diff --git a/test/xlog/checkpoint_daemon.result b/test/xlog/checkpoint_daemon.result
index d5ed666f201ade497cf2a9d87985425a9af766a8..3a75137d2f26c3049f12038f37841e21ae91e8a3 100644
--- a/test/xlog/checkpoint_daemon.result
+++ b/test/xlog/checkpoint_daemon.result
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ test_run:cleanup_cluster()
 box.cfg{checkpoint_interval = 0}
-PERIOD = 0.03
+PERIOD = jit.os == 'Linux' and 0.03 or 1.5
-if jit.os ~= 'Linux' then PERIOD = 1.5 end
 space = box.schema.space.create('checkpoint_daemon')
@@ -31,6 +31,50 @@ space = box.schema.space.create('checkpoint_daemon')
 index = space:create_index('pk', { type = 'tree', parts = { 1, 'unsigned' }})
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ';'")
+- true
+-- wait_snapshot* functions update these variables.
+snaps = {};
+xlogs = {};
+-- Wait until tarantool creates a snapshot containing current
+-- data slice.
+function wait_snapshot(timeout)
+    snaps = {}
+    xlogs = {}
+    local signature_str = tostring(box.info.signature)
+    signature_str = string.rjust(signature_str, 20, '0')
+    local exp_snap_filename = string.format('%s.snap', signature_str)
+    return test_run:wait_cond(function()
+        snaps = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.memtx_dir, '*.snap'))
+        xlogs = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.wal_dir, '*.xlog'))
+        return fio.basename(snaps[#snaps]) == exp_snap_filename
+    end, timeout)
+-- Wait until snapshots count will be equal to the
+-- checkpoint_count option.
+function wait_snapshot_gc(timeout)
+    snaps = {}
+    xlogs = {}
+    return test_run:wait_cond(function()
+        snaps = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.memtx_dir, '*.snap'))
+        xlogs = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.wal_dir, '*.xlog'))
+        return #snaps == box.cfg.checkpoint_count
+    end, timeout)
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
+- true
 box.cfg{checkpoint_interval = PERIOD, checkpoint_count = 2 }
@@ -45,9 +89,9 @@ for i = 1, box.cfg.rows_per_wal + 10 do space:insert { no } no = no + 1 end
 for i = 1, box.cfg.rows_per_wal + 10 do space:insert { no } no = no + 1 end
--- wait for last snapshot
-fiber.sleep(1.5 * PERIOD)
+- true
 -- third xlog
 for i = 1, box.cfg.rows_per_wal + 10 do space:insert { no } no = no + 1 end
@@ -57,23 +101,11 @@ for i = 1, box.cfg.rows_per_wal + 10 do space:insert { no } no = no + 1 end
 for i = 1, box.cfg.rows_per_wal + 10 do space:insert { no } no = no + 1 end
--- wait for last snapshot
-test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ';'")
 - true
-for i = 1, 100 do
-    fiber.sleep(PERIOD)
-    snaps = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.memtx_dir, '*.snap'))
-    xlogs = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.wal_dir, '*.xlog'))
-    if #snaps == 2 then
-        break
-    end
-test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
 - true
@@ -85,20 +117,30 @@ test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
 - true
-fio.basename(snaps[1], '.snap') >= fio.basename(xlogs[1], '.xlog')
+-- gh-2780: check that a last snapshot mtime will be changed at
+-- least two times.
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ';'")
 - true
--- gh-2780 check that scheduled snapshots are performed
-fiber.sleep(3 * PERIOD)
+last_mtime = fio.stat(snaps[#snaps]).mtime;
--- check that it's not first snapshot
-test_run:grep_log("default", "saving snapshot", 400) == nil
+mtime_changes_cnt = 0;
+    local mtime = fio.stat(snaps[#snaps]).mtime
+    if mtime ~= last_mtime then
+        mtime_changes_cnt = mtime_changes_cnt + 1
+        last_mtime = mtime
+    end
+    return mtime_changes_cnt == 2
 - true
-test_run:grep_log("default", "making snapshot", 400) ~= nil
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
 - true
diff --git a/test/xlog/checkpoint_daemon.test.lua b/test/xlog/checkpoint_daemon.test.lua
index 4a0aafa84a33be2f100171e148e47c40ed274062..f34906217c7b3d9a3034da9581240fbd002b4a67 100644
--- a/test/xlog/checkpoint_daemon.test.lua
+++ b/test/xlog/checkpoint_daemon.test.lua
@@ -8,13 +8,46 @@ test_run:cleanup_cluster()
 box.cfg{checkpoint_interval = 0}
-PERIOD = 0.03
-if jit.os ~= 'Linux' then PERIOD = 1.5 end
+PERIOD = jit.os == 'Linux' and 0.03 or 1.5
 space = box.schema.space.create('checkpoint_daemon')
 index = space:create_index('pk', { type = 'tree', parts = { 1, 'unsigned' }})
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ';'")
+-- wait_snapshot* functions update these variables.
+snaps = {};
+xlogs = {};
+-- Wait until tarantool creates a snapshot containing current
+-- data slice.
+function wait_snapshot(timeout)
+    snaps = {}
+    xlogs = {}
+    local signature_str = tostring(box.info.signature)
+    signature_str = string.rjust(signature_str, 20, '0')
+    local exp_snap_filename = string.format('%s.snap', signature_str)
+    return test_run:wait_cond(function()
+        snaps = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.memtx_dir, '*.snap'))
+        xlogs = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.wal_dir, '*.xlog'))
+        return fio.basename(snaps[#snaps]) == exp_snap_filename
+    end, timeout)
+-- Wait until snapshots count will be equal to the
+-- checkpoint_count option.
+function wait_snapshot_gc(timeout)
+    snaps = {}
+    xlogs = {}
+    return test_run:wait_cond(function()
+        snaps = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.memtx_dir, '*.snap'))
+        xlogs = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.wal_dir, '*.xlog'))
+        return #snaps == box.cfg.checkpoint_count
+    end, timeout)
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
 box.cfg{checkpoint_interval = PERIOD, checkpoint_count = 2 }
@@ -23,41 +56,34 @@ no = 1
 for i = 1, box.cfg.rows_per_wal + 10 do space:insert { no } no = no + 1 end
 -- second xlog
 for i = 1, box.cfg.rows_per_wal + 10 do space:insert { no } no = no + 1 end
--- wait for last snapshot
-fiber.sleep(1.5 * PERIOD)
 -- third xlog
 for i = 1, box.cfg.rows_per_wal + 10 do space:insert { no } no = no + 1 end
 -- fourth xlog
 for i = 1, box.cfg.rows_per_wal + 10 do space:insert { no } no = no + 1 end
--- wait for last snapshot
-test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ';'")
-for i = 1, 100 do
-    fiber.sleep(PERIOD)
-    snaps = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.memtx_dir, '*.snap'))
-    xlogs = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(box.cfg.wal_dir, '*.xlog'))
-    if #snaps == 2 then
-        break
-    end
-test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
 #snaps == 2 or snaps
 #xlogs > 0
-fio.basename(snaps[1], '.snap') >= fio.basename(xlogs[1], '.xlog')
--- gh-2780 check that scheduled snapshots are performed
-fiber.sleep(3 * PERIOD)
--- check that it's not first snapshot
-test_run:grep_log("default", "saving snapshot", 400) == nil
-test_run:grep_log("default", "making snapshot", 400) ~= nil
+-- gh-2780: check that a last snapshot mtime will be changed at
+-- least two times.
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ';'")
+last_mtime = fio.stat(snaps[#snaps]).mtime;
+mtime_changes_cnt = 0;
+    local mtime = fio.stat(snaps[#snaps]).mtime
+    if mtime ~= last_mtime then
+        mtime_changes_cnt = mtime_changes_cnt + 1
+        last_mtime = mtime
+    end
+    return mtime_changes_cnt == 2
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
 -- restore default options
 box.cfg{checkpoint_interval = 3600 * 4, checkpoint_count = 4 }