diff --git a/doc/user/configuration-reference.xml b/doc/user/configuration-reference.xml
index ca291be9745290de728b7c81c88f3626f8682242..78735c9797f9cc8216113ff0cfda40c1b254dbe6 100644
--- a/doc/user/configuration-reference.xml
+++ b/doc/user/configuration-reference.xml
@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ box.cfg{
 print('Starting ',arg[1])</programlisting>
 and suppose the command line is <code>~/tarantool/src/tarantool script.lua ARG</code>.
 Then the screen might look like this:<programlisting>
-<prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>export PRIMARY_PORT=3303</userinput>
+<prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>export PRIMARY_PORT=3301</userinput>
 <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>~/tarantool/src/tarantool script.lua ARG</userinput>
 2014-07-02 10:19:29.078 ... version 1.6.0-1471-g663694c
 2014-07-02 10:19:29.078 ... log level 5
 2014-07-02 10:19:29.078 ... mapping 107374184 bytes for a shared arena...
 2014-07-02 10:19:29.086 ... initialized
 2014-07-02 10:19:29.101 ... recovery start
-2014-07-02 10:19:29.107 ...  bound to primary port tcp://
+2014-07-02 10:19:29.107 ...  bound to primary port tcp://
 2014-07-02 10:19:29.108 ... I am primary
 Starting  ARG
 2014-07-02 10:19:29.108 ... entering the event loop</programlisting>
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ Starting  ARG
           Note: a replica also binds to this port, and accepts
           connections, but these connections can only serve
           reads until the replica becomes a master.
-          A typical value is 3303.</entry>
+          A typical value is 3301.</entry>
@@ -266,11 +266,11 @@ Starting  ARG
              ordinarily <command>ps</command> shows the Tarantool server process thus:
 <programlisting>kostja@shmita:~$ ps -a -o command | grep box
-tarantool: primary pri: 3303 adm: 33135</programlisting>
+tarantool: primary pri: 3301 adm: 3313</programlisting>
           <para>But if the configuration file contains custom_proc_title=sessions then
           the output looks like:</para>
 <programlisting>kostja@shmita:~$ ps -a -o command | grep box
-tarantool: primary@sessions pri: 3303 adm: 3313</programlisting>
+tarantool: primary@sessions pri: 3301 adm: 3313</programlisting>
diff --git a/doc/user/connectors.xml b/doc/user/connectors.xml
index 44e2617814447bcbbe983ac3dbbf7b75caae1186..d4bb4c6b5e810135a631399490828c1723fe589f 100644
--- a/doc/user/connectors.xml
+++ b/doc/user/connectors.xml
@@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ And that is why APIs exist for drivers for C, Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, and so on
     the necessary file <filename>tp.h</filename>, and the default library path contains
     the directory where Tarantool library files were placed at installation time.
     Before trying to run, check that the server
-    (tarantool) is running on localhost ( and its primary port is the default (3303) and
+    (tarantool) is running on localhost ( and its primary port is the default (3301) and
     space[513]'s primary key type is numeric (space[513].index[0].key_field[1].type = "NUM").
     To run, say <code>./example</code>.
-    The program will open a socket connection with the tarantool server at localhost:3303,
+    The program will open a socket connection with the tarantool server at localhost:3301,
     then format a buffer for sending an INSERT request, then send the request, then check if the
     server returned an error, then &mdash; if all is well &mdash; print "Insert succeeded". If the
     row already exists, the program will print <quote>Duplicate key exists in unique index 0</quote>.
@@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ int main()
   struct sockaddr_in sock;                                     /* the usual socket address info */
   if ((fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) &lt;= 0)   /* open the socket. abort if failure */
-  memset(&amp;sock, 0, sizeof(sock));                              /* connect to localhost:3303 */
+  memset(&amp;sock, 0, sizeof(sock));                              /* connect to localhost:3301 */
   sock.sin_family = AF_INET;
   sock.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
-  sock.sin_port = htons(3303);
+  sock.sin_port = htons(3301);
   if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&amp;sock, sizeof(sock)) &lt; 0) /* connect, abort if failure */
   const int greeting_buffer_size = 128;                        /* handle the server's greeting */
@@ -219,14 +219,14 @@ sudo cpan install DR::Tarantool
     Here is a complete Perl program that inserts [99999,'BB'] into space[0] via the Perl API.
     Before trying to run, check that the server
-    (tarantool) is running on localhost ( and its primary port is the default (3303) and
+    (tarantool) is running on localhost ( and its primary port is the default (3301) and
     space[0]'s primary key type is numeric (space[0].index[0].key_field[1].type = "NUM" in configuration file).
     To run, paste the code into a file named example.pl and say <code>perl example.pl</code>.
     The program will connect using an application-specific definition of the space.
     The program will open a socket connection
-    with the tarantool server at localhost:3303, then send an INSERT request,
+    with the tarantool server at localhost:3301, then send an INSERT request,
     then &mdash; if all is well &mdash; end without displaying any messages.
-    If tarantool is not running on localhost with primary port = 3303, the program will print
+    If tarantool is not running on localhost with primary port = 3301, the program will print
     <quote>Connection refused</quote>.
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ use DR::Tarantool ':all';
 my $tnt = tarantool
   host    =&gt; '',                      # look for tarantool on localhost
-  port    =&gt; 3303,                             # assume tarantool primary port = default
+  port    =&gt; 3301,                             # assume tarantool primary port = default
   spaces  =&gt; {
     0 =&gt; {                                     # definition of space[0] ...
       name =&gt; 't0',                            #   space[0] name = 't0'
@@ -295,18 +295,18 @@ export PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=~/tarantool-php/test/share
     Here is a complete PHP program that inserts [99999,'BB'] into space[0] via the PHP API.
     Before trying to run, check that the server
-    (tarantool) is running on localhost ( and its primary port is the default (3303) and
+    (tarantool) is running on localhost ( and its primary port is the default (3301) and
     space[0]'s primary key type is numeric (space[0].index[0].key_field[1].type = "NUM" in configuration file).
     To run, paste the code into a file named example.php and say <code>php example.php</code>.
     The program will open a socket connection
-    with the tarantool server at localhost:3303, then send an INSERT request,
+    with the tarantool server at localhost:3301, then send an INSERT request,
     then &mdash; if all is well &mdash; print "Insert succeeded".
     If the tuple already exists, the program will print <quote>Duplicate key exists in unique index 0</quote>.
-$tarantool = new Tarantool("localhost", 3303, 33015);
+$tarantool = new Tarantool("localhost", 3301, 3313);
 try {
   $tarantool-&gt;insert(0, array(99999, "BB"), TARANTOOL_FLAGS_ADD);
   print "Insert succeeded\n";
@@ -334,10 +334,10 @@ catch (Exception $e) {
     <userinput><code>pip install tarantool --user</code></userinput> to install in <filename>~</filename> i.e. user's default directory.
     The program is assuming that the server (tarantool) is running on localhost ( and its primary port is
-    the default (3303) and space99's primary key type is string (box.space.space99.index['primary'].key_field[1].type = "STR")
+    the default (3301) and space99's primary key type is string (box.space.space99.index['primary'].key_field[1].type = "STR")
     and user 'guest' has permission to read and write on space99. An administrator could fulfill all those conditions by
     starting the tarantool server and executing these requests:<programlisting>
-box.cfg{primary_port = 3303}
+box.cfg{primary_port = 3301}
 box.space.space99:create_index('primary',{parts = {1,'STR'}})
 box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'read', 'space', '_space')
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'read,write', 'space', 'space99')</programlisting
 from tarantool import Connection
-c = Connection("", 3303)
+c = Connection("", 3301)
 result = c.insert("space99",('First Tuple','Value', 'Value'))
 print result
diff --git a/doc/user/databases.xml b/doc/user/databases.xml
index 57477de80f947a7de44b30630dc137a8e5fad50d..888f4a3fffee7ab4e5819bf2f3e1ae7ade70a5bd 100644
--- a/doc/user/databases.xml
+++ b/doc/user/databases.xml
@@ -2091,7 +2091,7 @@ session.delimiter('')!
                connection object named <code>box.net.self</code>.
                Its purpose is to make polymorphic use of the
                <code>box.net.box</code> API easier. Therefore
-               <code>conn = box.net.box.new('localhost', 3303)</code> can
+               <code>conn = box.net.box.new('localhost', 3301)</code> can
                be replaced by <code>conn = box.net.box.self</code>.
                However, there is an important difference between the embedded
                connection and a remote one. With the embedded connection,
@@ -2106,7 +2106,7 @@ session.delimiter('')!
                Returns: (type = userdata) conn object).
-               Example: <code>conn = box.net.box.new('localhost', 3303)</code>.
+               Example: <code>conn = box.net.box.new('localhost', 3301)</code>.
@@ -2250,7 +2250,7 @@ session.delimiter('')!
  This example will work with the sandbox configuration described in the preface.
  That is, there is a space named tester with a numeric primary key.
  Assume that the database is nearly empty.
- Assume that the tarantool server is running on localhost
+ Assume that the tarantool server is running on localhost
 <prompt>tarantool&gt;</prompt><userinput> ta = {}</userinput>
@@ -2262,14 +2262,14 @@ session.delimiter('')!
 <prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       table.insert(ta, 'self:ping() succeeded')</userinput>
 <prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       table.insert(ta, '  (no surprise -- self connection is pre-established)')</userinput>
 <prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       end</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     if box.cfg.primary_port == 3303 then</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       table.insert(ta,'The local server primary port number = 3303')</userinput>
+<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     if box.cfg.primary_port == 3301 then</userinput>
+<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       table.insert(ta,'The local server primary port number = 3301')</userinput>
 <prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     else</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       table.insert(ta, 'The local server primary port number is not 3303')</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       table.insert(ta, '(  (maybe box.cfg{...primary_port=3303...} was not stated)')</userinput>
+<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       table.insert(ta, 'The local server primary port number is not 3301')</userinput>
+<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       table.insert(ta, '(  (maybe box.cfg{...primary_port=3301...} was not stated)')</userinput>
 <prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       table.insert(ta, '(  (so connect will fail)')</userinput>
 <prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>       end</userinput>
-<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     conn = box.net.box.new('', 3303)</userinput>
+<prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     conn = box.net.box.new('', 3301)</userinput>
 <prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     conn:delete(box.space.tester.id, 800)</userinput>
 <prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     table.insert(ta, 'conn:delete done on tester.')</userinput>
 <prompt>        -&gt;</prompt><userinput>     conn:insert(box.space.tester.id, {800, 'data'})</userinput>
@@ -2297,7 +2297,7 @@ session.delimiter('')!
 - - self:ping() succeeded
   - '  (no surprise -- self connection is pre-established)'
-  - The local server primary port number = 3303 = default
+  - The local server primary port number = 3301 = default
   - conn:delete done on tester.
   - conn:insert done on tester, index 0
   - '  primary key value = 800.'
diff --git a/doc/user/language-reference.xml b/doc/user/language-reference.xml
index d1050ca013d65ebdbd63b6b13bb3e2fb5903efe5..c7832dca4806af3ad10299df556acd4fbe81bbfe 100644
--- a/doc/user/language-reference.xml
+++ b/doc/user/language-reference.xml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
       (also called the "binary protocol"), and provides full data access.
-      The default value of the port is <literal>3303</literal>,
+      The default value of the port is <literal>3301</literal>,
       as defined in the <olink targetptr="primary_port"/>
       configuration option.
diff --git a/doc/user/server-administration.xml b/doc/user/server-administration.xml
index e65cf2744569b7916137199e04bfe3ac6164078b..30626a51e579e0015bf57549587d11d0cf7a8f96 100644
--- a/doc/user/server-administration.xml
+++ b/doc/user/server-administration.xml
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Here is an example of an interactive-mode tarantool client session:
 <prompt>$ </prompt>tarantool
                 [ tarantool will display an introductory message including version number here ]
-tarantool> box.cfg{admin_port=3313, primary_port=3303}
+tarantool> box.cfg{admin_port=3313, primary_port=3301}
                 [ tarantool will display configuration information here ]
 tarantool> s = box.schema.create_space('tester')
                 [ tarantool may display an in-progress message here ]
@@ -189,10 +189,10 @@ Explanatory notes about what tarantool displayed in the above example:
 * Many requests return typed objects.
-    In the case of "box.cfg{admin_port=3313, primary_port=3303}",
+    In the case of "box.cfg{admin_port=3313, primary_port=3301}",
     this result is displayed on the screen.
     If the request had assigned the result to a variable, for example
-    "c = box.cfg{admin_port=3313, primary_port=3303}", then
+    "c = box.cfg{admin_port=3313, primary_port=3301}", then
     the result would not have been displayed on the screen.