diff --git a/doc/sphinx/.gitignore b/doc/sphinx/.gitignore
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--- a/doc/sphinx/.gitignore
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+    margin: 0 10px 0 0;
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+++ b/doc/sphinx/_templates/base
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--- a/doc/sphinx/_templates/layout.html
+++ b/doc/sphinx/_templates/layout.html
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+  <script type="text/javascript" src="../_static/headers.js"></script>
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--- a/doc/sphinx/conf.py
+++ b/doc/sphinx/conf.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import os
 # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
 # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
 # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
-#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
 # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ import os
 # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
 # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
 # ones.
 extensions = [
+    'ext.filters'
 # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/ext/__init__.py b/doc/sphinx/ext/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97c0c73b21ecb5170aeb8c91e0d6e89852b18e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/ext/filters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+    .ext.filters
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+def add_jinja_filters(app):
+    app.builder.templates.environment.filters['cleantitle'] = (lambda x: ''.join(ET.fromstring('<p>'+x+'</p>').itertext()))
+def setup(app):
+    '''
+    Adds extra jinja filters.
+    '''
+    app.connect("builder-inited", add_jinja_filters)
+    return {'version': '0.0.1', 'parallel_read_safe': True}
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/index.rst b/doc/sphinx/index.rst
index 70c4a127d0ab7dc2b038acefc6e1ef35be0829f2..057673e19de9bd71255b953ed05e8a1f41e223b7 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/index.rst
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
     :maxdepth: 1
+    faq.rst
 .. raw:: html
@@ -19,5 +20,5 @@
 .. toctree::
     :maxdepth: 1
-    faq.rst
+    reference/index.rst
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e11522b0e480e19bbb295694da3e9f769559f6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/box_session.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                            Package `box.session`
+The ``box.session`` package allows querying the session state, writing to a
+session-specific temporary Lua table, or setting up triggers which will fire
+when a session starts or ends. A *session* is an object associated with each
+client connection.
+.. module:: box.session
+.. function:: id()
+    :return: the unique identifier (ID) for the current session.
+             The result can be 0 meaning there is no session.
+    :rtype:  number
+.. function:: exists(id)
+    :return: 1 if the session exists, 0 if the session does not exist.
+    :rtype:  number
+.. function:: peer(id)
+    :return: If the specified session exists, the host address and port of
+             the session peer, for example "". If the
+             specified session does not exist, "". The command is
+             executed on the server, so the "local name" is the server's host
+             and administrative port, and the "peer name" is the client's host
+             and port.
+    :rtype:  string
+.. data:: storage
+    A Lua table that can hold arbitrary unordered session-specific
+    names and values, which will last until the session ends.
+                      Example
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> box.session.peer(session.id())
+    ---
+    -
+    ...
+    tarantool> box.session.storage.random_memorandum = "Don't forget the eggs."
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> box.session.storage.radius_of_mars = 3396
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> m = ''
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> for k, v in pairs(box.session.storage) do m=m..k..'='..v..' ' end
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> m
+    ---
+    - 'radius_of_mars=3396 random_memorandum=Don''t forget the eggs. '
+    ...
+See the section `Triggers on connect and disconnect`_ for instructions
+about defining triggers for connect and disconnect events with
+``box.session.on_connect()`` and ``box.session.on_disconnect()``. See
+the section `Authentication and access control`_ for instructions about
+``box.session`` functions that affect user identification and security.
+.. _Triggers on connect and disconnect: http://tarantool.org/doc/user_guide.html#sp-box-session-triggers
+.. _Authentication and access control:  http://tarantool.org/doc/user_guide.html#authentication
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/console.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/console.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77b30efd4478df87b8cd9567008bafdb89b7b845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/console.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                                   Package `console`
+The console package allows one Tarantool server to access another Tarantool
+server, and allows one Tarantool server to start listening on an administrative
+.. module:: console
+.. function:: connect(uri [, options])
+    Connect to the server at URI_, change the prompt from 'tarantool' to
+    'host:port', and act henceforth as a client until the user ends the
+    session or types ``control-D``.
+    The console.connect function allows one Tarantool server, in interactive
+    mode, to access another Tarantool server over a TCP connection. Subsequent
+    requests will appear to be handled locally, but in reality the requests
+    are being sent to the remote server and the local server is acting as a
+    client. Once connection is successful, the prompt will change and
+    subsequent requests are sent to, and executed on, the remote server.
+    Results are displayed on the local server. To return to local mode,
+    enter ``control-D``.
+    There are no restrictions on the types of requests that can be entered,
+    except those which are due to privilege restrictions -- by default the
+    login to the remote server is done with user name = 'guest'. The remote
+    server could allow for this by granting at least one privilege:
+    ``box.schema.user.grant('guest','execute','universe')``.
+    :param string uri:
+    :param table options: The options may be necessary if the Tarantool
+                          server at host:port requires authentication.
+                          In such a case the connection might look
+                          something like:
+                          ``console.connect('netbox:123@'})``
+    :return: nil
+    :except: the connection will fail if the target Tarantool server
+             was not initiated with ``box.cfg{listen=...}``.
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> console = require('console')
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool> console.connect('')
+        ---
+        ...
+> -- prompt is telling us that server is remote
+.. function:: listen(host, port)
+    Listen on host:port. The primary way of listening for incoming requests
+    is via the host and port, or URI_, specified in ``box.cfg{listen=...}``.
+    The alternative way of listening is via the host and port, or URI,
+    specified in ``console.listen(...)``. This alternative way is called
+    "administrative" or simply "admin port".
+    The listening is usually over a local host with a Unix socket,
+    specified as host = 'unix/', port = 'path/to/something.sock'.
+    :param string host:
+    :param number port:
+    The "admin" address is the port or URI_ to listen on for administrative
+    connections. It has no default value, so it must be specified if
+    connections will occur via telnet. It is not used unless assigned a
+    value. The parameters may be expressed with URI_ = Universal Resource
+    Identifier format, for example "unix://unix_domain_socket", or as a
+    numeric TCP port. Connections are often made with telnet.
+    A typical port value is 3313.
+.. _URI: http://tarantool.org/doc/user_guide.html#URI
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/digest.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/digest.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19a1907b06364cbe1372537243f88bd8476768ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/digest.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                            Package `digest`
+A "digest" is a value which is returned by a `Cryptographic hash function`_ applied
+against a string. Tarantool supports five types of cryptographic hash functions
+(MD4_, MD5_, SHA-0_, SHA-1_, SHA-2_) as well as a checksum function (CRC32_) and two
+functions for base64_. The functions in digest are:
+.. module:: digest
+.. function:: crc32(string)
+              crc32_update(number, string)
+    Returns 32-bit checksum made with CRC32. |br|
+    Returns update of a checksum calculated with CRC32.
+    .. NOTE::
+      This function uses the `CRC-32C (Castagnoli)`_ polynomial
+      value: 0x11EDC6F41 / 4812730177. If it is necessary to be
+      compatible with other checksum functions in other
+      programming languages, ensure that the other functions use
+      the same polynomial value. |br| For example, in Python,
+      install the crcmod package and say:
+      .. code-block:: python
+        >>> import crcmod
+        >>> fun = crcmod.mkCrcFun('4812730177')
+        >>> fun('string')
+        3304160206L
+.. _CRC-32C (Castagnoli): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check#Standards_and_common_use
+.. function:: sha(string)
+              sha_hex(string)
+    Returns 160-bit digest made with SHA-0. Not recommended. |br|
+    Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha.
+.. function:: sha1(string)
+              sha1_hex(string)
+    Returns 160-bit digest made with SHA-1. |br|
+    Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha1.
+.. function:: sha224(string)
+              sha224_hex(string)
+    Returns 224-bit digest made with SHA-2. |br|
+    Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha224.
+.. function:: sha256(string)
+              sha256_hex(string)
+    Returns 256-bit digest made with SHA-2. |br|
+    Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha256.
+.. function:: sha384(string)
+              sha384_hex(string)
+    Returns 384-bit digest made with SHA-2. |br|
+    Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha384.
+.. function:: sha512(string)
+              sha512_hex(string)
+    Returns 512-bit digest made with SHA-2. |br|
+    Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha512.
+.. function:: md4(string)
+              md4_hex(string)
+    Returns 128-bit digest made with MD4. |br|
+    Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with md4.
+.. function:: md5(string)
+              md5_hex(string)
+    Returns 256-bit digest made with MD5. |br|
+    Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with md5.
+.. function:: base64_encode(string)
+              base64_decode(string)
+    Returns base64 encoding from a regular string. |br|
+    Returns a regular string from a base64 encoding.
+.. function:: urandom(integer)
+    Returns array of random bytes with length = integer.
+.. function:: guava(integer, integer)
+    Returns a number made with consistent hash.
+    .. NOTE::
+        This function uses the `Consistent Hashing`_ algorithm of
+        the Google guava library. The first parameter should be a
+        hash code; the second parameter should be the number of
+        buckets; the returned value will be an integer between 0
+        and the number of buckets. For example,
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            localhost> digest.guava(10863919174838991, 11)
+            8
+                     Example
+In the following example, the user creates two functions, ``password_insert()``
+which inserts a SHA-1_ digest of the word "**^S^e^c^ret Wordpass**" into a tuple
+set, and ``password_check()`` which requires input of a password.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    localhost> digest = require('digest')
+    localhost> -- this means ignore line feeds until next '!'
+    localhost> console = require('console'); console.delimiter('!')
+    localhost> function password_insert()
+            ->   box.space.tester:insert{12345,
+            ->       digest.sha1('^S^e^c^ret Wordpass')}
+            ->   return 'OK'
+            ->   end!
+    ---
+    ...
+    localhost> function password_check(password)
+            ->   local t
+            ->   t=box.space.tester:select{12345}
+            ->   if (digest.sha1(password)==t[2]) then
+            ->     print('Password is valid')
+            ->     else
+            ->       print('Password is not valid')
+            ->     end
+            -> end!
+    ---
+    ...
+    localhost> password_insert()!
+    Call OK, 1 rows affected
+    ['OK']
+    localhost> -- back to normal: commands end with line feed!
+    localhost> console.delimiter('')
+If a later user calls the ``password_check()`` function and enters
+the wrong password, the result is an error.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    localhost> password_check ('Secret Password')
+    ---
+    Password is not valid
+    ...
+.. _MD4: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Md4
+.. _MD5: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Md5
+.. _SHA-0: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha-0
+.. _SHA-1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha-1
+.. _SHA-2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha-2
+.. _CRC32: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check
+.. _base64: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64
+.. _Cryptographic hash function: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_hash_function
+.. _Consistent Hashing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consistent_hashing
+.. _CRC-32C (Castagnoli): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check#Standards_and_common_use
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/expirationd.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/expirationd.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..141a55f08b963656d150bcd715bac363fcec6147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/expirationd.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                                   Package `expirationd`
+For a commercial-grade example of a Lua rock that works with Tarantool, let us
+look at expirationd, which Tarantool supplies on GitHub_ with an Artistic license.
+The expirationd.lua program is lengthy (about 500 lines), so here we will only
+highlight the matters that will be enhanced by studying the full source later.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    task.worker_fiber = fiber.create(worker_loop, task)
+    log.info("expiration: task %q restarted", task.name)
+    ...
+    fiber.sleep(expirationd.constants.check_interval)
+    ...
+Whenever one hears "daemon" in Tarantool, one should suspect it's being done
+with :doc:`fiber`. The program is making a fiber and turning control over to it so
+it runs occasionally, goes to sleep, then comes back for more.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    for _, tuple in scan_space.index[0]:pairs(nil, {iterator = box.index.ALL}) do
+    ...
+            if task.is_tuple_expired(task.args, tuple) then
+            task.expired_tuples_count = task.expired_tuples_count + 1
+            task.process_expired_tuple(task.space_id, task.args, tuple)
+    ...
+The "for" instruction can be translated as "iterate through the index of the
+space that is being scanned", and within it, if the tuple is "expired" (that
+is, if the tuple has a timestamp field which is less than the current time),
+process the tuple as an expired tuple.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    -- put expired tuple in archive
+    local function put_tuple_to_archive(space_id, args, tuple)
+        -- delete expired tuple
+        box.space[space_id]:delete{tuple[1]}
+        local email = get_field(tuple, 2)
+        if args.archive_space_id ~= nil and email ~= nil then
+            box.space[args.archive_space_id]:replace{email, os.time()}
+        end
+    end
+Ultimately the tuple-expiry process leads to ``put_tuple_to_archive()``
+which does a "delete" of a tuple from its original space, and an "insert"
+of the same tuple into another space. Tarantool's "replace" function is
+the same as an "insert" function without an error message if a tuple with
+the same content already exists in the target space.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    function expirationd.do_test(space_id, archive_space_id)
+    ...
+At this point, if the above explanation is worthwhile, it's clear that
+``expirationd.lua`` starts a background routine (fiber) which iterates through
+all the tuples in a space, sleeps cooperatively so that other fibers can
+operate at the same time, and - whenever it finds a tuple that has expired
+- deletes it from this space and puts it in another space. Now the
+"``do_test()``" function can be used to create some sample spaces, let the
+daemon run for a while, and print results.
+For those who like to see things run, here are the exact steps to get
+expirationd through the test.
+1. Get ``expirationd.lua``. There are standard ways - it is after all part
+   of a standard rock_ - but for this purpose just copy the contents of
+   expirationd.lua_ to a default directory.
+2. Start the Tarantool server as described before.
+3. Execute these requests:
+.. code-block:: lua
+     box.cfg{}
+     a = box.schema.space.create('origin')
+     a:create_index('first', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'NUM'}})
+     b = box.schema.space.create('archive')
+     b:create_index('first', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'STR'}})
+     expd = require('expirationd')
+     expd._debug = true
+     expd.do_test('origin', 'archive')
+     os.exit()
+The database-specific requests (``cfg``, ``space.create``, ``create_index``)
+should already be familiar. The key for getting the rock rolling is
+``expd = require('expirationd')``. The "``require``" function is what reads in
+the program; it will appear in many later examples in this manual, when it's
+necessary to get a package that's not part of the Tarantool kernel. After the
+Lua variable expd has been assigned the value of the expirationd package, it's
+possible to invoke the package's ``do_test()`` function.
+After a while, when the task has had time to do its iterations through the spaces,
+``do_test()`` will print out a report showing the tuples that were originally in
+the original space, the tuples that have now been moved to the archive space, and
+some statistics. Of course, expirationd can be customized to do different things
+by passing different parameters, which will be evident after looking in more detail
+at the source code.
+.. _expirationd.lua: https://github.com/tarantool/expirationd/blob/master/expirationd.lua
+.. _rock: http://tarantool.org/doc/user_guide.html#rocks
+.. _GitHub: https://github.com/tarantool/expirationd/blob/master/expirationd.lua
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/fiber-ipc.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/fiber-ipc.rst
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56b232e6f6bdbf1ef476ecf852c919a6f8ea941e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/fiber-ipc.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                                 Package `fiber-ipc`
+The ``fiber-ipc`` package allows sending and receiving messages between
+different processes. The words "different processes" in this context
+mean different connections, different sessions, or different fibers.
+Call ``fiber.channel()`` to allocate space and get a channel object,
+which will be called channel for examples in this section. Call the
+other ``fiber-ipc`` routines, via channel, to send messages, receive
+messages, or check ipc status. Message exchange is synchronous. The
+channel is garbage collected when no one is using it, as with any
+other Lua object. Use object-oriented syntax, for example
+``channel:put(message)`` rather than ``fiber.channel.put(message)``.
+.. module:: fiber
+.. function:: channel([capacity])
+    Create a new communication channel.
+    :param int capacity: positive integer as great as the maximum number of
+                         slots (spaces for get or put or broadcast messages)
+                         that might be pending at any given time.
+    :return: new channel.
+    :rtype:  userdata
+.. class:: channel
+    .. method:: put(message[, timeout])
+        Send a message using a channel. If the channel is full,
+        ``channel:put()`` blocks until there is a free slot in the channel.
+        :param lua_object message:
+        :param timeout:
+        :return: If timeout is provided, and the channel doesn't become empty for
+                the duration of the timeout, ``channel:put()`` returns false.
+                Otherwise it returns true.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: close()
+        Close the channel. All waiters in the channel will be woken up.
+        All following ``channel:put()`` or ``channel:get()`` operations will
+        return an error (``nil``).
+    .. method:: get([timeout])
+        Fetch a message from a channel. If the channel is empty,
+        ``channel:get()`` blocks until there is a message.
+        :param timeout:
+        :return: the value placed on the channel by an earlier
+                ``channel:put()`` or ``channel:broadcast()``.
+        :rtype:  lua_object
+    .. method:: broadcast(message)
+        If the channel is empty, ``channel:broadcast()`` is equivalent to
+        ``channel:put()``. Otherwise, ``channel:broadcast()`` sends the
+        message to all readers of the channel.
+        :param message:
+    .. method:: is_empty()
+        Check whether the specified channel is empty (has no messages).
+        :return: true if the specified channel is empty
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: count()
+        Find out how many messages are on the channel. The answer is 0 if the channel is empty.
+        :return: the number of messages.
+        :rtype:  number
+    .. method:: is_full()
+        Check whether the specified channel is full.
+        :return: true if the specified channel is full (has no room for a new message).
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: has_readers()
+        Check whether the specified channel is empty and has readers waiting for
+        a message (because they have issued ``channel:get()`` and then blocked).
+        :return: true if blocked users are waiting. Otherwise false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: has_writers()
+        Check whether the specified channel is full and has writers waiting
+        (because they have issued ``channel:put()`` and then blocked due to lack of room).
+        :return: true if blocked users are waiting. Otherwise false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: is_closed()
+        :return: true if the specified channel is already closed. Otherwise false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+                    Example
+.. code-block:: lua
+    fiber = require('fiber')
+    channel = fiber.channel(10)
+    function consumer_fiber()
+        while true do
+            local task = channel:get()
+            ...
+        end
+    end
+    function consumer2_fiber()
+        while true do
+            -- 10 seconds
+            local task = channel:get(10)
+            if task ~= nil then
+                ...
+            else
+                -- timeout
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    function producer_fiber()
+        while true do
+            task = box.space...:select{...}
+            ...
+            if channel:is_empty() then
+                -- channel is empty
+            end
+            if channel:is_full() then
+                -- channel is full
+            end
+            ...
+            if channel:has_readers() then
+                -- there are some fibers
+                -- that are waiting for data
+            end
+            ...
+            if channel:has_writers() then
+                -- there are some fibers
+                -- that are waiting for readers
+            end
+            channel:put(task)
+        end
+    end
+    function producer2_fiber()
+        while true do
+            task = box.space...select{...}
+            -- 10 seconds
+            if channel:put(task, 10) then
+                ...
+            else
+                -- timeout
+            end
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/fiber.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/fiber.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b7a105a463d60c9943a1bc7fd7903b61e36332f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/fiber.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                            Package `fiber`
+The ``fiber`` package allows for creating, running and managing *fibers*.
+A fiber is a set of instructions which are executed with cooperative
+multitasking. Fibers managed by the fiber package are associated with
+a user-supplied function called the *fiber function*.
+A fiber has three possible states: **running**, **suspended** or **dead**.
+When a fiber is created with ``fiber.create()``, it is running.
+When a fiber yields control with ``fiber.sleep()``, it is suspended.
+When a fiber ends (because the fiber function ends), it is dead.
+All fibers are part of the fiber registry. This registry can be searched
+(``fiber.find()``) - via fiber id (fid), which is numeric.
+A runaway fiber can be stopped with ``fiber_object:cancel()``. However,
+``fiber_object:cancel()`` is advisory — it works only if the runaway fiber
+calls ``fiber.testcancel()`` once in a while. Most box.* functions, such
+as ``box.space...delete()`` or ``box.space...update()``, do call
+``fiber.testcancel()`` but ``box.space...select{}`` does not. In practice,
+a runaway fiber can only become unresponsive if it does many computations
+and does not check whether it's been canceled.
+The other potential problem comes from fibers which never get scheduled,
+because they are not subscribed to any events, or because no relevant
+events occur. Such morphing fibers can be killed with ``fiber.cancel()``
+at any time, since ``fiber.cancel()`` sends an asynchronous wakeup event
+to the fiber, and ``fiber.testcancel()`` is checked whenever such an event occurs.
+Like all Lua objects, dead fibers are garbage collected. The garbage collector
+frees pool allocator memory owned by the fiber, resets all fiber data, and
+returns the fiber (now called a fiber carcass) to the fiber pool. The carcass
+can be reused when another fiber is created.
+.. module:: fiber
+.. function:: create(function [, function-arguments])
+    Create and start a fiber. The fiber is created and begins to run immediately.
+    :param function: the function to be associated with the fiber
+    :param function-arguments: what will be passed to function
+    :return: created fiber object
+    :rtype: userdata
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        fiber_object = fiber.create(function_name)
+.. function:: self()
+    :return: fiber object for the currently scheduled fiber.
+    :rtype: userdata
+.. function:: find(id)
+    :param id: scalar value to find thread by.
+    :return: fiber object for the specified fiber.
+    :rtype: userdata
+.. function:: sleep(time)
+    Yield control to the scheduler and sleep for the specified number
+    of seconds. Only the current fiber can be made to sleep.
+    :param time: number of seconds to sleep.
+.. function:: yield()
+    Yield control to the scheduler. Equivalent to ``fiber.sleep(0)``.
+.. function:: status()
+    Return the status of the current fiber.
+    :return: the status of ``fiber``. One of:
+                    “dead”, “suspended”, or “running”.
+    :rtype: string
+.. function:: info()
+    Return information about all fibers.
+    :return: the name, id, and backtrace of all fibers.
+    :rtype: table
+.. function:: kill(id)
+    Locate a fiber by its numeric id and cancel it. In other words,
+    ``fiber.kill()`` combines ``fiber.find()`` and ``fiber_object:cancel()``.
+    :param id: the id of the fiber to be canceled.
+    :exception: the specified fiber does not exist or cancel is not permitted.
+.. function:: testcancel()
+    Check if the current fiber has been canceled
+    and throw an exception if this is the case.
+.. class:: fiber_object
+    .. method:: id()
+        :param self: fiber object, for example the fiber
+                     object returned by ``fiber.create``
+        :return: id of the fiber.
+        :rtype: number
+    .. method:: name()
+        :param self: fiber object, for example the fiber
+                     object returned by ``fiber.create``
+        :return: name of the fiber.
+        :rtype: number
+    .. method:: name(name)
+        Change the fiber name. By default the Tarantool server's
+        interactive-mode fiber is named 'interactive' and new
+        fibers created due to ``fiber.create`` are named 'lua'.
+        Giving fibers distinct names makes it easier to
+        distinguish them when using ``fiber.info``.
+        :param self: fiber object, for example the fiber
+                     object returned by ``fiber.create``
+        :param string name: the new name of the fiber.
+        :return: nil
+    .. method:: status()
+        Return the status of the specified fiber.
+        :param self: fiber object, for example the fiber
+                     object returned by ``fiber.create``
+        :return: the status of fiber. One of: “dead”,
+                 “suspended”, or “running”.
+        :rtype: string
+    .. method:: cancel()
+        Cancel a fiber. Running and suspended fibers can be canceled.
+        After a fiber has been canceled, attempts to operate on it will
+        cause errors, for example ``fiber_object:id()`` will cause
+        "error: the fiber is dead".
+        :param self: fiber object, for example the fiber
+                     object returned by ``fiber.create``
+        :return: nil
+        :exception: cancel is not permitted for the specified fiber object.
+.. function:: time()
+    :return: current system time (in seconds since the epoch) as a Lua
+             number. The time is taken from the event loop clock,
+             which makes this call very cheap, but still useful for
+             constructing artificial tuple keys.
+    :rtype: num
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fiber = require('fiber')
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool>  fiber.time(), fiber.time()
+        ---
+        - 1385758759.2591
+        - 1385758759.2591
+        ...
+.. function:: time64()
+    :return: current system time (in microseconds since the epoch)
+             as a 64-bit integer. The time is taken from the event
+             loop clock.
+    :rtype: num
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fiber = require('fiber')
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool> fiber.time(), fiber.time64()
+        ---
+        - 1385758828.9825
+        - 1385758828982485
+        ...
+                   Example
+Make the function which will be associated with the fiber. This function
+contains an infinite loop ("while 0 == 0" is always true). Each iteration
+of the loop adds 1 to a global variable named gvar, then goes to sleep for
+2 seconds. The sleep causes an implicit ``fiber.yield()``.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> fiber = require('fiber')
+    tarantool> console = require('console'); console.delimiter('!')
+    tarantool> function function_x()
+            ->   gvar = 0
+            ->   while 0 == 0 do
+            ->     gvar = gvar + 1
+            ->     fiber.sleep(2)
+            ->     end
+            ->   end!
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> console.delimiter('')!
+Make a fiber, associate function_x with the fiber, and start function_x.
+It will immediately "detach" so it will be running independently of the caller.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> fiber_of_x = fiber.create(function_x)
+    ---
+    ...
+Get the id of the fiber (fid), to be used in later displays.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> fid = fiber_of_x:id()
+    ---
+    ...
+Pause for a while, while the detached function runs. Then ... Display the fiber
+id, the fiber status, and gvar (gvar will have gone up a bit depending how long
+the pause lasted). The status is suspended because the fiber spends almost all
+its time sleeping or yielding.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> print('#',fid,'. ',fiber_of_x:status(),'. gvar=',gvar)
+    # 102 .  suspended . gvar= 399
+    ---
+    ...
+Pause for a while, while the detached function runs. Then ... Cancel the fiber.
+Then, once again ... Display the fiber id, the fiber status, and gvar (gvar
+will have gone up a bit more depending how long the pause lasted). This time
+the status is dead because the cancel worked.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> fiber_of_x:cancel()
+    ... fiber `lua' has been cancelled
+    ... fiber `lua': exiting
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> print('#',fid,'. ',fiber_of_x:status(),'. gvar=',gvar)
+    # 102 .  dead . gvar= 421
+    ---
+    ...
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/fio.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/fio.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79b740565e9306a395a428f4cb68e32e720d3dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/fio.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                                   Package `fio`
+Tarantool supports file input/output with an API that is similar to POSIX
+syscalls. All operations are performed asynchronously. Multiple fibers can
+access the same file simultaneously.
+.. module:: fio
+         Common pathname manipulations
+.. function:: pathjoin(partial-string [, partial-string ...])
+    Concatenate partial string, separated by '/' to form a path name.
+    :param string partial-string: one or more strings to be concatenated.
+    :return: path name
+    :rtype:  string
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.pathjoin('/etc', 'default', 'myfile')
+        ---
+        - /etc/default/myfile
+        ...
+.. function:: basename(path-name[, suffix])
+    Given a full path name, remove all but the final part (the file name).
+    Also remove the suffix, if it is passed.
+    :param string path-name: path name
+    :param string suffix: suffix
+    :return: file name
+    :rtype:  string
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.basename('/path/to/my.lua', '.lua')
+        ---
+        - my
+        ...
+.. function:: dirname(path-name)
+    Given a full path name, remove the final part (the file name).
+    :param string path-name: path name
+    :return: directory name, that is, path name except for file name.
+    :rtype:  string
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.dirname('/path/to/my.lua')
+        ---
+        - /path/to/
+        ...
+            Common file manipulations
+.. function:: umask(mask-bits)
+    Set the mask bits used when creating files or directories. For a detailed
+    description type "man 2 umask".
+    :param number mask-bits: mask bits.
+    :return: previous mask bits.
+    :rtype:  number
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.umask(tonumber('755', 8)) -- pass 755 octal
+        ---
+        - 493
+        ...
+.. function:: lstat(path-name)
+               stat(path-name)
+    Returns information about a file object. For details type "man 2 lstat" or
+    "man 2 stat".
+    :param string path-name: path name of file.
+    :return: fields which describe the file's block size, creation time, size,
+             and other attributes.
+    :rtype:  table
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.lstat('/etc')
+        ---
+        - inode: 1048577
+          rdev: 0
+          size: 12288
+          atime: 1421340698
+          mode: 16877
+          mtime: 1424615337
+          nlink: 160
+          uid: 0
+          blksize: 4096
+          gid: 0
+          ctime: 1424615337
+          dev: 2049
+          blocks: 24
+        ...
+.. function:: mkdir(path-name)
+              rmdir(path-name)
+    Create or delete a directory. For details type
+    "man 2 mkdir" or "man 2 rmdir".
+    :param string path-name: path of directory.
+    :return: true if success, false if failure.
+    :rtype:  boolean
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.mkdir('/etc')
+        ---
+        - false
+        ...
+.. function:: glob(path-name)
+    Return a list of files that match an input string. The list is constructed
+    with a single flag that controls the behavior of the function: GLOB_NOESCAPE.
+    For details type "man 3 glob".
+    :param string path-name: path-name, which may contain wildcard characters.
+    :return: list of files whose names match the input string
+    :rtype:  table
+    :except: nil on failure.
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.glob('/etc/x*')
+        ---
+        - - /etc/xdg
+          - /etc/xml
+          - /etc/xul-ext
+        ...
+.. function:: tempdir()
+    Return the name of a directory that can be used to store temporary files.
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.tempdir()
+        ---
+        - /tmp/lG31e7
+        ...
+.. function:: link     (src , dst)
+              symlink  (src , dst)
+              readlink (src)
+              unlink   (src)
+    Functions to create and delete links. For details type "man readlink",
+    "man 2 link", "man 2 symlink", "man 2 unlink"..
+    :param string src: existing file name.
+    :param string dst: linked name.
+    :return: ``fio.link`` and ``fio.symlink`` and ``fio.unlink`` return true if
+             success, false if failure. ``fio.readlink`` returns the link value
+             if success, nil if failure.
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.link('/home/username/tmp.txt', '/home/username/tmp.txt2')
+        ---
+        - true
+        ...
+        tarantool> fio.unlink('/home/pgulutzan/tmp.txt2')
+        ---
+        - true
+        ...
+.. function:: rename(path-name, new-path-name)
+    Rename a file or directory. For details type "man 2 rename".
+    :param string     path-name: original name.
+    :param string new-path-name: new name.
+    :return: true if success, false if failure.
+    :rtype:  boolean
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.rename('/home/username/tmp.txt', '/home/username/tmp.txt2')
+        ---
+        - true
+        ...
+.. function:: chown(path-name, owner-user, owner-group)
+              chmod(path-name, new-rights)
+    Manage the rights to file objects, or ownership of file objects.
+    For details type "man 2 chown" or "man 2 chmod".
+    :param string owner-user: new user uid.
+    :param string owner-group: new group uid.
+    :param number new-rights: new permissions
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.chmod('/home/username/tmp.txt', tonumber('0755', 8))
+        ---
+        - true
+        ...
+        fio.chown('/home/username/tmp.txt', 'username', 'username')
+        ---
+        - true
+        ...
+.. function:: truncate(path-name, new-size)
+    Reduce file size to a specified value. For details type "man 2 truncate".
+    :param string path-name:
+    :param number new-size:
+    :return: true if success, false if failure.
+    :rtype:  boolean
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.truncate('/home/username/tmp.txt', 99999)
+        ---
+        - true
+        ...
+.. function:: sync()
+    Ensure that changes are written to disk. For details type "man 2 sync".
+    :return: true if success, false if failure.
+    :rtype:  boolean
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fio.sync()
+        ---
+        - true
+        ...
+.. function:: open(path-name [, flags])
+    Open a file in preparation for reading or writing or seeking.
+    :param string path-name:
+    :param number flags: Flags can be passed as a number or as string
+                         constants, for example '``O_RDONLY``',
+                         '``O_WRONLY``', '``O_RDWR``'. Flags can be
+                         combined by enclosing them in braces.
+    :return: file handle (later - fh)
+    :rtype:  userdata
+    :except: nil
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> fh = fio.open('/home/username/tmp.txt', {'O_RDWR', 'O_APPEND'})
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool> fh -- display file handle returned by fio.open
+        ---
+        - fh: 11
+        ...
+.. class:: file-handle
+    .. method:: close()
+        Close a file that was opened with ``fio.open``. For details type "man 2 close".
+        :param userdata fh: file-handle as returned by ``fio.open()``.
+        :return: true if success, false on failure.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            tarantool> fh:close() -- where fh = file-handle
+            ---
+            - true
+            ...
+    .. method:: pread(count, offset)
+                pwrite(new-string, offset)
+        Perform read/write random-access operation on a file, without affecting
+        the current seek position of the file.
+        For details type "man 2 pread" or "man 2 pwrite".
+        :param userdata fh: file-handle as returned by ``fio.open()``.
+        :param number count: number of bytes to read
+        :param string new-string: value to write
+        :param number offset: offset within file where reading or writing begins
+        :return: ``fh:pwrite`` returns true if success, false if failure.
+                 ``fh:pread`` returns the data that was read, or nil if failure.
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            tarantool> fh:pread(25, 25)
+            ---
+            - |-
+              elete from t8//
+              insert in
+            ...
+    .. method:: read(count)
+                write(new-string)
+        Perform non-random-access read or write on a file. For details type
+        "man 2 read" or "man 2 write".
+        .. NOTE::
+            ``fh:read`` and ``fh:write`` affect the seek position within the
+            file, and this must be taken into account when working on the same
+            file from multiple fibers. It is possible to limit or prevent file
+            access from other fibers with ``fiber.ipc``.
+        :param userdata fh: file-handle as returned by ``fio.open()``.
+        :param number count: number of bytes to read
+        :param string new-string: value to write
+        :return: ``fh:write`` returns true if success, false if failure.
+                 ``fh:read`` returns the data that was read, or nil if failure.
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            tarantool> fh:write('new data')
+            ---
+            - true
+            ...
+    .. method:: truncate(new-size)
+        Change the size of an open file. Differs from ``fio.truncate``, which
+        changes the size of a closed file.
+        :param userdata fh: file-handle as returned by ``fio.open()``.
+        :return: true if success, false if failure.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            tarantool> fh:truncate(0)
+            ---
+            - true
+            ...
+    .. method:: seek(position [, offset-from])
+        Shift position in the file to the specified position. For details type
+        "man 2 seek".
+        :param userdata fh: file-handle as returned by ``fio.open()``.
+        :param number position: position to seek to
+        :param string offset-from: '``SEEK_END``' = end of file, '``SEEK_CUR``'
+                    = current position, '``SEEK_SET``' = start of file.
+        :return: the new position if success
+        :rtype:  number
+        :except: nil
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            tarantool> fh:seek(20, 'SEEK_SET')
+            ---
+            - 20
+            ...
+    .. method:: stat()
+        Return statistics about an open file. This differs from ``fio.stat``
+        which return statistics about a closed file. For details type "man 2 stat".
+        :param userdata fh: file-handle as returned by ``fio.open()``.
+        :return: details about the file.
+        :rtype:  table
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            tarantool> fh:stat()
+            ---
+            - inode: 729866
+              rdev: 0
+              size: 100
+              atime: 1409429855
+              mode: 33261
+              mtime: 1409430660
+              nlink: 1
+              uid: 1000
+              blksize: 4096
+              gid: 1000
+              ctime: 1409430660
+              dev: 2049
+              blocks: 8
+            ...
+    .. method:: fsync()
+                fdatasync()
+        Ensure that file changes are written to disk, for an open file.
+        Compare ``fio.sync``, which is for all files. For details type
+        "man 2 fsync" or "man 2 fdatasync".
+        :param userdata fh: file-handle as returned by ``fio.open()``.
+        :return: true if success, false if failure.
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            tarantool> fh:fsync()
+            ---
+            - true
+            ...
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ef7cc4520053df59cfb5eb52e16eb2156613c6f
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+                              Library Reference
+Lua_ is a light-weight, multi-paradigm, embeddable language. Stored procedures
+in Lua can be used to implement data manipulation patterns or data structures.
+It is possible to dynamically define, invoke, alter and drop Lua functions.
+Lua functions can run in the background and perform administrative tasks.
+.. _Lua: http://www.lua.org
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 1
+    digest
+    uuid
+    json
+    yaml
+    msgpack
+    fiber
+    fiber-ipc
+    box_session
+    socket
+    fio
+    console
+    log
+    tap
+    pickle
+    other
+    expirationd
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/json.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/json.rst
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..075909e90ba06d9f6616d44c4b56bb2b6b2c4ece
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+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/json.rst
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+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                          Package `json`
+The json package provides JSON manipulation routines. It is based on the
+`Lua-CJSON package by Mark Pulford`_. For a complete manual on Lua-CJSON please read
+`the official documentation`_.
+.. module:: json
+.. function:: encode(lua-value)
+    Convert a Lua object to a JSON string.
+    :param lua_value: either a scalar value or a Lua table value.
+    :return: the original value reformatted as a JSON string.
+    :rtype: string
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> json=require('json')
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool> json.encode(123)
+        ---
+        - '123'
+        ...
+        tarantool> json.encode({123})
+        ---
+        - '[123]'
+        ...
+        tarantool> json.encode({123, 234, 345})
+        ---
+        - '[123,234,345]'
+        ...
+        tarantool> json.encode({abc = 234, cde = 345})
+        ---
+        - '{"cde":345,"abc":234}'
+        ...
+        tarantool> json.encode({hello = {'world'}})
+        ---
+        - '{"hello":["world"]}'
+        ...
+.. function:: decode(string)
+    Convert a JSON string to a Lua object.
+    :param string string: a string formatted as JSON.
+    :return: the original contents formatted as a Lua table.
+    :rtype: table
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> json=require('json')
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool> json.decode('123')
+        ---
+        - 123
+        ...
+        tarantool> json.decode('[123, "hello"]')[2]
+        ---
+        - hello
+        ...
+        tarantool> json.decode('{"hello": "world"}').hello
+        ---
+        - world
+        ...
+.. data:: NULL
+    A value comparable to Lua "nil" which may be useful as a placeholder in a tuple.
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> -- When nil is assigned to a Lua-table field, the field is null
+        tarantool> {nil, 'a', 'b'}
+        - - null
+        - a
+        - b
+        ...
+        tarantool>  -- When json.NULL is assigned to a Lua-table field, the field is json.NULL
+        tarantool> {json.NULL, 'a', 'b'}
+        ---
+        - - null
+        - a
+        - b
+        ...
+        tarantool> -- When json.NULL is assigned to a JSON field, the field is null
+        tarantool> json.encode({field2 = json.NULL, field1 = 'a',  field3 = 'c'})
+        ---
+        - '{"field2":null,"field1":"a","field3":"c"}'
+        ...
+.. _Lua-CJSON package by Mark Pulford: http://www.kyne.com.au/~mark/software/lua-cjson.php
+.. _the official documentation: http://www.kyne.com.au/~mark/software/lua-cjson-manual.html
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/log.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/log.rst
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+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/log.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                                   Package `log`
+.. module:: log
+The Tarantool server puts all diagnostic messages in a log file specified by
+the `logger`_ configuration parameter. Diagnostic messages may be either
+system-generated by the server's internal code, or user-generated with the
+``log.log_level_function_name`` function.
+.. function:: error(message)
+              warn(message)
+              info(message)
+              debug(message)
+    Output a user-generated message to the `log file`_, given
+    log_level_function_name = ``error`` or ``warn`` or ``info`` or ``debug``.
+    :param string message: The actual output will be a line containing the
+                           current timestamp, a module name, 'E' or 'W' or
+                           'I' or 'D' or 'R' depending on
+                           ``log_level_function_name``, and ``message``.
+                           Output will not occur if ``log_level_function_name``
+                           is for a type greater than `log_level`_.
+    :return: nil
+.. function:: logger_pid()
+.. function:: rotate()
+                     Example
+.. code-block:: lua
+        #From the shell:
+        #Start the server, do some requests, exit, and display the log, thus:
+        $ ~/tarantool/src/tarantool
+        tarantool> box.cfg{log_level=3, logger='tarantool.txt'}
+        tarantool> log = require('log')
+        tarantool> log.error('Error')
+        tarantool> log.info('Info')
+        tarantool> os.exit()
+        $ less tarantool.txt
+The output from the less command will look approximately like this:
+.. code-block:: lua
+    2...0 [5257] main/101/interactive C> version 1.6.3-355-ga4f762d
+    2...1 [5257] main/101/interactive C> log level 3
+    2...1 [5261] main/101/spawner C> initialized
+    2...0 [5257] main/101/interactive [C]:-1 E> Error
+The 'Error' line is visible in tarantool.txt preceded by the letter E.
+The 'Info' line is not present because the log_level is 3.
+.. _logger: http://tarantool.org/doc/user_guide.html#logger
+.. _log file: http://tarantool.org/doc/user_guide.html#logger
+.. _log_level: http://tarantool.org/doc/user_guide.html#logger
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/msgpack.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/msgpack.rst
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/msgpack.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                                    Package `msgpack`
+The ``msgpack`` package takes strings in MsgPack_ format and decodes them, or takes a
+series of non-MsgPack values and encodes them.
+.. module:: msgpack
+.. function:: encode(lua_value)
+    Convert a Lua object to a MsgPack string.
+    :param lua_value: either a scalar value or a Lua table value.
+    :return: the original value reformatted as a MsgPack string.
+    :rtype: string
+.. function:: decode(string)
+    Convert a MsgPack string to a Lua object.
+    :param string: a string formatted as YAML.
+    :return: the original contents formatted as a Lua table.
+    :rtype: table
+.. data:: NULL
+    A value comparable to Lua "nil" which may be useful as a placeholder in a tuple.
+                    Example
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> msgpack = require('msgpack')
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool>  y =  msgpack.encode({'a',1,'b',2})
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool>  z = msgpack.decode(y)
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool>  z[1],z[2],z[3],z[4]
+    ---
+    - a
+    - 1
+    - b
+    - 2
+    ...
+    tarantool>  box.space.tester:insert{20,msgpack.NULL,20}
+    ---
+    - [20, null, 20]
+    ...
+.. _MsgPack: http://msgpack.org/
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/other.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/other.rst
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+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/other.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                               Miscellaneous
+.. function:: tonumber64(value)
+    Convert a string or a Lua number to a 64-bit integer. The result can be
+    used in arithmetic, and the arithmetic will be 64-bit integer arithmetic
+    rather than floating-point arithmetic. (Operations on an unconverted Lua
+    number use floating-point arithmetic.) The ``tonumber64()`` function is
+    added by Tarantool; the name is global.
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> type(123456789012345), type(tonumber64(123456789012345))
+        ---
+        - number
+        - number
+        ...
+        tarantool> i = tonumber64('1000000000')
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool> type(i), i / 2, i - 2, i * 2, i + 2, i % 2, i ^ 2
+        ---
+        - number
+        - 500000000
+        - 999999998
+        - 2000000000
+        - 1000000002
+        - 0
+        - 1000000000000000000
+        ...
+.. function:: dostring(lua-chunk-string [, lua-chunk-string-argument ...])
+    Parse and execute an arbitrary chunk of Lua code. This function is mainly
+    useful to define and run Lua code without having to introduce changes to
+    the global Lua environment.
+    :param string lua-chunk-string: Lua code
+    :param lua-value lua-chunk-string-argument: zero or more scalar values
+                            which will be appended to, or substitute for,
+                            items in the Lua chunk.
+    :return: whatever is returned by the Lua code chunk.
+    :except: If there is a compilation error, it is raised as a Lua error.
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> dostring('abc')
+        ---
+        error: '[string "abc"]:1: ''='' expected near ''<eof>'''
+        ...
+        tarantool> dostring('return 1')
+        ---
+        - 1
+        ...
+        tarantool> dostring('return ...', 'hello', 'world')
+        ---
+        - hello
+        - world
+        ...
+        tarantool> console = require('console'); console.delimiter('!')
+        tarantool> -- This means ignore line feeds until next '!'
+        tarantool> -- Use `double square brackets`_ to enclose multi-line literal here!
+        tarantool> dostring([[local f = function(key)
+                ->               t = box.space.tester:select{key};
+                ->               if t ~= nil then return t[1] else return nil end
+                ->               end
+                ->               return f(...)]], 1)!
+        ---
+        - null
+        ...
+        tarantool> console.delimiter('')!
+.. _double square brackets: http://www.lua.org/pil/2.4.html
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/pickle.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/pickle.rst
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a74f83ca0aa3d68b412a9ba996bfda1481e8095e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/pickle.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                            Package `pickle`
+.. module:: pickle
+.. function:: pack(format, argument [, argument ...])
+    To use Tarantool binary protocol primitives from Lua, it's necessary to
+    convert Lua variables to binary format. The ``pickle.pack()`` helper
+    function is prototyped after Perl 'pack_'.
+    .. container:: table
+        **Format specifiers**
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+        | b, B | converts Lua variable to a 1-byte integer,      |
+        |      | and stores the integer in the resulting string  |
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+        | s, S | converts Lua variable to a 2-byte integer, and  |
+        |      | stores the integer in the resulting string,     |
+        |      | low byte first                                  |
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+        | i, I | converts Lua variable to a 4-byte integer, and  |
+        |      | stores the integer in the resulting string, low |
+        |      | byte first                                      |
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+        | l, L | converts Lua variable to an 8-byte integer, and |
+        |      | stores the integer in the resulting string, low |
+        |      | byte first                                      |
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+        | n    | converts Lua variable to a 2-byte integer, and  |
+        |      | stores the integer in the resulting string, big |
+        |      | endian,                                         |
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+        | N    | converts Lua variable to a 4-byte integer, and  |
+        |      | stores the integer in the resulting string, big |
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+        | q, Q | converts Lua variable to an 8-byte integer, and |
+        |      | stores the integer in the resulting string, big |
+        |      | endian,                                         |
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+        | f    | converts Lua variable to a 4-byte float, and    |
+        |      | stores the float in the resulting string        |
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+        | d    | converts Lua variable to a 8-byte double, and   |
+        |      | stores the double in the resulting string       |
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+        | a, A | converts Lua variable to a sequence of bytes,   |
+        |      | and stores the sequence in the resulting string |
+        +------+-------------------------------------------------+
+    :param string format: string containing format specifiers
+    :param scalar-value argument(s): scalar values to be formatted
+    :return: a binary string containing all arguments,
+             packed according to the format specifiers.
+    :rtype:  string
+    :except: unknown format specifier.
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> pickle = require('pickle')
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool> box.space.tester:insert{0, 'hello world'}
+        ---
+        - [0, 'hello world']
+        ...
+        tarantool> box.space.tester:update({0}, {{'=', 2, 'bye world'}})
+        ---
+        - [0, 'bye world']
+        ...
+        tarantool> box.space.tester:update({0}, {{'=', 2, pickle.pack('iiA', 0, 3, 'hello')}})
+        ---
+        - [0, "\0\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0hello"]
+        ...
+        tarantool> box.space.tester:update({0}, {{'=', 2, 4}})
+        ---
+        - [0, 4]
+        ...
+        tarantool> box.space.tester:update({0}, {{'+', 2, 4}})
+        ---
+        - [0, 8]
+        ...
+        tarantool> box.space.tester:update({0}, {{'^', 2, 4}})
+        ---
+        - [0, 12]
+        ...
+.. function:: unpack(format, binary-string)
+    Counterpart to ``pickle.pack()``.
+    :param string format:
+    :param string binary-string:
+    :return: A list of strings or numbers.
+    :rtype:  table
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> pickle = require('pickle')
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool> -- this means following commands must end with '!'
+        tarantool> console = require('console'); console.delimiter('!')
+        tarantool> tuple = box.space.tester:replace{0}!
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool> string.len(tuple[1])!
+        ---
+        - 1
+        ...
+        tarantool> pickle.unpack('b', tuple[1])!
+        ---
+        - 48
+        ...
+        tarantool> pickle.unpack('bsi', pickle.pack('bsi', 255, 65535, 4294967295))!
+        ---
+        - 255
+        - 65535
+        - 4294967295
+        ...
+        tarantool> pickle.unpack('ls', pickle.pack('ls', tonumber64('18446744073709551615'), 65535))!
+        ---
+        - 18446744073709551615
+        - 65535
+        ...
+        tarantool> num, str, num64 = pickle.unpack('sAl', pickle.pack('sAl', 666, 'string',
+                ->                   tonumber64('666666666666666')))!
+        ---
+        ...
+        tarantool> console.delimiter('') -- back to normal: commands end with line feed!
+.. _pack: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/pack.html
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/socket.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/socket.rst
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67f3c076dc6b126cec95ca0989d3ba4ef9b79e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/socket.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                            Package `socket`
+The ``socket`` package allows exchanging data via BSD sockets with a local or
+remote host in connection-oriented (TCP) or datagram-oriented (UDP) mode.
+Semantics of the calls in the ``socket`` API closely follow semantics of the
+corresponding POSIX calls. Function names and signatures are mostly compatible
+with `luasocket`_.
+The functions for setting up and connecting are ``socket``, ``sysconnect``,
+``tcp_connect``. The functions for sending data are ``send``, ``sendto``,
+``write``, ``syswrite``. The functions for receiving data are ``recv``,
+``recvfrom``, ``read``. The functions for waiting before sending/receiving
+data are ``wait``, ``readable``, ``writable``. The functions for setting
+flags are ``nonblock``, ``setsockopt``. The functions for stopping and
+disconnecting are ``shutdown``, ``close``. The functions for error checking
+are ``errno``, ``error``.
+.. container:: table
+    **Socket functions**
+    +----------------+-------------+
+    |    Purposes    |    Names    |
+    +================+=============+
+    |                | socket      |
+    |                +-------------+
+    |      setup     | sysconnect  |
+    |                +-------------+
+    |                | tcp_connect |
+    +----------------+-------------+
+    |                | send        |
+    |                +-------------+
+    |                | sendto      |
+    |    sending     +-------------+
+    |                | write       |
+    |                +-------------+
+    |                | syswrite    |
+    +----------------+-------------+
+    |                | recv        |
+    |                +-------------+
+    |   receiving    | recvfrom    |
+    |                +-------------+
+    |                | read        |
+    +----------------+-------------+
+    |                | nonblock    |
+    |                +-------------+
+    |  flag setting  | setsockopt  |
+    |                +-------------+
+    |                | linger      |
+    +----------------+-------------+
+    |                | listen      |
+    | client/server  +-------------+
+    |                | accept      |
+    +----------------+-------------+
+    |                | shutdown    |
+    |    teardown    +-------------+
+    |                | close       |
+    +----------------+-------------+
+    |                | errno       |
+    | error checking +-------------+
+    |                | errno       |
+    +----------------+-------------+
+    |                | getaddrinfo |
+    |                +-------------+
+    |                | getsockopt  |
+    |  information   +-------------+
+    |                | peer        |
+    |                +-------------+
+    |                | name        |
+    +----------------+-------------+
+Typically a socket session will begin with the setup functions, will set one
+or more flags, will have a loop with sending and receiving functions, will
+end with the teardown functions -- as an example at the end of this section
+will show. Throughout, there may be error-checking and waiting functions for
+synchronization. Some functions may "block" if a non-default option flag is
+set, therefore the fiber that they are in will yield so that other processes
+may take over, as is the norm for cooperative multitasking.
+For all examples in this section the socket name will be sock and
+the function invocations will look like ``sock:function_name(...)``.
+.. module:: socket
+.. function:: __call(domain, type, protocol)
+    Create a new TCP or UDP socket. The argument values
+    are the same as in the `Linux man page <http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/socket.2.html>`_.
+    :param domain:
+    :param type:
+    :param protocol:
+    :return: a new socket, or nil.
+    :rtype:  userdata
+.. function:: tcp_connect(host, port)
+              tcp_connect(host)
+    Connect a socket to a remote host.
+    :param string host: URL or IP address
+    :param number port: port number
+    :return: a connected socket, if no error.
+    :rtype: userdata
+.. function:: getaddrinfo(host, type, [, {option-list}])
+    The ``socket.getaddrinfo()`` function is useful for finding information
+    about a remote site so that the correct arguments for
+    ``sock:sysconnect()`` can be passed.
+    :return: A table containing these fields: "host", "family", "type", "protocol", "port".
+    :rtype:  table
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tarantool> socket.getaddrinfo('tarantool.org', 'http')
+    will return variable information such as
+    .. code-block:: yaml
+        ---
+        - - host:
+            family: AF_INET
+            type: SOCK_STREAM
+            protocol: tcp
+            port: 80
+          - host:
+            family: AF_INET
+            type: SOCK_DGRAM
+            protocol: udp
+            port: 80
+        ...
+.. function:: tcp_server(host, port, handler-function)
+    The ``socket.tcp_server()`` function makes Tarantool act as a server that
+    can accept connections. Usually the same objective
+    is accomplished with ``box.cfg{listen=...)``.
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        socket.tcp_server('localhost', 3302, function () end).
+.. class:: socket_object
+    .. method:: sysconnect(host, port)
+        Connect a socket to a remote host. The argument values are the same as
+        in the `Linux man page <http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/connect.2.html>`_.
+        The host must be an IP address.
+        Parameters:
+            * Either:
+               * host - a string representation of an IPv4 address
+                 or an IPv6 address;
+               * port - a number.
+            * Or:
+               * host - a string containing "unix/";
+               * port - a string containing a path to a unix socket.
+            * Or:
+               * host - a number, 0 (zero), meaning "all local
+                 interfaces";
+               * port - a number. If a port number is 0 (zero),
+                 the socket will be bound to a random local port.
+        :return: a connected socket, if no error.
+        :rtype:  userdata
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            sock:sysconnect('', 80)
+    .. method:: send(data)
+        Send data over a connected socket.
+        :param string data:
+        :return: true if success, false if error.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+        .. NOTE::
+            The function ``sock:write(...)`` has
+            the same parameters and same effect.
+    .. method:: syswrite(size)
+        Write as much as possible data to the socket buffer if non-blocking.
+        Rarely used. For details see `this description`_.
+    .. method:: recv(size)
+        Read ``size`` bytes from a connected socket. An internal read-ahead
+        buffer is used to reduce the cost of this call.
+        :param integer size:
+        :return: a string of the requested length on success.
+        :rtype:  string
+        :exception: On error, returns an empty string, followed by status,
+                    errno, errstr. In case the writing side has closed its
+                    end, returns the remainder read from the socket (possibly
+                    an empty string), followed by "eof" status.
+    .. method:: read(limit [, timeout])
+                read(delimiter [, timeout])
+                read({limit=limit} [, timeout])
+                read({delimiter=delimiter} [,timeout])
+                read({limit=limit, delimiter=delimiter} [, timeout])
+        Read from a connected socket until some condition is true, and return
+        the bytes that were read.
+        Reading goes on until ``limit`` bytes have been read, or a delimiter
+        has been read, or a timeout has expired.
+        :param integer    limit: maximum number of bytes to read for
+                                 example 50 means "stop after 50 bytes"
+        :param string delimiter: separator or `Lua pattern`_ for example
+                                 '[0-9]' means "stop after a digit"
+        :param number   timeout: maximum number of seconds to wait for
+                                 example 50 means "stop after 50 seconds".
+        :return: an empty string if there is nothing more to read, or a nil
+                 value if error, or a string up to ``limit`` bytes long,
+                 which may include the bytes that matched the ``delimiter``
+                 expression.
+        :rtype: string
+    .. method:: sysread(size)
+        Return all available data from the socket buffer if non-blocking.
+        Rarely used. For details see `this description`_.
+    .. method:: bind(host [, port])
+        Bind a socket to the given host/port. A UDP socket after binding
+        can be used to receive data (see :meth:`socket_object.recvfrom()`).
+        A TCP socket can be used to accept new connections, after it has
+        been put in listen mode.
+        :param host:
+        :param port:
+        :return: a socket object on success
+        :rtype:  userdata
+        :exception: nil, status, errno, errstr on error.
+    .. method:: listen(backlog)
+        Start listening for incoming connections.
+        :param backlog: On Linux the listen ``backlog`` backlog may be from
+                        /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn, on BSD the backlog
+                        may be ``SOMAXCONN``.
+        :return: true for success, false for error.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: accept()
+        Accept a new client connection and create a new connected socket.
+        It is good practice to set the socket's blocking mode explicitly
+        fter accepting.
+        :return: new socket if success.
+        :rtype: userdata
+        :exception: nil
+    .. method:: sendto(host, port, data)
+        Send a message on a UDP socket to a specified host.
+        :param string host:
+        :param number port:
+        :param string data:
+        :return: the number of bytes sent.
+        :rtype:  number
+        :exception: status, errno, errstr.
+    .. method:: recvfrom(limit)
+        Receive a message on a UDP socket.
+        :param integer limit:
+        :return: message, a table containing "host", "family" and "port" fields.
+        :rtype:  string, table
+        :exception: status, errno, errstr.
+        After
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            message_content, message_sender = recvfrom(1)
+        the value of ``message_content`` might be a string containing 'X' and
+        the value of ``message_sender`` might be a table containing
+        ``message_sender.host = ''``,
+        ``message_sender.family = 'AF_INET'``,
+        ``message_sender.port = 43065``.
+    .. method:: shutdown(how)
+        Shutdown a reading end, a writing end, or both ends of a socket.
+        :param how: socket.SHUT_RD, socket.SHUT_WR, or socket.SHUT_RDWR.
+        :return: true or false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: close()
+        Close (destroy) a socket. A closed socket should not be used any more.
+        A socket is closed automatically when its userdata is garbage collected by Lua.
+        :return: true on success, false on error. For example, if
+                 sock is already closed, sock:close() returns false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: error()
+                errno()
+        Retrieve information about the last error that occurred on a socket, if any.
+        Errors do not cause throwing of exceptions so these functions are usually necessary.
+        :return: result for ``sock:errno()``, result for ``sock:error()``.
+                 If there is no error, then ``sock:errno()`` will return 0 and ``sock:error()``.
+        :rtype:  number, string
+    .. method:: setsockopt(level, name, value)
+        Set socket flags. The argument values are the same as in the
+        `Linux man page <http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/setsockopt.2.html>`_.
+        The ones that Tarantool accepts are:
+            * SO_ACCEPTCONN
+            * SO_BINDTODEVICE
+            * SO_BROADCAST
+            * SO_BSDCOMPAT
+            * SO_DEBUG
+            * SO_DOMAIN
+            * SO_ERROR
+            * SO_DONTROUTE
+            * SO_KEEPALIVE
+            * SO_MARK
+            * SO_OOBINLINE
+            * SO_PASSCRED
+            * SO_PEERCRED
+            * SO_PRIORITY
+            * SO_PROTOCOL
+            * SO_RCVBUF
+            * SO_RCVBUFFORCE
+            * SO_RCVLOWAT
+            * SO_SNDLOWAT
+            * SO_RCVTIMEO
+            * SO_SNDTIMEO
+            * SO_REUSEADDR
+            * SO_SNDBUF
+            * SO_SNDBUFFORCE
+            * SO_TIMESTAMP
+            * SO_TYPE
+        Setting SO_LINGER is done with ``sock:linger(active)``.
+    .. method:: getsockopt(level, name)
+        Get socket flags. For a list of possible flags see ``sock:setsockopt()``.
+    .. method:: linger([active])
+        Set or clear the SO_LINGER flag. For a description of the flag, see
+        `Linux man page <http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/loginctl.1.html>`_.
+        :param boolean active:
+        :return: new active and timeout values.
+    .. method:: nonblock([flag])
+        ``sock:nonblock()`` returns the current flag value. |br|
+        ``sock:nonblock(false)`` sets the flag to false and returns false. |br|
+        ``sock:nonblock(true)`` sets the flag to true and returns true.
+        This function may be useful before invoking a function which might
+        otherwise block indefinitely.
+    .. method:: readable([timeout])
+                writeable([timeout])
+                wait([timout])
+        ``sock:readable()`` waits until something is readable, or until a timeout value expires. |br|
+        ``sock:writable()`` waits until something is writable, or until a timeout value expires. |br|
+        ``sock:wait()`` waits until something is either readable or writable, or until a timeout value expires.
+    .. method:: name()
+        The ``The sock:name()`` function is used to get information about the
+        near side of the connection. If a socket was bound to ``xyz.com:45``,
+        then ``sock:name`` will return information about ``[host:xyz.com, port:45]``.
+        The equivalent POSIX function is ``getsockname()``.
+        :return: A table containing these fields: "host", "family", "type", "protocol", "port".
+        :rtype:  table
+    .. method:: peer()
+        The ``sock:peer()`` function is used to get information about the far side of a connection.
+        If a TCP connection has been made to a distant host ``tarantool.org:80``, ``sock:peer()``
+        will return information about ``[host:tarantool.org, port:80]``.
+        The equivalent POSIX function is ``getpeername()``.
+        :return: A table containing these fields: "host", "family", "type", "protocol", "port".
+        :rtype:  table
+.. _Lua pattern:      http://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html
+.. _this description: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/wiki/sockets%201.6
+                    Example
+ Use of a TCP socket over the Internet
+In this example a connection is made over the internet between the Tarantool
+server and tarantool.org, then an HTTP "head" message is sent, and a response
+is received: "``HTTP/1.1 200 OK``". This is not a useful way to communicate
+with this particular site, but shows that the system works.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> socket = require('socket')
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> sock = socket.tcp_connect('tarantool.org', 80)
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> type(sock)
+    ---
+    - table
+    ...
+    tarantool> sock:error()
+    ---
+    - null
+    ...
+    tarantool> sock:send("HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: tarantool.org\r\n\r\n")
+    ---
+    - true
+    ...
+    tarantool> sock:read(17)
+    ---
+    - "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
+    ...
+    tarantool> sock:close()
+    ---
+    - true
+    ...
+   Use of a UDP socket on localhost
+Here is an example with datagrams. Set up two connections on
+(localhost): ``sock_1`` and ``sock_2``. Using ``sock_2``, send a message
+to ``sock_1``. Using ``sock_1``, receive a message. Display the received
+message. Close both connections. |br| This is not a useful way for a
+computer to communicate with itself, but shows that the system works.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> socket = require('socket')
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool>  sock_1 = socket('AF_INET', 'SOCK_DGRAM', 'udp')
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool>  sock_1:bind('')
+    ---
+    - true
+    ...
+    tarantool>  sock_2 = socket('AF_INET', 'SOCK_DGRAM', 'udp')
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool>  sock_2:sendto('', sock_1:name().port,'X')
+    ---
+    - true
+    ...
+    tarantool>  message = sock_1:recvfrom()
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool>  message
+    ---
+    - X
+    ...
+    tarantool>  sock_1:close()
+    ---
+    - true
+    ...
+    tarantool>  sock_2:close()
+    ---
+    - true
+    ...
+.. _luasocket: https://github.com/diegonehab/luasocket
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/tap.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/tap.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04ff65c71a61495c9f98a50a4a962b7a20bff0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/tap.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                                Package `tap`
+The tap package streamlines the testing of other packages. It allows writing of
+tests in the `TAP protocol`_. The results from the tests can be parsed by
+standard TAP-analyzers so they can be passed to utilities such as `prove`_. Thus
+one can run tests and then use the results for statistics, decision-making, and so on.
+.. module:: tap
+.. function:: test(test-name)
+    Initialize. |br|
+    The result of ``tap.test`` is an object, which will be called taptest
+    in the rest of this discussion, which is necessary for
+    ``taptest:plan()`` and all the other methods.
+    :param string test-name: an arbitrary name to give for the test outputs.
+    :return: taptest
+    :rtype:  userdata
+    .. code-block:: lua
+        tap = require('tap')
+        taptest = tap.test('test-name')
+.. class:: taptest
+    .. method:: plan(count)
+        Indicate how many tests will be performed.
+        :param number count:
+        :return: nil
+    .. method:: check()
+        Checks the number of tests performed. This check should only be done
+        after all planned tests are complete, so ordinarily ``taptest:check()``
+        will only appear at the end of a script.
+        Will display ``# bad plan: ...`` if the number of completed tests is not
+        equal to the number of tests specified by ``taptest:plan(...)``.
+        :return: nil
+    .. method:: diag(message)
+        Display a diagnostic message.
+        :param string message: the message to be displayed.
+        :return: nil
+    .. method:: ok(condition, test-name)
+        This is a basic function which is used by other functions. Depending
+        on the value of ``condition``, print 'ok' or 'not ok' along with
+        debugging information. Displays the message.
+        :param boolean condition: an expression which is true or false
+        :param string  test-name: name of test
+        :return: true or false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            tarantool> taptest:ok(true,'x')
+            ok - x
+            ---
+            - true
+            ...
+            tarantool> tap = require('tap')
+            ---
+            ...
+            tarantool> taptest = tap.test('test-name')
+            TAP version 13
+            ---
+            ...
+            tarantool> taptest:ok(1 + 1 == 2, 'X')
+            ok - X
+            ---
+            - true
+            ...
+    .. method:: fail(test-name)
+        ``taptest:fail('x')`` is equivalent to ``taptest:ok(false, 'x')``.
+        Displays the message.
+        :param string  test-name: name of test
+        :return: true or false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: skip(message)
+        ``taptest:skip('x')`` is equivalent to
+        ``taptest:ok(true, 'x' .. '# skip')``.
+        Displays the message.
+        :param string  test-name: name of test
+        :return: nil
+        .. code-block:: lua
+            tarantool> taptest:skip('message')
+            ok - message # skip
+            ---
+            - true
+            ...
+    .. method:: is(got, expected, test-name)
+        Check whether the first argument equals the second argument.
+        Displays extensive message if the result is false.
+        :param number got: actual result
+        :param number expected: expected result
+        :param string test-name: name of test
+        :return: true or false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: isnt(got, expected, test-name)
+        This is the negation of ``taptest:is(...)``.
+        :param number got: actual result
+        :param number expected: expected result
+        :param string test-name: name of test
+        :return: true of false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: isnil(value, test-name)
+                isstring(value, test-name)
+                isnumber(value, test-name)
+                istable(value, test-name)
+                isboolean(value, test-name)
+                isudata(value, test-name)
+                iscdata(value, test-name)
+        Test whether a value has a particular type. Displays a long message if
+        the value is not of the specified type.
+        :param lua-value value:
+        :param string test-name: name of test
+        :return: true of false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+    .. method:: is_deeply(got, expected, test-name)
+        Recursive version of ``tap-test:is(...)``, which can be be used to
+        compare tables as well as scalar values.
+        :return: true of false.
+        :rtype:  boolean
+        :param lua-value got: actual result
+        :param lua-value expected: expected result
+        :param string test-name: name of test
+.. _prove: https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/Test-Harness/bin/prove
+.. _TAP protocol: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Anything_Protocol
+                     Example
+To run this example: put the script in a file named ./tap.lua, then make
+tap.lua executable by saying ``chmod a+x ./tap.lua``, then execute using
+Tarantool as a script processor by saying ./tap.lua.
+.. code-block:: lua
+    #!/usr/bin/tarantool
+    local tap = require('tap')
+    test = tap.test("my test name")
+    test:plan(2)
+    test:ok(2 * 2 == 4, "2 * 2 is 4")
+    test:test("some subtests for test2", function(test)
+        test:plan(2)
+        test:is(2 + 2, 4, "2 + 2 is 4")
+        test:isnt(2 + 3, 4, "2 + 3 is not 4")
+    end)
+    test:check()
+The output from the above script will look approximately like this:
+.. code-block:: tap
+    TAP version 13
+    1..2
+    ok - 2 * 2 is 4
+        # Some subtests for test2
+        1..2
+        ok - 2 + 2 is 4,
+        ok - 2 + 3 is not 4
+        # Some subtests for test2: end
+    ok - some subtests for test2
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/uuid.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/uuid.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c40bb52d9e1a89d8e64ba2265595f48ad3b1e1d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/uuid.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                            Package `uuid`
+A "UUID" is a `Universally unique identifier`_. If an application requires that
+a value be unique only within a single computer or on a single database, then a
+simple counter is better than a UUID, because getting a UUID is time-consuming
+(it requires a syscall_). For clusters of computers, or widely distributed
+applications, UUIDs are better.
+The functions that can return a UUID are: ``uuid()``, ``uuid.bin()``, ``uuid.str()``. |br|
+The functions that can convert between different types of UUID are: ``:bin()``, ``:str()``, ``uuid.fromstr()``, ``uuid.frombin()``. |br|
+The function that can determine whether a UUID is an all-zero value is: ``:isnil()``.
+.. module:: uuid
+.. data:: nil
+    A nil object
+.. function:: __call()
+    :return: a UUID
+    :rtype: cdata
+.. function:: bin()
+    :return: a UUID
+    :rtype: 16-byte string
+.. function:: str()
+    :return: a UUID
+    :rtype: 36-byte binary string
+.. function:: fromstr(uuid_str)
+    :param uuid_str: UUID in 36-byte hexademical string
+    :return: converted UUID
+    :rtype: cdata
+.. function:: frombin(uuid_bin)
+    :param uuid_str: UUID in 16-byte binary string
+    :return: converted UUID
+    :rtype: cdata
+.. class:: uuid_cdata
+    .. method:: bin([byte-order])
+        :param byte-order: |br| 'l' - little-endian,
+                           |br| 'b' - big-endian,
+                           |br| 'h' - endianness depends on host (default),
+                           |br| 'n' - endianness depends on network
+        :return: UUID converted from cdata input value.
+        :rtype: 16-byte binary string
+    .. method:: str()
+        :return: UUID converted from cdata input value.
+        :rtype: 36-byte hexadecimal string
+    .. method:: isnil()
+        The all-zero UUID value can be expressed as uuid.NULL, or as
+        ``uuid.fromstr('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')``.
+        The comparison with an all-zero value can also be expressed as
+        ``uuid_with_type_cdata == uuid.NULL``.
+        :return: true if the value is all zero, otherwise false.
+        :rtype: bool
+                    Example
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> uuid = require('uuid')
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> uuid(), uuid.bin(), uuid.str()
+    ---
+    - 16ffedc8-cbae-4f93-a05e-349f3ab70baa
+    - !!binary FvG+Vy1MfUC6kIyeM81DYw==
+    - 67c999d2-5dce-4e58-be16-ac1bcb93160f
+    ...
+    tarantool> uu = uuid()
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> #uu:bin(), #uu:str(), type(uu), uu:isnil()
+    ---
+    - 16
+    - 36
+    - cdata
+    - false
+    ...
+.. _Universally unique identifier: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier
+.. _syscall: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syscall
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/yaml.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/yaml.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a4e2d269ed27709d4c14c0e8767b561ccc0e883b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/yaml.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+.. include:: ../directives.rst
+.. highlight:: lua
+                            Package `yaml`
+The ``yaml`` package takes strings in YAML_ format and decodes them, or takes a
+series of non-YAML values and encodes them.
+.. module:: yaml
+.. function:: encode(lua_value)
+    Convert a Lua object to a YAML string.
+    :param lua_value: either a scalar value or a Lua table value.
+    :return: the original value reformatted as a YAML string.
+    :rtype: string
+.. function:: decode(string)
+    Convert a YAML string to a Lua object.
+    :param string: a string formatted as YAML.
+    :return: the original contents formatted as a Lua table.
+    :rtype: table
+.. data:: NULL
+    A value comparable to Lua "nil" which may be useful as a placeholder in a tuple.
+                    Example
+.. code-block:: lua
+    tarantool> yaml = require('yaml')
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> y =  yaml.encode({'a',1,'b',2})
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> z = yaml.decode(y)
+    ---
+    ...
+    tarantool> z[1],z[2],z[3],z[4]
+    ---
+    - a
+    - 1
+    - b
+    - 2
+    ...
+    tarantool> if yaml.NULL == nil then print('hi') end
+    hi
+    ---
+    ...
+.. _YAML: http://yaml.org/
diff --git a/doc/user/data-model.xml b/doc/user/data-model.xml
index 1688352de019fcf63a121f329adf0a6e181b9cd5..be1f1fc43a31a3d1925a0f6c6bb5e245c7efb341 100644
--- a/doc/user/data-model.xml
+++ b/doc/user/data-model.xml
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ The syntax details for defining spaces and indexes are in section
     So Tarantool will store a number as a float if the value contains a decimal point, and otherwise will store as an integer.
     Tarantool can store signed numbers, but not in indexed fields -- when a field has a 'NUM' index, the values must be unsigned 64-bit integers.
     Large numbers can be entered with exponential notation, for example 9e99.
-    Large integers greater than 100,000,000,000,000 (1e14) should be entered with the <link linkend="tonumber64">tonumber64</link> function.
+    Large integers greater than 100,000,000,000,000 (1e14) should be entered with the <ulink url="/doc/reference/other.html">tonumber64</ulink> function.
     Storage is variable-length, so the smallest number requires only one byte but the largest number requires nine bytes.
@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ The syntax details for defining spaces and indexes are in section
     as "null". Nils may be compared to values of any types with == (is-equal) or ~=
     (is-not-equal), but other operations will not work. Nils may not be used in Lua tables;
     the workaround is to use
-    <link linkend="yaml-null"><code>yaml.NULL</code></link>
-    or <link linkend="json-null"><code>json.NULL</code></link>
-    or <link linkend="msgpack-null"><code>msgpack.NULL</code></link>.
+    <ulink url="/doc/reference/yaml.html"><code>yaml.NULL</code></ulink>
+    or <ulink url="/doc/reference/json.html"><code>json.NULL</code></ulink>
+    or <ulink url="/doc/reference/msgpack.html"><code>msgpack.NULL</code></ulink>.
       A tuple is returned in YAML format like <code>- [120, 'a', 'b', 'c']</code>.
diff --git a/doc/user/databases.xml b/doc/user/databases.xml
index c6194262fb18d26978bb7eba7eede810a2ea28ef..70d7bfcdfd9c44d6ef70bd20fddf4ce6fae4303d 100644
--- a/doc/user/databases.xml
+++ b/doc/user/databases.xml
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ tarantool> <userinput>s = box.schema.space.create('space55', {if_not_exists = tr
                          <entry>unique</entry><entry>index is unique</entry><entry>true|false</entry><entry>true</entry>
-                         <entry>parts</entry><entry>field-numbers + types</entry><entry>{field_no, 'NUM'|STR'}</entry><entry>{1, 'NUM'}</entry>
+                         <entry>parts</entry><entry>field-numbers + types</entry><entry>{field_number, 'NUM'|STR'}</entry><entry>{1, 'NUM'}</entry>
                          <entry>if_not_exists</entry><entry>no error if duplicate name</entry><entry>true|false</entry><entry>false</entry>
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ tarantool> <userinput>box.space.space55.index.primary:rename('secondary')</useri
           <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="box.update">
-          box.space.<replaceable>space-name</replaceable>:update({<replaceable>key {, operator, field_no, value}...</replaceable>})
+          box.space.<replaceable>space-name</replaceable>:update({<replaceable>key {, operator, field_number, value}...</replaceable>})
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ tarantool> <userinput>box.space.space55.index.primary:rename('secondary')</useri
    The <code>update</code> function supports operations on fields &mdash;
-    assignment, arithmetic (if the field is unsigned numeric),
+    assignment, arithmetic,
     cutting and pasting fragments of a field,
     deleting or inserting a field.  Multiple
     operations can be combined in a single update request, and in this
@@ -674,18 +674,19 @@ tarantool> <userinput>box.space.space55.index.primary:rename('secondary')</useri
              Parameters: <code>space-name</code>,
               <code>key</code> = primary-key field values, must be passed as a Lua table if key is multi-part,
-                <code>{operator, field_no, value}</code> = a group of arguments
+                <code>{operator, field_number, value}</code> = a group of arguments
                 for each operation, indicating what the operation is, what field
                 the operation will apply to, and what value will be applied.
-                For some operations the field number can be -1, meaning
+                Possible operators are:
+                <quote>+</quote> or <quote>-</quote> for addition or subtraction (values must be numeric),
+                <quote>&amp;</quote> or <quote>|</quote> or <quote>^</quote> for bitwise AND or OR or exclusive-OR
+                (values must be unsigned numeric),
+                <quote>:</quote> for string splice,
+                <quote>!</quote> for insertion,
+                <quote>#</quote> for deletion,
+                <quote>=</quote> for assignment.
+                For <quote>!</quote> and <quote>=</quote> operations the field number can be -1, meaning
                 the last field in the tuple.
-                Possible operators are: <quote>+</quote>
-                for addition, <quote>-</quote> for subtraction,
-                <quote>&amp;</quote> for bitwise AND,
-                <quote>|</quote> for bitwise OR, <quote>^</quote>
-                for bitwise exclusive OR (XOR), <quote>:</quote>
-                for string splice, <quote>!</quote> for insert,
-                <quote>#</quote> for delete.
                 Thus in the instruction <code>s:update(44, {{'+',1,55},{'=',3,'x'}})</code>
                 the primary-key value is 44,
                 the operators are '+' and '='
@@ -698,7 +699,7 @@ tarantool> <userinput>box.space.space55.index.primary:rename('secondary')</useri
                Returns: (type = tuple) the updated tuple.
-               Possible errors: it is illegal to modify a primary-key field.
+               Possible errors: it is illegal to update a primary-key field.
               Complexity Factors: Index size, Index type, number of indexes accessed, WAL settings.
@@ -1390,7 +1391,7 @@ console.delimiter('')!
                 access to all tuples and spaces until it
                 encounters a "context switch": by causing a write to
                 disk, network, or by an explicit call to <emphasis
-                role="lua" xlink:href="#fiber.yield">fiber.yield()</emphasis>.
+                  role="lua" xlink:href="/doc/reference/fiber.html#fiber.yield">fiber.yield()</emphasis>.
                 When the execution flow returns to the yielded
                 procedure, the data set could have changed significantly.
                 Iteration, resumed after a yield point, does not
@@ -2163,7 +2164,7 @@ tarantool> <userinput>tmp</userinput>
-            <emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>tuple-value</replaceable>:update(<replaceable>{{format, field_no, value}...}</replaceable>)</emphasis>
+            <emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>tuple-value</replaceable>:update(<replaceable>{{format, field_number, value}...}</replaceable>)</emphasis>
@@ -2172,16 +2173,16 @@ tarantool> <userinput>tmp</userinput>
               This function updates a tuple which is not in a space.
               Compare the function
-              <code>box.space.<replaceable>space-name</replaceable>:update{<replaceable>key, format, {field_no, value}...</replaceable>)</code>,
+              <code>box.space.<replaceable>space-name</replaceable>:update{<replaceable>key, format, {field_number, value}...</replaceable>)</code>,
               which updates a tuple in a space.
               Parameters: briefly:
               <code>format</code> indicates the type of update operation such as '=' for 'assign new value',
-              <code>field_no</code> indicates the field number to change such as 2 for field number 2,
+              <code>field_number</code> indicates the field number to change such as 2 for field number 2,
               <code>value</code> indicates the string which operates on the field such as 'B' for a new assignable value = 'B'.
-              For details: see the description for <code>format</code>, <code>field_no</code>, and <code>value</code>
-              in the section <olink targetptr="box.update"><code>box.space.<replaceable>space-name</replaceable>:update{<replaceable>key, format, {field_no, value}...</replaceable>)</code></olink>.
+              For details: see the description for <code>format</code>, <code>field_number</code>, and <code>value</code>
+              in the section <olink targetptr="box.update"><code>box.space.<replaceable>space-name</replaceable>:update{<replaceable>key, format, {field_number, value}...</replaceable>)</code></olink>.
               Returns: (type = tuple) the new tuple.
diff --git a/doc/user/lua-and-packages.xml b/doc/user/lua-and-packages.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a5ea7e3200bbdcb0bae5db5bd99d53811cb5c90..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/doc/user/lua-and-packages.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE book [
-<!ENTITY % tnt SYSTEM "../tnt.ent">
-<chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xml:id="lua-and-packages">
-<title>Lua and the Tarantool Lua Packages</title>
-    <para>
-        <link xlink:href="http://www.lua.org">Lua</link>
-        is a light-weight, multi-paradigm, embeddable language.
-        Stored procedures in Lua can be used to implement
-        data manipulation patterns or data structures.
-        It is possible to dynamically define, invoke,
-        alter and drop Lua functions. Lua functions can run
-        in the background and perform administrative tasks.
-    </para>
-<xi:include href="stored-procedures.xml" />
-vim: tw=66 syntax=docbk
-vim: spell spelllang=en_us
diff --git a/doc/user/preface.xml b/doc/user/preface.xml
index 9f56fadea76f5e0cf225fa1cd0e683db05ebfa1d..23e640af369f5f178ac21f19be661b53f2e43842 100644
--- a/doc/user/preface.xml
+++ b/doc/user/preface.xml
@@ -170,25 +170,18 @@
-   Chapter 3 <link linkend="lua-and-packages">"Lua and the Tarantool Lua packages"</link> begins with explanations
-   about Lua and Tarantool's connection with Lua. Those explanations are
-   necessary; however, the detailed instructions about each package can be
-   regarded as reference material, skip over them lightly until their
-   functionality is needed.
- </para>
- <para>
-    Chapter 4 <link linkend="databases">"Databases"</link> is about the Tarantool NoSQL DBMS.
+    Chapter 3 <link linkend="databases">"Databases"</link> is about the Tarantool NoSQL DBMS.
     If the only intent is to use Tarantool as a Lua application server,
     most of the material in this chapter and in the following chapter
-    (Chapter 5 <link linkend="replication">"Replication"</link>) will not be necessary. Once again, the
+    (Chapter 4 <link linkend="replication">"Replication"</link>) will not be necessary. Once again, the
     detailed instructions about each package can be regarded as reference
-    Chapter 6 <link linkend="server-administration">"Server administration"</link> and Chapter 7 <link linkend="configuration-reference">"Configuration reference"</link>
+    Chapter 5 <link linkend="server-administration">"Server administration"</link> and Chapter 8 <link linkend="configuration-reference">"Configuration reference"</link>
     are primarily for administrators; however, every user should know
     something about how the server is configured so the section about
-    <code>box.cfg</code> is not skippable. Chapter 8 <link linkend="connectors">"Connectors"</link> is strictly for
+    <code>box.cfg</code> is not skippable. Chapter 9 <link linkend="connectors">"Connectors"</link> is strictly for
     users who are connecting from a different language such as C or Perl or
     Python -- other users will find no immediate need for this chapter.
diff --git a/doc/user/replication.xml b/doc/user/replication.xml
index 6ff136b0452322b2797825e84d85bff577bab24f..c03ba8eb04ed7e74f50ca94f11a5aac6bc149b5a 100644
--- a/doc/user/replication.xml
+++ b/doc/user/replication.xml
@@ -281,10 +281,10 @@ replica for select requests).
 <userinput>mkdir -p ~/tarantool_test_node_1</userinput>
 <userinput>cd ~/tarantool_test_node_1</userinput>
 <userinput>rm -R ~/tarantool_test_node_1/*</userinput>
-<userinput>box.schema.user.create('replication', {password = 'password'})</userinput>
+<userinput>box.schema.user.create('replicator', {password = 'password'})</userinput>
@@ -302,16 +302,16 @@ Now the screen looks like this: (except that UUID values are always different):
 $ <userinput>mkdir -p ~/tarantool_test_node_1</userinput>
 $ <userinput>cd ~/tarantool_test_node_1</userinput>
 ~/tarantool_test_node_1$ <userinput>rm -R ~/tarantool_test_node_1/*</userinput>
-~/tarantool_test_node_1$ <userinput>~/tarantool-master/src/tarantool</userinput>
-~/tarantool-master/src/tarantool: version 1.6.3-1724-g033ed69
+~/tarantool_test_node_1$ <userinput>~/tarantool/src/tarantool</userinput>
+~/tarantool/src/tarantool: version 1.6.3-1724-g033ed69
 type 'help' for interactive help
 tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.cfg{listen=3301}</userinput>
 ... ...
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.schema.user.create('replication', {password = 'password'})</userinput>
+tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.schema.user.create('replicator', {password = 'password'})</userinput>
 2014-10-13 11:12:56.052 [25018] wal I> creating `./00000000000000000000.xlog.inprogress'
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.schema.user.grant('replication','read,write','universe')</userinput>
+tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.schema.user.grant('replicator','read,write','universe')</userinput>
 tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.space._cluster:select({0},{iterator='GE'})</userinput>
@@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ execute these commands:<programlisting>
 <userinput>mkdir -p ~/tarantool_test_node_2</userinput>
 <userinput>cd ~/tarantool_test_node_2</userinput>
 <userinput>rm -R ~/tarantool_test_node_2/*</userinput>
-<userinput>box.cfg{listen=3302, replication_source='replication:password@localhost:3301'}</userinput>
+<userinput>box.cfg{listen=3302, replication_source='replicator:password@localhost:3301'}</userinput>
 The result is that a replica is set up.
 Messages appear on Terminal #1 confirming that the
@@ -381,10 +381,10 @@ tarantool&gt; 2014-10-13 11:20:08.691 [25020] main/101/spawner I> created a repl
 ~/tarantool_test_node_2$ <userinput>mkdir -p ~/tarantool_test_node_2</userinput>
 ~/tarantool_test_node_2$ <userinput>cd ~/tarantool_test_node_2</userinput>
 ~/tarantool_test_node_2$ <userinput>rm -R ~/tarantool_test_node_2/*</userinput>
-~/tarantool_test_node_2$ <userinput>~/tarantool-master/src/tarantool</userinput>
-/home/username/tarantool-master/src/tarantool: version 1.6.3-1724-g033ed69
+~/tarantool_test_node_2$ <userinput>~/tarantool/src/tarantool</userinput>
+/home/username/tarantool/src/tarantool: version 1.6.3-1724-g033ed69
 type 'help' for interactive help
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.cfg{listen=3302, replication_source='replication:password@localhost:3301'}</userinput>
+tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.cfg{listen=3302, replication_source='replicator:password@localhost:3301'}</userinput>
 ... ...
@@ -435,10 +435,10 @@ tarantool&gt; <userinput>s:insert{1,'Tuple inserted on Terminal #1'}</userinput>
 ~/tarantool_test_node_2$ mkdir -p ~/tarantool_test_node_2
 ~/tarantool_test_node_2$ cd ~/tarantool_test_node_2
 ~/tarantool_test_node_2$ rm -R ~/tarantool_test_node_2/*
-~/tarantool_test_node_2$ ~/tarantool-master/src/tarantool
-/home/username/tarantool-master/src/tarantool: version 1.6.3-1724-g033ed69
+~/tarantool_test_node_2$ ~/tarantool/src/tarantool
+/home/username/tarantool/src/tarantool: version 1.6.3-1724-g033ed69
 type 'help' for interactive help
-tarantool&gt; box.cfg{listen=3302, replication_source='replication:password@localhost:3301'}
+tarantool&gt; box.cfg{listen=3302, replication_source='replicator:password@localhost:3301'}
 ... ...
@@ -446,7 +446,6 @@ tarantool&gt; box.space._cluster:select({0},{iterator='GE'})
 2014-10-13 11:20:08.789 [25579] main/103/replica/localhost:3301 C> connected to
 2014-10-13 11:20:08.789 [25579] main/103/replica/localhost:3301 I> authenticated
 2014-10-13 11:20:08.901 [25579] wal I> creating `./00000000000000000000.xlog.inprogress'
 - - [1, '6190d919-1133-4452-b123-beca0b178b32']
   - [2, '236230b8-af3e-406b-b709-15a60b44c20c']
@@ -633,7 +632,7 @@ even though Terminal #1 is down.
 On Terminal #1 execute these commands:<programlisting>
 Now the screen looks like this (ignoring the repeated messages on terminal #2 saying "failed to connect"):
@@ -661,8 +660,8 @@ total 8
 total 8
 -rw-rw-r-- 1  1781 Oct 13 11:20 00000000000000000000.snap
 -rw-rw-r-- 1   588 Oct 13 11:38 00000000000000000000.xlog
-~/tarantool_test_node_1$ <userinput>~/tarantool-master/src/tarantool</userinput>
-/home/username/tarantool-master/src/tarantool: version 1.6.3-515-g0a06cce
+~/tarantool_test_node_1$ <userinput>~/tarantool/src/tarantool</userinput>
+/home/username/tarantool/src/tarantool: version 1.6.3-515-g0a06cce
 type 'help' for interactive help
 tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.cfg{listen=3301}</userinput>
 ... ...
@@ -712,7 +711,7 @@ to act as a replication source.
 On Terminal #1, say:<programlisting>
 The screen now looks like this:
@@ -722,7 +721,7 @@ The screen now looks like this:
      <row><entry><programlisting>... ...
-~/tarantool_test_node_1$ ~/tarantool-master/src/tarantool
+~/tarantool_test_node_1$ ~/tarantool/src/tarantool
 ~/tarantool: version 1.6.3-1724-g033ed69
 type 'help' for interactive help
 tarantool&gt; box.cfg{listen=3301}
@@ -737,7 +736,7 @@ tarantool&gt; box.space.tester:select({0},{iterator='GE'})
 - - [1, 'Tuple inserted on Terminal #1']
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.cfg{replication_source='replication:password@localhost:3302'}</userinput>
+tarantool&gt; <userinput>box.cfg{replication_source='replicator:password@localhost:3302'}</userinput>
 2014-10-13 12:10:21.485 [28987] main/101/interactive C> starting replication from localhost:3302
diff --git a/doc/user/stored-procedures.xml b/doc/user/stored-procedures.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8206cc55e0ce99f7837e2bdb4951e82141c971a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/doc/user/stored-procedures.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3443 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE section [
-<!ENTITY % tnt SYSTEM "../tnt.ent">
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0"
-      xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-      xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-      xml:id="stored-procedures">
-    <title>Writing and running Lua code</title>
-    <para>
-      Procedures can be defined and invoked interactively, for example:
-      <programlisting><computeroutput>tarantool> <userinput>function f1() return 'hello' end</userinput>
-tarantool> <userinput>f1()</userinput>
-- hello
-      In the above example, the requests are being handled in interactive mode
-      for evaluation as a chunk of Lua code.
-    </para> 
-    <para>
-      Thus, the request "<code>function f1() return 'hello' end</code>"
-      causes definition of the Lua function which will be identified as f1().
-      Then the request "<code>f1()</code>" causes execution of
-      the function. The function returns a string 'hello', which gets displayed.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      It's possible to execute any chunk of Lua code, not just invoke functions ...
-    <programlisting><computeroutput>tarantool> <userinput>1 + 2</userinput>
- - 3
-tarantool> <userinput>'hello' .. ' world' -- '..' means 'concatenate'</userinput>
- - hello world
-    </para>
-    <para>
-    Lua functions could also be called at the time of initialization with a script in a
-    <olink targetptr="configuration-file">lua-initialization file</olink>.
-    An example and discussion of such a script will appear later in section
-    <link linkend="sp-expirationd">expirationd</link>.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      The initialization script can select and modify data.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     Another common task to perform in the initialization script
-     is to start background fibers for data expiration, re-sharding,
-     or communication with networked peers.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      Finally, the script can be used to define Lua <olink
-      targetptr="triggers">triggers</olink> invoked on various events
-      within the system.
-    </para>
-    <note><simpara>
-      TARANTOOL = A SCRIPT PROCESSOR. Instead of processing scripts with bash or Perl, use tarantool server.
-      For example, let the first line of a shell script be #!/usr/bin/tarantool.
-      This will be a 
-      (<link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%29" xlink:title="wikipedia.org/Shebang">"Hashbang" hint</link>)
-      that Tarantool will be the script processor. Since Tarantool includes Lua, the file's instructions can be Lua. 
-    </simpara></note>
-    <para>
-      There is a single global instance of the Lua interpreter, which is
-      shared across all connections. Any request from a client
-      is sent
-      directly to this interpreter. Any changes of the interpreter
-      state, including global variable values, have immediate
-      effect on all client connections.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      However, each connection uses its own Lua
-      <emphasis>coroutine</emphasis> &mdash; a mechanism akin to a
-      Tarantool <emphasis>fiber</emphasis>. A coroutine has its
-      own execution stack and its own set of local variables and
-      definitions, as described in the 
-      <link xlink:href="http://www.lua.org/pil/6.1.html">
-      <emphasis>closure</emphasis> section</link> of the Lua manual. 
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      In addition to conventional method invocation,
-      Lua provides object-oriented syntax. Typically this involves
-      the format <computeroutput><replaceable>object-specifier</replaceable>:<replaceable>function-name ...</replaceable></computeroutput>,
-      where object-specifier is acquired as the result of another function invocation,
-      or is the full <replaceable>library-name.package-name.object-name</replaceable>,
-      or is the full <replaceable>library-name.package-name['object-name']</replaceable>,
-      or is the full <replaceable>library-name.package-name[object-numeric-id]</replaceable>.
-      The following example shows all four forms of object-specifier:
-tarantool> <userinput>s = box.schema.space.create('name_of_space', {id = 33})</userinput>
-tarantool> <userinput>i = s:create_index('name_of_index', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'STR'}})</userinput>
-tarantool> <userinput>s:insert{'a', 'b', 'c'}</userinput>
-- ['a', 'b', 'c']
-tarantool> <userinput>box.space.name_of_space:insert{'c', 'd', 'e'}</userinput>
-- ['c', 'd', 'e']
-tarantool> <userinput>box.space['name_of_space']:insert{'x', 'y', 'z'}</userinput>
-- ['x', 'y', 'z']
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      When a function in Lua terminates with an error, the error
-      is sent to the client as <olink targetptr="ER_PROC_LUA" />
-      return code, along with the original error message.
-      Similarly, an error which has occurred inside Tarantool (observed on the
-      client as an error code), when it happens during execution of a
-      Lua procedure, produces a genuine Lua error:
-<programlisting><computeroutput>tarantool> <userinput>function f()error('!') end</userinput>
-tarantool> <userinput>f()</userinput>
-- error: '[string "function f()error(''!'') end"]:1: !'
-tarantool> <userinput>s:insert{5}</userinput>
-- error: 'Tuple field 1 type does not match one required by operation:
-  expected STR'
-tarantool> <userinput>function insert_without_colon(tuple) s:insert(tuple) end</userinput>
-tarantool> <userinput>pcall(insert_without_colon,{0, 'b', 'c'})</userinput>
-- false
-- 'Tuple field 1 type does not match one required by operation: expected STR'
-tarantool> <userinput>box.space[33]:drop()</userinput>
-    </para>
-<bridgehead renderas="sect4">The "Batteries Included" Lua Software Distribution</bridgehead>
-Tarantool incorporates open-source
-precompiled packages which Tarantool's developers
-have tested for compatibility -- the "built-in" packages.
-Tarantool specializes in packages which aid
-database applications or which Tarantool's own developers
-use to make database-related tools.
-At the same time.
-Tarantool makes it easy to add new Lua packages
-from <link xlink:href=" http://luarocks.org/">LuaRocks</link> -- the "downloadable" packages.
-The included language processor is <link xlink:href="http://luajit.org/">LuaJIT</link>.
-Major "built-in" components are: fibers,
-<link xlink:href="http://msgpack.org">MsgPack</link>,
-digest, JSON, <link xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaml">YAML</link>,
-<link xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication">IPC</link>,
-fio, and box.
-<emphasis>LuaJIT</emphasis> is a processor for the entire Lua language. 
-This differs from the original Lua interpreter from
-<link xlink:href="http://www.puc-rio.br/index.html">Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro</link>
-("RIO-PUC" <link xlink:href="http://www.lua.org/">Lua</link>) 
-because the JIT stands for "Just In Time" compiling, that
-is, it can compile some Lua code into machine executable form
-after a few executions of the code.
-The result is that some
-loops will run as quickly as an equivalent C program.
-Also some precompiled C code can be brought in using
-LuaJIT's FFI (<link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_function_interface">Foreign Function Interface</link>).
-Examples for using FFI exist on the Internet, for example 
-<link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/src/box/lua/tuple.lua">tuple.lua</link> on the tarantool.org site.
-LuaJIT has been compared to competitive implementations
-and found to be reliable and efficient,
-provided one takes advantage of it where <link xlink:href="http://wiki.luajit.org/Numerical-Computing-Performance-Guide">performance</link> counts. 
-    <para>
-        Apart from increased performance, LuaJIT provides such
-        features as <link
-        xlink:href="http://bitop.luajit.org/">bitwise
-        operations</link> and <link xlink:href="#tonumber64">64-bit integer arithmetic.</link>
-    </para>
-<link linkend="sp-box-fiber"><emphasis>Fibers</emphasis></link> are like Lua coroutines, but as <link xlink:href="http://members.chello.nl/~w.couwenberg/fibers.htm">one fiber developer</link>
-put it: "The main difference between a coroutine and a fiber
-is that a running fiber can be suspended anywhere in a call
-chain, regardless of its C and Lua call stack nesting levels."       
-<link linkend="sp-msgpack"><emphasis>MsgPack</emphasis></link> is a relatively new way to serialize data.                    
-The point of MsgPack is that it can
-handle Lua types and C types, with structures and nesting,
-without the overhead of an SGML-style markup language.
-<link linkend="sp-digest"><emphasis>Digest</emphasis></link> is a cryptography package for CRC32, SHA, and MDA.
-Nothing new here -- except that Tarantool has made them into a
-package, so that one doesn't have to get each one of these
-things individually from the <link xlink:href="http://lua-users.org/wiki/CryptographyStuff">many that are available</link>.
-And, since Tarantool is binding with FFI rather than a traditional Lua C
-API, the routines should run faster on LuaJIT.
-<link linkend="sp-box-cjson"><emphasis>JSON</emphasis></link> is a serialization format which has
-become popular in the web world. The package within
-Tarantool is derived from <link xlink:href="http://www.kyne.com.au/~mark/software/lua-cjson-manual.html">CJSON</link>
-which, according to <link xlink:href="http://lua-users.org/wiki/JsonModules">a survey</link>, 
-handles Unicode surrogate pairs and is robust when
-edge cases come up.
-<link linkend="sp-yaml"><emphasis>YAML</emphasis></link> is short for "YAML Ain't a Markup Language". YAML is a            
-way to show data in human-readable form, without losing
-underlying information about typing, arrays, and structures.
-<link linkend="sp-fiber-ipc"><emphasis>IPC</emphasis></link> is Inter-Process Communication.
-This is useful for implementations of task queues and long polling.
-<link linkend="sp-fio"><emphasis>Fio</emphasis></link> is standard file IO,
-adapted to work with Tarantool's fibers in a cooperative environment.
-<link linkend="sp-tap"><emphasis>Tap</emphasis></link> is a tool to test programs for errors.
-<link linkend="sp-box-library"><emphasis>Box</emphasis></link> is the NoSQL DBMS that was developed by Tarantool
-and its community. Box's architecture and routines will be the
-subject of the next chapter.
-<bridgehead renderas="sect4">The Downloadable Packages</bridgehead>
-A directory of Lua Addons packages can be found on the <link xlink:href="http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaAddons">Lua-users</link> wiki. 
-For a "managed package" system equivalent to Perl's CPAN and Ruby's RubyGems and Python's
-Eggs, one gets "rocks" (modules or packages) from <emphasis>LuaRocks</emphasis>.
-Either way, the installation requirement can be as simple as saying
-and the effect is a simple Lua table containing 
-functions and members, superficially like C/Java classes.
-There are <link xlink:href="https://rocks.moonscript.org/modules">several hundred LuaRocks packages</link> that are not built-in       
-but are reasonably easy to obtain by anyone with an Internet
-connection. Just as a sampling: ...
-<link xlink:href="https://rocks.moonscript.org/modules/kikito/ansicolors">ansicolors</link> for color manipulation,
-<link xlink:href="https://rocks.moonscript.org/modules/luarocks/htmlparser">htmlparser</link> for changing HTML text into a tree of elements,
-<link xlink:href="https://rocks.moonscript.org/modules/kikito/i18n">i18n</link> an internationalization library,
-<link xlink:href="https://rocks.moonscript.org/modules/luarocks/lposix">lposix</link> a POSIX library,
-<link xlink:href="https://rocks.moonscript.org/modules/luarocks/lua-spore">lua-Spore</link> a generic ReST client,
-<link xlink:href="https://rocks.moonscript.org/modules/luarocks/tekui">TekUI</link> a GUI toolkit.
-For example, to bring in the i18n package: install luarocks, say <code>luarocks install i18n</code>,
-start Tarantool, and say <code>require('i18n')</code>.
-<section xml:id="rocks"><title>Installing rocks from tarantool.org</title>
-The Lua rocks that Tarantool supplies are available
-on <link xlink:href="http://rocks.tarantool.org">rocks.tarantool.org</link> and can be installed using
-the luarocks utilities. Here is an example.
-Look at rocks.tarantool.org. Notice that one of the
-available rocks is expirationd -- Expiration daemon for Tarantool.
-Create a file named ~/.luarocks/config.lua containing these three lines:<programlisting>
-rocks_servers = {
-        [[http://rocks.tarantool.org/]]
-Install the expirationd rock with either <programlisting>luarocks --local install expirationd</programlisting>
-or, as root user, <programlisting>luarocks install expirationd</programlisting>
-Start the tarantool server and make the request:<programlisting>expirationd=require('expirationd')</programlisting>
-If there is an error, display the Lua variable
-<code>package_path</code> to make sure it is searching along
-a path that includes the new expirationd.lua file.
-If the result is success, which it will be if
-nothing unusual has been done when installing
-Tarantool or Luarocks, then the new rock is
-available henceforward for use in the Tarantool
-application server.
-The rest of this chapter is a reference that has what's needed for programming and
-administration with the built-in packages.
-<section xml:id="sp-digest">
-    <title>Package <code>digest</code></title>
-    <para>
-    A "digest" is a value which is returned by a
-    <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_hash_function">Cryptographic hash function</link>
-    applied against a string.
-    Tarantool supports five types of cryptographic hash functions
-    (<link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Md4">MD4</link>,
-    <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Md5">MD5</link>,
-    <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha-0">SHA-0</link>,
-    <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha-1">SHA-1</link>,
-    <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha-2">SHA-2</link>)
-    as well as a checksum function
-    (<link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check">CRC32</link>)
-    and two functions for <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64">base64</link>.
-    The functions in <code>digest</code> are:
-    <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="0">
-     <thead>
-      <row><entry>name</entry><entry>effect</entry></row>
-     </thead>
-    <tbody>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.crc32(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                  Returns 32-bit checksum made with CRC32. See <link linkend="note-crc32">note</link>.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.crc32_update(<replaceable>number</replaceable>,<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>    Returns update of a checksum calculated with CRC32.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                    Returns 160-bit digest made with SHA-0. Not recommended.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha_hex(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha1(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                   Returns 160-bit digest made with SHA-1.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha1_hex(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>               Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha1.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha224(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                 Returns 224-bit digest made with SHA-2.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha224_hex(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>             Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha224.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha256(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                 Returns 256-bit digest made with SHA-2.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha256_hex(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>             Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha256.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha384(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                 Returns 384-bit digest made with SHA-2.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha384_hex(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>             Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha384.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha512(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                 Returns 512-bit digest made with SHA-2.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.sha512_hex(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>             Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with sha512.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.md4(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                    Returns 128-bit digest made with MD4.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.md4_hex(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with md4.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.md5(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                    Returns 256-bit digest made with MD5.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.md5_hex(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>                Returns hexadecimal of a digest calculated with md5.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.base64_encode(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>          Returns base64 encoding from a regular string.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.base64_decode(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>          Returns a regular string from a base64 encoding.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.urandom(<replaceable>integer</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>               Returns array of random bytes with length = <replaceable>integer</replaceable>.</entry></row>
-    <row><entry><code>digest.guava(<replaceable>integer, integer</replaceable>)</code></entry><entry>        Returns a number made with consistent hash. See <link linkend="note-guava">note</link>.</entry></row>
-    </tbody>
-    </tgroup>                                   
-    </informaltable>
-   <note xml:id="note-crc32"><simpara>
-   <code>digest.crc32(<replaceable>string</replaceable>)</code> uses the
-   <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check#Standards_and_common_use">
-   CRC-32C (Castagnoli)</link> polynomial value: hexadecimal 11EDC6F41 / decimal 4812730177.
-   If it is necessary to be compatible with other checksum functions in other programming languages,
-   ensure that the other functions use the same polynomial value.
-   For example, in Python, install the crcmod package and say:
-   <code>import crcmod ... fun = crcmod.mkCrcFun('4812730177') ... fun('string')</code>.
-   </simpara></note>
-   <note xml:id="note-guava"><simpara>
-   <code>digest.guava(<replaceable>integer, integer</replaceable>)</code> uses the
-   <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consistent_hashing">
-   Consistent Hashing</link> algorithm of the Google guava library.
-   The first parameter should be a hash code; the second parameter should be the number of buckets;
-   the returned value will be an integer between 0 and the number of buckets.
-   For example, <code>digest.guava(10863919174838991, 11)</code> will return 8.
-   </simpara></note>
-   </para>
-<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-    <para>
-    In the following example, the user creates two functions, password_insert() 
-    which inserts a SHA-1 digest of the word "^S^e^c^ret Wordpass" into a tuple set,
-    and password_check() which requires input of a password.<programlisting>
-<prompt>localhost&gt;</prompt> <userinput>digest = require('digest')</userinput>
-<prompt>localhost&gt;</prompt> <userinput>console = require('console'); console.delimiter('!') --this means ignore line feeds until next '!'</userinput>
-<prompt>localhost&gt;</prompt> <userinput>function password_insert()</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt> <userinput>  box.space.tester:insert{12345,digest.sha1('^S^e^c^ret Wordpass')}</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt> <userinput>  return 'OK'</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt> <userinput>  end!</userinput>
-<prompt>localhost&gt;</prompt> <userinput>function password_check(password)</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt>  <userinput> local t</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt>  <userinput> t=box.space.tester:select{12345}</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt>  <userinput> if (digest.sha1(password)==t[2]) then</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt>  <userinput>   print('Password is valid')</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt>  <userinput>   else</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt>  <userinput>     print('Password is not valid')</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt>  <userinput>   end</userinput>
-        <prompt>-&gt;</prompt> <userinput>end!</userinput>
-<prompt>localhost&gt;</prompt> <userinput>password_insert()!</userinput>
-Call OK, 1 rows affected
-<prompt>localhost></prompt> <userinput>console.delimiter('') --  back to normal: commands end with line feed!</userinput>
-  If a later user calls
-  the password_check() function and enters the wrong password, the result is an
-  error.<programlisting><prompt>localhost&gt;</prompt> <userinput>password_check ('Secret Password')</userinput>
-Password is not valid
-<section xml:id="sp-box-uuid">
-    <title>Package <code>uuid</code></title>
-  A "UUID" is a 
-  <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier">Universally unique identifier</link>.
-  If an application requires that a value be unique only within a single computer or
-  on a single database, then a simple counter is better than a UUID, because getting
-  a UUID is time-consuming (it requires a
-  <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syscall">syscall</link>).
-  For clusters of computers, or widely distributed applications, UUIDs are better.
-  The functions that can return a UUID are: <code>uuid()</code>, <code>uuid.bin()</code>, <code>uuid.str()</code>.
-  The functions that can convert between different types of UUID are: <code>:bin()</code>, <code>:str()</code>, <code>uuid.fromstr()</code>, <code>uuid.frombin()</code>.
-  The function that can determine whether a UUID is an all-zero value is: <code>:isnil()</code>.
-<variablelist xml:id="x-uuid" xreflabel="x-uuid">
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">uuid()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Returns: a UUID with type = cdata.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">uuid.bin()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Returns: a UUID with type = 16-byte binary string.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">uuid.str()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Returns: a UUID with type = 36-byte hexadecimal string.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-         <emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>uuid_with_type_cdata</replaceable>:bin([<replaceable>byte-order</replaceable>])</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Parameters: byte-order can be 'l' (little-endian), 'b' (big-endian), 'h' (endianness depends on host) (default), or 'n' (endianness depends on network).
-            </para>         
-            <para>
-                Returns: UUID with type = 16-byte binary string converted from cdata input value.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">  <replaceable>uuid_with_type_cdata</replaceable>:str()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Returns: UUID with type = 36-byte hexadecimal string converted from cdata input value.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">  uuid.fromstr(<replaceable>uuid_with_type_string</replaceable>)</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Returns: UUID with type = cdata converted from 36-byte hexadecimal string input value.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">uuid.frombin(<replaceable>uuid_with_type_binary_string</replaceable>)</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Returns: UUID with type = cdata converted from 16-byte binary string input value.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>uuid_with_type_cdata</replaceable>:isnil()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Returns: true if the value is all zero, otherwise false.
-                The all-zero UUID value can be expressed as <code>uuid.NULL</code>, or as
-                uuid.fromstr('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000').
-                The comparison with an all-zero value can also be expressed as
-                <replaceable>uuid_with_type_cdata</replaceable> == uuid.NULL.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-            <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>uuid = require('uuid')</userinput>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>uuid(), uuid.bin(), uuid.str()</userinput>
-- 16ffedc8-cbae-4f93-a05e-349f3ab70baa
-- !!binary FvG+Vy1MfUC6kIyeM81DYw==
-- 67c999d2-5dce-4e58-be16-ac1bcb93160f
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>uu = uuid()</userinput>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>#uu:bin(), #uu:str(), type(uu), uu:isnil()</userinput>
-- 16
-- 36
-- cdata
-- false
-<section xml:id="sp-box-cjson">
-    <title>Package <code>json</code></title>
-<variablelist xml:id="box.cjson" xreflabel="box.cjson">
-    <para>
-        The <code>json</code> package provides JSON manipulation routines.
-        It is based on the <link xlink:href="http://www.kyne.com.au/~mark/software/lua-cjson.php">
-        Lua-CJSON package by Mark Pulford</link>.
-        For a complete manual on Lua-CJSON please read <link xlink:href="http://www.kyne.com.au/~mark/software/lua-cjson-manual.html">the official documentation</link>.
-    </para>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua">json.encode(<replaceable>scalar-value | Lua-table-value</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Convert a Lua object to a JSON string.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: either a scalar value or a Lua table value.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = string) the original value reformatted as a JSON string.
-            </para>
-            <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>json=require('json')</userinput>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>json.encode(123)</userinput>
-- '123'
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>json.encode({123})</userinput>
-- '[123]'
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>json.encode({123, 234, 345})</userinput>
-- '[123,234,345]'
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>json.encode({abc = 234, cde = 345})</userinput>
-- '{"cde":345,"abc":234}'
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>json.encode({hello = {'world'}})</userinput>
-- '{"hello":["world"]}'
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua">json.decode(<replaceable>string-value</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Convert a JSON string to a Lua object.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>string-value</code> = a string formatted as JSON.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = Lua table) the original contents formatted as a Lua table.
-            </para>
-            <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-<programlisting>tarantool&gt; <userinput>json=require('json')</userinput>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>json.decode('123')</userinput>
-- 123
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>json.decode('[123, "hello"]')[2]</userinput>
-- hello
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>json.decode('{"hello": "world"}').hello</userinput>
-- world
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua" xml:id="json-null" xreflabel="json-null">json.NULL</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Return a value comparable to Lua "nil" which may be useful as a placeholder in a tuple or Lua table.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: none.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: the comparable value.
-            </para>
-            <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>-- When nil is assigned to a Lua-table field, the field is null</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>{nil, 'a', 'b'}</userinput>
-- - null
-  - a
-  - b
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput> -- When json.NULL is assigned to a Lua-table field, the field is json.NULL</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>{json.NULL, 'a', 'b'}</userinput>
-- - null
-  - a
-  - b
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>-- When json.NULL is assigned to a JSON field, the field is null</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>json.encode({field2 = json.NULL, field1 = 'a',  field3 = 'c'})</userinput>
-- '{"field2":null,"field1":"a","field3":"c"}'
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-<section xml:id="sp-yaml">
-    <title>Package <code>yaml</code></title>
-    <para>
-     The <code>yaml</code> package takes strings in YAML format and decodes them,
-     or takes a series of non-YAML values and encodes them.
-    </para>
-<variablelist xml:id="yaml">
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua">yaml.encode(<replaceable>scalar-value | Lua-table-value</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Convert a Lua object to a YAML string.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: either a scalar value or a Lua table value.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = string) the original value reformatted as a YAML string.
-            </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua">yaml.decode(<replaceable>string-value</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Convert a YAML string to a Lua object.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>string-value</code> = a string formatted as YAML.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = Lua table) the original contents formatted as a Lua table.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-        <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua" xml:id="yaml-null" xreflabel="yaml-null">yaml.NULL</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Return a value comparable to Lua "nil" which may be useful as a placeholder in a tuple.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: none.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: the comparable value.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <para>
-    <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>yaml = require('yaml')</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>y =  yaml.encode({'a',1,'b',2})</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>z = yaml.decode(y)</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>z[1],z[2],z[3],z[4]</userinput>
-- a
-- 1
-- b
-- 2
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>if yaml.NULL == nil then print('hi') end</userinput>
-    </para>
-<section xml:id="sp-msgpack">
-    <title>Package <code>msgpack</code></title>
-    <para>
-     The <code>msgpack</code> package takes strings in MsgPack format and decodes them,
-     or takes a series of non-MsgPack values and encodes them.
-    </para>
-<variablelist xml:id="msgpack">
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua">msgpack.encode(<replaceable>scalar-value | Lua-table-value</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Convert a Lua object to a MsgPack string.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: either a scalar value or a Lua table value.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = string) the original value reformatted as a MsgPack string.
-            </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua">msgpack.decode(<replaceable>string-value</replaceable>[, <replaceable>field-number</replaceable>])</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Convert a MsgPack string to a Lua object.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>string-value</code> = a string formatted as MsgPack.
-              <code>field-number</code> = a number of a particular field to decode.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = Lua table) the original contents formatted as a Lua table.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-        <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua" xml:id="msgpack-null" xreflabel="msgpack-null">msgpack.NULL</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Return a value comparable to Lua "nil" which may be useful as a placeholder in a tuple.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: none.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: the comparable value.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <para>
-    <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>msgpack = require('msgpack')</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput> y =  msgpack.encode({'a',1,'b',2})</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput> z = msgpack.decode(y)</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput> z[1],z[2],z[3],z[4]</userinput>
-- a
-- 1
-- b
-- 2
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput> box.space.tester:insert{20,msgpack.NULL,20}</userinput>
-- [20, null, 20]
-    </para>
-<section xml:id="sp-box-fiber">
-    <title>Package <code>fiber</code></title>
-    <para>
-      The <code>fiber</code> package allows for creating, running and managing <emphasis>fibers</emphasis>.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      A fiber is a set of instructions which are executed
-      with cooperative multitasking. Fibers managed by the
-      fiber package are associated with a user-supplied function
-      called the <emphasis>fiber function</emphasis>.
-      A fiber has three possible states: running, suspended or dead.
-      When a fiber is created with <code>fiber.create()</code>, it is running.
-      When a fiber yields control with <code>fiber.sleep()</code>, it is suspended.
-      When a fiber ends (because the fiber function ends), it is dead.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-       All fibers are part of the fiber registry.
-       This registry can be searched (<code>fiber.find()</code>)
--      via fiber id (fid), which is numeric.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     A runaway fiber can be stopped with <code><replaceable>fiber_object</replaceable>:cancel()</code>.
-      However, <code><replaceable>fiber_object</replaceable>:cancel()</code> is advisory &mdash; it works
-      only if the runaway fiber calls <code>fiber.testcancel()</code>
-      once in a while. Most <code>box.*</code> functions, such as <code>box.space...delete()</code>
-      or <code>box.space...update()</code>, do call <code>fiber.testcancel()</code> but
-      <code>box.space...select{}</code> does not.
-      In practice, a runaway fiber can only become unresponsive
-      if it does many computations and does not check
-      whether it's been canceled.
-In addition to the advisory cancellation, configuration parameter
-<code>lua_timeout</code> can be used to cancel runaway Lua
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      The other potential problem comes from
-      fibers which never get scheduled, because they are not subscribed
-      to any events, or because no relevant events occur. Such morphing fibers
-      can be killed with <code>fiber.cancel()</code> at any time,
-      since <code>fiber.cancel()</code>
-      sends an asynchronous wakeup event to the fiber,
-      and <code>fiber.testcancel()</code> is checked whenever such an event occurs.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      Like all Lua objects, dead fibers are
-      garbage collected. The garbage collector frees pool allocator
-      memory owned by the fiber, resets all fiber data, and returns
-      the fiber (now called a fiber carcass) to the fiber pool.
-      The carcass can be reused when another fiber is created.
-    </para>
-<variablelist xml:id="fiber">
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.create">fiber.create(<replaceable>function</replaceable> [, <replaceable>function-arguments</replaceable>])</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Create and start a fiber. The fiber is
-              created and begins to run immediately.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>function</code> = the function to be associated with the fiber,
-              <code>function-arguments</code> = what will be passed to the function.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Returns: (type = userdata) created fiber object.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Example: <code>fiber_object = fiber.create(function_name)</code>
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.id"><replaceable>fiber_object</replaceable>:id() </emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: fiber object, for example the fiber object returned by <code>fiber.create</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = number) id of the fiber.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.name"><replaceable>fiber_object</replaceable>:name() </emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: fiber object, for example the fiber object returned by <code>fiber.create</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = string) name of the fiber.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="ofiber.name"><replaceable>fiber_object</replaceable>:name(<replaceable>new-name</replaceable>) </emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Change the fiber name. By default the Tarantool server's interactive-mode fiber is named
-              'interactive' and new fibers created due to <code>fiber.create</code> are named 'lua'.
-              Giving fibers distinct names makes it easier to distinguish them when using <code>fiber.info</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: fiber object, for example the fiber object returned by <code>fiber.create</code>;
-              new-name = (type = string) the new name of the fiber.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: nil.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.self">fiber.self() </emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = userdata) fiber object for the currently scheduled fiber.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.find">fiber.find(<replaceable>id</replaceable>) </emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Locate a fiber userdata object by id.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = userdata) fiber object for the specified fiber.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.sleep">fiber.sleep(<replaceable>time</replaceable>)</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Yield control to the scheduler and sleep for the specified number of seconds.
-              Only the current fiber can be made to sleep.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>time</code> = number of seconds to sleep.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-         <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.yield" xreflabel="fiber.yield">fiber.yield() </emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Yield control to the scheduler. Equivalent to <code>fiber.sleep(0)</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>none</code>.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.ostatus"><replaceable>fiber_object</replaceable>:status()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Return the status of the specified fiber.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>fiber_object</code> = the fiber to be checked.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = string) the status of <code>fiber</code>.
-              One of: <quote>dead</quote>,
-              <quote>suspended</quote>,
-              or <quote>running</quote>.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.status">fiber.status()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Return the status of the current fiber.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: none.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = string) the status of <code>fiber</code>.
-              One of: <quote>dead</quote>,
-              <quote>suspended</quote>,
-              or <quote>running</quote>.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">fiber.info()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Return information about all fibers.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = table) the name, id, and backtrace of all fibers.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.cancel"><replaceable>fiber_object</replaceable>:cancel()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Cancel a <code>fiber</code>.
-              Running and suspended fibers can be canceled.
-              After a fiber has been canceled, attempts to operate on it will cause errors,
-              for example <code><replaceable>fiber_object</replaceable>:id()</code> will cause
-              "error: the fiber is dead".
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: fiber object, for example the fiber returned by <code>fiber.create</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Possible errors: cancel is not permitted for the specified fiber object.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.kill">fiber.kill(<replaceable>id</replaceable>) </emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Locate a fiber by its numeric id and cancel it. In
-              other words, <code>fiber.kill()</code> combines <emphasis
-              role="lua">fiber.find()</emphasis> and <emphasis
-              role="lua"><replaceable>fiber_object</replaceable>:cancel()</emphasis>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>id</code> = the id of the fiber to be canceled.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Possible errors: the specified fiber does not exist or cancel is not permitted.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua" xml:id="fiber.testcancel">fiber.testcancel()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Check if the current fiber has been canceled and
-              throw an exception if this is the case.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">fiber.time()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Returns: current system time (in seconds since the epoch) as a Lua
-                number.  The time is taken from the event loop
-                clock, which makes this call very cheap,
-                but still useful for constructing artificial
-                tuple keys.
-            <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-<programlisting>tarantool&gt; <userinput>fiber = require('fiber')</userinput>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput> fiber.time(), fiber.time()</userinput>
- - 1385758759.2591
- - 1385758759.2591
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">fiber.time64()</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Returns: current system time (in microseconds since the epoch) as a 64-bit
-              integer. The time is taken from the event loop clock.
-            <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-<programlisting>tarantool&gt; <userinput>fiber = require('fiber')</userinput>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>fiber.time(), fiber.time64()</userinput>
- - 1385758828.9825
- - 1385758828982485
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-Make the function which will be associated with the fiber.
-This function contains an infinite loop
-("while 0 == 0" is always true).
-Each iteration of the loop adds 1 to a global variable
-named gvar, then goes to sleep for 2 seconds.
-The sleep causes an implicit fiber.yield().<programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> fiber = require('fiber')</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> console = require('console'); console.delimiter('!')</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> function function_x()</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>   gvar = 0</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>   while 0 == 0 do</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     gvar = gvar + 1</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     fiber.sleep(2)</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     end</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>   end!</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> console.delimiter('')!</userinput></programlisting>
-Make a fiber, associate function_x with the fiber,
-and start function_x. It will immediately "detach"
-so it will be running independently of the caller.
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> fiber_of_x = fiber.create(function_x)</userinput>
-Get the id of the fiber (fid), to be used in later displays.<programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> fid = fiber_of_x:id()</userinput>
-Pause for a while, while the detached function runs. Then ...
-Display the fiber id, the fiber status, and gvar  (gvar will have
-gone up a bit depending how long the pause lasted). The status is
-suspended because the fiber spends almost all its time sleeping or yielding.<programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> print('#',fid,'. ',fiber_of_x:status(),'. gvar=',gvar)</userinput>
-# 102 .  suspended . gvar= 399
-Pause for a while, while the detached function runs. Then ...
-Cancel the fiber. Then, once again ...
-Display the fiber id, the fiber status, and gvar (gvar will have
-gone up a bit more depending how long the pause lasted). This time
-the status is dead because the cancel worked.<programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> fiber_of_x:cancel()</userinput>
-... fiber `lua' has been cancelled
-... fiber `lua': exiting
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> print('#',fid,'. ',fiber_of_x:status(),'. gvar=',gvar)</userinput>
-# 102 .  dead . gvar= 421
-<section xml:id="sp-fiber-ipc">
-    <title>Package <code>fiber-IPC</code> &mdash; inter-process communication</title>
-    <para>
-      The <code>fiber-IPC</code> package allows sending and receiving messages between
-      different processes. The words "different processes" in this context mean
-      different connections, different sessions, or different fibers.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      Call <code>fiber.channel()</code> to allocate space and get a channel object, which will be
-      called <code>channel</code> for examples in this section.
-      Call the other fiber-IPC routines, via <code>channel</code>, to send messages, receive messages, or check ipc status.
-      Message exchange is synchronous.
-      The channel is garbage collected when no one is using it, as with any
-      other Lua object.
-      Use object-oriented syntax, for example <code>channel:put(message)</code>
-      rather than <code>fiber.channel.put(message)</code>. 
-    </para>
-<variablelist xml:id="fiber.ipc">
-    <para>
-    </para>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua">fiber.channel(<replaceable>capacity-number</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Create a new communication channel.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>capacity-number</code> =
-              a positive integer as great as the maximum number of slots
-              (spaces for get or put or broadcast messages)
-              that might be pending at any given time.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: new channel.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>channel</replaceable>:put(<replaceable>message[, timeout]</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Send a message using a channel. If the channel is full,
-                <code>channel:put()</code>
-                blocks until there is a free slot in the channel.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Parameters: <code>message</code>, <code>timeout</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns: (type = boolean) If <code>timeout</code> is provided,
-                and the channel doesn't become empty for the duration
-                of the timeout,
-                <code>channel:put()</code>
-                returns false. Otherwise it returns true.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>channel</replaceable>:close()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-               Close the channel. All waiters in the channel will be
-               woken up. All following <code>channel:put()</code>
-               or <code>channel:get()</code> operations will return
-               an error (nil).
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>channel</replaceable>:get(<replaceable>[timeout]</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Fetch a message from a channel. If the channel is empty,
-                <code>channel:get()</code>
-                blocks until there is a message.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>timeout</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: the value placed on the channel by an earlier <code>channel:put()</code> or <code>channel:broadcast()</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Possible errors: If <code>timeout</code> is provided,
-                and there are no new messages for the duration
-                of the timeout,
-                <code>channel:get()</code>
-                returns error.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>channel</replaceable>:broadcast(<replaceable>message</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-             If the channel is empty, <code>channel:broadcast()</code> is equivalent to
-             <code>channel:put()</code>.
-              Otherwise, <code>channel:broadcast()</code> sends the message to all readers of the
-              channel.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Parameters: <code>message</code>.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>channel</replaceable>:is_empty()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-               Check whether the specified channel is empty (has no messages).
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Returns: (type = boolean) true if the specified channel is empty.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>channel</replaceable>:count()</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-           Find out how many messages are on the channel. The answer is 0 if the channel is empty.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-           Returns: (type = number) the number of messages.
-        </para>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-     <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>channel</replaceable>:is_full()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Check whether the specified channel is full.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns: (type = boolean) true if the specified channel is full (has no room for a new message).
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>channel</replaceable>:has_readers()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-               Check whether the specified channel is empty and has readers waiting
-               for a message (because they have issued <code>channel:get()</code> and then
-               blocked).
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Returns: (type = boolean) true if blocked users are waiting. Otherwise false.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>channel</replaceable>:has_writers()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Check whether the specified channel is full and has writers waiting
-                (because they have issued <code>channel:put()</code> and then blocked
-                due to lack of room).
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns: (type = boolean) true if blocked users are waiting. Otherwise false.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>channel</replaceable>:is_closed()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <simpara>
-                Returns: (type = boolean) true if the specified channel is already
-                closed.
-                Otherwise false.
-            </simpara>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-           <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting><userinput>
-fiber = require('fiber')            
-channel = fiber.channel(10)
-function consumer_fiber()
-    while true do
-        local task = channel:get()
-        ...
-    end
-function consumer2_fiber()
-    while true do
-        local task = channel:get(10)        -- 10 seconds
-        if task ~= nil then
-            ...
-        else
-            ...                             -- timeout
-        end
-    end
-function producer_fiber()
-    while true do
-        task = box.space...:select{...}
-        ...
-        if channel:is_empty() then
-            # channel is empty
-        end
-        if channel:is_full() then
-            # channel is full
-        end
-        ...
-        if channel:has_readers() then
-            # there are some fibers that are waiting for data
-        end
-        ...
-        if channel:has_writers() then
-            # there are some fibers that are waiting for readers
-        end
-        channel:put(task)
-    end
-function producer2_fiber()
-    while true do
-        task = box.space...select{...}
-        if channel:put(task, 10) then       -- 10 seconds
-            ...
-        else
-            ...                             -- timeout
-        end
-    end
-<section xml:id="sp-box-session">
-    <title>Package <code>box.session</code></title>
-    <para>
-    The <code>box.session</code> package allows querying the session state,
-    writing to a session-specific temporary Lua table, or setting up triggers
-    which will fire when a session starts or ends.
-    A <emphasis>session</emphasis> is an object associated with each client connection.
-    </para>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">box.session.id() </emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = number) the unique identifier
-              (ID) for the current session. The result can be 0 meaning
-              there is no session.
-            </para>
-      </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">box.session.exists(<replaceable>id</replaceable>) </emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = number) 1 if the session exists,
-              0 if the session does not exist.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-        <emphasis role="lua">box.session.peer(<replaceable>id</replaceable>) </emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-               Parameters: <code>id</code> = the unique identifier of the session.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = string) If the specified session exists, the host
-              address and port of the session peer, for example "".
-              If the specified session does not exist, "". The command is executed on the server,
-              so the "local name" is the server's host and administrative port,
-              and the "peer name" is the client's host and port.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-           <emphasis role="lua">box.session.storage</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              A Lua table that can hold arbitrary
-              unordered session-specific names and values, which will last until
-              the session ends.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> box.session.peer(session.id())</userinput>
- -
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> box.session.storage.random_memorandum = "Don't forget the eggs."</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> box.session.storage.radius_of_mars = 3396</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> m = ''</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> for k, v in pairs(box.session.storage) do m = m .. k .. '=' .. v .. ' ' end</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> m</userinput>
-- 'radius_of_mars=3396 random_memorandum=Don''t forget the eggs. '
-    <para>
-    See <olink targetptr="sp-box-session-triggers">the section "Triggers on connect and disconnect"</olink>
-    for instructions about defining triggers for connect and disconnect events
-    with <code>box.session.on_connect()</code> and <code>box.session.on_disconnect()</code>.
-    See <link linkend="authentication">the section "Authentication and access control"</link>
-    for instructions about <code>box.session</code> functions that affect user identification and security.
-    </para>
-<section xml:id="sp-box-socket">
-    <title>Package <code>socket</code> &mdash; TCP and UDP sockets</title>
-<variablelist xml:id="socket">
-    <para>
-      The <code>socket</code> package allows exchanging data via BSD sockets
-      with a local or remote host in connection-oriented (TCP) or datagram-oriented (UDP) mode.
-      Semantics of the calls in the <code>socket</code> API closely follow
-      semantics of the corresponding POSIX calls. Function names
-      and signatures are mostly compatible with
-      <link xlink:href="http://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/">luasocket</link>.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     The functions for setting up and connecting are <code>socket</code>, <code>sysconnect</code>, <code>tcp_connect</code>.
-     The functions for sending data are <code>send</code>, <code>sendto</code>, <code>write</code>, <code>syswrite</code>.
-     The functions for receiving data are <code>recv</code>, <code>recvfrom</code>, <code>read</code>.
-      The functions for waiting before sending/receiving data are <code>wait</code>, <code>readable</code>, <code>writable</code>.
-     The functions for setting flags are <code>nonblock</code>, <code>setsockopt</code>.
-     The functions for stopping and disconnecting are <code>shutdown</code>, <code>close</code>.
-     The functions for error checking are <code>errno</code>, <code>error</code>.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      <table>
-      <title xml:id="socket-functions">Socket functions: Names, Purposes</title>
-      <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
-      <thead>
-      <row><entry>Name</entry><entry>Purpose</entry></row>
-      </thead>
-      <tbody>
-       <row><entry>socket</entry><entry>setup</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-sysconnect">sysconnect</link></entry><entry>setup</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-tcpconnect">tcp_connect</link></entry><entry>setup</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-send">send</link></entry><entry>sending</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-sendto">sendto</link></entry><entry>sending</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-send">write</link></entry><entry>sending</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-syswrite">syswrite</link></entry><entry>sending</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-recv">recv</link></entry><entry>receiving</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-recvfrom">recvfrom</link></entry><entry>receiving</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-read">read</link></entry><entry>receiving</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-nonblock">nonblock</link></entry><entry>flag setting  </entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-setsockopt">setsockopt</link></entry><entry>flag setting  </entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-linger">linger</link></entry><entry>flag setting</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-listen">listen</link></entry><entry>client/server</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-accept">accept</link></entry><entry>client/server</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-shutdown">shutdown</link></entry><entry>teardown</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-close">close</link></entry><entry>teardown</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-error">errno</link></entry><entry>serror checking</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-error">error</link></entry><entry>error checking</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-getaddrinfo">getaddrinfo</link></entry><entry>information</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-getsockopt">getsockopt</link></entry><entry>information</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-peer">peer</link></entry><entry>information</entry></row>
-       <row><entry><link linkend="socket-name">name</link></entry><entry>information</entry></row>  
-       </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-      </table>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      Typically a socket session will begin with the setup functions,
-      will set one or more flags, will have a loop with sending and receiving functions,
-      will end with the teardown functions -- as an example at the end of this section will show.
-      Throughout, there may be error-checking and waiting functions for synchronization.
-      Some functions may "block" if a non-default option flag is set,
-      therefore the fiber that they are in will yield so that other processes may take
-      over, as is the norm for cooperative multitasking.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     For all examples in this section the socket name will be <code>sock</code>
-     and the function invocations will look like <code>sock:<replaceable>function_name</replaceable>(...)</code>.
-    </para>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-socket" xreflabel="socket-socket"><emphasis role="lua">socket(<replaceable>domain</replaceable>, <replaceable>type</replaceable>, <replaceable>protocol</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Create a new TCP or UDP socket.
-                The argument values are the same as in the <link xlink:href="http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/socket.2.html">Linux man page</link>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns: (type = userdata) a new socket, or <code>nil</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Example: <code>socket = require('socket'); sock = socket('AF_INET', 'SOCK_STREAM', 'tcp')</code>
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-sysconnect" xreflabel="socket-sysconnect"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:sysconnect(<replaceable>host, port</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Connect a socket to a remote host.
-                The argument values are the same as in the <link xlink:href="http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/connect.2.html">Linux man page</link>.
-                The host must be an IP address.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Parameters: Either: <code>host</code> -- a string representation of an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address; <code>port</code> -- a number.
-                Or: <code>host</code> -- a string containing "unix/"; <code>port</code> -- a string containing a path to a unix socket.
-                Or: <code>host</code> -- a number, 0 (zero), meaning "all local interfaces"; <code>port</code> -- a number.
-                If a port number is 0 (zero), the socket will be bound to a random local port.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns: (type = userdata) a connected socket, if no error.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Example: <code>sock:sysconnect('', 80)</code>
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-tcpconnect" xreflabel="socket-tcpconnect"><emphasis role="lua">socket.tcp_connect(<replaceable>host, port</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Connect a socket to a remote host.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Parameters: <code>host</code>, <code>port</code>. The host may be a URL rather than an IP address.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns: (type = userdata) a connected socket, if no error.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Example: <code>socket.tcp_connect('tarantool.org', 80)</code>
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-send" xreflabel="socket-send"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:send(<replaceable>data</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-             Send data over a connected socket.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Parameters: <code>data</code> (type = string).
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Returns: (type = boolean) true if success, false if error.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Notes: The function <code>sock:write(...)</code> has the same parameters and same effect.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-syswrite" xreflabel="socket-syswrite"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:syswrite(<replaceable>size</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Write as much as possible data to the socket buffer if non-blocking.
-              Rarely used. For details see  <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/wiki/sockets%201.6">this description</link>.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-recv" xreflabel="socket-recv"><emphasis role="lua">sock:recv(<replaceable>size</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Read <code>size</code> bytes from a connected socket.
-              An internal read-ahead buffer is used to reduce the cost
-              of this call.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>size</code>(type = integer).
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: (type = string) a string of the requested length on success.
-              On error, returns an empty string, followed
-              by <code>status, errno, errstr</code>.
-              In case the writing side has closed its end, returns the remainder
-              read from the socket (possibly an empty string),
-              followed by <code>"eof"</code> status.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-read" xreflabel="socket-read">
-        <emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:read(<replaceable>limit</replaceable> [, <replaceable>timeout</replaceable>])</emphasis>
-        or <emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:read(<replaceable>delimiter</replaceable> [, <replaceable>timeout</replaceable>])</emphasis>
-        or <emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:read({limit=<replaceable>limit</replaceable>} [, <replaceable>timeout</replaceable>])</emphasis>
-        or <emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:read({delimiter=<replaceable>delimiter</replaceable>} [, <replaceable>timeout</replaceable>])</emphasis>
-        or <emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:read({limit=<replaceable>limit</replaceable>, delimiter=<replaceable>delimiter</replaceable>} [, <replaceable>timeout</replaceable>])</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Read from a connected socket until some condition is true, and return the bytes that were read.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>limit</code> (type = integer) &mdash; maximum number of bytes to read for example 50 means "stop after 50 bytes",
-                          <code>delimiter</code> (type = string) &mdash; separator or <link xlink:href="http://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html">Lua pattern</link> for example '[0-9]' means "stop after a digit",
-                          <code>timeout</code> (type = number) &mdash; maximum number of seconds to wait for example 50 means "stop after 50 seconds".
-              Reading goes on until <code>limit</code> bytes have been read,
-              or a delimiter has been read, or a timeout has expired.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns:
-                (type = string) an empty string if there is nothing more to read,
-                or a nil value if error,
-                or a string up to <code>limit</code> bytes long,
-                which may include the bytes that matched the <code>delimiter</code> expression.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-sysread" xreflabel="socket-sysread"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:sysread(<replaceable>size</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Return all available data from the socket buffer if non-blocking.
-              Rarely used. For details see  <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/wiki/sockets%201.6">this description</link>.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term xml:id="socket-bind" xreflabel="socket-bind"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:bind(<replaceable>host</replaceable>[, <replaceable>port</replaceable>])</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Bind a socket to the given host/port.
-                A UDP socket after binding can be used
-                to receive data (see <code><link linkend="socket-recvfrom">recvfrom()</link></code>). A TCP socket
-                can be used to accept new connections, after it has
-                been put in listen mode.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>host</code>, <code>port</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Returns: (type = userdata) a socket object on success, <code>nil, status, errno, errstr</code> on error.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-listen" xreflabel="socket-listen"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:listen(backlog)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Start listening for incoming connections.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                On Linux the listen <code>backlog</code>
-                backlog may be from <filename>/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn</filename>,
-                on BSD the backlog may be <constant>SOMAXCONN</constant>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Returns: (type = boolean) true for success, false for error.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-accept" xreflabel="socket-accept"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:accept()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Accept a new client connection and create a new connected socket.
-                It is good practice to set the socket's blocking mode explicitly after accepting.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Returns: new socket if success, null if error.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-sendto" xreflabel="socket-sendto"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:sendto(<replaceable>host, port, data</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Send a message on a UDP socket to a specified host.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Parameters: <code>host</code>, <code>port</code>, <code>data</code> (type = string), .
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns: if successful: (type = integer) the number of bytes sent.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns: if not successful: status, errno, errstr.
-            </para>            
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-recvfrom" xreflabel="socket-recvfrom"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:recvfrom(<replaceable>limit</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Receive a message on a UDP socket.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Parameters: <code>limit</code> (type = integer).
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns: if successful: (type = string) message, (type = table) a table containing "host" and "family" and "port" fields.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Returns: if not successful: status, errno, errstr.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Example: after <code>message_content, message_sender = recvfrom(1)</code> the value of <code>message_content</code>
-             might be a string containing 'X' and the value of <code>message_sender</code> might be a table containing
-             message_sender.host = '', message_sender.family = 'AF_INET', message_sender.port = 43065.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-shutdown" xreflabel="socket-shutdown"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:shutdown(<replaceable>how</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Shutdown a reading end, a writing end, or both ends of a socket.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Parameters: <code>how</code> = socket.SHUT_RD, socket.SHUT_WR,
-               or socket.SHUT_RDWR.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Returns: true or false.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-close" xreflabel="socket-close"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:close()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Close (destroy) a socket.
-                A closed socket should not be used any more.
-                A socket is closed automatically 
-                when its userdata is garbage collected by Lua.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Returns: (type = boolean) true on success, false on error.
-               For example, if sock is already closed, sock:close() returns false.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-error" xreflabel="socket-error"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:error() and <replaceable>sock</replaceable>:errno()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Retrieve information about the last error that occurred on a socket, if any.
-                Errors do not cause throwing of exceptions so these functions are usually necessary.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Returns:(type = number) result for sock:errno(), (type = string) result for sock:error().
-             If there is no error, then sock:errno() will return 0 and sock:error() will return null.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-setsockopt" xreflabel="socket-setsockopt"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:setsockopt(<replaceable>level, name, value</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-             Set socket flags. The argument values are the same as in the <link xlink:href="http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/setsockopt.2.html">Linux man page</link>.
-             The ones that Tarantool accepts are            
-             Setting SO_LINGER is done with sock:linger(active), see below.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-getsockopt" xreflabel="socket-getsockopt"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:getsockopt(<replaceable>level, name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Get socket flags. For a list of possible flags see description of the previous function,
-              sock:setsockopt().
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-linger" xreflabel="socket-linger"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:linger([<replaceable>active</replaceable>])</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Set or clear the SO_LINGER flag. For a description of the flag, see  <link xlink:href="http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/loginctl.1.html">Linux man page</link>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>active</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: new active and timeout values.
-             </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="socket-nonblock" xreflabel="socket-nonblock"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:nonblock([<replaceable>flag</replaceable>])</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-             <code>sock:nonblock()</code> returns the current flag value.
-             <code>sock:nonblock(true)</code> sets the flag to false and returns false.
-             <code>sock:nonblock(true)</code> sets the flag to true and returns true.
-             This function may be useful before invoking a function which might otherwise block indefinitely.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term xml:id="socket-readable" xreflabel="socket-readable"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:readable([<replaceable>timeout</replaceable>])</emphasis>, <emphasis>sock:writable([<replaceable>timeout</replaceable>])</emphasis>, <emphasis>sock:wait([<replaceable>timeout</replaceable>])</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-               <code>sock:readable()</code> waits until something is readable, or until a timeout value expires.
-               <code>sock:writable()</code> waits until something is writable, or until a timeout value expires.
-               <code>sock:wait()</code> waits until something is either readable or writable, or until a timeout value expires.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term xml:id="socket-name" xreflabel="socket-name"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:name()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-             The <code>sock:name()</code> function is used to get information about the near side of the connection.
-             If a socket was bound to xyz.com:45, then <code>sock:name</code> will return information about [host:xyz.com, port:45].
-             The equivalent POSIX function is <code>getsockname()</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Returns: A table containing these fields: "host", "family", "type", "protocol", "port".
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term xml:id="socket-peer" xreflabel="socket-peer"><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>sock</replaceable>:peer()</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-             The <code>sock:peer()</code> function is used to get information about the far side of a connection.
-              If a TCP connection has been made to a distant host tarantool.org:80, <code>sock:peer</code> will return information about [host:tarantool.org, port:80].
-              The equivalent POSIX function is <code>getpeername()</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Returns: A table containing these fields: "host", "family", "type", "protocol", "port".
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term xml:id="socket-getaddrinfo" xreflabel="socket-getaddrinfo"><emphasis role="lua">socket.getaddrinfo(<replaceable>host</replaceable>, <replaceable>type</replaceable> [, <replaceable>{option-list}</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-             The <code>socket.getaddrinfo()</code> function is useful for finding
-             information about a remote site so that the correct arguments for
-             <code>sock:sysconnect()</code> can be passed.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Returns: An array containing "host:", "family", "type:", "protocol:", and "port:" fields.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Example: <code>socket.getaddrinfo('tarantool.org', 'http')</code> will return variable information
-             such as "- - host:, family: AF_INET, type: SOCK_STREAM, protocol: tcp, port: 80".
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term xml:id="socket-tcp_server" xreflabel="socket-tcp_server"><emphasis role="lua">socket.tcp_server(<replaceable>host</replaceable>, <replaceable>port</replaceable>, <replaceable>handler-function</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-             The <code>socket.tcp_server()</code> function makes Tarantool act as a server
-             that can accept connections.
-             Usually the same objective is accomplished with <code>box.cfg{listen=...)</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Example: <code>socket.tcp_server('localhost', 3302, function () end)</code>.
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
- <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Socket example #1: use of a TCP socket over the Internet</bridgehead>
- <para>
- In this example a connection is made over the internet between the Tarantool server
- and <link xlink:href="http://tarantool.org">tarantool.org</link>,
- then an HTTP "head" message is sent, and a response is received: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK".
- This is not a useful way to communicate with this particular site,
- but shows that the system works.
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>socket = require('socket')</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>sock = socket.tcp_connect('tarantool.org', 80)</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>type(sock)</userinput>
-- table
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>sock:error()</userinput>
-- null
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>sock:send("HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: tarantool.org\r\n\r\n")</userinput>
-- true
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>sock:read(17)</userinput>
-- "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>sock:close()</userinput>
-- true
-<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Socket example #2: Example showing use of a UDP socket on localhost</bridgehead>
- <para>
-Here is an example with datagrams.
-Set up two connections on (localhost): sock_1 and sock_2.
-Using sock_2, send a message to sock_1.
-Using sock_1, receive a message.
-Display the received message.
-Close both connections.
-This is not a useful way for a computer to communicate with itself,
-but shows that the system works.
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>socket = require('socket')</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput> sock_1 = socket('AF_INET', 'SOCK_DGRAM', 'udp')</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput> sock_1:bind('')</userinput>
-- true
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput> sock_2 = socket('AF_INET', 'SOCK_DGRAM', 'udp')</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput> sock_2:sendto('', sock_1:name().port,'X')</userinput>
-- true
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput> message = sock_1:recvfrom()</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput> message</userinput>
-- X
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput> sock_1:close()</userinput>
-- true
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput> sock_2:close()</userinput>
-- true
-<section xml:id="sp-fio">
-<title>package <code>fio -- Cooperative File I/O</code></title>
-  <para>
-    Tarantool supports file input/output with an API that is similar to POSIX syscalls.
-    All operations are performed asynchronously.
-    Multiple fibers can access the same file simultaneously.
-  </para>
-  <variablelist>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.pathjoin(<replaceable>partial-string [, partial-string ...]</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Concatenate partial strings, separated by '/', to form a path name.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = string) one or more strings to be concatenated.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: path name
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.pathjoin('/etc', 'default', 'myfile')</userinput>
-- /etc/default/myfile
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.basename(<replaceable>path-name</replaceable>[, <replaceable>suffix</replaceable>])</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Given a full path name, remove all but the final part (the file name).
-        Also remove the suffix, if it is passed.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = string) path name, (type = string) suffix.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: file name.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.basename('/path/to/my.lua', '.lua')</userinput>
-- my
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.dirname(<replaceable>path-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Given a full path name, remove the final part (the file name).
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = string) path name.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: directory name, that is, path name except for file name.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.dirname('/path/to/my.lua')</userinput>
-- /path/to/
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.umask(<replaceable>mask-bits</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Set the mask bits used when creating files or directories. For a detailed description type "man 2 umask".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = number) mask bits.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = number) previous mask bits.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.umask(tonumber('755', 8)) -- pass 755 octal</userinput>
-- 493
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.lstat or fio.stat(<replaceable>path-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Returns information about a file object.
-        For details type "man 2 lstat" or "man 2 stat".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (string) path-name of file.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = table) fields which describe the file's block size, creation time, size, and other attributes.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.lstat('/etc')</userinput>
-- inode: 1048577
-  rdev: 0
-  size: 12288
-  atime: 1421340698
-  mode: 16877
-  mtime: 1424615337
-  nlink: 160
-  uid: 0
-  blksize: 4096
-  gid: 0
-  ctime: 1424615337
-  dev: 2049
-  blocks: 24
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.mkdir or fio.rmdir(<replaceable>path-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Create or delete a directory. For details type "man 2 mkdir" or "man 2 rmdir".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = string) path of directory.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = boolean) true if success, false if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.mkdir('/etc')</userinput>
-- false
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.glob(<replaceable>path-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Return a list of files that match an input string.
-        The list is constructed with a single flag that controls the behavior of the function: GLOB_NOESCAPE.
-        For details type "man 3 glob".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = string) path-name, which may contain wildcard characters.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = table) list of files whose names match the input string, or nil if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.glob('/etc/x*')</userinput>
-- - /etc/xdg
-  - /etc/xml
-  - /etc/xul-ext
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.tempdir()</emphasis></term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Return the name of a directory that can be used to store temporary files.
-    </para>
-    <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.tempdir()</userinput>
-- /tmp/lG31e7
- ...</programlisting>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.link or fio.symlink or fio.readlink or fio.unlink(<replaceable>path-name</replaceable> [, <replaceable>path-name</replaceable>])</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Functions to create and delete links.
-        For details type "man readlink", "man 2 link", "man 2 symlink", "man 2 unlink"..
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = string) existing file name, (type = string) linked name.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: <code>fio.link</code> and <code>fio.symlink</code> and <code>fio.unlink</code> return true if success, false if failure. <code>fio.readlink</code> returns the link value if success, nil if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.link('/home/username/tmp.txt', '/home/username/tmp.txt2')</userinput>
-- true
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.unlink('/home/pgulutzan/tmp.txt2')</userinput>
-- true
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.rename(<replaceable>path-name</replaceable>, <replaceable>new-path-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Rename a file or directory.
-        For details type "man 2 rename".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = string) original name, (type = string) new name.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = boolean) true if success, false if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.rename('/home/username/tmp.txt', '/home/username/tmp.txt2')</userinput>
-- true
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.chown or fio.chmod(<replaceable>path-name</replaceable>,<replaceable>new rights or new owner</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Manage the rights to file objects, or ownership of file objects. For details type "man 2 chown" or "man 2 chmod".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (for chown) number (uid, gid) and group group name or user name.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = boolean) true if success, false if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.chmod('/home/username/tmp.txt', tonumber('0755', 8))</userinput>
-- true
- <userinput>fio.chown('/home/username/tmp.txt', 'username', 'username')</userinput>
-- true
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.truncate(<replaceable>path-name</replaceable>,<replaceable>new-size</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Reduce file size to a specified value. For details type "man 2 truncate".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = string) path-name, (type = number) new-size.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = boolean) true if success, false if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.truncate('/home/username/tmp.txt', 99999)</userinput>
-- true
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.sync()</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Ensure that changes are written to disk. For details type "man 2 sync".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: none
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = boolean) true if success, false if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fio.sync()</userinput>
-- true
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis role="lua">fio.open(<replaceable>path-name</replaceable>[, <replaceable>flags</replaceable>])</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Open a file in preparation for reading or writing or seeking.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (string) path-name, (number) flags. Flags can be passed as a number or as string constants, for example 'O_RDONLY', 'O_WRONLY', 'O_RDWR'.
-        Flags can be combined by enclosing them in braces.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = table) if success = a file handle (referred to in later examples as "fh"), if failure = nil.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fh = fio.open('/home/username/tmp.txt', {'O_RDWR', 'O_APPEND'})</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fh -- display file handle returned by fio.open</userinput>
-- fh: 11
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>file-handle</replaceable>:close()</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Close a file that was opened with fio.open. For details type "man 2 close".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = table) file handle as returned by <code>fio.open()</code>.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = boolean) true if success, false if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fh:close() -- where fh = file-handle</userinput>
-- true
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>file-handle</replaceable>:pread or <replaceable>file-handle</replaceable>:pwrite(<replaceable>count or new string</replaceable>, <replaceable>offset</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Perform read/write random-access operation on a file, without affecting the current seek position of the file.
-        For details type "man 2 pread" or "man 2 pwrite".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-       Parameters: (type = table) file-handle as returned by <code>fio.open</code>,
-       (type = string) value to write or (type = number) number of bytes to read,
-       (type = number) offset within file where reading or writing begins.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-       Returns: <code>pwrite</code> returns true if success, false if failure. <code>pread</code> returns the data that was read, or nil if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fh:read(25, 25)</userinput>
-- |-
-  elete from t8//
-  insert in
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>file-handle</replaceable>:read or <replaceable>file-handle</replaceable>:write(<replaceable>count or new string</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Perform non-random-access read or write on a file. For details type "man 2 read" or "man 2 write".
-        Important: <code>read</code> and <code>write</code> affect the seek position within the file,
-        and this must be taken into account when working on the same file from multiple fibers.
-        It is possible to limit or prevent or prevent file access from other fibers with <code>fiber.ipc</code>.
-       </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = table) file-handle as returned by <code>fio.open</code>, (type = string) value to write or (type = number) number of bytes to read.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: <code>write</code> returns true if success, false if failure. <code>read</code> returns the data that was read, or nil if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fh:write('new data')</userinput>
-- true
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-    <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>file-handle</replaceable>:truncate(<replaceable>new-size</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Change the size of an open file.
-        Differs from <code>fio.truncate</code>, which changes the size of a closed file.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-       Parameters: (type = table) file-handle as returned by <code>fio.open</code>, (type = number) new file size.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = boolean) true if success, false if failure.
-      </para>
-     <para>
-       Possible errors:
-     </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fh:truncate(0)</userinput>
-- true
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-    <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>file-handle</replaceable>:seek(<replaceable>position</replaceable> [, <replaceable>offset-from</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Shift position in the file to the specified position.
-        For details type "man 2 seek".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-       Parameters: (type = table) file handle as returned by <code>fio.open</code>,
-       (type = number) position to seek to, (type = constant string) 'SEEK_END' = end of file,
-        'SEEK_CUR' = current position, 'SEEK_SET' = start of file.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = number) the new position if success, nil if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fh:seek(20, 'SEEK_SET')</userinput>
-- 20
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>file-handle</replaceable>:stat()</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Return statistics about an open file.
-        This differs from <code>fio.stat</code> which return statistics about a closed file.
-        For details type "man 2 stat".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = table) file handle as returned by <code>fio.open()</code>.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = table) details about the file.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fh:stat()</userinput>
-- inode: 729866
-  rdev: 0
-  size: 100
-  atime: 1409429855
-  mode: 33261
-  mtime: 1409430660
-  nlink: 1
-  uid: 1000
-  blksize: 4096
-  gid: 1000
-  ctime: 1409430660
-  dev: 2049
-  blocks: 8
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>file-handle</replaceable>:fsync or <replaceable>file-handle</replaceable>:fdatasync ()</emphasis></term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>
-        Ensure that file changes are written to disk, for an open file.
-        Compare <code>fio.sync</code>, which is for all files.
-        For details type "man 2 fsync" or "man 2 fdatasync".
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Parameters: (type = table) file-handle, as returned by <code>fio.open()</code>.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Returns: (type = boolean) true if success, false if failure.
-      </para>
-     <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>fh:fsync()</userinput>
-- true
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  </variablelist>
-<section xml:id="sp-console">
- <title>package <code>console</code></title>
-     <para>
-    The console package allows one Tarantool server
-    to access another Tarantool server, and allows
-    one Tarantool server to start listening on an
-    administrative host/port.
-    </para> 
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term xml:id="console-connect" xreflabel="console-connect"><emphasis role="lua">console.connect(<replaceable>URI</replaceable>[, <replaceable>options</replaceable>])</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-             Connect to the server at <link linkend="URI">URI</link>, change the prompt from
-                'tarantool' to 'host:port', and act henceforth as a client
-                until the user ends the session or types control-D.
-            </para>
-    <para>
-    The console.connect function allows one Tarantool server,
-    in interactive mode, to access another Tarantool
-    server over a TCP connection. Subsequent requests
-    will appear to be handled locally, but in reality
-    the requests are being sent to the remote server
-    and the local server is acting as a client.
-    Once connection is successful, the prompt
-    will change and subsequent requests are sent
-    to, and executed on, the remote server.
-    Results are displayed on the local server.
-    To return to local mode, enter control-D.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-    There are no restrictions on the types of requests
-    that can be entered, except those which are due to
-    privilege restrictions -- by default the login to the remote
-    server is done with user name = 'guest'. The remote
-    server could allow for this by granting at least
-    one privilege:
-    <code>box.schema.user.grant('guest','execute','universe')</code>.
-    </para>
-            <para>
-             Parameters: <code>URI</code>, <code>options</code>.
-             The options may be necessary if the Tarantool server at host:port requires
-             authentication. In such a case the connection might look something like:
-             <code>console.connect('netbox:123@'})</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Returns: nothing.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Possible errors: the connection will fail if the target Tarantool server
-             was not initiated with <code>box.cfg{listen=...}</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example showing use of console</bridgehead><programlisting>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>console = require('console')</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt> <userinput>console.connect('')</userinput>
-<prompt>;</prompt> <userinput>-- prompt is telling us that server is remote</userinput></programlisting>
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua">console.listen(<replaceable>host</replaceable>,<replaceable>port</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-                Listen on host:port. The primary way of listening for incoming
-                requests is via the host and port, or <link linkend="URI">URI</link>, specified in
-                <code>box.cfg{listen=...}</code>. The alternative way of
-                listening is via the host and port, or URI, specified in
-                <code>console.listen(...)</code>. This alternative way is
-                called "administrative" or simply "admin port".
-           </para>
-           <para>
-                Parameters: <code>host</code>, <code>port</code>.
-                The listening is usually over a local host with a Unix socket,
-                specified as host = 'unix/', port = 'path/to/something.sock'.
-           </para>
-           <para xml:id="admin_port" xreflabel="admin_port">
-          The "admin" address is the port or <link linkend="URI">URI</link> to listen on for administrative
-          connections. It has no default value, so it must be specified
-          if connections will occur via telnet. It is not used unless
-          assigned a value. The parameters may be expressed with URI = Universal
-          Resource Identifier format, for example "unix://unix_domain_socket",
-          or as a numeric TCP port. Connections are often made with telnet.
-          A typical port value is 3313.
-          </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-   </variablelist>
-<section xml:id="sp-log">
- <title>package <code>log</code></title>
-     <para>
-     The Tarantool server puts all diagnostic messages in a log file
-     specified by the  <link linkend="logger">logger</link>
-     configuration parameter. Diagnostic messages may be either
-     system-generated by the server's internal code, or user-generated
-     with the <code>log.<replaceable>log_level_function_name</replaceable></code> function.
-     </para>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua">log.<replaceable>log_level_function_name</replaceable>(<replaceable>log_message</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-         Output a user-generated message to the <link linkend="logger">log file</link>, given
-         log_level_function_name = <code>error</code> or <code>warn</code> or <code>info</code>
-         or <code>debug</code> or <code>rotate</code>.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-         Returns: nothing.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-         Parameters: (type = string) log_message. The actual output will be a
-         line containing the current timestamp, a module name, 'E' or 'W' or 'I' or 'D' or 'R' depending on
-         log_level_function_name, and log_message. Output will not occur if log_level_function_name is for a type greater than
-         <link linkend="log_level">log_level</link>.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-         <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example showing use of log</bridgehead><programlisting>
-#From the shell:
-#Start the server, do some requests, exit, and display the log, thus:
-box.cfg{log_level=3, logger='tarantool.txt'}
-log = require('log')
-less tarantool.txt
-         The output from the <code>less</code> command will look approximately like this:
-2014-09-21 17:58:40.820 [5257] main/101/interactive C> version 1.6.3-355-ga4f762d
-2014-09-21 17:58:40.821 [5257] main/101/interactive C> log level 3
-2014-09-21 17:58:40.821 [5261] main/101/spawner C> initialized
-2014-09-21 17:58:40.830 [5257] main/101/interactive [C]:-1 E> Error
-         The 'Error' line is visible in tarantool.txt preceded by the letter E.
-         The 'Info' line is not present because the log_level is 3.
-         </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-   </variablelist>
-<section xml:id="sp-tap">
- <title>package <code>tap</code></title>
-     <para>
-       The tap package streamlines the testing of other packages.
-       It allows writing of tests in the <link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Anything_Protocol">TAP protocol</link>.
-       The results from the tests can be parsed by standard TAP-analyzers
-       so they can be passed to utilities such as <link xlink:href="https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/Test-Harness/bin/prove">prove</link>.                                        
-       Thus one can run tests and then use the results for statistics, decision-making, and so on.          
-     </para>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua">tap.test(<replaceable>test-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-          Initialize -- the result of <code>tap.test</code> is an object,
-          which will be called <code>taptest</code> in the rest of this discussion,
-          which is necessary for <code>taptest:plan()</code> and all the other methods.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: (table) taptest.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Parameters: (type = string) test-name = an arbitrary name to give for the test outputs.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-          Example: <code><userinput>tap = require('tap') taptest = tap.test('test-name')</userinput></code>.
-         </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>taptest</replaceable>:plan(<replaceable>count</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-           Indicate how many tests will be performed.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: nothing.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Parameters: (type = number) count.
-         </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>taptest</replaceable>:check()</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-           Checks the number of tests performed.
-           This check should only be done after all planned tests are complete,
-            so ordinarily <code>taptest:check()</code> will only appear at the end of a script.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: nothing. Will display '# bad plan: ...' if the number of completed
-           tests is not equal to the number of tests specified by <code>taptest:plan(...)</code>.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Parameters: none.
-         </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>taptest</replaceable>:diag(<replaceable>message</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-           Display a diagnostic message.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: nothing. The message will be displayed.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Parameters: the message to be displayed.
-         </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>taptest</replaceable>:ok(<replaceable>condition</replaceable>, <replaceable>test-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-           This is a basic function which is used by other functions.
-           Depending on the value of <code>condition</code>, print 'ok' or 'not ok' along with debugging information.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: true or false. Also displays 'true' or 'false'.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Parameters: (boolean expression) <code>condition</code> == an expression which is true or false, (string) test-name.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Example:<programlisting>tarantool&gt; <userinput>taptest:ok(true,'x')</userinput>
-ok - x
-- true
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>tap = require('tap')</userinput>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>taptest = tap.test('test-name')</userinput>
-TAP version 13
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>taptest:ok(1 + 1 == 2, 'X')</userinput>
-ok - X
-- true
- ...</programlisting></para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>taptest</replaceable>:fail(<replaceable>test-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-          <code>taptest:fail('x')</code> is equivalent to <code>taptest:ok(false, 'x')</code>.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: true or false.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Parameters: (string) test-name.
-         </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>taptest</replaceable>:skip(<replaceable>message</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-          <code>taptest:skip('x')</code> is equivalent to <code>taptest:ok(true, 'x' .. '# skip')</code>.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: nothing. Displays the message
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Parameters: (string) message.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Example: <code>taptest:skip('message')</code> will return <code>ok - message # skip</code>.
-         </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>taptest</replaceable>:is(<replaceable>got</replaceable>, <replaceable>expected</replaceable>, <replaceable>test-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-          Check whether the first argument equals the second argument.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: true or false. Displays extensive message if the result is false.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Parameters: (number) <code>got</code> = actual result, (number) <code>expected</code> = expected result, (string) test-name.
-         </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>taptest</replaceable>:isnt(<replaceable>got</replaceable>, <replaceable>expected</replaceable>, <replaceable>test-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-          This is the negation of <code>taptest:is(...)</code>.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: true or false.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-          Parameters: (number) <code>got</code> = actual result, (number) <code>expected</code> = expected result, (string) test-name.
-         </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>taptest</replaceable>:is<replaceable>type-name</replaceable>(<replaceable>value</replaceable>, <replaceable>test-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-          Test whether a value has a particular type. The possible functions in this group are:
-          <code>isnil</code>, <code>isstring</code>, <code>isnumber</code>, <code>istable</code>, <code>isboolean</code>, <code>isudata</code>, <code>iscdata</code>.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: true or false. Displays a long message if the value is not of the specified type.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Parameters: (nil or string or number or table or boolean or udata or cdata) value, (string) test-name.
-         </para>
-       </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-     <term><emphasis role="lua"><replaceable>taptest</replaceable>:is_deeply(<replaceable>got</replaceable>,<replaceable>expected</replaceable>, <replaceable>test-name</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>
-          Recursive version of <code>taptestis(...)</code>, which can be
-          be used to compare tables as well as scalar values.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Returns: true or false.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-           Parameters: (number or table) <code>got</code> = actual result, (number or table) <code>expected</code> = expected result, (string) test-name.
-         </para>
-         <para>
-         <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example Lua script showing use of tap</bridgehead>
-         To run this example: put the script in a file named ./tap.lua, then make tap.lua
-         executable by saying <code>chmod a+x ./tap.lua</code>, then execute using Tarantool
-         as a script processor by saying <code>./tap.lua</code>.
-         <programlisting>
-local tap = require('tap')
-test = tap.test("my test name")
-test:ok(2 * 2 == 4, "2 * 2 is 4")
-test:test("some subtests for test2", function(test)
-    test:plan(2)
-    test:is(2 + 2, 4, "2 + 2 is 4")
-    test:isnt(2 + 3, 4, "2 + 3 is not 4")
-         The output from the above script will look approximately like this:
-TAP version 13
-ok - 2 * 2 is 4
-     # Some subtests for test2
-     1..2
-     ok - 2 + 2 is 4,
-     ok - 2 + 3 is not 4
-     # Some subtests for test2: end
-ok - some subtests for test2
-         </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-   </variablelist>
-<section xml:id="sp-tonumber64">
- <title>Lua functions <code>tonumber64</code> and <code>dostring</code></title>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term xml:id="tonumber64" xreflabel="tonumber64"> <emphasis role="lua">tonumber64(<replaceable>value</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Convert a string or a Lua number to a
-              64-bit integer. The result can be used in arithmetic,
-              and the arithmetic will be 64-bit integer arithmetic
-              rather than floating-point arithmetic. (Operations on
-              an unconverted Lua number use floating-point arithmetic.)
-              The tonumber64() function is added by Tarantool; the name is global.
-              <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-tarantool> <userinput>type(123456789012345), type(tonumber64(123456789012345))</userinput>
-- number
-- number
-tarantool> <userinput>i = tonumber64('1000000000')</userinput>
-tarantool> <userinput>type(i), i / 2, i - 2, i * 2, i + 2, i % 2, i ^ 2</userinput>
- - number
- - 500000000
- - 999999998
- - 2000000000
- - 1000000002
- - 0
- - 1000000000000000000
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term>
-            <emphasis role="lua">dostring(<replaceable>lua-chunk-string [, lua-chunk-string-argument ...]</replaceable>)</emphasis>
-        </term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Parse and execute an arbitrary chunk of Lua code.
-              This function is mainly useful to define and run
-              Lua code without having to
-              introduce changes to the global Lua environment.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>lua-chunk-string</code> = string containing Lua code,
-              <code>lua-chunk-string-argument(s)</code> = zero or more scalar values
-               which will be appended to, or substitute for, items in the Lua chunk.
-             </para>
-             <para>
-               Returns: whatever is returned by the Lua code chunk.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Possible errors: If there is a compilation error,
-               it is raised as a Lua error.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-            <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>dostring('abc')</userinput>
-error: '[string "abc"]:1: ''='' expected near ''&lt;eof&gt;'''
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>dostring('return 1')</userinput>
-- 1
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>dostring('return ...', 'hello', 'world')</userinput>
-- hello
-- world
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>console = require('console'); console.delimiter('!') --<link linkend="utility-tarantool-delim">this</link> means ignore line feeds until next '!'</userinput>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>-- Use <link xlink:href="http://www.lua.org/pil/2.4.html">double square brackets</link> to enclose multi-line literal here!</userinput>
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>dostring([[local f = function(key)</userinput>
-        -&gt; <userinput>              t = box.space.tester:select{key};</userinput>
-        -&gt; <userinput>              if t ~= nil then return t[1] else return nil end</userinput>
-        -&gt; <userinput>              end</userinput>
-        -&gt; <userinput>              return f(...)]], 1)!</userinput>
-- null
-tarantool&gt; <userinput>console.delimiter('')!</userinput>
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-<section xml:id="sp-pickle">
-    <title>Package <code>pickle</code></title>
-<variablelist xml:id="x-pickle" xreflabel="x-pickle">
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua">pickle.pack(<replaceable>format, argument [, argument ...]</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem><para>
-            To use Tarantool binary protocol primitives from Lua,
-            it's necessary to convert Lua variables to binary
-            format. The pickle.pack() helper function is prototyped after Perl
-            <link xlink:href="http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/pack.html">
-             'pack'</link>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-               Parameters: <code>format</code> = string containing format specifiers, <code>argument(s)</code> = scalar values to be formatted.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-            <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Format specifiers</bridgehead>
-            <simplelist>
-                <member><code>b</code> or <code>B</code> &mdash; converts Lua
-                variable to a 1-byte
-                integer, and stores the integer in the resulting
-                string,
-                </member>
-                <member><code>s</code> or <code>S</code> &mdash; converts Lua
-                variable to a 2-byte
-                integer, and stores the integer in the resulting
-                string, low byte first,
-                </member>
-                <member><code>i</code> or <code>I</code> &mdash; converts Lua
-                variable to a 4-byte
-                integer, and stores the integer in the resulting
-                string, low byte first,
-                </member>
-                <member><code>l</code> or <code>L</code> &mdash; converts Lua
-                variable to an 8-byte
-                integer, and stores the integer in the resulting
-                string, low byte first,
-                </member>
-                <member><code>n</code> or <code>N</code> &mdash; converts Lua
-                variable to a 4-byte
-                integer, and stores the integer in the resulting
-                string, big endian,
-                </member>
-                <member><code>q</code> or <code>Q</code> &mdash; converts Lua
-                variable to an 8-byte
-                integer, and stores the integer in the resulting
-                string, big endian,
-                </member>
-                <member><code>f</code> &mdash; converts Lua
-                variable to a 4-byte
-                float, and stores the float in the resulting
-                string,
-                </member>
-                <member><code>d</code> &mdash; converts Lua
-                variable to a 8-byte
-                double, and stores the double in the resulting
-                string,
-                </member>
-                <member><code>d</code> &mdash; converts Lua
-                variable to a sequence of bytes,
-                and stores the sequence in the resulting
-                string,
-                </member>
-            </simplelist>
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Returns: a binary string containing all arguments, packed
-              according to the format specifiers.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Possible Errors: Unknown format specifier.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-        <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-tarantool> <userinput>pickle = require('pickle')</userinput>
-tarantool> <userinput>box.space.tester:insert{0, 'hello world'}</userinput>
-- [0, 'hello world']
-tarantool> <userinput>box.space.tester:update({0}, {{'=', 2, 'bye world'}})</userinput>
-- [0, 'bye world']
-tarantool> <userinput>box.space.tester:update({0}, {{'=', 2, pickle.pack('iiA', 0, 3, 'hello')}})</userinput>
-- [0, "\0\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0hello"]
-tarantool> <userinput>box.space.tester:update({0}, {{'=', 2, 4}})</userinput>
-- [0, 4]
-tarantool> <userinput>box.space.tester:update({0}, {{'+', 2, 4}})</userinput>
-- [0, 8]
-tarantool> <userinput>box.space.tester:update({0}, {{'^', 2, 4}})</userinput>
-- [0, 12]
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-        <term><emphasis role="lua">pickle.unpack(<replaceable>format, binary-string</replaceable>)</emphasis></term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Counterpart to <code>pickle.pack()</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-              Parameters: <code>format</code>, <code>binary-string</code>.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-             Returns: (type = scalar) A list of strings or numbers.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-            <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
-<prompt>tarantool</prompt> <userinput>pickle = require('pickle')</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>console = require('console'); console.delimiter('!') -- this means following commands must end with '!'</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>tuple = box.space.tester:replace{0}!</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>string.len(tuple[1])!</userinput>
-- 1
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>pickle.unpack('b', tuple[1])!</userinput>
-- 48
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>pickle.unpack('bsi', pickle.pack('bsi', 255, 65535, 4294967295))!</userinput>
-- 255
-- 65535
-- 4294967295
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>pickle.unpack('ls', pickle.pack('ls', tonumber64('18446744073709551615'), 65535))!</userinput>
-- 18446744073709551615
-- 65535
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>num, str, num64 = pickle.unpack('sAl', pickle.pack('sAl', 666, 'string',</userinput>
-<prompt>        -></prompt> <userinput>                  tonumber64('666666666666666')))!</userinput>
-<prompt>tarantool></prompt> <userinput>console.delimiter('') -- back to normal: commands end with line feed!</userinput>
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-<section xml:id="sp-expirationd">
- <title>expirationd -- the daemon that shifts expired tuples to a long-term archive</title>
-For a commercial-grade example of a Lua rock that works with Tarantool,
-let us look at expirationd, which Tarantool supplies on
-<link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/expirationd/blob/master/expirationd.lua">GitHub</link>
-with an Artistic license. The expirationd.lua program is
-lengthy (about 500 lines), so here we will only highlight
-the matters that will be enhanced by studying the full source later.
-            task.worker_fiber = fiber.create(worker_loop, task)
-            log.info("expiration: task %q restarted", task.name)
-            ...
-            fiber.sleep(expirationd.constants.check_interval)
-            ...
-Whenever one hears "daemon" in Tarantool, one should suspect it's
-being done with <olink targetptr="sp-box-fiber">fibers</olink>. The program is making a fiber
-and turning control over to it so it runs occasionally, goes to
-sleep, then comes back for more.
-    for _, tuple in scan_space.index[0]:pairs(nil, {iterator = box.index.ALL}) do
-    ...
-            if task.is_tuple_expired(task.args, tuple) then
-            task.expired_tuples_count = task.expired_tuples_count + 1
-            task.process_expired_tuple(task.space_id, task.args, tuple)
-    ...
-The "for" instruction can be translated as "iterate through the index of
-the space that is being scanned", and within it, if the tuple is "expired"
-(that is, if the tuple has a timestamp field which is less than the current
-time), process the tuple as an expired tuple.
--- put expired tuple in archive
-local function put_tuple_to_archive(space_id, args, tuple)
-    -- delete expired tuple
-    box.space[space_id]:delete{tuple[1]}
-    local email = get_field(tuple, 2)
-    if args.archive_space_id ~= nil and email ~= nil then
-        box.space[args.archive_space_id]:replace{email, os.time()}
-    end
-Ultimately the tuple-expiry process leads to put_tuple_to_archive()
-which does a "delete" of a tuple from its original space, and an
-"insert" of the same tuple into another space. Tarantool's "replace"
-function is the same as an "insert" function without an error message
-if a tuple with the same content already exists in the target space.
-function expirationd.do_test(space_id, archive_space_id)
-At this point, if the above explanation is worthwhile, it's clear that
-expirationd.lua starts a background routine (fiber) which iterates
-through all the tuples in a space, sleeps cooperatively so that other
-fibers can operate at the same time, and -- whenever it finds a tuple
-that has expired -- deletes it from this space and puts it in another
-space. Now the "do_test()" function can be used to create some sample
-spaces, let the daemon run for a while, and print results.
-For those who like to see things run, here are the exact steps to
-get expirationd through the test.
-1. Get expirationd.lua.
-   There are standard ways -- it is after all part of <link linkend="rocks">a standard rock</link> --
-   but for this purpose just copy the contents of
-   <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/expirationd/blob/master/expirationd.lua">https://github.com/tarantool/expirationd/blob/master/expirationd.lua</link>
-   to a default directory.
-2. Start the Tarantool server as described <olink targetptr="getting-started-start-stop">before</olink>.
-3. Execute these requests:
-     box.cfg{}
-     a = box.schema.space.create('origin')
-     a:create_index('first', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'NUM'}})
-     b = box.schema.space.create('archive')
-     b:create_index('first', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'STR'}})
-     expd = require('expirationd')
-     expd._debug = true
-     expd.do_test('origin', 'archive')
-     os.exit()
-The database-specific requests (cfg, space.create, create_index)
-should already be familiar. The key for getting the rock rolling is
-<code>expd = require('expirationd')</code>.
-The "require" function is what reads in the program; it will appear
-in many later examples in this manual, when it's necessary to get a
-package that's not part of the Tarantool kernel. After the Lua
-variable expd has been assigned the value of the expirationd package,
-it's possible to invoke the package's <code>do_test()</code> function.
-After a while, when the task has had time to do its iterations through
-the spaces, do_test() will print out a report showing the tuples that
-were originally in the original space, the tuples that have now been
-moved to the archive space, and some statistics. Of course, expirationd
-can be customized to do different things by passing different parameters,
-which will be evident after looking in more detail at the source code.  
-vim: tw=66 syntax=docbk
-vim: spell spelllang=en_us
diff --git a/doc/user/triggers.xml b/doc/user/triggers.xml
index 64a3c0867a57bb2d60abf6381e58d2abb1c4a70e..3bdfe3a1fce232351874f55398ab379b84a1851e 100644
--- a/doc/user/triggers.xml
+++ b/doc/user/triggers.xml
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
         Define a trigger for execution when a new session is created due to
-        an event such as <link linkend="console-connect"><code>console.connect()</code></link>.
+        an event such as <ulink url="/doc/reference/console.html#console.connect"><code>console.connect()</code></ulink>.
         The trigger function will be the first
         thing executed after a new session is created.
         If the trigger fails by raising an error, the error
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
             <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Example</bridgehead>
               After the following series of requests, the server
-              will write a message using the <link linkend="sp-log">log package</link>
+              will write a message using the <ulink url="/doc/reference/log.html">log package</ulink>
               whenever any user connects or disconnects.
 console = require('console'); console.delimiter('!') --this means ignore line feeds until next '!'
diff --git a/doc/user/tutorial.xml b/doc/user/tutorial.xml
index 4a286386beb0cff6e4930203515d9911a3a2b802..a4bc5e15ca797eecbffe043b677dcc7592e98084 100644
--- a/doc/user/tutorial.xml
+++ b/doc/user/tutorial.xml
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ console.connect('localhost:3301')
-The requests are saying "use the <link linkend="sp-console">console package</link> to connect to the
+The requests are saying "use the <ulink url="/doc/reference/console.html">console package</ulink> to connect to the
 Tarantool server that's listening on localhost:3301, send a request
 to that server, and display the result." The result in this case is one of
 the tuples that was inserted earlier.
diff --git a/doc/user/user.xml b/doc/user/user.xml
index 1b8d148ae9bba99c3bcf7dbd2ddee036ae8b7b84..fcc312910291cd1d517479676d47ff7253f1ef0f 100644
--- a/doc/user/user.xml
+++ b/doc/user/user.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 <title>Tarantool User Guide, version &tnt_version;</title>
 <xi:include href="preface.xml"/>
 <xi:include href="tutorial.xml"/>
-<xi:include href="lua-and-packages.xml"/>
 <xi:include href="databases.xml"/>
 <xi:include href="triggers.xml"/>
 <xi:include href="replication.xml"/>
diff --git a/src/box/lua/load_cfg.lua b/src/box/lua/load_cfg.lua
index d9a622e7b3634347eb49fd53e779b25abed59abe..be134f513847b37597850c49776af67349e09f96 100644
--- a/src/box/lua/load_cfg.lua
+++ b/src/box/lua/load_cfg.lua
@@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ local function prepare_cfg(cfg, default_cfg, template_cfg, modify_cfg, prefix)
     if cfg.dont_check then
-    readable_prefix = ''
+    local readable_prefix = ''
     if prefix ~= nil and prefix ~= '' then
         readable_prefix = prefix .. '.'
     local new_cfg = {}
     for k,v in pairs(cfg) do
-        readable_name = readable_prefix .. k;
+        local readable_name = readable_prefix .. k;
         if template_cfg[k] == nil then
             error("Error: cfg parameter '" .. readable_name .. "' is unexpected")
         elseif v == "" or v == nil then
diff --git a/src/lib/bit/int96.h b/src/lib/bit/int96.h
index 8434d29c28d26fcdbaea4aa87041aa9b0e423a86..39b754ae79f168bc78a7b4add123814a362afe0a 100644
--- a/src/lib/bit/int96.h
+++ b/src/lib/bit/int96.h
@@ -32,9 +32,6 @@
 #include <inttypes.h>
 #include <assert.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
  * 96-bit signed integer.
  * 1)Negative integer is stored as 96-bit two's complement
@@ -42,13 +39,13 @@ extern "C" {
  * Actually (1) == (2), as the wave-particle duality.
  * Designed for storing integers in range [INT64_MIN, UINT64_MAX],
  * and detecting overflow (out of range [INT64_MIN, UINT64_MAX])
- * after operations (addition, substruction) on them.
+ * after operations (addition, subtraction) on them.
  * The base fact is when two uint64_t or int64_t values
- * are converted to int96, and then added or substructed, the
+ * are converted to int96, and then added or subtracted, the
  * int96 arithmetics cannot overflow. Actually you need at least
  * billions of adding UINT64_MAX or INT64_MIN to make it overflow.
  * Addition is implemented directly;
- * For substraction use addition of inverted number.
+ * For subtraction use addition of inverted number.
@@ -154,7 +151,7 @@ int96_is_neg_int64(const struct int96_num *num)
  * Get number as negative int64_t,
- * the nymber is expected to be valid range (assert)
+ * the number is expected to be valid range (assert)
 static inline int64_t
 int96_extract_neg_int64(const struct int96_num *num)
@@ -163,8 +160,4 @@ int96_extract_neg_int64(const struct int96_num *num)
 	return (int64_t)int96_get_low64bit(num);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" { */
 #endif /* #ifndef TARANTOOL_LIB_BIT_INT96_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/src/lua/bsdsocket.lua b/src/lua/bsdsocket.lua
index 157861935ae741c2fd068ebde4934dd6ea4aa84d..7dbc4a65f783aa07231c925672cee5e2a02bc41d 100644
--- a/src/lua/bsdsocket.lua
+++ b/src/lua/bsdsocket.lua
@@ -1001,6 +1001,7 @@ end
 local function tcp_server_handler(server, sc, from)
     fiber.name(sprintf("%s/%s:%s", server.name, from.host, from.port))
     server.handler(sc, from)
+    sc:shutdown()
diff --git a/src/lua/console.lua b/src/lua/console.lua
index 24165563190a7aaeaae7edb0ac0bb5775e5f7d1f..83b981ddbcf000b6bc02b68ae924d59366242388 100644
--- a/src/lua/console.lua
+++ b/src/lua/console.lua
@@ -163,9 +163,7 @@ local function client_print(self, output)
     elseif not output then
         -- disconnect peer
-        self.client:shutdown()
-        self.client:close()
-        self.client = nil
+        self.client = nil -- socket will be closed by tcp_server() function
         self.running = nil