diff --git a/test/box/xlog.test.py b/test/box/xlog.test.py
index 09e0857698e178217f864b26d13991055e0b6fa4..3e3e2b4e9b11fabd636430dfe3b260261c91aa4b 100644
--- a/test/box/xlog.test.py
+++ b/test/box/xlog.test.py
@@ -126,5 +126,3 @@ admin("#box.space[0]")
 # cleanup
-# vim: syntax=python
diff --git a/test/lib/colorer.py b/test/lib/colorer.py
index 642199eb43f0c1abfaa60577fa25b34223f6f6c5..2edfeb2cf2366defde29b22beae3ebe39706e81c 100644
--- a/test/lib/colorer.py
+++ b/test/lib/colorer.py
@@ -8,6 +8,69 @@ class Singleton(type):
             cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
         return cls._instances[cls]
+class CSchema(object):
+    objects = {}
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.main_objects = {
+            'diff_mark': {},
+            'diff_in':   {},
+            'diff_out':  {},
+            'test_pass': {},
+            'test_fail': {},
+            'test_new':  {},
+            'test_skip': {},
+            'test_disa': {},
+            'error':     {},
+            'lerror':    {},
+            'tail':      {},
+            'ts_text':   {},
+            'path':      {},
+            'info':      {},
+            'separator': {},
+            't_name':    {},
+            'serv_text': {},
+            'version':   {},
+            'tr_text':   {},
+        }
+        self.main_objects.update(self.objects)
+class SchemaAscetic(CSchema):
+    objects = {
+        'diff_mark': {'fgcolor': 'magenta'},
+        'diff_in':   {'fgcolor': 'green'},
+        'diff_out':  {'fgcolor': 'red'},
+        'test_pass': {'fgcolor': 'green'},
+        'test_fail': {'fgcolor': 'red'},
+        'test_new':  {'fgcolor': 'lblue'},
+        'test_skip': {'fgcolor': 'grey'},
+        'test_disa': {'fgcolor': 'grey'},
+        'error':     {'fgcolor': 'red'},
+    }
+class SchemaPretty(CSchema):
+    objects = {
+        'diff_mark': {'fgcolor': 'magenta'},
+        'diff_in':   {'fgcolor': 'blue'},
+        'diff_out':  {'fgcolor': 'red'},
+        'test_pass': {'fgcolor': 'green'},
+        'test_fail': {'fgcolor': 'red'},
+        'test_new':  {'fgcolor': 'lblue'},
+        'test_skip': {'fgcolor': 'grey'},
+        'test_disa': {'fgcolor': 'grey'},
+        'error':     {'fgcolor': 'red'},
+        'lerror':    {'fgcolor': 'lred'},
+        'tail':      {'fgcolor': 'lblue'},
+        'ts_text':   {'fgcolor': 'lmagenta'},
+        'path':      {'fgcolor': 'green',  'bold':True},
+        'info':      {'fgcolor': 'yellow', 'bold':True},
+        'separator': {'fgcolor': 'blue'},
+        't_name':    {'fgcolor': 'lblue'},
+        'serv_text': {'fgcolor': 'lmagenta'},
+        'version':   {'fgcolor': 'yellow', 'bold':True},
+        'tr_text':   {'fgcolor': 'green'},
+    }
 class Colorer(object):
     Colorer/Styler based on VT220+ specifications (Not full). Based on:
@@ -32,7 +95,7 @@ class Colorer(object):
         "lmagenta" : '1;35',
         "lcyan"    : '1;36',
         "white"    : '1;37',
-        }
+    }
     bgcolor = {
         "black"    : '0;40',
         "red"      : '0;41',
@@ -66,6 +129,15 @@ class Colorer(object):
         self.stdout = sys.stdout
         self.is_term = self.stdout.isatty()
         self.colors = int(os.popen('tput colors').read()) if self.is_term else None
+        print os.getenv('TT_SCHEMA')
+        schema = os.getenv('TT_SCHEMA', 'ascetic')
+        if schema == 'ascetic':
+            self.schema = SchemaAscetic()
+        elif schema == 'pretty':
+            self.schema = SchemaPretty()
+        else:
+            self.schema = CSchema()
+        self.schema = self.schema.main_objects
     def set_stdout(self):
         sys.stdout = self
@@ -75,6 +147,8 @@ class Colorer(object):
     def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
         flags = []
+        if 'schema' in kwargs:
+            kwargs.update(self.schema[kwargs['schema']])
         for i in self.attributes:
             if i in kwargs and kwargs[i] == True:
@@ -95,11 +169,11 @@ class Colorer(object):
     def writeout_unidiff(self, diff):
         for i in diff:
             if i.startswith('+'):
-                self.write(i, fgcolor='blue')
+                self.write(i, schema='diff_in')
             elif i.startswith('-'):
-                self.write(i, fgcolor='red')
+                self.write(i, schema='diff_out')
             elif i.startswith('@'):
-                self.write(i, fgcolor='magenta')
+                self.write(i, schema='diff_mark')
     def flush(self):
         return self.stdout.flush()
diff --git a/test/lib/tarantool_server.py b/test/lib/tarantool_server.py
index b385a6894f4d1aaef24f4e5750bec19e81cac2a3..c331e62afc7c3840143ff7e4c01feb14bd3a357a 100644
--- a/test/lib/tarantool_server.py
+++ b/test/lib/tarantool_server.py
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ class TarantoolServer(Server):
         builddir = os.path.join(builddir, "src/box")
         path = builddir + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]
         if not silent:
-            color_stdout("Looking for server binary in ", fgcolor='lmagenta')
-            color_stdout(path+" ...\n", fgcolor='green')
+            color_stdout("Looking for server binary in ", schema='serv_text')
+            color_stdout(path+" ...\n", schema='path')
         for _dir in path.split(os.pathsep):
             exe = os.path.join(_dir, self.default_bin_name)
             if os.access(exe, os.X_OK):
@@ -186,15 +186,15 @@ class TarantoolServer(Server):
         self.valgrind_log = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.vardir, self.valgrind_log))
         if not silent:
-            color_stdout("Installing the server ...\n", fgcolor='lmagenta')
-            color_stdout("    Found executable at ", fgcolor='lmagenta')
-            color_stdout(self.binary+'\n', fgcolor='green', bold=True)
-            color_stdout("    Creating and populating working directory in ", fgcolor='lmagenta')
-            color_stdout(self.vardir+' ...\n', fgcolor='green', bold=True)
+            color_stdout("Installing the server ...\n", schema='serv_text')
+            color_stdout("    Found executable at ", schema='serv_text')
+            color_stdout(self.binary+'\n', schema='path')
+            color_stdout("    Creating and populating working directory in ", schema='serv_text')
+            color_stdout(self.vardir+' ...\n', schema='path')
         if os.access(self.vardir, os.F_OK):
             if not silent:
-                color_stdout("    Found old vardir, deleting ...\n", fgcolor='lmagenta')
+                color_stdout("    Found old vardir, deleting ...\n", schema='serv_text')
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ class TarantoolServer(Server):
                 stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
         retcode = _init.wait()
         if retcode:
-            sys.stderr.write("tarantool_box --init-storage error: \n%s\n" %  _init.stdout.read())
+            color_stdout("tarantool_box --init-storage error: \n%s\n" %  _init.stdout.read(), schema='error')
             raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
     def get_param(self, param):
@@ -305,23 +305,23 @@ class TarantoolServer(Server):
         if self.is_started:
             if not silent:
-                color_stdout("The server is already started.\n", fgcolor='lred')
+                color_stdout("The server is already started.\n", schema='lerror')
         if not silent:
-            color_stdout("Starting the server ...\n", fgcolor='lmagenta')
+            color_stdout("Starting the server ...\n", schema='serv_text')
             version = self.version()
-            color_stdout("Starting ", fgcolor='lmagenta')
-            color_stdout(os.path.basename(self.binary), " \n", fgcolor='green')
-            color_stdout(version, "\n", fgcolor='grey')
+            color_stdout("Starting ", schema='serv_text')
+            color_stdout(os.path.basename(self.binary), " \n", schema='path')
+            color_stdout(version, "\n", schema='version')
         args = self.prepare_args()
         if self.gdb:
             args = prepare_gdb(self.binary, args)
-            color_stdout("You started the server in gdb mode.\n", fgcolor='yellow', bold=True)
-            color_stdout("To attach, use `screen -r tnt-gdb`\n", fgcolor='yellow', bold=True)
+            color_stdout("You started the server in gdb mode.\n", schema='info')
+            color_stdout("To attach, use `screen -r tnt-gdb`\n", schema='info')
         elif self.valgrind:
             args = prepare_valgrind([self.binary] + args, self.valgrind_log,
@@ -347,11 +347,11 @@ class TarantoolServer(Server):
         start up."""
         if not self.is_started:
             if not silent:
-                color_stdout("The server is not started.\n", fgcolor='red')
+                color_stdout("The server is not started.\n", schema='lerror')
         if not silent:
-            color_stdout("Stopping the server ...\n", fgcolor='lmagenta')
+            color_stdout("Stopping the server ...\n", schema='serv_text')
         if self.process == None:
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ class TarantoolServer(Server):
             return # Nothing to do
         if not silent:
-            color_stdout("    Found old server, pid {0}, killing ...".format(pid), fgcolor='yellow')
+            color_stdout("    Found old server, pid {0}, killing ...".format(pid), schema='info')
             os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
@@ -452,10 +452,10 @@ class TarantoolServer(Server):
         return pid
     def print_log(self, lines):
-        color_stdout.write("\nLast {0} lines of Tarantool Log file:\n".format(lines), fgcolor='lred')
+        color_stdout("\nLast {0} lines of Tarantool Log file:\n".format(lines), schema='error')
         with open(os.path.join(self.vardir, 'tarantool.log'), 'r') as log:
             for i in log.readlines()[-lines:]:
-                color_stdout.write(i, fgcolor='grey')
+                color_stdout(i, schema='log')
     def wait_until_started(self):
         """Wait until the server is started and accepting connections"""
diff --git a/test/lib/test_suite.py b/test/lib/test_suite.py
index 0ac0133b6290fd985c1d38d569b62165e18aa840..c00008e89717d1dc4fc7cef41d15b69db967972e 100644
--- a/test/lib/test_suite.py
+++ b/test/lib/test_suite.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def check_libs():
         except ImportError:
-            sys.stderr.write("\n\nNo %s library found\n" % mod_name)
+            color_stdout("\n\nNo %s library found\n" % mod_name, schema='error')
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def print_tail_n(filename, num_lines):
     with open(filename, "r+") as logfile:
         tail_n = collections.deque(logfile, num_lines)
         for line in tail_n:
-            color_stdout.write(line, fgcolor='lblue')
+            color_stdout(line, schema='tail')
 class Test:
@@ -174,20 +174,20 @@ class Test:
             check_valgrind_log(server.valgrind_log) == False
         elif self.skip:
-            color_stdout("[ skip ]\n", fgcolor='grey')
+            color_stdout("[ skip ]\n", schema='test_skip')
             if os.path.exists(self.tmp_result):
         elif self.is_executed_ok and self.is_equal_result and self.is_valgrind_clean:
-            color_stdout("[ pass ]\n", fgcolor='green')
+            color_stdout("[ pass ]\n", schema='test_pass')
             if os.path.exists(self.tmp_result):
         elif (self.is_executed_ok and not self.is_equal_result and not
             os.rename(self.tmp_result, self.result)
-            color_stdout("[ NEW ]\n", fgcolor='lblue')
+            color_stdout("[ new ]\n", schema='test_new')
             os.rename(self.tmp_result, self.reject)
-            color_stdout("[ FAIL ]\n" if not self.is_terminated else "[ TERMINATED ]\n", fgcolor='red')
+            color_stdout("[ fail ]\n", schema='test_fail')
             where = ""
             if not self.is_executed_ok:
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class Test:
         """Print 10 lines of client program output leading to test
         failure. Used to diagnose a failure of the client program"""
-        color_stdout(message, color='lred')
+        color_stdout(message, schema='error')
         print_tail_n(logfile, 10)
     def print_unidiff(self):
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class Test:
         to establish the cause of a failure when .test differs
         from .result."""
-        color_stdout("\nTest failed! Result content mismatch:\n", fgcolor='lred')
+        color_stdout("\nTest failed! Result content mismatch:\n", schema='error')
         with open(self.result, "r") as result:
             with open(self.reject, "r") as reject:
                 result_time = time.ctime(os.stat(self.result).st_mtime)
@@ -282,11 +282,11 @@ class TestSuite:
             raise RuntimeError("Unknown server: core = {0}".format(
-        color_stdout("Collecting tests in ", fgcolor='lmagenta')
-        color_stdout(repr(suite_path), fgcolor='green')
-        color_stdout(": ", self.ini["description"], ".\n", fgcolor='lmagenta')
+        color_stdout("Collecting tests in ", schema='ts_text')
+        color_stdout(repr(suite_path), schema='path')
+        color_stdout(": ", self.ini["description"], ".\n", schema='ts_text')
         self.server.find_tests(self, suite_path)
-        color_stdout("Found ", str(len(self.tests)), " tests.\n", fgcolor='green')
+        color_stdout("Found ", str(len(self.tests)), " tests.\n", schema='path')
     def run_all(self):
         """For each file in the test suite, run client program
@@ -310,19 +310,19 @@ class TestSuite:
             shutil.copy(i, self.args.vardir)
         if self.args.start_and_exit:
-            color_stdout("    Start and exit requested, exiting...\n", fgcolor='yellow')
+            color_stdout("    Start and exit requested, exiting...\n", schema='info')
         longsep = '='*70
         shortsep = '-'*60
-        color_stdout(longsep, "\n", fgcolor='blue')
-        color_stdout("TEST".ljust(48), fgcolor='lblue')
-        color_stdout("RESULT\n", fgcolor='green')
-        color_stdout(shortsep, "\n", fgcolor='blue')
+        color_stdout(longsep, "\n", schema='separator')
+        color_stdout("TEST".ljust(48), schema='t_name')
+        color_stdout("RESULT\n", schema='test_pass')
+        color_stdout(shortsep, "\n", schema='separator')
         failed_tests = []
             for test in self.tests:
-                color_stdout(test.name.ljust(48), fgcolor='lblue')
+                color_stdout(test.name.ljust(48), schema='t_name')
                 # for better diagnostics in case of a long-running test
                 test_name = os.path.basename(test.name)
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class TestSuite:
                 if (test_name in self.ini["disabled"]
                     or not self.server.debug and test_name in self.ini["release_disabled"]
                     or self.args.valgrind and test_name in self.ini["valgrind_disabled"]):
-                    color_stdout("[ disabled ]\n", fgcolor='grey')
+                    color_stdout("[ disabled ]\n", schema='t_name')
                     if not test.passed():
@@ -339,17 +339,17 @@ class TestSuite:
-            color_stdout(shortsep, "\n", fgcolor='blue')
+            color_stdout(shortsep, "\n", schema='separator')
         if failed_tests:
             color_stdout("Failed {0} tests: {1}.".format(len(failed_tests),
                                                 ", ".join(failed_tests)),
-                                                fgcolor='red')
+                                                schema='error')
         if self.args.valgrind and check_valgrind_log(self.server.valgrind_log):
-            color_stdout("  Error! There were warnings/errors in valgrind log file:", fgcolor='red')
+            color_stdout("  Error! There were warnings/errors in valgrind log file:", schema='error')
             print_tail_n(self.server.valgrind_log, 20)
             return ['valgrind error in ' + self.suite_path]
         return failed_tests
diff --git a/test/test-run.py b/test/test-run.py
index 9e8f795680f90db480f4c47cff3b33279ab8df1c..ac780e79223ff9e20dd68baf3ec6b2f6dfd7d526 100755
--- a/test/test-run.py
+++ b/test/test-run.py
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class Options:
         """Check the arguments for correctness."""
         check_error = False
         if self.args.gdb and self.args.valgrind:
-            color_stdout("Error: option --gdb is not compatible with option --valgrind", fgcolor='red')
+            color_stdout("Error: option --gdb is not compatible with option --valgrind", schema='error')
             check_error = True
         if check_error:
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ def main():
     failed_tests = []
-        color_stdout("Started {}\n".format(" ".join(sys.argv)), fgcolor='green')
+        color_stdout("Started {}\n".format(" ".join(sys.argv)), schema='tr_text')
         suite_names = []
         if options.args.suites != []:
             suite_names = options.args.suites
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ def main():
         for suite in suites:
     except RuntimeError as e:
-        color_stdout("\nFatal error: {0}. Execution aborted.\n".format(e), fgcolor='red')
+        color_stdout("\nFatal error: {0}. Execution aborted.\n".format(e), schema='error')
         if options.args.gdb:
         return (-1)
@@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ def main():
     if failed_tests and options.args.is_force:
-        color_stdout("\n===== {0} tests failed:".format(len(failed_tests))+"\n", fgcolor="red")
+        color_stdout("\n===== {0} tests failed:".format(len(failed_tests))+"\n", schema='error')
         for test in failed_tests:
-             color_stdout("----- "+test+"\n", fgcolor="yellow")
+             color_stdout("----- "+test+"\n", schema='info')
     return (-1 if failed_tests else 0)