diff --git a/doc/user/databases.xml b/doc/user/databases.xml
index a66cb121f530494013b9368b81e5a25c2d242057..79d852c4960ae8c3275f2183fc049d4297726aa0 100644
--- a/doc/user/databases.xml
+++ b/doc/user/databases.xml
@@ -2694,291 +2694,6 @@ tarantool> <userinput>box.stat().DELETE -- a selected item of the table</userinp
-<section xml:id="sp-shard">
-    <title>Package <code>shard</code></title>
-With <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharding">Sharding</link>,
-the tuples of a tuple set are distributed
-to multiple nodes, with a Tarantool database server on each node. With this arrangement,
-each server is handling only a subset of the total data, so larger loads can be
-handled by simply adding more computers to a network.
-The Tarantool shard package has facilities
-for creating or redistributing or cleaning up shards, as well as analogues for the
-data-manipulation functions of the box library (select, insert, replace, update, delete).
-The important new concept is that there must be a function which, given a key value,
-returns a Shard Identification Number so that the data-manipulation functions will know
-which location is relevant.
-In fact there must be two such functions, one for giving Shard Identification Number
-according to the current algorithm, and one for giving Shard Identification Number
-according to a previous algorithm. The former is called [curr], the latter is called [prev].
-When the algorithm has to be changed because new nodes are added or because the load
-must be balanced differently, the [curr] function becomes the [prev] function, a
-new [curr] function is introduced, and a function named <code>shard.copy()</code> redistributes
-all the tuples -- a process called "resharding".
-The shard package can be installed by
-putting a directive at the start of an init.lua file:<programlisting>
-require 'shard'</programlisting>which brings in all the required functionality
-from a program file named shard.lua.
-For the original package description in Russian, see
-<link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/shard/blob/master/README.md">
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><code>shard.schema.config (<replaceable>{ key = value, ... }</replaceable>)</code></emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-        This function configures or reconfigures the shard-host or proxy-host.
-        The parameters which are indicated by the "key = value" pairs are:
- <code>
-    * shard list - a list of shards and their types (see "List of shards", below)
-    * me -   each node has to know "which shard in the list is me?" so this is the node's number in the list
-             (or 0 if the shard is a proxy)
-    * mode - mode for the current shard (either 'ro' or 'rw')
-    * curr - the current function that returns, for a given space and key, the Shard Number.
-    * prev - the previous function that returns, for a given space and key, the Shard Number.
-        The function reconfigures only those parameters that are transmitted during the call.
-        Other parameters' values remain the same.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        The SHARD LIST is a Lua table, which is an array of arrays.
-        Each entry in the table describes one shard, with the following fields :
-        1. Shard operation mode. Either 'ro' = read only, or 'rw' = read / write.
-        2. Shard weight (a number between 0 and 1000 )
-        3. Shard connection parameters (the host and port of the node that handles the shard)
-        ?. Implicitly, a Shard Number.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        Notes:
-        1. If there are multiple descriptions of the same shard, only one of them may have shard operation mode = 'rw'.
-        2. Operations which modify data must always go to hosts with shard operation mode = 'rw'.
-        Operations which do not modify data may go to either 'ro' or 'rw' shards, depending on the semantics of the call.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        The <code>shard.schema.config()</code> function must be performed on each node,
-        before creating a sharded database, and whenever the configuration changes.
-        Care must be taken that the nodes' configurations are consistent with each other.
-        The administrator is responsible for determining the values that [curr] and [prev]
-        functions should return -- a simple example would be "if key is less than a million
-        then return Shard Identification Number = 1, else return Shard Identification Number = 2".
-        </para>
-        <para>
-         Given this configuration information, subsequent <code>shard</code> functions will all
-        know what to do. Simplifying slightly, a subroutine in the shard functions will:
-Get the space number and the primary-key value from the function's parameters.
-Pass the space number and the primary-key value to [curr] or [prev] to get a Shard Identification Number.
-If the number is equal to "me", perform the function directly because this is the responsible node.
-Otherwise, use the box.net package to pass the function to the host and port of
-the node that, according to the Shard List, is responsible for handling this tuple.
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><code>shard.copy()</code></emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-        This function reads all tuples, if necessary copying them to new shards.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        Start conditions:
-        The 'me' shard, that is, the shard which this node is responsible for, must be marked as 'rw'.
-        The 'me' shard must have both a [curr] and a [prev] function.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        For each space, for each tuple in the space: if the [prev] function says that the
-        tuple belongs in the 'me' node, and the [curr] function says that the tuple belongs
-        in a different node, then copy it by sending an "insert" request to the different node.
-        This is actually an "insert nothrow", that is, an insert without an error message,
-        because the insert is simply not performed if the different node already has a tuple
-        with the same primary key. The copied tuple is not deleted on the 'me' node at this stage;
-        that is a separate job which will be handled by a separate function, <code>shard.cleanup()</code>.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        The function returns a list of tuples. Each tuple contains two fields:
-        1. ID Number of the space which was worked on
-        2. Count of tuples which are copied into the space (may be 0)
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        In order to perform resharding, the administrator must:
-* For all hosts ,determine the functions [curr] and [prev]
- * Update the Shard List with shard.config
- * Run shard.copy() on all hosts -- this will find tuples
-  on nodes according to [prev], and move them to new nodes
-  according to [curr].
-* Delete the [prev] function on all shards.
-* Run shard.cleanup() on all hosts, to remove outdated data.
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><code>shard.cleanup()</code></emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-        This function reads all tuples, if necessary deleting tuples which don't fit.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        Start conditions :
-        current shard marked as 'rw' (read/write)
-        shard specifies only one function - [curr], not [prev] (that is, resharding mode is disabled)
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        This function goes through all the Tarantool spaces and,
-        for each tuple in a space, invokes the [curr] function.
-        If the number returned by [curr] is not equal to the actual number that the shard is in (known as [me]),
-        the tuple is deleted.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        The function returns a list of tuples. Each tuple contains two fields :
-        1. ID Number of the space which was worked on,
-        2. Count of tuples which are deleted from the space.
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><code>shard.select (<replaceable>space, key [, subkey, ...]</replaceable>)</code></emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-        This function performs a query using a key. A key may have multiple fields.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        If <code>shard.select()</code> is called while a resharding is taking place,
-        and the tuple is not found on the node which the [curr] function identifies,
-        then the request is forwarded to the node which the [prev] function identifies.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        Notes:
-        if the key is multi-field key then all fields must be present -- sampling multiple nodes with partially-specified keys is not possible.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        The <code>shard.select()</code> function is the only function which can access hosts that are marked "read only".
-        The host selection algorithm ([curr] or [prev]) may choose among multiple possible hosts that all contain
-        copies of the specific tuple. Usually the algorithm will choose the shard whose 'weight' field in the shard
-        list has the greatest value.
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><code>shard.eselect (<replaceable>mode, space, key [, subkey, ...]</replaceable>)</code></emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-        This function is the same as <code>shard.select()</code> but has an additional parameter, "mode",
-        to indicate which hosts it is preferable to sample.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        The mode parameter can have one of the following values:
-        'ro' (means that it is preferable to sample the hosts marked as "read only", but if there are none, then sampling an 'rw' node is okay),
-        'rw' (means that it is necessary to sample only the hosts marked as " read-write").
-        Thus, "call <code>shard.eselect('ro', ...)</code>" is the same as "call <code>shard.select(...)</code>".
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><code>shard.insert (<replaceable>space, ...</replaceable>)</code></emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-        This functions inserts a specified tuple into a given space.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        The essential operation is:
-* The local node -- call it Node#1 -- uses [curr] to determine the shard to go to,
-  and sends the request to the different node, call it Node#2.
-* Node#1 returns a duplicate-key error if the tuple already exists in its space.
-* If there is a [prev] function on the different node, then the different node
-  uses [prev] to determine another node to go to, and sends the request to the
-  other node, call it Node#3.
-* If Node#3 finds the row in its space, then that is an error, which eventually
-  gets returned to Node#1 and the user sees a duplicate-key error.
- </code>
-        This mechanism is a bit complex, but all the user has to know is:
-        if there's a duplicate, even if sharding or resharding is taking place when
-        the insert request happens, no problem -- Tarantool will detect the duplicate.
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><code><replaceable>shard.replace (space, ...)</replaceable></code></emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-        This function inserts, or possibly replaces, a tuple.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        The initial part of the operation is the same as for <code>shard.insert()</code>,
-        but <code>shard.replace()</code> is simpler because it does not have to search for
-        duplicates.
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><code>shard.delete (<replaceable>space, key [, subkey, ...])</replaceable></code></emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-        This function deletes a tuple.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        Control is transferred to the node which is responsible according to [curr].
-        That different node will delete the tuple from its own tuple set,
-        and also -- if that different node has a [prev] function in its Shard List --
-        will pass the delete request on to whatever node the [prev] function identifies.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        Returns: exists_from_curr or exists_from_prev.
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><code>shard.update (<replaceable>space, key, [subkey, ...] format, ...</replaceable>)</code></emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-        This function updates a tuple.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        Control is transferred to the node which is responsible according to [curr].
-        If the tuple is present on that different node, the tuple is updated
-        and the new updated value is returned.
-        Otherwise, if that different node has a [prev] function in its Shard List,
-        then the request is passed on to whatever node the [prev[ function identifies,
-        and that node actually performs an insert(), then returns what looks like
-        an updated value.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        Like <code>shard.insert()</code>, the operations for <code>shard.update()</code> look a bit
-        complex. But, again, the user only has to know that the <code>shard</code> package
-        has routines which ensure that the result is an updated tuple, even though
-        there are several remotely-possible scenarios which must be taken care of.
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><code>shard.call (<replaceable>mode, procname, ...</replaceable>)</code></emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-        This function calls a remote function.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-        The host which receives <code>shard.call()</code> selects a random node from
-        the Shard List -- preferably a read-only node if the mode parameter says 'ro'.
-        The remote node will perform the function and return its result to the original
-        node, which will return it to the user.
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
 <section xml:id="administrative-requests">
   <title>Administrative requests</title>
diff --git a/doc/user/server-administration.xml b/doc/user/server-administration.xml
index 9d663c6ee42e78e41f5382116d2990b043ca7591..01860432209e4cc8342da9eef8343d714b132686 100644
--- a/doc/user/server-administration.xml
+++ b/doc/user/server-administration.xml
@@ -207,54 +207,6 @@ Explanatory notes about what tarantool displayed in the above example:
-<section xml:id="tarantool_deploy">
-<title>Utility <code>tarantool_deploy</code></title>
-With tarantool_deploy one can set up so that, during system boot,
-one or more instances of the tarantool server will start.
-This utility is for use on Red Hat or CentOS where Tarantool
-was installed using <code>rpm --install</code>.
-Technically, tarantool_deploy will place instructions in <filename>/etc/init.d</filename>
-which will initiate tarantool with appropriate options and
-with settings that maximize resource usage.
-The root password is necessary. These options are available,
-as shown by <code>tarantool_deploy --help</code>:
-Tarantool deployment script: add more Tarantool instances.
-usage: tarantool_deploy.sh [options] &lt;instance&gt;
-  --prefix &lt;path&gt;       installation path (/usr)
-  --prefix_etc &lt;path&gt;   installation etc path (/etc)
-  --prefix_var &lt;path&gt;   installation var path (/var)
-  --status              display deployment status
-  --dry                 don't create anything, show commands
-  --debug               show commands
-  --yes                 don't prompt
-  --help                display this usage
-The default prefixes (<filename>/usr</filename> and <filename>/etc</filename> and <filename>/var</filename>) are appropriate
-if a Tarantool installation was done with default settings,
-for example tarantool should be in <filename>/usr/bin</filename>.
-The only necessary argument is the "instance", which is an
-arbitrary numeric identification formatted as digit.digit.
-The following is a sample run:
-<programlisting><prompt>$ </prompt><userinput>tarantool_deploy.sh 0.1</userinput>
-tarantool_deploy.sh: About to deploy Tarantool instance 0.1.
-tarantool_deploy.sh: Continue? [n/y]
-tarantool_deploy.sh: &gt;&gt;&gt; deploy instance 0.1
-tarantool_deploy.sh: &gt;&gt;&gt; updating deployment config
-tarantool_deploy.sh: done
 <section xml:id="os-install-notes">
 <title>System-specific administration notes</title>