diff --git a/connector/perl/lib/MR/Pending.pm b/connector/perl/lib/MR/Pending.pm
index 8a9f17b5897eec2b86350cb68753601618b568d3..e270472d89a526d9894c37696343f93f0764b37c 100644
--- a/connector/perl/lib/MR/Pending.pm
+++ b/connector/perl/lib/MR/Pending.pm
@@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ sub wait {
     vec($in, $_->fileno, 1) = 1 for grep { $_->is_pending } values %$pending;
     my $n;
-    while(1) {
+    {
         my $ein = my $rin = $in;
         $n = CORE::select($rin, undef, $ein, $self->itertime);
         if ($n < 0) {
-            next if $!{EINTR};
+            redo if $!{EINTR};
             warn $self->name.": select() failed: $!";
             return undef;
diff --git a/connector/perl/lib/MR/Tarantool/Box.pm b/connector/perl/lib/MR/Tarantool/Box.pm
index 1c75f132dce77945dd62faa8fd361b579c922c2c..c8eb53fecd1668d91311a79aac634bc3229b12f2 100644
--- a/connector/perl/lib/MR/Tarantool/Box.pm
+++ b/connector/perl/lib/MR/Tarantool/Box.pm
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ use constant {
 sub IPROTOCLASS () { 'MR::IProto' }
 use vars qw/$VERSION %ERRORS/;
-$VERSION = 0.0.24;
+$VERSION = 0.0.25;
 BEGIN { *confess = \&MR::IProto::confess }
diff --git a/connector/perl/t/pending.pl b/connector/perl/t/pending.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0db3b360f95fc152c73a9511768b1af61a3de2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/connector/perl/t/pending.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# Tarantool/Box config below
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+    sub mPOP::Config::GetValue ($) {
+        die;
+    }
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin";
+use Carp qw/confess/;
+use Test::More tests => 24;
+use Test::Exception;
+use List::MoreUtils qw/zip/;
+use MR::Pending;
+local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&confess;
+our $CLASS;
+BEGIN { $CLASS = $ENV{BOXCLASS} || 'MR::Tarantool::Box'; eval "require $CLASS" or die $@; }
+use constant ILL_PARAM         => qr/Error 00000202/;
+use constant TUPLE_NOT_EXISTS  => qr/Error 00003102/;
+use constant TUPLE_EXISTS      => qr/Error 00003702/;
+use constant INDEX_VIOLATION   => qr/Error 00003802/;
+use constant NO_SUCCESS        => qr/no success after/;
+use constant TOO_BIG_FIELD => qr/too big field/;
+our $box;
+our $server = (shift || $ENV{BOX}) or die;
+our %opts = (
+    debug => $ENV{DEBUG}||0,
+    ipdebug => $ENV{IPDEBUG}||0,
+    raise => 1,
+sub cleanup ($) {
+    my ($id) = @_;
+    die unless defined $id;
+    ok defined $box->Delete($id), 'delete of possible existing record';
+    ok $box->Delete($id) == 0, 'delete of non existing record';
+sub def_param  {
+    my $format = shift || 'l& SSLL';
+    return { servers => $server,
+             name    => $CLASS,
+             namespaces => [ {
+                 indexes => [ {
+                     index_name   => 'primary_id',
+                     keys         => [0],
+                 }, {
+                     index_name   => 'primary_email',
+                     keys         => [1],
+                 }, ],
+                 namespace     => 0,
+                 format        => $format,
+                 default_index => 'primary_id',
+                 name          => 'main',
+             } ],
+             default_space => "main",
+             %opts,
+         }
+$box = $CLASS->new(def_param('l&SSLL&'));
+ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
+my $box2 = $CLASS->new(def_param('l&SSLL&'));
+ok $box2->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
+my $tt =     [ [1, 'rtokarev@corp.mail.ru',     11, 111, 1111, 11111, "1111111111111"],
+               [2, 'vostrikov@corp.mail.ru',    22, 222, 2222, 22222, "2222222222222"],
+               [3, 'aleinikov@corp.mail.ru',    33, 333, 3333, 33333, "3333333333333"],
+               [4, 'roman.s.tokarev@gmail.com', 44, 444, 4444, 44444, "4444444444444"],
+               [5, 'vostrIIIkov@corp.mail.ru',  55, 555, 5555, 55555, "5555555555555"] ];
+foreach my $tuple (@$tt) {
+    ok eval{ $box->Delete($tuple->[0]); 1 }, "delete$tuple->[0]";
+foreach my $tuple (@$tt) {
+    ok $box->Insert(@$tuple), "insert$tuple->[0]";
+my @box = ($box, $box2);
+my @select = ([1,2,3],[2,3,4]);
+my $onok = sub {
+    my ($i, $data) = @_;
+    ok $data, "select $i data";
+    ok @$data, "select $i \@data";
+    ok $data->[0], "select $i \$data->[0]";
+    is_deeply $data->[0], [ @$tt[map $_-1, @{$select[$i]}] ], "select $i tuples";
+my $onerror = sub {
+    my ($i, $err) = @_;
+    ok !1, "select $i failed";
+my $ontry = sub {
+    my ($i) = @_;
+    return $box[$i]->Select($select[$i], {want => "arrayref", return_fh => 1});
+    name     => "PENDINGTEST",
+    maxtime  => 1.1,
+    itertime => 0.01,
+    pending  => [map { MR::Pending::Item->new(
+        id           => $_,
+        onok         => $onok,
+        onerror      => $onerror,
+        onretry      => $ontry,
+        timeout      => 0.5,
+        retry_delay  => 0.001,
+        retry        => 3,
+    ) } 0],
+    name     => "PENDINGTEST",
+    maxtime  => 1.1,
+    itertime => 0.01,
+    pending  => [map { MR::Pending::Item->new(
+        id           => $_,
+        onok         => $onok,
+        onerror      => $onerror,
+        onretry      => $ontry,
+        timeout      => 0.5,
+        retry_delay  => 0.001,
+        retry        => 3,
+    ) } (0, 1)],
+space[0].enabled = 1
+space[0].index[0].type = "HASH"
+space[0].index[0].unique = 1
+space[0].index[0].key_field[0].fieldno = 0
+space[0].index[0].key_field[0].type = "NUM"
+space[0].index[1].type = "HASH"
+space[0].index[1].unique = 1
+space[0].index[1].key_field[0].fieldno = 1
+space[0].index[1].key_field[0].type = "STR"
+space[20].enabled = 1
+space[20].index[0].type = "HASH"
+space[20].index[0].unique = 1
+space[20].index[0].key_field[0].fieldno = 0
+space[20].index[0].key_field[0].type = "NUM64"
+space[26].enabled = 1
+space[26].index[0].type = "HASH"
+space[26].index[0].unique = 1
+space[26].index[0].key_field[0].fieldno = 0
+space[26].index[0].key_field[0].type = "NUM"
+space[26].index[1].type = "TREE"
+space[26].index[1].unique = 0
+space[26].index[1].key_field[0].fieldno = 1
+space[26].index[1].key_field[0].type = "STR"
+space[26].index[2].type = "TREE"
+space[26].index[2].unique = 0
+space[26].index[2].key_field[0].fieldno = 1
+space[26].index[2].key_field[0].type = "STR"
+space[26].index[2].key_field[1].fieldno = 2
+space[26].index[2].key_field[1].type = "NUM"
+space[27].enabled = 1
+space[27].index[0].type = "HASH"
+space[27].index[0].unique = 1
+space[27].index[0].key_field[0].fieldno = 0
+space[27].index[0].key_field[0].type = "NUM"
+space[27].index[1].type = "HASH"
+space[27].index[1].unique = 1
+space[27].index[1].key_field[0].fieldno = 1
+space[27].index[1].key_field[0].type = "STR"
+space[27].index[2].type = "TREE"
+space[27].index[2].unique = 1
+space[27].index[2].key_field[0].fieldno = 2
+space[27].index[2].key_field[0].type = "STR"
+space[27].index[2].type = "TREE"
+space[27].index[2].unique = 1
+space[27].index[2].key_field[0].fieldno = 3
+space[27].index[2].key_field[0].type = "STR"
+space[27].index[3].type = "TREE"
+space[27].index[3].unique = 1
+space[27].index[3].key_field[0].fieldno = 2
+space[27].index[3].key_field[0].type = "STR"
+space[27].index[3].key_field[1].fieldno = 3
+space[27].index[3].key_field[1].type = "STR"