diff --git a/include/errcode.h b/include/errcode.h
index eb15e3cd6d5dc97098ef1fa67095e56f70715ff3..e723ebc5604076afda76e03751bae2bda0aa47ad 100644
--- a/include/errcode.h
+++ b/include/errcode.h
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 struct errcode_record {
 	const char *errstr;
-	uint32_t errval;
+	uint32_t errflags;
 	const char *errdesc;
-#define ERRCODE_RECORD_MEMBER(s, v, d) {	\
+#define ERRCODE_RECORD_MEMBER(s, f, d) {	\
 	.errstr = #s,				\
-	.errval = v,				\
+	.errflags = f,				\
 	.errdesc = #d				\
@@ -23,41 +23,72 @@ struct errcode_record {
 #define ERRCODE_STR(enum_name, err) (enum_name##_records[err].errstr)
-#define ERRCODE_VAL(enum_name, err) (enum_name##_records[err].errval)
+#define ERRCODE_VAL(enum_name, err) (((err) << 8) | enum_name##_records[err].errflags)
 #define ERRCODE_DESC(enum_name, err) (enum_name##_records[err].errdesc)
 #define ERROR_CODES(_)					    \
-	_(ERR_CODE_OK,                    0x00000000, "OK") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_NONMASTER,             0x00000102, "Non master connection, but it should be") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_ILLEGAL_PARAMS,        0x00000202, "Illegal parametrs") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_BAD_UID,               0x00000302, "Uid is not from this storage range") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_NODE_IS_RO,            0x00000401, "Node is marked as read-only") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_NODE_IS_NOT_LOCKED,    0x00000501, "Node isn't locked") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_NODE_IS_LOCKED,        0x00000601, "Node is locked") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_MEMORY_ISSUE,          0x00000701, "Some memory issue") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_BAD_INTEGRITY,         0x00000802, "Bad graph integrity") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND,   0x00000a02, "Unsupported command") \
-	/* gap due to silverproxy */					\
-	_(ERR_CODE_CANNOT_REGISTER,       0x00001801, "Can't register new user") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_CANNOT_INIT_ALERT_ID,  0x00001a01, "Can't generate alert id") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_CANNOT_DEL,            0x00001b02, "Can't del node") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_USER_NOT_REGISTERED,   0x00001c02, "User isn't registered") \
-	/* silversearch error codes */					\
-	_(ERR_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR,          0x00001d02, "Syntax error in query") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_WRONG_FIELD,           0x00001e02, "Unknown field") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_WRONG_NUMBER,          0x00001f02, "Number value is out of range") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_DUPLICATE,             0x00002002, "Insert already existing object") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_UNSUPPORTED_ORDER,     0x00002202, "Can not order result") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_MULTIWRITE,            0x00002302, "Multiple to update/delete") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_NOTHING,               0x00002400, "Nothing to do (not an error)") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_UPDATE_ID,             0x00002502, "Id's update") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_WRONG_VERSION,         0x00002602, "Unsupported version of protocol") \
-	/* other generic error codes */					\
-	_(ERR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR,         0x00002702, "Unknown error") \
-        _(ERR_CODE_NODE_NOT_FOUND,	  0x00003102, "Node isn't found") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_NODE_FOUND,		  0x00003702, "Node is found") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_INDEX_VIOLATION,	  0x00003802, "Some index violation occur") \
-	_(ERR_CODE_NO_SUCH_NAMESPACE,	  0x00003902, "There is no such namespace")
+	/*  0 */_(ERR_CODE_OK,				0, "OK") \
+	/*  1 */_(ERR_CODE_NONMASTER,			2, "Non master connection, but it should be") \
+	/*  2 */_(ERR_CODE_ILLEGAL_PARAMS,		2, "Illegal parametrs") \
+	/*  3 */_(ERR_CODE_BAD_UID,			2, "Uid is not from this storage range") \
+	/*  4 */_(ERR_CODE_NODE_IS_RO,			1, "Node is marked as read-only") \
+	/*  5 */_(ERR_CODE_NODE_IS_NOT_LOCKED,		1, "Node isn't locked") \
+	/*  6 */_(ERR_CODE_NODE_IS_LOCKED,		1, "Node is locked") \
+	/*  7 */_(ERR_CODE_MEMORY_ISSUE,		1, "Some memory issue") \
+	/*  8 */_(ERR_CODE_BAD_INTEGRITY,		2, "Bad graph integrity") \
+	/*  9 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED9,			0, "Unused9") \
+	/* 10 */_(ERR_CODE_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND,		2, "Unsupported command") \
+		/* silverproxy error codes */ \
+	/* 11 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED11,			0, "Reserved11") \
+	/* 12 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED12,			0, "Reserved12") \
+	/* 13 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED13,			0, "Reserved13") \
+	/* 14 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED14,			0, "Reserved14") \
+	/* 15 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED15,			0, "Reserved15") \
+	/* 16 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED16,			0, "Reserved16") \
+	/* 17 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED17,			0, "Reserved17") \
+	/* 18 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED18,			0, "Reserved18") \
+	/* 19 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED19,			0, "Reserved19") \
+	/* 20 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED20,			0, "Reserved20") \
+	/* 21 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED21,			0, "Reserved21") \
+	/* 22 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED22,			0, "Reserved22") \
+	/* 23 */_(ERR_CODE_RESERVED23,			0, "Reserved23") \
+		/* end of silverproxy error codes */ \
+	/* 24 */_(ERR_CODE_CANNOT_REGISTER,		1, "Can't register new user") \
+	/* 25 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED25,			0, "Unused25") \
+	/* 26 */_(ERR_CODE_CANNOT_INIT_ALERT_ID,	1, "Can't generate alert id") \
+	/* 27 */_(ERR_CODE_CANNOT_DEL,			2, "Can't del node") \
+	/* 28 */_(ERR_CODE_USER_NOT_REGISTERED,		2, "User isn't registered") \
+		/* silversearch error codes */ \
+	/* 29 */_(ERR_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR,		2, "Syntax error in query") \
+	/* 30 */_(ERR_CODE_WRONG_FIELD,			2, "Unknown field") \
+	/* 31 */_(ERR_CODE_WRONG_NUMBER,		2, "Number value is out of range") \
+	/* 32 */_(ERR_CODE_DUPLICATE,			2, "Insert already existing object") \
+	/* 33 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED32,			0, "Unused33") \
+	/* 34 */_(ERR_CODE_UNSUPPORTED_ORDER,		2, "Can not order result") \
+	/* 35 */_(ERR_CODE_MULTIWRITE,			2, "Multiple to update/delete") \
+	/* 36 */_(ERR_CODE_NOTHING,			0, "Nothing to do (not an error)") \
+	/* 37 */_(ERR_CODE_UPDATE_ID,			2, "Id's update") \
+	/* 38 */_(ERR_CODE_WRONG_VERSION,		2, "Unsupported version of protocol") \
+		/* end of silversearch error codes */					\
+	/* 39 */_(ERR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR,		2, "Unknown error") \
+	/* 40 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED40,			0, "Unused40") \
+	/* 41 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED41,			0, "Unused41") \
+	/* 42 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED42,			0, "Unused42") \
+	/* 43 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED43,			0, "Unused43") \
+	/* 44 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED44,			0, "Unused44") \
+	/* 45 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED45,			0, "Unused45") \
+	/* 46 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED46,			0, "Unused46") \
+	/* 47 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED47,			0, "Unused47") \
+	/* 48 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED48,			0, "Unused48") \
+        /* 49 */_(ERR_CODE_NODE_NOT_FOUND,		2, "Node isn't found") \
+	/* 50 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED50,			0, "Unused50") \
+	/* 51 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED51,			0, "Unused51") \
+	/* 52 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED52,			0, "Unused52") \
+	/* 53 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED53,			0, "Unused53") \
+	/* 54 */_(ERR_CODE_UNUSED54,			0, "Unused54") \
+	/* 55 */_(ERR_CODE_NODE_FOUND,			2, "Node is found") \
+	/* 56 */_(ERR_CODE_INDEX_VIOLATION,		2, "Some index violation occur") \
+	/* 57 */_(ERR_CODE_NO_SUCH_NAMESPACE,		2, "There is no such namespace")
 ENUM0(error_codes, ERROR_CODES);
 extern struct errcode_record error_codes_records[];