From 7f8cbde3555084ad6c41f137aec4faba4648c705 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Serge Petrenko <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 14:06:01 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] replication: move cluster id match check to replica

On replica subscribe master checks that replica's cluster id matches
master's one, and disallows replication in case of mismatch.
This behaviour blocks implementation of anonymous replicas, which
shouldn't pollute _cluster space and could accumulate changes from
multiple clusters at once.
So let's move the check to replica to let it decide which action to take
in case of mismatch.

Needed for #3186
Closes #3704
 src/box/             | 20 ++++++++++-
 src/box/                 | 22 +++++-------
 src/box/xrow.c                 | 29 ++++++++++++++++
 src/box/xrow.h                 | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/replication/misc.result   | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/replication/misc.test.lua | 22 ++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/box/ b/src/box/
index 21d2e6bcb9..512d05dfa1 100644
--- a/src/box/
+++ b/src/box/
@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ applier_subscribe(struct applier *applier)
 	struct ibuf *ibuf = &applier->ibuf;
 	struct xrow_header row;
 	struct vclock remote_vclock_at_subscribe;
+	struct tt_uuid cluster_id = uuid_nil;
 	xrow_encode_subscribe_xc(&row, &REPLICASET_UUID, &INSTANCE_UUID,
@@ -408,9 +409,26 @@ applier_subscribe(struct applier *applier)
 		 * In case of successful subscribe, the server
 		 * responds with its current vclock.
+		 *
+		 * Tarantool > 2.1.1 also sends its cluster id to
+		 * the replica, and replica has to check whether
+		 * its and master's cluster ids match.
-		xrow_decode_vclock_xc(&row, &remote_vclock_at_subscribe);
+		xrow_decode_subscribe_response_xc(&row,
+						  &cluster_id,
+						  &remote_vclock_at_subscribe);
+		/*
+		 * If master didn't send us its cluster id
+		 * assume that it has done all the checks.
+		 * In this case cluster_id will remain zero.
+		 */
+		if (!tt_uuid_is_nil(&cluster_id) &&
+		    !tt_uuid_is_equal(&cluster_id, &REPLICASET_UUID)) {
+			tnt_raise(ClientError, ER_REPLICASET_UUID_MISMATCH,
+				  tt_uuid_str(&cluster_id),
+				  tt_uuid_str(&REPLICASET_UUID));
+		}
 	 * Tarantool < 1.6.7:
diff --git a/src/box/ b/src/box/
index 8892d0f0e3..e12a1cba42 100644
--- a/src/box/
+++ b/src/box/
@@ -1584,18 +1584,6 @@ box_process_subscribe(struct ev_io *io, struct xrow_header *header)
 	/* Check permissions */
-	/**
-	 * Check that the given UUID matches the UUID of the
-	 * replica set this replica belongs to. Used to handshake
-	 * replica connect, and refuse a connection from a replica
-	 * which belongs to a different replica set.
-	 */
-	if (!tt_uuid_is_equal(&replicaset_uuid, &REPLICASET_UUID)) {
-		tnt_raise(ClientError, ER_REPLICASET_UUID_MISMATCH,
-			  tt_uuid_str(&REPLICASET_UUID),
-			  tt_uuid_str(&replicaset_uuid));
-	}
 	/* Check replica uuid */
 	struct replica *replica = replica_by_uuid(&replica_uuid);
 	if (replica == NULL || replica->id == REPLICA_ID_NIL) {
@@ -1620,9 +1608,17 @@ box_process_subscribe(struct ev_io *io, struct xrow_header *header)
 	 * Send a response to SUBSCRIBE request, tell
 	 * the replica how many rows we have in stock for it,
 	 * and identify ourselves with our own replica id.
+	 *
+	 * Tarantool > 2.1.1 master doesn't check that replica
+	 * has the same cluster id. Instead it sends its cluster
+	 * id to replica, and replica checks that its cluster id
+	 * matches master's one. Older versions will just ignore
+	 * the additional field.
 	struct xrow_header row;
-	xrow_encode_vclock_xc(&row, &replicaset.vclock);
+	xrow_encode_subscribe_response_xc(&row,
+					  &replicaset.vclock);
 	 * Identify the message with the replica id of this
 	 * instance, this is the only way for a replica to find
diff --git a/src/box/xrow.c b/src/box/xrow.c
index c4e3073be7..ba3671fed8 100644
--- a/src/box/xrow.c
+++ b/src/box/xrow.c
@@ -1170,6 +1170,35 @@ xrow_encode_vclock(struct xrow_header *row, const struct vclock *vclock)
 	return 0;
+xrow_encode_subscribe_response(struct xrow_header *row,
+			       const struct tt_uuid *replicaset_uuid,
+			       const struct vclock *vclock)
+	memset(row, 0, sizeof(*row));
+	size_t size = mp_sizeof_map(2) +
+		      mp_sizeof_uint(IPROTO_VCLOCK) + mp_sizeof_vclock(vclock) +
+		      mp_sizeof_uint(IPROTO_CLUSTER_UUID) +
+		      mp_sizeof_str(UUID_STR_LEN);
+	char *buf = (char *) region_alloc(&fiber()->gc, size);
+	if (buf == NULL) {
+		diag_set(OutOfMemory, size, "region_alloc", "buf");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	char *data = buf;
+	data = mp_encode_map(data, 2);
+	data = mp_encode_uint(data, IPROTO_VCLOCK);
+	data = mp_encode_vclock(data, vclock);
+	data = mp_encode_uint(data, IPROTO_CLUSTER_UUID);
+	data = xrow_encode_uuid(data, replicaset_uuid);
+	assert(data <= buf + size);
+	row->body[0].iov_base = buf;
+	row->body[0].iov_len = (data - buf);
+	row->bodycnt = 1;
+	row->type = IPROTO_OK;
+	return 0;
 xrow_encode_timestamp(struct xrow_header *row, uint32_t replica_id, double tm)
diff --git a/src/box/xrow.h b/src/box/xrow.h
index 2654e35e63..719add4f0d 100644
--- a/src/box/xrow.h
+++ b/src/box/xrow.h
@@ -348,6 +348,37 @@ xrow_decode_vclock(struct xrow_header *row, struct vclock *vclock)
 	return xrow_decode_subscribe(row, NULL, NULL, vclock, NULL);
+ * Encode a response to subscribe request.
+ * @param row[out] Row to encode into.
+ * @param replicaset_uuid.
+ * @param vclock.
+ *
+ * @retval 0 Success.
+ * @retval -1 Memory error.
+ */
+xrow_encode_subscribe_response(struct xrow_header *row,
+			      const struct tt_uuid *replicaset_uuid,
+			      const struct vclock *vclock);
+ * Decode a response to subscribe request.
+ * @param row Row to decode.
+ * @param[out] replicaset_uuid.
+ * @param[out] vclock.
+ *
+ * @retval 0 Success.
+ * @retval -1 Memory or format error.
+ */
+static inline int
+xrow_decode_subscribe_response(struct xrow_header *row,
+			       struct tt_uuid *replicaset_uuid,
+			       struct vclock *vclock)
+	return xrow_decode_subscribe(row, replicaset_uuid, NULL, vclock, NULL);
  * Encode a heartbeat message.
  * @param row[out] Row to encode into.
@@ -759,6 +790,26 @@ xrow_decode_vclock_xc(struct xrow_header *row, struct vclock *vclock)
+/** @copydoc xrow_encode_subscribe_response. */
+static inline void
+xrow_encode_subscribe_response_xc(struct xrow_header *row,
+				  const struct tt_uuid *replicaset_uuid,
+				  const struct vclock *vclock)
+	if (xrow_encode_subscribe_response(row, replicaset_uuid, vclock) != 0)
+		diag_raise();
+/** @copydoc xrow_decode_subscribe_response. */
+static inline void
+xrow_decode_subscribe_response_xc(struct xrow_header *row,
+				  struct tt_uuid *replicaset_uuid,
+				  struct vclock *vclock)
+	if (xrow_decode_subscribe_response(row, replicaset_uuid, vclock) != 0)
+		diag_raise();
 /** @copydoc iproto_reply_ok. */
 static inline void
 iproto_reply_ok_xc(struct obuf *out, uint64_t sync, uint32_t schema_version)
diff --git a/test/replication/misc.result b/test/replication/misc.result
index c32681a7ad..ab827c5013 100644
--- a/test/replication/misc.result
+++ b/test/replication/misc.result
@@ -604,3 +604,64 @@ test_run:cmd("delete server replica")
+-- gh-3704 move cluster id check to replica
+test_run:cmd("create server replica with rpl_master=default, script='replication/replica.lua'")
+- true
+box.schema.user.grant("guest", "replication")
+test_run:cmd("start server replica")
+- true
+test_run:grep_log("replica", "REPLICASET_UUID_MISMATCH")
+- null
+- follow
+-- change master's cluster uuid and check that replica doesn't connect.
+test_run:cmd("stop server replica")
+- true
+_ ={'cluster', tostring(}
+-- master believes replica is in cluster, but their cluster UUIDs differ.
+test_run:cmd("start server replica")
+- true
+test_run:wait_log("replica", "REPLICASET_UUID_MISMATCH", nil, 1.0)
+- stopped
+test_run:cmd("stop server replica")
+- true
+test_run:cmd("cleanup server replica")
+- true
+test_run:cmd("delete server replica")
+- true
+box.schema.user.revoke('guest', 'replication')
diff --git a/test/replication/misc.test.lua b/test/replication/misc.test.lua
index 6a8af05c37..eda5310b65 100644
--- a/test/replication/misc.test.lua
+++ b/test/replication/misc.test.lua
@@ -243,3 +243,25 @@ test_run:cmd("stop server replica")
 test_run:cmd("cleanup server replica")
 test_run:cmd("delete server replica")
+-- gh-3704 move cluster id check to replica
+test_run:cmd("create server replica with rpl_master=default, script='replication/replica.lua'")
+box.schema.user.grant("guest", "replication")
+test_run:cmd("start server replica")
+test_run:grep_log("replica", "REPLICASET_UUID_MISMATCH")[2].downstream.status
+-- change master's cluster uuid and check that replica doesn't connect.
+test_run:cmd("stop server replica")
+_ ={'cluster', tostring(}
+-- master believes replica is in cluster, but their cluster UUIDs differ.
+test_run:cmd("start server replica")
+test_run:wait_log("replica", "REPLICASET_UUID_MISMATCH", nil, 1.0)[2].downstream.status
+test_run:cmd("stop server replica")
+test_run:cmd("cleanup server replica")
+test_run:cmd("delete server replica")
+box.schema.user.revoke('guest', 'replication')