diff --git a/src/box/wal.cc b/src/box/wal.cc
index bd15c6cb60b8ff0a01213276eb1adc183c9a4ac5..79fb5985a3f9dce50486699859cebb2812b5af4a 100644
--- a/src/box/wal.cc
+++ b/src/box/wal.cc
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ wal_writer_init(struct wal_writer *writer, struct vclock *vclock,
 	writer->rows_per_wal = rows_per_wal;
-	writer->batch = fio_batch_alloc(sysconf(_SC_IOV_MAX));
+	writer->batch = fio_batch_new();
 	if (writer->batch == NULL)
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ wal_writer_destroy(struct wal_writer *writer)
-	free(writer->batch);
+	fio_batch_delete(writer->batch);
 /** WAL writer thread routine. */
@@ -276,66 +276,17 @@ wal_opt_rotate(struct xlog **wal, struct recovery_state *r,
 	return l ? 0 : -1;
-static struct wal_request *
-wal_fill_batch(struct xlog *wal, struct fio_batch *batch, int rows_per_wal,
-	       struct wal_request *req)
-	int max_rows = rows_per_wal - wal->rows;
-	/* Post-condition of successful wal_opt_rotate(). */
-	assert(max_rows > 0);
-	fio_batch_start(batch, max_rows);
-	while (req != NULL && batch->rows < batch->max_rows) {
-		int iovcnt = 0;
-		struct iovec *iov;
-		struct xrow_header **row = req->rows;
-		for (; row < req->rows + req->n_rows; row++) {
-			iov = fio_batch_book(batch, iovcnt, XROW_IOVMAX);
-			if (iov == NULL) {
-				/*
-				 * No space in the batch for
-				 * this transaction, open a new
-				 * batch for it and hope that it
-				 * is sufficient to hold it.
-				 */
-				return req;
-			}
-			iovcnt += xlog_encode_row(*row, iov);
-		}
-		fio_batch_add(batch, iovcnt);
-		req = (struct wal_request *) STAILQ_NEXT(req, fifo);
-	}
-	return req;
  * fio_batch_write() version with recovery specific
  * error injection.
-static inline int
+static inline ssize_t
 wal_fio_batch_write(struct fio_batch *batch, int fd)
 	return fio_batch_write(batch, fd);
-static struct wal_request *
-wal_write_batch(struct xlog *wal, struct fio_batch *batch,
-		struct wal_request *req, struct wal_request *end,
-		struct vclock *vclock)
-	int rows_written = wal_fio_batch_write(batch, fileno(wal->f));
-	wal->rows += rows_written;
-	while (req != end && rows_written-- != 0)  {
-		vclock_follow(vclock,
-			      req->rows[req->n_rows - 1]->server_id,
-			      req->rows[req->n_rows - 1]->lsn);
-		req->res = 0;
-		req = (struct wal_request *) STAILQ_NEXT(req, fifo);
-	}
-	return req;
  * Pop a bulk of requests to write to disk to process.
  * Block on the condition only if we have no other work to
@@ -356,35 +307,159 @@ wal_writer_pop(struct wal_writer *writer)
 static void
 wal_write_to_disk(struct recovery_state *r, struct wal_writer *writer,
 		  struct cmsg_fifo *input, struct cmsg_fifo *commit,
 		  struct cmsg_fifo *rollback)
-	struct xlog **wal = &r->current_wal;
+	/*
+	 * Input queue can only be empty on wal writer shutdown.
+	 * In this case wal_opt_rotate can create an extra empty xlog.
+	 */
+	if (unlikely(STAILQ_EMPTY(input)))
+		return;
+	/* Xlog is only rotated between queue processing  */
+	if (wal_opt_rotate(&r->current_wal, r, &writer->vclock) != 0) {
+		STAILQ_SPLICE(input, STAILQ_FIRST(input), fifo, rollback);
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * This code tries to write queued requests (=transactions) using as
+	 * less as possible I/O syscalls and memory copies. For this reason
+	 * writev(2) and `struct iovec[]` are used (see `struct fio_batch`).
+	 *
+	 * For each request (=transaction) each request row (=statement) is
+	 * added to iov `batch`. A row can contain up to XLOG_IOVMAX iovecs.
+	 * A request can have an **unlimited** number of rows. Since OS has
+	 * hardcoded limit up to `sysconf(_SC_IOV_MAX)` iovecs (usually 1024),
+	 * a single batch can't fit huge transactions. Therefore, it is not
+	 * possible to "atomically" write an entire transaction using the
+	 * single writev(2) call.
+	 *
+	 * Request boundaries and batch boundaries are not connected at all
+	 * in this code. Batches flushed to disk as soon as they are full.
+	 * In order to guarantee that a transaction is either fully written
+	 * to file or isn't written at all, ftruncate(2) is used to shrink
+	 * file to the last fuly written request. The absolute position
+	 * of request in xlog file is stored inside `struct wal_request`.
+	 */
+	struct xlog *wal = r->current_wal;
+	/* The size of batched data */
+	off_t batched_bytes = 0;
+	/* The size of written data */
+	off_t written_bytes = 0;
+	/* Start new iov batch */
 	struct fio_batch *batch = writer->batch;
+	fio_batch_reset(batch);
-	struct wal_request *req = (struct wal_request *) STAILQ_FIRST(input);
-	struct wal_request *write_end = req;
+	/*
+	 * Iterate over requests (transactions)
+	 */
+	struct wal_request *req;
+	for (req = (struct wal_request *) STAILQ_FIRST(input);
+	     req != NULL;
+	     req = (struct wal_request *) STAILQ_NEXT(req, fifo)) {
+		/* Save relative offset of request start */
+		req->start_offset = batched_bytes;
+		req->end_offset = -1;
-	while (req) {
-		if (wal_opt_rotate(wal, r, &writer->vclock) != 0)
-			break;
-		struct wal_request *batch_end;
-		batch_end = wal_fill_batch(*wal, batch, writer->rows_per_wal,
-					   req);
-		if (batch_end == req)
-			break;
-		write_end = wal_write_batch(*wal, batch, req, batch_end,
-					    &writer->vclock);
-		if (batch_end != write_end)
+		/*
+		 * Iterate over request rows (tx statements)
+		 */
+		struct xrow_header **row = req->rows;
+		for (; row < req->rows + req->n_rows; row++) {
+			/* Check batch has enough space to fit statement */
+			if (unlikely(fio_batch_unused(batch) < XROW_IOVMAX)) {
+				/*
+				 * No space in the batch for this statement,
+				 * flush added statements and rotate batch.
+				 */
+				assert(fio_batch_size(batch) > 0);
+				ssize_t nwr = wal_fio_batch_write(batch,
+					fileno(wal->f));
+				if (nwr < 0)
+					goto done; /* to break outer loop */
+				/* Update cached file offset */
+				written_bytes += nwr;
+			}
+			/* Add the statement to iov batch */
+			struct iovec *iov = fio_batch_book(batch, XROW_IOVMAX);
+			assert(iov != NULL); /* checked above */
+			int iovcnt = xlog_encode_row(*row, iov);
+			batched_bytes += fio_batch_add(batch, iovcnt);
+		}
+		/* Save relative offset of request end */
+		req->end_offset = batched_bytes;
+	}
+	/* Flush remaining data in batch (if any) */
+	if (fio_batch_size(batch) > 0) {
+		ssize_t nwr = wal_fio_batch_write(batch, fileno(wal->f));
+		if (nwr >= 0) {
+			/* Update cached file offset */
+			written_bytes += nwr;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Iterate over `input` queue and add all processed requests to
+	 * `commit` queue and all other to `rollback` queue.
+	 */
+	struct wal_request *reqend = req;
+	for (req = (struct wal_request *) STAILQ_FIRST(input);
+	     req != reqend;
+	     req = (struct wal_request *) STAILQ_NEXT(req, fifo)) {
+		/*
+		 * Check if request has been fully written to xlog.
+		 */
+		if (unlikely(req->end_offset == -1 ||
+			     req->end_offset > written_bytes)) {
+			/*
+			 * This and all subsequent requests have been failed
+			 * to write. Truncate xlog to the end of last
+			 * successfully written request.
+			 */
+			/* Calculate relative position of the good request */
+			off_t garbage_bytes = written_bytes - req->start_offset;
+			assert(garbage_bytes >= 0);
+			/* Get absolute position */
+			off_t good_offset = fio_lseek(fileno(wal->f),
+				-garbage_bytes, SEEK_CUR);
+			if (good_offset < 0)
+				panic_syserror("failed to get xlog position");
+			/* Truncate xlog */
+			if (ftruncate(fileno(wal->f), good_offset) != 0)
+				panic_syserror("failed to rollback xlog");
+			written_bytes = req->start_offset;
+			/* Move tail to `rollback` queue. */
+			STAILQ_SPLICE(input, req, fifo, rollback);
-		req = write_end;
+		}
+		/* Update internal vclock */
+		vclock_follow(&writer->vclock,
+			      req->rows[req->n_rows - 1]->server_id,
+			      req->rows[req->n_rows - 1]->lsn);
+		/* Update row counter for wal_opt_rotate() */
+		wal->rows += req->n_rows;
+		/* Mark request as successed for tx thread */
+		req->res = 0;
-	STAILQ_SPLICE(input, write_end, fifo, rollback);
+	/* Move all processed requests to `commit` queue */
 	STAILQ_CONCAT(commit, input);
+	return;
 /** WAL writer thread main loop.  */
diff --git a/src/box/wal.h b/src/box/wal.h
index c0272ac65cf91bf4cd4dda0c1c9919c46ba7b14b..9afa286fb8e4721bb645cb8ad80d99aa2002183a 100644
--- a/src/box/wal.h
+++ b/src/box/wal.h
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ struct wal_request: public cmsg {
 	/* Auxiliary. */
 	int64_t res;
 	struct fiber *fiber;
+	/* Relative position of the start of request (used for rollback) */
+	off_t start_offset;
+	/* Relative position of the end of request (used for rollback) */
+	off_t end_offset;
 	int n_rows;
 	struct xrow_header *rows[];
diff --git a/src/fio.c b/src/fio.c
index f332c4aac1b57283b44b8086a1e1903dbb7938ff..8561d625a434a2ef217f4853da77fe37f198c0c2 100644
--- a/src/fio.c
+++ b/src/fio.c
@@ -161,99 +161,83 @@ fio_truncate(int fd, off_t offset)
 	return rc;
 struct fio_batch *
-fio_batch_alloc(int max_iov)
+	int max_iov = sysconf(_SC_IOV_MAX);
 	struct fio_batch *batch = (struct fio_batch *)
 		malloc(sizeof(struct fio_batch) +
-		       sizeof(struct iovec) * max_iov +
-		       (max_iov / CHAR_BIT + 1));
+		       sizeof(struct iovec) * max_iov);
 	if (batch == NULL)
 		return NULL;
-	batch->bytes = batch->rows = batch->iovcnt = batch->max_rows = 0;
+	fio_batch_reset(batch);
 	batch->max_iov = max_iov;
-	batch->rowflag = (char *) (batch + 1) + sizeof(struct iovec) * max_iov;
 	return batch;
-fio_batch_start(struct fio_batch *batch, long max_rows)
+fio_batch_delete(struct fio_batch *batch)
-	batch->bytes = batch->rows = batch->iovcnt = 0;
-	batch->max_rows = max_rows;
-	memset(batch->rowflag, 0, batch->max_iov / CHAR_BIT + 1);
+	free(batch);
-fio_batch_add(struct fio_batch *batch, int iovcnt)
+fio_batch_add(struct fio_batch *batch, int count)
-	assert(iovcnt > 0);
-	assert(batch->max_rows > 0);
-	int i = batch->iovcnt;
-	batch->iovcnt += iovcnt;
-	for (; i < batch->iovcnt; i++)
-		batch->bytes += batch->iov[i].iov_len;
-	bit_set(batch->rowflag, batch->iovcnt);
-	batch->rows++;
+	assert(batch->iovcnt + count <= batch->max_iov);
+	size_t total_bytes = 0;
+	struct iovec *iov = batch->iov + batch->iovcnt;
+	struct iovec *end = iov + count;
+	for (; iov != end; ++iov) {
+		assert(iov->iov_base != NULL && iov->iov_len > 0);
+		total_bytes += iov->iov_len;
+	}
+	batch->iovcnt += count;
+	batch->bytes += total_bytes;
+	return total_bytes;
-fio_batch_write(struct fio_batch *batch, int fd)
+ * Rotate batch after partial write.
+ */
+static inline void
+fio_batch_rotate(struct fio_batch *batch, size_t bytes_written)
-	ssize_t bytes_written = fio_writev(fd, batch->iov, batch->iovcnt);
-	if (bytes_written <= 0)
-		return 0;
+	/*
+	 * writev(2) usually fully write all data on local filesystems.
+	 */
+	if (likely(bytes_written == batch->bytes)) {
+		/* Full write */
+		fio_batch_reset(batch);
+		return;
+	}
-	if (bytes_written == batch->bytes)
-		return batch->rows; /* returns the number of written rows */
+	assert(bytes_written < batch->bytes); /* Partial write */
+	batch->bytes -= bytes_written;
-	say_warn("fio_batch_write, [%s]: partial write,"
-		 " wrote %jd out of %jd bytes",
-		 fio_filename(fd),
-		 (intmax_t) bytes_written, (intmax_t) batch->bytes);
+	struct iovec *iov = batch->iov;
+	struct iovec *iovend = iov + batch->iovcnt;
+	for (; bytes_written >= iov->iov_len; ++iov)
+		bytes_written -= iov->iov_len;
+	assert(iov < iovend); /* Partial write  */
+	iov->iov_base = (char *) iov->iov_base + bytes_written;
+	iov->iov_len -= bytes_written;
+	memmove(batch->iov, iov, iovend - iov);
+	batch->iovcnt = iovend - iov;
-	/* Iterate over end of row flags */
-	struct bit_iterator bit_it;
-	bit_iterator_init(&bit_it, batch->rowflag,
-			  batch->max_iov / CHAR_BIT + 1, 1);
-	size_t row_last_iov = bit_iterator_next(&bit_it);
+fio_batch_write(struct fio_batch *batch, int fd)
+	ssize_t bytes_written = fio_writev(fd, batch->iov, batch->iovcnt);
+	if (unlikely(bytes_written <= 0))
+		return -1; /* Error */
-	int good_rows = 0; /* the number of fully written rows */
-	ssize_t good_bytes = 0; /* the number of bytes in fully written rows */
-	ssize_t row_bytes = 0;  /* the number of bytes in the current row */
-	struct iovec *iov = batch->iov;
-	while (iov < batch->iov + batch->iovcnt) {
-		if (good_bytes + row_bytes + iov->iov_len > bytes_written)
-			break;
-		row_bytes += iov->iov_len;
-		if ((iov - batch->iov) == row_last_iov) {
-			/* the end of current row  */
-			good_bytes += row_bytes;
-			row_bytes = 0;
-			good_rows++;
-			row_last_iov = bit_iterator_next(&bit_it);
-		}
-		iov++;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Unwind file position back to ensure we do not leave
-	 * partially written rows.
-	 */
-	off_t good_offset = fio_lseek(fd,
-				      good_bytes - bytes_written, SEEK_CUR);
-	/*
-	 * The caller may choose to close the file right after
-	 * a partial write. Don't take chances and make sure that
-	 * there is no garbage at the end of file if it happens.
-	 */
-	if (good_offset != -1)
-		(void) fio_truncate(fd, good_offset);
-	/*
-	 * writev() doesn't set errno in case of a partial write.
-	 * If nothing else from the above failed, set errno to
-	 * EAGAIN.
-	 */
-	if (! errno)
-		errno = EAGAIN;
-	return good_rows;  /* returns the number of written rows */
+	fio_batch_rotate(batch, bytes_written);
+	return bytes_written;
diff --git a/src/fio.h b/src/fio.h
index 2fc90da2f8e98960254a8525eb4a31ec3ce6e6df..9b8e11640340ae088fdaeeec051f48bd45a1fa9b 100644
--- a/src/fio.h
+++ b/src/fio.h
@@ -35,9 +35,11 @@
  * the requested number of bytes), log errors nicely, provide batch
  * writes.
+#include <stddef.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <stdbool.h>
 #include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
 extern "C" {
@@ -157,59 +159,63 @@ struct fio_batch
 	/** Total number of bytes in batched rows. */
 	ssize_t bytes;
 	/** Total number of batched rows.*/
-	int rows;
-	/** Total number of I/O vectors */
 	int iovcnt;
 	/** A cap on how many rows can be batched. Can be set to INT_MAX. */
-	int max_rows;
-	/** A system cap on how many rows can be batched. */
 	int max_iov;
-	/**
-	 * End of row flags for each iov (bitset). fio_write() tries to
-	 * write {iov, iov, iov with flag} blocks atomically.
-	 */
-	char *rowflag;
 	/* Batched rows. */
 	struct iovec iov[];
 struct fio_batch *
-fio_batch_alloc(int max_iov);
-/** Begin a new batch write. Set a cap on the number of rows in the batch.  */
-fio_batch_start(struct fio_batch *batch, long max_rows);
+fio_batch_delete(struct fio_batch *batch);
+static inline void
+fio_batch_reset(struct fio_batch *batch)
+	batch->bytes = 0;
+	batch->iovcnt = 0;
+static inline size_t
+fio_batch_size(struct fio_batch *batch)
+	return batch->bytes;
+static inline int
+fio_batch_unused(struct fio_batch *batch)
+	return batch->max_iov - batch->iovcnt;
  * Add a row to a batch.
  * @pre iovcnt is the number of iov elements previously 
  *      booked with fio_batch_book() and filled with data
- * @pre fio_batch_is_full() == false
-fio_batch_add(struct fio_batch *batch, int iovcnt);
+fio_batch_add(struct fio_batch *batch, int count);
- * Get a pointer to struct iov * in the batch
- * beyond batch->iovcnt + offset. Ensure
- * the iov has at least 'count' elements.
+ * Ensure the iov has at least 'count' elements.
 static inline struct iovec *
-fio_batch_book(struct fio_batch *batch, int offset, int count)
+fio_batch_book(struct fio_batch *batch, int count)
-	if (batch->iovcnt + offset + count <= batch->max_iov)
-		return batch->iov + batch->iovcnt + offset;
-	return 0;
+	if (batch->iovcnt + count <= batch->max_iov)
+		return batch->iov + batch->iovcnt;
+	return NULL;
- * Write all rows stacked into the batch.
- * In case of error, seeks back to the end of
- * the last fully written row.
- *
- * @return   The number of rows written.
+ * Write batch to fd using writev(2) and rotate batch.
+ * In case of partial write batch will contain remaining data.
+ * \sa fio_writev()
 fio_batch_write(struct fio_batch *batch, int fd);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
diff --git a/test/box/transaction.result b/test/box/transaction.result
index 4291368149314c6e2966a398adcffd35063f31a5..e80b2c7e3a3e72da2df03e640e1840b45285077c 100644
--- a/test/box/transaction.result
+++ b/test/box/transaction.result
@@ -365,6 +365,33 @@ message:match('does not exist')
 - does not exist
+if not status then box.rollback() end
 test = nil
+--# setopt delimiter ';'
+function tx_limit(n)
+    box.begin()
+    for i=0,n do
+        box.space.test:insert{i}
+    end
+    box.commit()
+--# setopt delimiter ''
+_ = box.schema.space.create('test');
+_ = box.space.test:create_index('primary');
+- 10001
diff --git a/test/box/transaction.test.lua b/test/box/transaction.test.lua
index 23ebed4f8da857e3b49e27c3fb8991cf6449a21e..bb02ccf48d3b5116e5bf2770dca65ff1bece74b8 100644
--- a/test/box/transaction.test.lua
+++ b/test/box/transaction.test.lua
@@ -170,4 +170,19 @@ box.space.test:drop()
 status, message = pcall(function() box.begin() test:put{1} test:put{2} box.commit() end)
 message:match('does not exist')
+if not status then box.rollback() end
 test = nil
+--# setopt delimiter ';'
+function tx_limit(n)
+    box.begin()
+    for i=0,n do
+        box.space.test:insert{i}
+    end
+    box.commit()
+--# setopt delimiter ''
+_ = box.schema.space.create('test');
+_ = box.space.test:create_index('primary');