diff --git a/doc/developer/developer.xml b/doc/developer/developer.xml
index 3d8797afd6bde03dac4429a7041b2eaa09d8b04b..79cdc6bc42a77d51c8d8030bcda6afe1c85bb095 100644
--- a/doc/developer/developer.xml
+++ b/doc/developer/developer.xml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     <listitem><para>a user guide</para></listitem>
     <listitem><para>a developer guide (you're reading it)</para></listitem>
-    <listitem><para>protocol description box-protocol.txt</para></listitem>
+    <listitem><para>protocol description doc/www/content/docs/box-protocol.rst</para></listitem>
     <listitem><para>coding style guides for Lua, Objective C, C, Python (for
     other connectors, we use conventions of the connector programming
     language community)</para></listitem>
diff --git a/doc/user/connectors.xml b/doc/user/connectors.xml
index 6c8b16a218ed2d1da22683ce79a75791e8e7c753..28ea2f8ab521e31de4fd76259dc531ec15a70a91 100644
--- a/doc/user/connectors.xml
+++ b/doc/user/connectors.xml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
     A complete description of the binary protocol
     is maintained in annotated Backus-Naur
     form in the source tree: please see
-    <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/doc/box-protocol.txt"><filename>doc/box-protocol.txt</filename></link>.
+    <link xlink:href="http://tarantool.org/docs/box-protocol.html"><filename>docs/box-protocol.html</filename></link>.
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 The Tarantool API exists so that a client program can send a request packet
 to the server, and receive a response. Here is an example of a what the client
  would send for <command>box.space[513]:insert{'A', 'BB'}</command>. The BNF description of the components
-is in file <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/doc/box-protocol.txt" xlink:title="A complete BNF of Tarantool client/server protocol">doc/box-protocol.txt</link>.
+is in file <link xlink:href="http://tarantool.org/docs/box-protocol.html" xlink:title="A complete BNF of Tarantool client/server protocol">docs/box-protocol.html</link>.
  A third-party contribution written in Lua for unpacking Tarantool messages is in file 
  <link xlink:href="https://github.com/negram/Tnt-dissector/blob/master/tarantool.dis.lua" xlink:title="tarantool.dis.lua">Tnt-dissector</link>.
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ is in file <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/
 Now, one could send that packet to the tarantool server,
-and interpret the response (box-protocol.txt has a description
+and interpret the response (docs/box-protocol.html has a description
 of the packet format for responses as well as requests).
 But it would be easier, and less error-prone, if one could
 invoke a routine that formats the packet according to typed
diff --git a/doc/user/data-model.xml b/doc/user/data-model.xml
index 782a73b683d690096df6228c4f355e4d7649c253..7840cd775a097c504aac08d55b6088684c3cdc27 100644
--- a/doc/user/data-model.xml
+++ b/doc/user/data-model.xml
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ server on the same processor without ill effects.
   programming language connector</olink>.  The client/server
   protocol is open and documented: an annotated BNF can be found
   in the source tree, file <filename
-  xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/doc/box-protocol.txt" xlink:title="A complete BNF of Tarantool client/server protocol">doc/box-protocol.txt</filename>.
+  xlink:href="http://tarantool.org/docs/box-protocol.html" xlink:title="A complete BNF of Tarantool client/server protocol">doc/box-protocol.html</filename>.
diff --git a/doc/user/language-reference.xml b/doc/user/language-reference.xml
index c7832dca4806af3ad10299df556acd4fbe81bbfe..3e5c15a73e80fe847994edd4ab408288eab2bd07 100644
--- a/doc/user/language-reference.xml
+++ b/doc/user/language-reference.xml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
       Primary port. This port is for handling requests in the
-      <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/doc/box-protocol.txt" xlink:title="A complete BNF of Tarantool client/server protocol">native Tarantool protocol</link>
+      <link xlink:href="http://tarantool.org/docs/box-protocol.html" xlink:title="A complete BNF of Tarantool client/server protocol">native Tarantool protocol</link>
       (also called the "binary protocol"), and provides full data access.
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
     A complete description of the binary protocol
     is maintained in annotated Backus-Naur
     form in the source tree: please see
-    <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/doc/box-protocol.txt"><filename>doc/box-protocol.txt</filename></link>.
+    <link xlink:href="http://tarantool.org/docs/box-protocol.html"><filename>doc/box-protocol.html</filename></link>.
diff --git a/doc/user/persistence-architecture.xml b/doc/user/persistence-architecture.xml
index fd99eb37925229c56945302c53922cb04a3a0377..3c0993fbab7b44f82bb9ab092960eeb02d07761e 100644
--- a/doc/user/persistence-architecture.xml
+++ b/doc/user/persistence-architecture.xml
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ number of the first record in the file, plus an extension <filename>.xlog</filen
 <para>Apart from a log sequence number and the data change request
 (its format is the same as in the binary protocol and is described
 in <link
 each WAL record contains a header, some metadata, and then the data formatted
- according to <link xlink:href="http://wiki.msgpack.org/display/MSGPACK/Format+specification">msgpack rules</link>.
+according to <link xlink:href="https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md">msgpack rules</link>.
 For example this is what the WAL file looks like after the first INSERT
 request ("s:insert({1})") for the introductory sandbox exercise
diff --git a/doc/user/server-administration.xml b/doc/user/server-administration.xml
index 01860432209e4cc8342da9eef8343d714b132686..74a42b4de9ac6137b80b7e162da123d2d828dc70 100644
--- a/doc/user/server-administration.xml
+++ b/doc/user/server-administration.xml
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ console.delimiter('')!</programlisting>
 For a condensed Backus-Naur Form [BNF] description of the suggested form of client requests, see
-    <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/doc/box-protocol.txt"><filename>doc/box-protocol.txt</filename></link>
+    <link xlink:href="http://tarantool.org/docs/box-protocol.html"><filename>docs/box-protocol.html</filename></link>
     <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/doc/sql.txt"><filename>doc/sql.txt</filename></link>.
diff --git a/doc/user/tutorial.xml b/doc/user/tutorial.xml
index 044508445d2bcffb7c8a47d49a12670f6cdd9668..56d54aa145d67597f8482c71461f79492a9c2f84 100644
--- a/doc/user/tutorial.xml
+++ b/doc/user/tutorial.xml
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ inserted and selected tuples.
     There is a new format
     (<link xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MessagePack">msgpack</link>).
     Snapshot and WAL files have
-     <link xlink:href="https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/doc/box-protocol.txt">an implementation of the msgpack format</link>;
+    <link xlink:href="http://tarantool.org/docs/box-protocol.html">an implementation of the msgpack format</link>;
     incompatible with the old format.
     Snapshot and WAL files have the same format (snapshots are  logs of inserts).
diff --git a/doc/www/content/docs/box-protocol.rst b/doc/www/content/docs/box-protocol.rst
index a3ceeff19cbbfbc14e65d4493dab7426c66bba01..31717f033c4f6df716c054f32d64be63e2cad1a6 100644
--- a/doc/www/content/docs/box-protocol.rst
+++ b/doc/www/content/docs/box-protocol.rst
@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@
-The latest version of this document can be found in Tarantool source tree,
-`doc/box-protocol.txt <https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/doc/box-protocol.txt>`_
 IPROTO is a binary request/response protocol. The server begins the dialogue by
 sending a fixed-size (128 bytes) text greeting to the client. The first 64 bytes
 of the greeting contain server version. The second 64 bytes contain a
diff --git a/test/lib/sql.g b/test/lib/sql.g
index 39951302adb2d05927cc3e46f08d762c3327d730..226c56b6d2e96d72c4c74d98be5ae3bbb6131e82 100644
--- a/test/lib/sql.g
+++ b/test/lib/sql.g
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ object_no_re = re.compile("[a-z_]*", re.I)
 # The grammar below solely covers the functionality provided by
 # Tarantool binary protocol, from which follow all the
-# limitations. For reference please see doc/box-protocol.txt.
+# limitations. For reference please see http://tarantool.org/docs/box-protocol.html
 parser sql:
diff --git a/test/module/net_sql.mysql.result b/test/module/net_sql.mysql.result
index b176fa5145a534f083cb0787c4bc9eb395a5fcdc..cfe1f7bd3fb59751f6645129f5107539c6843f79 100644
--- a/test/module/net_sql.mysql.result
+++ b/test/module/net_sql.mysql.result
@@ -67,33 +67,48 @@ end;
 - true
 --# setopt delimiter ''
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS bool1, ? AS bool2, ? AS nil, ? AS num, ? AS str', true, false, nil, 123, 'abc')})
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS bool1, ? AS bool2, ? AS nil, ? AS num, ? AS str', true, false, nil, 123, 'abc')
-- '[[{"bool2":0,"str":"abc","num":123,"bool1":1}],1]'
+- - bool2: 0
+    str: abc
+    num: 123
+    bool1: 1
+- 1
-dump({c:execute('SELECT * FROM (SELECT ?) t WHERE 1 = 0', 2)})
+c:execute('SELECT * FROM (SELECT ?) t WHERE 1 = 0', 2)
-- '[{},0]'
+- []
+- 0
-dump({c:execute('CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN SELECT 1 AS One; SELECT 2 AS Two, 3 AS Three; END')})
+c:execute('CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN SELECT 1 AS One; SELECT 2 AS Two, 3 AS Three; END')
-- '[{},0]'
+- []
+- 0
-dump({c:execute('CALL p1')})
+c:execute('CALL p1')
-- '[[{"One":1},{"Three":3,"Two":2}],2]'
+- - One: 1
+  - Three: 3
+    Two: 2
+- 2
-dump({c:execute('DROP PROCEDURE p1')})
+c:execute('DROP PROCEDURE p1')
-- '[{},0]'
+- []
+- 0
-dump({c:execute('SELECT 1 AS one UNION ALL SELECT 2')})
+c:execute('SELECT 1 AS one UNION ALL SELECT 2')
-- '[[{"one":1},{"one":2}],2]'
+- - one: 1
+  - one: 2
+- 2
-dump({c:execute('SELECT 1 AS one UNION ALL SELECT 2; SELECT ? AS two', 'abc')})
+c:execute('SELECT 1 AS one UNION ALL SELECT 2; SELECT ? AS two', 'abc')
-- '[[{"one":1},{"one":2},{"two":"abc"}],3]'
+- - one: 1
+  - one: 2
+  - two: abc
+- 3
 c:quote('test \"abc\" test')
diff --git a/test/module/net_sql.mysql.test.lua b/test/module/net_sql.mysql.test.lua
index 149e0a37f492ba3cec440c146527d233c91839e7..a22226a658268f160214f95f997a62fb9075422c 100644
--- a/test/module/net_sql.mysql.test.lua
+++ b/test/module/net_sql.mysql.test.lua
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ do
     return err == 'error: src/module/sql/sql.lua:111: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near \'SEL ECT 1\' at line 1'
 --# setopt delimiter ''
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS bool1, ? AS bool2, ? AS nil, ? AS num, ? AS str', true, false, nil, 123, 'abc')})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT * FROM (SELECT ?) t WHERE 1 = 0', 2)})
-dump({c:execute('CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN SELECT 1 AS One; SELECT 2 AS Two, 3 AS Three; END')})
-dump({c:execute('CALL p1')})
-dump({c:execute('DROP PROCEDURE p1')})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT 1 AS one UNION ALL SELECT 2')})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT 1 AS one UNION ALL SELECT 2; SELECT ? AS two', 'abc')})
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS bool1, ? AS bool2, ? AS nil, ? AS num, ? AS str', true, false, nil, 123, 'abc')
+c:execute('SELECT * FROM (SELECT ?) t WHERE 1 = 0', 2)
+c:execute('CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN SELECT 1 AS One; SELECT 2 AS Two, 3 AS Three; END')
+c:execute('CALL p1')
+c:execute('DROP PROCEDURE p1')
+c:execute('SELECT 1 AS one UNION ALL SELECT 2')
+c:execute('SELECT 1 AS one UNION ALL SELECT 2; SELECT ? AS two', 'abc')
 c:quote('test \"abc\" test')
diff --git a/test/module/net_sql.pg.result b/test/module/net_sql.pg.result
index 1a6f5601cec0719bc8e72dfb01b2247bbcdb0bc8..c29fd65f8709711261f2ed01cd1ee59c2334a179 100644
--- a/test/module/net_sql.pg.result
+++ b/test/module/net_sql.pg.result
@@ -46,57 +46,90 @@ for tk in string.gmatch(os.getenv('PG')..':', '(.-):') do table.insert(connect,
 c = box.net.sql.connect('pg', unpack(connect))
-dump({c:execute('SELECT 123::text AS bla, 345')})
+c:execute('SELECT 123::text AS bla, 345')
-- '[[{"?column?":345,"bla":"123"}],1,"SELECT 1"]'
+- - ?column?: 345
+    bla: '123'
+- 1
-dump({c:execute('SELECT -1 AS neg, NULL AS abc')})
+c:execute('SELECT -1 AS neg, NULL AS abc')
-- '[[{"neg":-1}],1,"SELECT 1"]'
+- - neg: -1
+- 1
-dump({c:execute('SELECT -1.1 AS neg, 1.2 AS pos')})
+c:execute('SELECT -1.1 AS neg, 1.2 AS pos')
-- '[[{"neg":-1.1,"pos":1.2}],1,"SELECT 1"]'
+- - neg: -1.1
+    pos: 1.2
+- 1
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ARRAY[1,2] AS neg, 1.2 AS pos')})
+c:execute('SELECT ARRAY[1,2] AS neg, 1.2 AS pos')
-- '[[{"neg":"{1,2}","pos":1.2}],1,"SELECT 1"]'
+- - neg: '{1,2}'
+    pos: 1.2
+- 1
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', 'abc')})
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', 'abc')
-- '[[{"val":"abc"}],1,"SELECT 1"]'
+- - val: abc
+- 1
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', 123)})
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', 123)
-- '[[{"val":123}],1,"SELECT 1"]'
+- - val: 123
+- 1
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', true)})
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', true)
-- '[[{"val":true}],1,"SELECT 1"]'
+- - val: true
+- 1
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', false)})
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', false)
-- '[[{"val":false}],1,"SELECT 1"]'
+- - val: false
+- 1
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS val, ? AS num, ? AS str', false, 123, 'abc')})
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS val, ? AS num, ? AS str', false, 123, 'abc')
-- '[[{"str":"abc","num":123,"val":false}],1,"SELECT 1"]'
+- - str: abc
+    num: 123
+    val: false
+- 1
-dump({c:execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unknown_table')})
+c:execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unknown_table')
-- '[{},0,"DROP TABLE"]'
+- []
+- 0
-dump({c:execute('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')})
+c:execute('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')
-- '[[{"column1":1,"column2":2},{"column1":2,"column2":3}],2,"SELECT 2"]'
+- - column1: 1
+    column2: 2
+  - column1: 2
+    column2: 3
+- 2
 - true
-dump({c:select('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')})
+c:select('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')
-- '[[{"column1":1,"column2":2},{"column1":2,"column2":3}]]'
+- - column1: 1
+    column2: 2
+  - column1: 2
+    column2: 3
 --# setopt delimiter ';'
@@ -108,13 +141,14 @@ end;
 - true
 --# setopt delimiter ''
-dump({c:single('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2)) t')})
+c:single('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2)) t')
-- '[{"column1":1,"column2":2}]'
+- column1: 1
+  column2: 2
-dump({c:perform('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')})
+c:perform('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')
-- '[2]'
+- 2
 --# setopt delimiter ';'
diff --git a/test/module/net_sql.pg.test.lua b/test/module/net_sql.pg.test.lua
index 64f87f5df228354939ead09dda077e699330f61e..14e0f5b2f65271d1b5471216f8e60cb616c9df46 100644
--- a/test/module/net_sql.pg.test.lua
+++ b/test/module/net_sql.pg.test.lua
@@ -22,19 +22,19 @@ for tk in string.gmatch(os.getenv('PG')..':', '(.-):') do table.insert(connect,
 -- postgresql
 c = box.net.sql.connect('pg', unpack(connect))
-dump({c:execute('SELECT 123::text AS bla, 345')})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT -1 AS neg, NULL AS abc')})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT -1.1 AS neg, 1.2 AS pos')})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ARRAY[1,2] AS neg, 1.2 AS pos')})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', 'abc')})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', 123)})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', true)})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', false)})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT ? AS val, ? AS num, ? AS str', false, 123, 'abc')})
-dump({c:execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unknown_table')})
-dump({c:execute('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')})
+c:execute('SELECT 123::text AS bla, 345')
+c:execute('SELECT -1 AS neg, NULL AS abc')
+c:execute('SELECT -1.1 AS neg, 1.2 AS pos')
+c:execute('SELECT ARRAY[1,2] AS neg, 1.2 AS pos')
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', 'abc')
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', 123)
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', true)
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS val', false)
+c:execute('SELECT ? AS val, ? AS num, ? AS str', false, 123, 'abc')
+c:execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unknown_table')
+c:execute('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')
-dump({c:select('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')})
+c:select('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')
 --# setopt delimiter ';'
     stat, err = pcall(c.single, c, 'SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ do
     return err == 'error: src/module/sql/sql.lua:162: SQL request returned multiply rows'
 --# setopt delimiter ''
-dump({c:single('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2)) t')})
-dump({c:perform('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')})
+c:single('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2)) t')
+c:perform('SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (2,3)) t')
 --# setopt delimiter ';'
     stat, err = pcall(c.execute, c, 'SELEC T')