diff --git a/src/lua/admin.cc b/src/lua/admin.cc
index fec613660cdaea2aaf883396d7dfb646b41fde71..28728e5f9b3cde7de36a2a83ce7b2d6cb59b379d 100644
--- a/src/lua/admin.cc
+++ b/src/lua/admin.cc
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ static int
 lbox_save_coredump(struct lua_State *L __attribute__((unused)))
-	return 0;
+	lua_pushstring(L, "ok");
+	return 1;
 static int
diff --git a/test/box/admin.result b/test/box/admin.result
index 7035da227c9be47ae7656c8c0cb8cb828adf0190..e813b4ae39a4d0e1e2eb902312a0903de43e4b54 100644
--- a/test/box/admin.result
+++ b/test/box/admin.result
@@ -1,111 +1,128 @@
-show stat
+box.insert(box.schema.SPACE_ID, 0, 0, 'tweedledum')
-  REPLACE:    { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
-  SELECT:     { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
-  UPDATE:     { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
-  DELETE_1_3: { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
-  DELETE:     { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
-  CALL:       { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
+- [0, 0, 'tweedledum']
+box.insert(box.schema.INDEX_ID, 0, 0, 'primary', 'hash', 1, 1, 0, 'num')
-available commands:
- - help
- - exit
- - show info
- - show fiber
- - show configuration
- - show slab
- - show palloc
- - show stat
- - show plugins
- - save coredump
- - save snapshot
- - lua command
- - reload configuration
- - show injections (debug mode only)
- - set injection <name> <state> (debug mode only)
+- [0, 0, 'primary', 1752392040, 1, 1, 0, 'num']
-show configuration
-  username: (null)
-  local_hot_standby: "false"
-  bind_ipaddr: "INADDR_ANY"
-  coredump: "false"
-  admin_port: "33015"
-  replication_port: "0"
-  log_level: "4"
-  slab_alloc_arena: "0.1"
-  slab_alloc_minimal: "64"
-  slab_alloc_factor: "2"
-  work_dir: (null)
-  snap_dir: "."
-  wal_dir: "."
-  script_dir: "."
-  pid_file: "box.pid"
-  logger: "cat - >> tarantool.log"
-  logger_nonblock: "true"
-  io_collect_interval: "0"
-  backlog: "1024"
-  readahead: "16320"
-  snap_io_rate_limit: "0"
-  rows_per_wal: "50"
-  wal_writer_inbox_size: "16384"
-  wal_mode: "fsync_delay"
-  wal_fsync_delay: "0"
-  wal_dir_rescan_delay: "0.1"
-  panic_on_snap_error: "true"
-  panic_on_wal_error: "false"
-  primary_port: "33013"
-  secondary_port: "33014"
-  too_long_threshold: "0.5"
-  custom_proc_title: (null)
-  memcached_port: "0"
-  memcached_space: "23"
-  memcached_expire: "false"
-  memcached_expire_per_loop: "1024"
-  memcached_expire_full_sweep: "3600"
-  replication_source: (null)
-  space[0].enabled: "true"
-  space[0].arity: "-1"
-  space[0].estimated_rows: "0"
-  space[0].index[0].type: "HASH"
-  space[0].index[0].unique: "true"
-  space[0].index[0].key_field[0].fieldno: "0"
-  space[0].index[0].key_field[0].type: "NUM"
+    total: 0
+    rps: 0
+    total: 0
+    rps: 0
+    total: 2
+    rps: 0
+  CALL:
+    total: 0
+    rps: 0
+    total: 0
+    rps: 0
+  DELETE_1_3:
+    total: 0
+    rps: 0
-show stat
-  REPLACE:    { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
-  SELECT:     { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
-  UPDATE:     { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
-  DELETE_1_3: { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
-  DELETE:     { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
-  CALL:       { rps:  0    , total:  0           }
+- server admin commands
+- - box.snapshot()
+  - box.info()
+  - box.stat()
+  - box.slab.info()
+  - box.slab.check()
+  - box.fiber.info()
+  - box.plugin.info()
+  - box.cfg()
+  - box.cfg_reload()
+  - box.coredump()
+- io_collect_interval: 0
+  pid_file: box.pid
+  slab_alloc_minimal: 64
+  slab_alloc_arena: 0.1
+  log_level: 4
+  logger_nonblock: true
+  memcached_expire_per_loop: 1024
+  snap_dir: .
+  coredump: false
+  panic_on_snap_error: true
+  memcached_expire_full_sweep: 3600
+  replication_port: 0
+  wal_fsync_delay: 0
+  too_long_threshold: 0.5
+  slab_alloc_factor: 2
+  admin_port: 33015
+  logger: cat - >> tarantool.log
+  snap_io_rate_limit: 0
+  wal_dir_rescan_delay: 0.1
+  backlog: 1024
+  secondary_port: 33014
+  wal_dir: .
+  local_hot_standby: false
+  wal_mode: fsync_delay
+  rows_per_wal: 50
+  readahead: 16320
+  panic_on_wal_error: false
+  script_dir: .
+  primary_port: 33013
+  bind_ipaddr: INADDR_ANY
+  memcached_port: 0
+  memcached_space: 23
+  memcached_expire: false
+    total: 0
+    rps: 0
+    total: 0
+    rps: 0
+    total: 2
+    rps: 0
+  CALL:
+    total: 0
+    rps: 0
+    total: 0
+    rps: 0
+  DELETE_1_3:
+    total: 0
+    rps: 0
 insert into t0 values (1, 'tuple')
 Insert OK, 1 row affected
-save snapshot
+- ok
 delete from t0 where k0 = 1
 Delete OK, 1 row affected
-show info
-  version: "1.minor.patch-<rev>-<commit>"
-  uptime: <uptime>
+- version: 1.minor.patch-<rev>-<commit>
+  status: primary
   pid: <pid>
-  logger_pid: <pid>
+  lsn: 5
   snapshot_pid: <pid>
-  lsn: 3
-  recovery_lag: 0.000
-  recovery_last_update: 0.000
-  status: primary
-  config: "tarantool.cfg"
+  recovery_last_update: 0
+  recovery_lag: 0
+  uptime: <uptime>
+  build:
+    flags: ' -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-protector -fexceptions -funwind-tables
+      -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-strict-aliasing -Werror -pthread'
+    target: Linux-i686-Debug
+    compiler: /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/c++
+  logger_pid: <pid>
+  config: tarantool.cfg
diff --git a/test/box/admin.test.py b/test/box/admin.test.py
index 8f51c96681cf236ff7ee5e9f9b06cae221ba9166..c919eae82b512cf1447b593814cd6e76b049a616 100644
--- a/test/box/admin.test.py
+++ b/test/box/admin.test.py
@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
 # encoding: utf-8
 import sys
 # clear statistics:
-admin("show stat")
-admin("show configuration")
-admin("show stat")
+admin("box.insert(box.schema.SPACE_ID, 0, 0, 'tweedledum')")
+admin("box.insert(box.schema.INDEX_ID, 0, 0, 'primary', 'hash', 1, 1, 0, 'num')")
 sql("insert into t0 values (1, 'tuple')")
-admin("save snapshot")
 sql("delete from t0 where k0 = 1")
 sys.stdout.push_filter("(\d)\.\d\.\d(-\d+-\w+)?", "\\1.minor.patch-<rev>-<commit>")
 sys.stdout.push_filter("pid: \d+", "pid: <pid>")
@@ -18,14 +22,14 @@ sys.stdout.push_filter("logger_pid: \d+", "pid: <pid>")
 sys.stdout.push_filter("uptime: \d+", "uptime: <uptime>")
 sys.stdout.push_filter("uptime: \d+", "uptime: <uptime>")
 sys.stdout.push_filter("(/\S+)+/tarantool", "tarantool")
-admin("show info")
 sys.stdout.push_filter(".*", "")
-admin("show fiber")
-admin("show slab")
-admin("show palloc")
 # vim: syntax=python
diff --git a/test/box/admin_coredump.result b/test/box/admin_coredump.result
index 985c517cb2fea489bff4f996e05fa332bd8fdd38..a0bbad699be6bbf0015d498b1a105d88f7f6d8f5 100644
--- a/test/box/admin_coredump.result
+++ b/test/box/admin_coredump.result
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 -- moved to separate test because this test fail in the valgrind mode (coredump
 -- process terminated via abort procedure)
-save coredump
+- ok
 -- vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 syntax=lua
diff --git a/test/box/admin_coredump.test.lua b/test/box/admin_coredump.test.lua
index 2311f2825a76984f9e5200edc3b5fe6981802028..2ed987b058172a3cd78abf8be1f53f7b29d67f1b 100644
--- a/test/box/admin_coredump.test.lua
+++ b/test/box/admin_coredump.test.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 -- moved to separate test because this test fail in the valgrind mode (coredump
 -- process terminated via abort procedure)
-save coredump
 -- vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 syntax=lua