From b98f7b0d591c0d63112a32ce24547ceebd31f5d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Roman Tsisyk <>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:10:46 +0400
Subject: [PATCH] Restore cfg/tarantool_box_cfg.h

This file was mistakenly removed by 80d358bdcc7471731f8622eb4d5c5c3c7d9e4793
 cfg/tarantool_box_cfg.h | 242 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 242 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 cfg/tarantool_box_cfg.h

diff --git a/cfg/tarantool_box_cfg.h b/cfg/tarantool_box_cfg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c883bbdca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfg/tarantool_box_cfg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#ifndef tarantool_cfg_CFG_H
+#define tarantool_cfg_CFG_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#ifndef confetti_bool_t
+#define confetti_bool_t char
+ * Autogenerated file, do not edit it!
+ */
+typedef struct tarantool_cfg_space_index_key_field {
+	unsigned char __confetti_flags;
+	int32_t	fieldno;
+	char*	type;
+} tarantool_cfg_space_index_key_field;
+typedef struct tarantool_cfg_space_index {
+	unsigned char __confetti_flags;
+	char*	type;
+	confetti_bool_t	unique;
+	tarantool_cfg_space_index_key_field**	key_field;
+} tarantool_cfg_space_index;
+typedef struct tarantool_cfg_space {
+	unsigned char __confetti_flags;
+	confetti_bool_t	enabled;
+	int32_t	cardinality;
+	int32_t	estimated_rows;
+	tarantool_cfg_space_index**	index;
+} tarantool_cfg_space;
+typedef struct tarantool_cfg {
+	unsigned char __confetti_flags;
+	/* username to switch to */
+	char*	username;
+	/*
+	 * Local hot standby (if enabled, the server will run in hot
+	 * standby mode, continuously fetching WAL records from wal_dir,
+	 * until it is able to bind to the primary port.
+	 * In local hot standby mode the server only accepts reads.
+	 */
+	confetti_bool_t	local_hot_standby;
+	/*
+	 * tarantool bind ip address, applies to master
+	 * and replication ports. INADDR_ANY is the default value.
+	 */
+	char*	bind_ipaddr;
+	/*
+	 * save core on abort/assert
+	 * deprecated; use ulimit instead
+	 */
+	confetti_bool_t	coredump;
+	/*
+	 * admin port
+	 * used for admin's connections
+	 */
+	int32_t	admin_port;
+	/* Replication clients should use this port (bind_ipaddr:replication_port). */
+	int32_t	replication_port;
+	/* Log verbosity, possible values: ERROR=1, CRIT=2, WARN=3, INFO=4(default), DEBUG=5 */
+	int32_t	log_level;
+	/* Size of slab arena in GB */
+	double	slab_alloc_arena;
+	/* Size of minimal allocation unit */
+	int32_t	slab_alloc_minimal;
+	/* Growth factor, each subsequent unit size is factor * prev unit size */
+	double	slab_alloc_factor;
+	/* working directory (daemon will chdir(2) to it) */
+	char*	work_dir;
+	/* Snapshot directory (where snapshots get saved/read) */
+	char*	snap_dir;
+	/* WAL directory (where WALs get saved/read) */
+	char*	wal_dir;
+	/* script directory (where init.lua is expected to be) */
+	char*	script_dir;
+	/* name of pid file */
+	char*	pid_file;
+	/*
+	 * logger command will be executed via /bin/sh -c {}
+	 * example: 'exec cronolog /var/log/tarantool/%Y-%m/%Y-%m-%d/tarantool.log'
+	 * example: 'exec extra/ /var/log/tarantool/tarantool.log'
+	 * when logger is not configured all logging going to STDERR
+	 */
+	char*	logger;
+	/* make logging nonblocking, this potentially can lose some logging data */
+	confetti_bool_t	logger_nonblock;
+	/* delay between loop iterations */
+	double	io_collect_interval;
+	/* size of listen backlog */
+	int32_t	backlog;
+	/* network io readahead */
+	int32_t	readahead;
+	/* Do not write into snapshot faster than snap_io_rate_limit MB/sec */
+	double	snap_io_rate_limit;
+	/* Write no more rows in WAL */
+	int32_t	rows_per_wal;
+	/*
+	 * Starting from 1.4.5, this variable has no effect.
+	 */
+	int32_t	wal_writer_inbox_size;
+	/*
+	 * Defines fiber/data synchronization fsync(2) policy:
+	 * "none":           does not write to WAL
+	 * "write":          fibers wait for their data to be written to the log.
+	 * "fsync":          fibers wait for their data, fsync(2) follows each write(2)
+	 * "fsync_delay":    fibers wait for their data, fsync every N=wal_fsync_delay seconds,
+	 * N=0.0 means no fsync (equivalent to wal_mode = "write");
+	 */
+	char*	wal_mode;
+	/*
+	 * Fsync WAL delay, only issue fsync if last fsync was wal_fsync_delay
+	 * seconds ago.
+	 * WARNING: actually, several last requests may stall fsync for much longer
+	 */
+	double	wal_fsync_delay;
+	/*
+	 * Delay, in seconds, between successive re-readings of wal_dir.
+	 * The re-scan is necessary to discover new WAL files or snapshots.
+	 */
+	double	wal_dir_rescan_delay;
+	/*
+	 * Panic if there is an error reading a snapshot or WAL.
+	 * By default, panic on any snapshot reading error and ignore errors
+	 * when reading WALs.
+	 */
+	confetti_bool_t	panic_on_snap_error;
+	confetti_bool_t	panic_on_wal_error;
+	/*
+	 * # BOX
+	 * Primary port (where updates are accepted)
+	 */
+	int32_t	primary_port;
+	/* Secondary port (where only selects are accepted) */
+	int32_t	secondary_port;
+	/* Warn about requests which take longer to process, in seconds. */
+	double	too_long_threshold;
+	/*
+	 * A custom process list (ps) title string, appended after the standard
+	 * program title.
+	 */
+	char*	custom_proc_title;
+	/* Memcached protocol support is enabled if memcached_port is set */
+	int32_t	memcached_port;
+	/* space used for memcached emulation */
+	int32_t	memcached_space;
+	/* Memcached expiration is on if memcached_expire is set. */
+	confetti_bool_t	memcached_expire;
+	/* maximum rows to consider per expire loop iteration */
+	int32_t	memcached_expire_per_loop;
+	/* tarantool will try to iterate over all rows within this time */
+	double	memcached_expire_full_sweep;
+	/*
+	 * Replication mode (if enabled, the server, once
+	 * bound to the primary port, will connect to
+	 * replication_source (ipaddr:port) and run continously
+	 * fetching records from it.. In replication mode the server
+	 * only accepts reads.
+	 */
+	char*	replication_source;
+	tarantool_cfg_space**	space;
+} tarantool_cfg;
+#define CNF_FLAG_STRUCT_NEW	0x01
+#define CNF_STRUCT_DEFINED(s) ((s) != NULL && ((s)->__confetti_flags & CNF_FLAG_STRUCT_NOTSET) == 0)
+void init_tarantool_cfg(tarantool_cfg *c);
+int fill_default_tarantool_cfg(tarantool_cfg *c);
+void swap_tarantool_cfg(struct tarantool_cfg *c1, struct tarantool_cfg *c2);
+int parse_cfg_file_tarantool_cfg(tarantool_cfg *c, FILE *fh, int check_rdonly, int *n_accepted, int *n_skipped, int *n_optional);
+int parse_cfg_buffer_tarantool_cfg(tarantool_cfg *c, char *buffer, int check_rdonly, int *n_accepted, int *n_skipped, int *n_optional);
+int check_cfg_tarantool_cfg(tarantool_cfg *c);
+int dup_tarantool_cfg(tarantool_cfg *dst, tarantool_cfg *src);
+void destroy_tarantool_cfg(tarantool_cfg *c);
+char *cmp_tarantool_cfg(tarantool_cfg* c1, tarantool_cfg* c2, int only_check_rdonly);
+typedef struct tarantool_cfg_iterator_t tarantool_cfg_iterator_t;
+tarantool_cfg_iterator_t* tarantool_cfg_iterator_init();
+char* tarantool_cfg_iterator_next(tarantool_cfg_iterator_t* i, tarantool_cfg *c, char **v);