diff --git a/changelogs/unreleased/gh-7288-txn-and-eval-error.md b/changelogs/unreleased/gh-7288-txn-and-eval-error.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..338c8c2f266b1e1216d35cfd2671e5674d10fa00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelogs/unreleased/gh-7288-txn-and-eval-error.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+## bugfix/core
+* Fixed expression evaluation error overwritten by "Transaction is active at
+  return from function" error in case expression begins a transaction (gh-7288).
diff --git a/src/box/lua/console.lua b/src/box/lua/console.lua
index 0f283c13e0ab56cdb27d541b1e15224ba975da67..b306f321864a7c845267322345fb5e80bf3c06a7 100644
--- a/src/box/lua/console.lua
+++ b/src/box/lua/console.lua
@@ -372,6 +372,13 @@ local function get_command(line)
     return nil
+-- return args as table with 'n' set to args number
+local function table_pack(...)
+    return {n = select('#', ...), ...}
 -- Evaluate command on local instance
@@ -400,7 +407,22 @@ local function local_eval(storage, line)
     if not fun then
         return format(false, errmsg)
-    return format(pcall(fun))
+    -- box.is_in_txn() is stubbed to throw a error before call to box.cfg{}
+    local in_txn_before = ffi.C.box_txn()
+    local res = table_pack(pcall(fun))
+    --
+    -- Rollback if transaction was began in the failed expression.
+    --
+    -- In case of remote binary console if eval leaves an active transaction
+    -- then later a error is thrown overwriting error thrown by eval thus the
+    -- rollback. Also the check if we were already in transaction allows for
+    -- local and remote text console to preserve interactive transactions.
+    --
+    if not res[1] and not in_txn_before and ffi.C.box_txn() then
+        box.rollback()
+    end
+    -- specify length to preserve trailing nils
+    return format(unpack(res, 1, res.n))
 local function eval(line)
diff --git a/test/app-luatest/gh_7288_console_flavours_vs_txn_test.lua b/test/app-luatest/gh_7288_console_flavours_vs_txn_test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fb60e7d5c648b5c1b7efdd704afd69e4ab0f734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/app-luatest/gh_7288_console_flavours_vs_txn_test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+local server = require('test.luatest_helpers.server')
+local console = require('console')
+local fiber = require('fiber')
+local fio = require('fio')
+local string = require('string')
+local t = require('luatest')
+local function configure_box()
+    local workdir = fio.pathjoin(server.vardir, 'gh-7288')
+    fio.rmtree(workdir)
+    fio.mkdir(workdir)
+    box.cfg{
+        memtx_use_mvcc_engine = true,
+        work_dir = workdir,
+        log = fio.pathjoin(workdir, 'self.log'),
+    }
+local remote_mt = {
+    start = function(self)
+        local server = server:new{
+            alias = 'default',
+            box_cfg = {memtx_use_mvcc_engine = true},
+        }
+        server:start()
+        if not self.bin then
+            self.uri = fio.pathjoin(server.vardir, 'gh-7288.sock')
+            server:eval(string.format('require("console").listen("%s")', self.uri))
+        else
+            self.uri = server.net_box_uri
+        end
+        self.server = server
+    end,
+    stop = function(self)
+        self.server:stop()
+        self.server = nil
+        self.uri = nil
+    end,
+    connect = function(self, console)
+        console:send(string.format('require("console").connect("%s")', self.uri))
+    end,
+    disconnect = true,
+local flavours = {
+    alocal = {},
+    remote_txt = setmetatable({bin = false}, {__index = remote_mt}),
+    remote_bin = setmetatable({bin = true}, {__index = remote_mt}),
+local g = t.group('gh-7288', {
+    {name = 'alocal'},
+    {name = 'remote_txt'},
+    {name = 'remote_bin'},
+-- Mock read/print methods to run a console. Without running console we can't
+-- call console.connect to test remote consoles.
+local TestConsole = {}
+TestConsole.new = function(self, flavour)
+    local o = { flavour = flavour }
+    setmetatable(o, self)
+    return o
+TestConsole.__index = {}
+TestConsole.__index.start = function(self)
+    if self.flavour.start then
+        self.flavour:start()
+    end
+TestConsole.__index.stop = function(self)
+    if self.flavour.stop then
+        self.flavour:stop()
+    end
+TestConsole.__index.connect = function(self)
+    self.ich = fiber.channel(10)
+    self.och = fiber.channel(10)
+    local on_start = fiber.channel()
+    console.on_start(function(console)
+        console.read = function(_)
+            return self.ich:get()
+        end
+        console.print = function(_, output)
+            self.och:put(output)
+        end
+        on_start:put(true)
+    end)
+    fiber.create(function()
+        console.start()
+        -- write console fiber exit message
+        self.och:put(true)
+    end)
+    assert(on_start:get(3))
+    if self.flavour.connect then
+        self.flavour:connect(self)
+    end
+TestConsole.__index.send = function(self, input)
+    self.ich:put(input)
+    return assert(self.och:get(3))
+TestConsole.__index.disconnect = function(self)
+    if self.flavour.disconnect then
+        self:send(nil)
+    end
+    self.ich:close()
+    -- read console fiber exit message
+    assert(self.och:get(3))
+    self.och:close()
+    self.ich = nil
+    self.och = nil
+    console.on_start(nil)
+    cg.console = TestConsole:new(flavours[cg.params.name])
+    cg.console:start()
+    cg.console:stop()
+    cg.console = nil
+    cg.console:connect()
+    cg.console:disconnect()
+local true_output = [[
+- true
+local false_output = [[
+- false
+g.test_begin_in_expr_without_error = function(cg)
+    t.xfail_if(cg.params.name == "remote_bin")
+    local console = cg.console
+    console:send('box.begin()')
+    t.assert_equals(console:send('box.is_in_txn()'), true_output)
+g.test_begin_in_expr_with_error = function(cg)
+    local console = cg.console
+    local expected = [[
+- error: '[string "box.begin() error("test error")"]:1: test error'
+    t.assert_equals(console:send('box.begin() error("test error")'), expected)
+    t.assert_equals(console:send('box.is_in_txn()'), false_output)
+g.test_error_in_different_expr = function(cg)
+    t.xfail_if(cg.params.name == "remote_bin")
+    local console = cg.console
+    console:send('box.begin()')
+    console:send('error("test error")')
+    t.assert_equals(console:send('box.is_in_txn()'), true_output)