diff --git a/src/box/lua/net_box.lua b/src/box/lua/net_box.lua
index 8df70e578ed353754741bf1fa467fc72a95ba6aa..4ed2b375d026ba30b2d6867a85cdb2018688d986 100644
--- a/src/box/lua/net_box.lua
+++ b/src/box/lua/net_box.lua
@@ -179,29 +179,18 @@ local function create_transport(host, port, user, password, callback,
     local recv_buf         = buffer.ibuf(buffer.READAHEAD)
-    local function set_state(new_state, new_errno, new_error, schema_version)
+    local function set_state(new_state, new_errno, new_error)
         state = new_state
         last_errno = new_errno
         last_error = new_error
         callback('state_changed', new_state, new_errno, new_error)
-        if state ~= 'active' then
-            -- cancel all requests but the ones bearing the particular
-            -- schema id; if schema id was omitted or we aren't fetching
-            -- schema, cancel everything
-            if not schema_version or state ~= 'fetch_schema' then
-                schema_version = -1
-            end
-            local next_id, next_request = next(requests)
-            while next_id do
-                local id, request = next_id, next_request
-                next_id, next_request = next(requests, id)
-                if request.schema_version ~= schema_version then
-                    requests[id] = nil -- this marks the request as completed
-                    request.errno  = new_errno
-                    request.response = new_error
-                end
+        if state == 'error' or state == 'error_reconnect' then
+            for _, request in pairs(requests) do
+                request.errno = new_errno
+                request.response = new_error
+            requests = {}
@@ -543,8 +532,7 @@ local function create_transport(host, port, user, password, callback,
             local body
             body, body_end = decode(body_rpos)
-                      E_WRONG_SCHEMA_VERSION, body[IPROTO_ERROR_KEY],
-                      response_schema_version)
+                      E_WRONG_SCHEMA_VERSION, body[IPROTO_ERROR_KEY])
             return iproto_schema_sm(schema_version)
         return iproto_sm(schema_version)
diff --git a/test/box/errinj.result b/test/box/errinj.result
index 8e4d57429beb66ca2df8c49454a35acc93f1ae2b..2ece180bbf8e66e8f65bbc06dafbcc0a401d5863 100644
--- a/test/box/errinj.result
+++ b/test/box/errinj.result
@@ -1090,6 +1090,63 @@ errinj.set("ERRINJ_IPROTO_TX_DELAY", false)
+-- gh-3325: do not cancel already sent requests, when a schema
+-- change is detected.
+s = box.schema.create_space('test')
+pk = s:create_index('pk')
+s:replace{1, 1}
+- [1, 1]
+cn = net_box.connect(box.cfg.listen)
+errinj.set("ERRINJ_WAL_DELAY", true)
+- ok
+ok = nil
+err = nil
+test_run:cmd('setopt delimiter ";"')
+- true
+f = fiber.create(function()
+  local str = 'box.space.test:create_index("sk", {parts = {{2, "integer"}}})'
+  ok, err = pcall(cn.eval, cn, str)
+test_run:cmd('setopt delimiter ""');
+- [1, 1]
+errinj.set("ERRINJ_WAL_DELAY", false)
+- ok
+ok, err
+- true
+- null
 box.schema.user.revoke('guest', 'read,write,execute','universe')
diff --git a/test/box/errinj.test.lua b/test/box/errinj.test.lua
index d97cd81f8d011fa5d6f3796d121928a482910aa7..2ef574fb1d302cb0996dbfdbf79dc8a0f9800011 100644
--- a/test/box/errinj.test.lua
+++ b/test/box/errinj.test.lua
@@ -365,4 +365,28 @@ for i = 1, 200 do ch:get() end
 errinj.set("ERRINJ_IPROTO_TX_DELAY", false)
+-- gh-3325: do not cancel already sent requests, when a schema
+-- change is detected.
+s = box.schema.create_space('test')
+pk = s:create_index('pk')
+s:replace{1, 1}
+cn = net_box.connect(box.cfg.listen)
+errinj.set("ERRINJ_WAL_DELAY", true)
+ok = nil
+err = nil
+test_run:cmd('setopt delimiter ";"')
+f = fiber.create(function()
+  local str = 'box.space.test:create_index("sk", {parts = {{2, "integer"}}})'
+  ok, err = pcall(cn.eval, cn, str)
+test_run:cmd('setopt delimiter ""');
+errinj.set("ERRINJ_WAL_DELAY", false)
+ok, err
 box.schema.user.revoke('guest', 'read,write,execute','universe')