		/* The fiber is current fiber's caller. */
+		status = "normal";
+	} else {
+		/* None of the above: must be suspended. */
+		status = "suspended";
+	}
+	lua_pushstring(L, status);
+	return 1;
  * Detach the current fiber.
@@ -615,6 +649,7 @@ static const struct luaL_reg fiberlib[] = {
 	{"create", lbox_fiber_create},
 	{"resume", lbox_fiber_resume},
 	{"yield", lbox_fiber_yield},
+	{"status", lbox_fiber_status},
 	{"detach", lbox_fiber_detach},
diff --git a/include/fiber.h b/include/fiber.h
index 9b073b74253fd1bf0f325a7f300a17ab7c42279e..66f4148a02a27e188dc0f5f8bb4e98eaddf7b88a 100644
--- a/include/fiber.h
+++ b/include/fiber.h
@@ -148,6 +148,9 @@ void
 void fiber_destroy_all();
+fiber_is_caller(struct fiber *f);
 struct msg *read_inbox(void);
 ssize_t fiber_bread(struct tbuf *, size_t v);
diff --git a/test/box/box_fiber.lua b/test/box/box_fiber.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60d3977eea500e5cef8e65fad2f83e8633d2e034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/box/box_fiber.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
+-- Local functions
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
+-- printer task fiber
+local printer_task
+-- tester task fiber
+local tester_task
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
+-- printer task routines
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
+-- odd printer
+local function odd(x)
+    print('A: odd  ', x)
+    box.fiber.yield(x)
+    print('B: odd  ', x)
+-- even printer
+local function even(x)
+    print('C: even ', x)
+    if x == 2 then
+        return x
+    end
+    print('D: even ', x)
+-- printer task routine main function
+local function printer_task_routine(x)
+    print("printer: tester status = ", box.fiber.status(tester_task))
+    print("printer: printer status = ", box.fiber.status(printer_task))
+    for i = 1, x do
+	if i == 3 then
+	    box.fiber.yield(-1)
+	end
+	if i % 2 == 0 then
+	    even(i)
+	else
+	    odd(i)
+	end
+    end
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
+-- tester task routines
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
+-- tester task routine main function
+local function tester_task_routine()
+    printer_task = box.fiber.create(printer_task_routine)
+    print("tester: status(tester) = ", box.fiber.status(tester_task))
+    print("tester: status(tester) = ", box.fiber.status(printer_task))
+    count = 1
+    while box.fiber.status(printer_task) ~= "dead" do
+	print("count: ", count)
+	value = box.fiber.resume(printer_task, 5)
+	print("status: ", box.fiber.status(printer_task))
+	count = count + 1
+    end
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
+-- Test functions
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
+-- run fiber test
+function box_fiber_run_test()
+    -- run tester
+    tester_task = box.fiber.create(tester_task_routine)
+    box.fiber.resume(tester_task)
diff --git a/test/box/lua.result b/test/box/lua.result
index 500697e8a36e5c7d8bbe28b938bc8aa3abdc2bed..0fbc3a9738552decfeeede1560e1ed6e90fd5458 100644
--- a/test/box/lua.result
+++ b/test/box/lua.result
@@ -844,3 +844,55 @@ lua os.execute('ls')
 error: 'Lua error: [string "return os.execute(''ls'')"]:1: attempt to call field ''execute'' (a nil value)'
+# box.fiber test (create, resume, yield, status)
+lua dofile(...)
+# test box.fiber.status functions: invalid arguments
+lua box.fiber.status(1)
+error: 'Lua error: bad argument #1 to ''?'' (box.fiber expected, got number)'
+lua box.fiber.status('fafa-gaga')
+error: 'Lua error: bad argument #1 to ''?'' (box.fiber expected, got string)'
+lua box.fiber.status(nil)
+error: 'Lua error: bad argument #1 to ''?'' (box.fiber expected, got nil)'
+# run fiber's test
+lua box_fiber_run_test()
+tester: status(tester) = running
+tester: status(tester) = suspended
+count: 1
+printer: tester status = normal
+printer: printer status = running
+A: odd  1
+status: suspended
+count: 2
+B: odd  1
+C: even 2
+status: suspended
+count: 3
+A: odd  3
+status: suspended
+count: 4
+B: odd  3
+C: even 4
+D: even 4
+A: odd  5
+status: suspended
+count: 5
+B: odd  5
+status: dead
diff --git a/test/box/lua.test b/test/box/lua.test
index 350c34ed951f938197ed9bd8c008e122166588e9..627bec1ba608b07bd816e7a33d8ebfed5cabb94f 100644
--- a/test/box/lua.test
+++ b/test/box/lua.test
@@ -250,3 +250,28 @@ print """
 # Lua provides access to os.execute()
 exec admin "lua os.execute('ls')"
+print """
+# box.fiber test (create, resume, yield, status)
+box_fiber_lua = os.path.abspath("box/box_fiber.lua")
+# don't log the path name
+sys.stdout.push_filter("lua dofile(.*)", "lua dofile(...)")
+exec admin "lua dofile('{0}')".format(box_fiber_lua)
+print """
+# test box.fiber.status functions: invalid arguments
+exec admin "lua box.fiber.status(1)"
+exec admin "lua box.fiber.status('fafa-gaga')"
+exec admin "lua box.fiber.status(nil)"
+print """
+# run fiber's test
+exec admin "lua box_fiber_run_test()"